Biden Administration Removes Medical Debt
From Credit Reports
PJ Media,
Rick Moran
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
1/7/2025 1:00:53 PM
The Biden administration's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has finalized a new rule preventing credit reporting agencies from using unpaid medical debt to determine a consumer's credit score.
This is welcome news to deadbeats. Not so much for the rest of us.
Medical debt, like all other debt, is money borrowed from someone else. When people don't pay back what they borrowed, the cost of borrowing goes up for the rest of us. "People who get sick shouldn't have their financial future upended," CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said in a press release.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
john56 1/7/2025 1:09:42 PM (No. 1868649)
I guess the days of the hometown doctor and the local hospital, all part of the local community is over.
I remember my father-in-law, a respected local fp in the 50s-70s, after he retired due to health issues, would occasionally send bills to patients for balances owed. I'm sure he wrote most of it off. But I notice from his son's practice, still a solo practioner, has a staff of several medical professionals and clerks (including one who full time job is to handle insurance) still need to get paid every week.
If it were me, I'd sell the practice to some hospital system and retire. Especially with stuff like this from Sleepy Creepy Crooked Senile President Uncle Joe and his buddy, Senator Liawatha, who got this crooked CFPC started,
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Next week Senile Joe will ban Credit Reports entirely...
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 1/7/2025 1:30:33 PM (No. 1868661)
The Demented Fuhrer and his attempt to closer bring Universal Health Care Coverage/One World Order/Open Borders.
Hussein, United Nations and the Cabal march on.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 1/7/2025 1:43:45 PM (No. 1868666)
So credit reports will now be useless. Now, when you file for a loan, they will require a full medical history, and physical exam.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 1/7/2025 1:58:11 PM (No. 1868674)
Is it a law or just an agency issuing a decree? If is the latter, the decree isn't worth the pixels it's written in.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Birddog 1/7/2025 2:01:14 PM (No. 1868678)
Biden Nationalizes Medical Billing...just as he did Student Loans.
My Father was a Pediatrician, in the early days people got treated, paid cash, or came in every friday and handed some money families paid in produce, eggs, butter, hams, beef. He made house calls. That changed when Unions took over medical "coverage" for their members, Union reps them showed up and and said, "You charge our people only HALF of what you charge everyone else..or our members will not be coming here anymore". Govt Unions then got into it, then Govt itself via the Welfare System....then EVERYONE got HMO's who did the same, and made Billing/codeing so complicated(and ever changing) that a full time Biller had to be hired. The Billed HMO's and EAPs began only paying half of what was billed, requiring they be billed again, whence they paid only part of that, requiring they be billed yet again...over and over, until some or all of the balance was written off. meanwhile teams of Lawyers gathered like buzzards and sued so constantly that Medical/Malpractice insurance rates/costs skyrocketed. In his city Hospitals began competing for "New Mothers" by offering 2 day stays, decorator suites, upgraded meals/food services...people from the neighboring states started showing up to use that enhanced service, including medicaid/welfare patients. Who's State then DID NOT PAY...when I helped close his practice I discovered that over 350 patients bills were never paid, some of them having been repeat customers having birthed multiple children, and having had multiple subsequent office visits. You cannot say "You haven't paid, so I will not treat you" not to the patients, and not to the Govt. It is only worse under Obamacare, where most hospitals, clinics, practices and even medical office real estate have been bought up by MegaCorp "Obamacare Partners" so that in many areas there is only ONE provider, and in many states the largest employer in the State is THAT MegaCorp Obamacare Partner.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
MaMe2 1/7/2025 2:02:33 PM (No. 1868680)
Well, #1 You can sell the practice to a hospital but you'll have to stay on for 3 years just so your patients still come to the practice. Patients come to see the doctor, not the building. People know they owe money. Some pay but others justify their default believing you are sunning yourself on a 50 foot yacht that their $20 co-pay provided. In retrospect, we'd do it all over again.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
padiva 1/7/2025 2:18:00 PM (No. 1868685)
During my cancer treatments 8 years ago, I made arrangements with the hospital/doctors to get 'charity care'. I took the steps to get financial help.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
skacmar 1/7/2025 3:40:01 PM (No. 1868716)
If there are no consequences, why would anyone pay their medical bills? If people think that medical care is expensive now, wait until people stop paying on their medical debt.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 1/7/2025 3:51:23 PM (No. 1868724)
I'm starting to see a Grand Design at work. As a last gasp, the Obidenbama Regime is instituting every greedy, ridiculous, even unlawful change they can think of. It's kind of like the French resistance removing the outside rail on a curve...ahead of advancing troop or munitions trains. Derail the Trump Train at all costs.They figure PDJT will be kept so busy undoing all the malevolent mischief they threw in his path, that he won't have time to do any good new things for the American people...or come after them!
Hubris and Stupidity are a deadly cocktail.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
K620 1/7/2025 4:22:14 PM (No. 1868742)
#8, your charity care was paid for by your neighbors.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
john56 1/7/2025 6:01:47 PM (No. 1868780)
I believe the CFPB is an agency with "extraordinary" jurisdiction beyond the executive branch (ie the President) by design of Senator Liawatha when she wrote the bill. And John Roberts and his SCOTUS leftists approved that in a decision sometime in the past couple years.
I think the Federal Reserve runs the Board, and I believe Trump tried to fire the Obama holdover but was unable to. But somebody smarter than me can refresh our memory.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mifla 1/8/2025 6:56:28 AM (No. 1869016)
So, if I get sick and cannot work, my unpaid mortgage payments and credit card payments should also not be included in the credit report?
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