The Canadians Who Say: ‘Trump, Take
My Country—Please!’
The Free Press,
Rupa Subramanya
Original Article
Posted By: 4250Luis,
12/29/2024 5:13:30 AM
OTTAWA—Every day, just before sunset, 33-year-old Ryan Hemsley heads to Clover Point, a scenic stretch along the southern coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada’s westernmost province. When the weather is clear, he can look across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and see the Olympic Mountains in Washington State.
“Subconsciously, there’s something that keeps bringing me here every day,” Hemsley told me. Watching the Seattle ferry return to the U.S., his thoughts drift to an unlikely fantasy.
“How can I be a stowaway so I can be an American?” he said.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
bpl40 12/29/2024 7:12:24 AM (No. 1862745)
The big difference is socialism. Canadians gave in too early and too easily to big government. We came close before dodging the bullet - July 13 and November 5.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Dukester 12/29/2024 7:35:18 AM (No. 1862754)
It would not be as a single state but as several. It would be more likely to happen if Quebec seceded from the Canadian union and became an independent nation, but sentiment for that seems to have peaked in the 1990s. The Canadian central government responded by pumping billions into Quebec to undermine support for secession, and it worked. I don't think young people in Quebec today are much interested. And even conservatives in Canada, who are far more patriotic than the average Canadian, don't understand why we don't have socialized medicine.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Terry_tr6 12/29/2024 7:46:59 AM (No. 1862759)
Quebec as a state? What a disaster that would be. Can you imagine the carve-outs they would demand for preservation of their "culture"?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
FormerDem 12/29/2024 8:44:03 AM (No. 1862789)
they are all welcome, even if they do vote Democratic which they would.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
MissGrits 12/29/2024 8:47:31 AM (No. 1862792)
Why would we want Canada to be a state? They voted for Trudeau as their Prime Minister!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
janjan 12/29/2024 8:56:20 AM (No. 1862798)
I have no interest in annexing Canada. That’s all we need. A huge influx of socialist voters. I’m surprised that the Democrats didn’t think of this first.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Venturer 12/29/2024 10:01:03 AM (No. 1862825)
The last thing we need in America is Quebec filled with frogs that province that speak French.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 12/29/2024 10:16:53 AM (No. 1862830)
My father's side of the family left Montreal in the 1870's and came to New Hampshire. If Quebec was such a great place, they'd have stayed - but they didn't. Nothing has changed in 150 years.
Canadians may say they want to be Americans, but they're way too comfortable with big socialist government to suit me. All the people in this article clamoring to be Americans would still love government health care, gun control, government schools and open borders.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
hurricanegirl 12/29/2024 10:28:29 AM (No. 1862836)
Like I said previously, this is just the "North American Union" under a different name. No thanks!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Trump Won 12/29/2024 10:45:57 AM (No. 1862850)
"...Trump might offer native-born Canadians a crack at American citizenship, and he thinks such an offer would have a lot of takers."
I would make the same offer to Canadians as I would to the illegals coming from the south. You want American citizenship? You serve in the military for 2 years, you get citizenship. You serve 4 years, you get citizenship and 4 years of college via the GI Bill. Win/win for everyone. No more trouble recruiting military members, and we get soldiers willing to fight for the USA.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
franco 12/29/2024 12:08:29 PM (No. 1862889)
After giving this some thought, while annexing Canada will solve the "North American" security problems in the arctic (other than Greenland) and will improve most Canadians' economic circumstances, it would be an electoral disaster for the U.S. if we instantly carved up the territory into new states because it would assure Democrat control of the House for two or more generations. Better for all involved will be to annex Canada as a self-governing U.S. territory (or territories) for a couple of decades, thus allowing the evolution of its politics to be more aligned with the current 50 states. It will do the expanded nation no good to hand power permanently over to a ruling class featuring intellectual heavyweights like Justin Trudeau. Down the road we can determine the best path forward for statehood, including what to do about thorny issues like Quebec (which should probably permanently remain just a territory due to its vanity for speaking French).
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 12/29/2024 12:40:47 PM (No. 1862912)
I might take Alberta or British Columbia as new states but they might vote left/socialist also. I don't know about their politics and we need to look at that before considering it. We don't need another couple of Caliifornias.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bighambone 12/29/2024 12:44:52 PM (No. 1862916)
It’s not going to happen! If you have ever been in Canada working with Canadians it is not very long before you will hear all sorts of criticism about how the USA works. The Canadians are not about to give up all their traditions to become another Detroit or South Chicago. That would be bound to happen as there are about 41 million Canadians and 330 million Americans. The media should drop such talk and wait until they can legitimately come up with about 70 percent of Canadians wanting to merge with the USA then we can talk about such a merger and making the USA probable trilingual country with English, French, and Spanish becoming official languages in the new USA.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
mc squared 12/29/2024 1:55:07 PM (No. 1862953)
Better that Canadians change voting for the same people they detest. Look how much we in the USA have started to change in just 6 weeks.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 12/29/2024 5:08:43 PM (No. 1863033)
Taking all of Canada into the USA would be a serious mistake. They are accustomed to a seriously socialist government. Some of the western and norther territories have, seemingly to an outsider, retained a more rational, sensible world view. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Yukon and NW Territories would probably be OK. Not too huge a population, a lot of agricultural and mineral resources, and a land bridge to Alaska. But Ontario and Quebec, and probably BC, too....too far left and the whole French thing is a mess to be avoided like the plague that it is. Easter provinces.....I just don't know. Hardly anyone lives there, and I haven't been there.
Best take the middle stripe alone, or nothing at all.
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Conversely, let's talk about the Americans who are saying "hell, no."
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
mifla 12/30/2024 5:06:42 AM (No. 1863250)
Don't want Canada. That being said, we had a chance to get Cuba after the Spanish American war and declined. Big mistake. Be kind of nice to have an island of five star resorts 90 miles away instead of a Communist hell hole trying to point missiles at us.
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