A Breathtaking First Week
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
1/26/2025 4:56:48 AM
In his first term in office, President Trump apparently thought he could operate as if the federal government were a corporation he headed as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. He assumed those beneath him would give him honest counsel, would perform their assigned duties, and follow his directives. He learned otherwise. All the steps he took the first week after beginning his astonishing second term are those a wise CEO and commander in chief must take to do the job he promised and was elected to do. The scope and speed of his actions are nothing short of breathtaking: Pardoning and commuting over 1000
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
5 handicap 1/26/2025 5:41:35 AM (No. 1882108)
The stories about the loss of hones are tearjerkers... Too effing bad, They have what they voted for over and over again. Now they want us to repair what their Stupidity wrought... Go to Hell, where the smelts refine, the people not so much!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 1/26/2025 6:24:41 AM (No. 1882113)
Clarice presents an excellent summation of 47's first week. IOWs, the adults are now in charge. The Democrat roaches are scattering, bewildered at the fast pace of 47's tackling of America's issues brought on by four years of Biden fubaring America. And this is only the first week. Stay tuned as TV use to say.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 1/26/2025 6:39:58 AM (No. 1882119)
Thanking God daily for raising up President Donald Trump again to help save our Country and Israel.
Praying that God will continue to protect he and his family and that President Trump will seek God's favor for justice and wisdom.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Rinktum 1/26/2025 6:54:41 AM (No. 1882122)
Just by being Trump and getting things done in a common sense way is destroying the democrat party. The difference between the two administrations is like nothing I have ever seen before especially in politics. I believed in President Trump but he has exceeded my expectations one hundred fold. I watch from the sidelines amazed and delighted to see him do exactly what he promised. When he spoke to the Davos demons and laid out the cold hard truth, I knew then that real change was coming not only for the country but for the world.
Oh, they will not conspiring because that is what evil individuals do, but President Trump has set them back on their heels and given people and leaders a masterclass in how defying their ridiculous anti-human agenda is done. Once you have someone willing to actually speak truth to power, it changes everything. All I can do is marvel at his commitment, stamina and love for this country and its people. He is the biggest target in the world right now and needs our prayers for wisdom, safety, and strength for what will be a battle these next four years. He has not won the war but he is fighting harder to restore this country than any other President in my lifetime. It is not hyperbole to put him up there with the greats. I am so proud and thankful that he was elected.
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Re #1 I live in Connecticut and vote Republican, trying my best to rid us of jerks like my senators, and I know that not everyone in California is a sniveling idiot voting democrat. I believe that some of that can be blamed on voter cheating. Just my 2 cents.
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Sorry for second post, but most exhilarating article to read! I’m so encouraged!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 1/26/2025 7:38:38 AM (No. 1882145)
A great summation.
Not only has Trump been extraordinarily busy, but everything he is doing has some effect, some massive, some just a beginning. What is stunning is the switch from a grossly incompetent administration to a extremely capable and focused one. Breathtaking almost seems insufficient to describe the impact.
Plus, there is a bonus from Trump's first term. He declared the media "Fake News" and "Enemies of the American People" and it began their downfall which is now reaching its culmination. So, as Trump acts, the REAL news about what he is doing is readily available and the propaganda media is left gasping and whining and almost completely ineffective. Having learned nothing, they are repeating their bad behaviors and almost guaranteeing their own demise.
As described, part of Trump's actions are to dismantle the Deep State. This dissolves another pillar of support the Left depended on.
Also as described, the incompetent and hapless dems are in disarray. They can't keep up and they don't have a clue about how to effectively "resist". It's amusing to watch them flop around like panicked fish out of water.
Note that while some of Trump's actions push the boundaries of the law, everything he is doing is well within the law. Some things way get tossed out but with the Conservative SCOTUS, a lot of what Trump has done is likely to get Green Lighted by the courts.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
FJB 1/26/2025 7:43:14 AM (No. 1882151)
We were ruled by lying criminals who belong in prison. MAGA
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
vrb8m 1/26/2025 7:58:56 AM (No. 1882164)
Dittos, and, yes, exhilarating is the word that comes to mind. And I'll say again, I feel like I've woken up in a new country.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Echohawk 1/26/2025 8:35:19 AM (No. 1882201)
This past week reminds me of that great short story of Washington Irving's, 'Rip Van Winkle.' Rip had been asleep in the mountains around the Hudson River. He woke up in a brand-new nation, with a brand-new government. I can't even imagine what's in store for next week.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Echohawk 1/26/2025 9:08:36 AM (No. 1882228)
If the roads to Mexico are jam-packed with self-deporting illegals, what happens to the automatic credit cards accounts? They should be canceled immediately, maybe those cancellations are on the to-do list for this week.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
jalo1951 1/26/2025 10:51:26 AM (No. 1882291)
And the only thing the progressive, liberal, woke, commies/socialists can utter is “But he’s Hitler”. These guys are so last year. Trump has done more in 100 hours than FJB could have done in a 100 lifetimes. Trump cannot be bought and that scares the hell out of them.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
pensom2 1/26/2025 11:01:33 AM (No. 1882299)
I hope and trust that JD Vance is looking on carefully and is taking notes. Trump was elected because he is a disruptor. The electorate understood that only a truly fearless disruptor could tackle this conspiracy to bring the USA into socialist subjection. But after President Trump is gone--in four years or--heaven forbid--sooner, JD will have big boots to fill.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
franq 1/26/2025 12:08:15 PM (No. 1882351)
Trump proves talk is cheap. We've languished under wicked leftist lunacy far too long. Praise the Lord, the King of heaven.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 1/26/2025 12:08:19 PM (No. 1882353)
SO many great items, most that have been reported in multiple sources. And the "barriers" that were put up to "stop Trump from changing the bureaucracies" proved to be, as predicted, made of tissue paper and removed with the swipe of a pen.
One new and wonderful tidbit that Clarice wrote about:
FA:"The roads to Mexico were jammed with cars full of self-deporting illegals." This was predicted to happen, but seems to be happening at a much higher level than many expected. GREAT news.
And I smiled at her closing line:
"Even less do I understand how he can maintain this high energy for so long. I’m exhausted just watching him in action."
Yes, what a wonderful first week. Magnificent.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
DVC 1/26/2025 12:23:00 PM (No. 1882367)
Trump has gotten inside the leftists' OODA loop and they can't respond, and he keeps pummeling them with new items, and they have become completely stalled. If that sounds like gibberish, it is not.
Look up Col John Boyd a brilliant USAF fighter pilot who defined and wrote of the OODA loop concept. This has been taught to all USMC officers for decades now. It is a brilliant look at how humans function in novel and changing environments, and is crucial in many fields, especially warfare.
The bare bones of the OODA loop are that any person, or leader, in a new situation has to Observe what the other side is doing, Orient to that observation (process what it is, what it means), Decide how to react to the first two, and then, finally Act. This "loop" is repeated endlessly as one side acts and the other reacts. Getting "inside" the opponent's OODA loop means acting and then acting AGAIN before the reaction to the first action can be fully observed, oriented, decided and acted.....while this process (loop) is running, and the "action" part has not been yet reached, a NEW action is carried out, restarting a new OODA loop, before the first is completed....meaning no ACTION. And the opponent is disrupted, becomes unable to act.
Getting inside the enemy's OODA loop leaves them befuddled, confused, unable to act because the actions in front of them are changing so rapidly that they cannot react and formulate their actions in time.
Trump is inside the Left's OODA loop and they are frozen, unable to effectively react. It's magnificent.
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