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Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 12/27/2024 5:36:44 AM

Literally "flat, dark calm," Dunkelflaute is characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter, when demand for electricity in Germany is at its highest... On December 12 of this year, for example, German electricity production from wind and solar power was thirty times lower than the demand for it. But this is "for the planet", right? Not even close. Despite its commitment to so-called green energies, Germany still has a high carbon footprint due to its increased reliance on coal and lignite to make up for energy shortfalls.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NamVet70 12/27/2024 7:26:56 AM (No. 1861749)
Fortunately for the environment, a high carbon footprint is not a bad thing. CO2 is not a threat, it is an essential part of the cycle of life and more CO2 is good for agriculture. The global warming scare is a great hoax.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 12/27/2024 7:35:41 AM (No. 1861752)
I pulled out one word from the article that sums it all up. IRRATIONAL! The "crisis" is irrational. The solutions are irrational. The people pushing it are irrational. All the outcomes described were predictable and WERE predicted but were shouted down by the crazies. Can we be smarter about how we use energy, sure. But we should do things in measured and verifiable ways. NONE of the methods the environmental people talk about are reliable or can be scaled. The are CERTAIN to fail and are failing. Plus they are not cost effective, a certain death kneel for any strategy. And every time I read the word biomass I laugh. Biomass is burning plant material. It is renewable because plants regrow however it has a low energy density and it is very polluting as anyone who lives in an area that uses woodstoves knows. It's quaint but it isn't a mass energy solution. Nuclear is our best, cleanest, safest, and cheapest energy solution but environmentalists spent decades demonizing it so they can't embrace it now. Their past irrationality drives them to more irrationality and outright stupidity. Our best hope is to tune out the environmentalists and turn to people who will provide ABUNDANT and RELIABLE energy in the best possible ways.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 12/27/2024 7:55:43 AM (No. 1861765)
Just thank God for fossil fuels.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 12/27/2024 9:30:24 AM (No. 1861825)
If they spent the millions finding way to clean up fossil fuels that they are wasting on windmills and solar panels they would have enough electricity and a clean planet.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: privateer 12/27/2024 9:33:35 AM (No. 1861831)
I'd like to update two quotes from famous Americans. To Lincoln's---but fooling most of the People, most of the time will often get the job done. To Ben Franklin's: 'Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy' I will add (so-called) fossil fuels are proof He wants us to be warm, comfortable, well-fed and mobile.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: JHHolliday 12/27/2024 10:39:26 AM (No. 1861885)
#2 has it right about nuclear energy. Here in Georgia, we just put our 2nd reactor online at Plant Vogle. It will power thousands more homes and businesses at reasonable rates compared to other states. Hanoi Jane's movie "The China Syndrome" did massive damage to this country.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Vaquero45 12/27/2024 11:40:59 AM (No. 1861919)
Nuclear power is, and always has been, the solution to our energy problems. And for anyone who thinks nuclear power plants are dangerous, I have three words: United States Navy. Our navy has been running nuclear-powered ships and submarines since 1954 - that’s SEVENTY YEARS - without an incident. Their nuclear power plant operators are the best-trained in the world. If we can build nuclear power plants that will fit inside a submarine, and run them a thousand feet deep in the oceans, what’s stopping us from putting them in every medium-sized town in America?
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Reply 8 - Posted by: MattMusson1 12/27/2024 12:07:58 PM (No. 1861937)
All that cheap solar and wind power is driving prices through the Roof!
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Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 12/27/2024 12:54:49 PM (No. 1861968)
I have always been convinced that Angela Merckel was a Russian agent, tasked with destroying German energy industry to enslave Germany to Russian energy and Russian control. I still believe it to be true.
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Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire 9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/27/2024 5:36:44 AM Post Reply
Literally "flat, dark calm," Dunkelflaute is characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter, when demand for electricity in Germany is at its highest... On December 12 of this year, for example, German electricity production from wind and solar power was thirty times lower than the demand for it. But this is "for the planet", right? Not even close. Despite its commitment to so-called green energies, Germany still has a high carbon footprint due to its increased reliance on coal and lignite to make up for energy shortfalls.
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