New York Post,
Editorial Board
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12/28/2024 4:11:37 PM
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News that top US intelligence officials in 2021 suppressed research pointing to a Chinese lab leak as COVID’s origin raises two key questions: Exactly who, and why?
That is, who made the call to keep Defense Department and FBI input out of the August 2021 briefing to President Biden on the issue, and out of the resulting official federal finding that COVID most likely arose naturally?And, indeed, to also block Sen. Charles Grassley’s requests for the Defense research?
We know that Dr. Anthony Fauci and his public-health cronies had fought from the start to discredit all lab-leak talk.
Gatestone Institute,
Majid Rafizadeh
Original Article
Posted by
12/28/2024 6:59:57 AM
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In addition, now that Syria has been closed off as a supply route to rearm Hezbollah, Iran is reportedly considering weapons airlifts directly to Lebanon to resupply Hezbollah, so they both can continue their shared goal of eliminating Israel. The mullahs have got to go. So long as they remain in power, the chances for enduring peace in the region is zero.
Iran's recent losses have left the regime clinging to the hope that nuclear weapons will enable it to secure its reign and dominate the Middle East, then the rest of the world, using Venezuela and the Caribbean to incapacitate the "Great Satan," the United States.
New York Post b,
Carl Campanile
David Propper
Original Article
Posted by
12/27/2024 5:49:47 AM
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Mayor Eric Adams wants to rein in excessive overtime in the NYPD, the FDNY and two other Big Apple departments in the wake of the alleged sex-for-overtime scandal that has rocked the police force.
Hizzoner, in a Monday directive, laid out a set of new rules aimed at cracking down on sky-high OT in the police and fire departments, as well as the Department of Correction and Department of Sanitation — as he announced City Hall will oversee compliance.
Adams wrote in the memo that the four departments “represent a disproportionate share of overtime spending,”
Gatestone Institute,
Drieu Godefridi
Original Article
Posted by
12/27/2024 5:36:44 AM
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Literally "flat, dark calm," Dunkelflaute is characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter, when demand for electricity in Germany is at its highest... On December 12 of this year, for example, German electricity production from wind and solar power was thirty times lower than the demand for it.
But this is "for the planet", right? Not even close. Despite its commitment to so-called green energies, Germany still has a high carbon footprint due to its increased reliance on coal and lignite to make up for energy shortfalls.
New York Post,
Victor Nava
Original Article
Posted by
12/27/2024 5:31:43 AM
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The State Department’s controversial Global Engagement Center (GEC) shut down this week after congressional lawmakers nixed reauthorizing the agency in spending legislation to keep the government open.
“The Global Engagement Center closed on December 23, 2024,” read a message on the agency’s website.
The GEC came under fire from House Republicans after journalist Matt Taibbi uncovered evidence that it pressured US social media platforms early in the COVID-19 pandemic to censor Americans online, purportedly to counter “disinformation,” such as theories that the virus leaked out of a laboratory in China.
New York Post,
Josh Christianson
Ryan King
Original Article
Posted by
12/27/2024 5:21:20 AM
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Spy chiefs “silenced” researchers in the Defense Department and FBI who discovered strong evidence that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a Chinese lab, The Post has learned.
As a result, their findings were kept out of an August 2021 report to President Biden on the origins of the global pandemic.
That report concluded that the virus behind COVID “was probably not genetically engineered.”
Wuhan Institute of Virology
New evidence has emerged of top spy brass allegedly stifling evidence to back up the lab leak theory during the early pandemic days.
AP After the pandemic erupted in Wuhan, China,
New York Post,
Carl Campanile
Original Article
Posted by
12/26/2024 6:37:04 AM
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The new $9 toll to drive into Midtown Manhattan could soar another 25% — to $11.25 — on “gridlock alert days’’ starting next year, The Post has learned.
The MTA’s right to jack up the already hotly controversial commuter tax was listed in a footnote in the revised congestion pricing plan filed with the state’s rule-making publication, the New York State Register.
“If whacking hardworking Jersey and New York families with a new, $9 a day Congestion Tax wasn’t enough, the MTA is now pouring extra salt on the wound with a 25 percent extra Uber-style surge pricing tax on so-called ‘Gridlock Alert Days’ —
Issues & Insights,
Kerry Jackson
Original Article
Posted by
12/26/2024 6:34:24 AM
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California has made a big bet on a technology to meet its self-imposed green energy target. It could work. Maybe. Might happen. If the real world matches the optimism. But there are challenging hurdles ahead.
One, the concept is untried on an industrial scale. Floating offshore wind turbines, which California believes will provide a full quarter of the state’s electric power by 2045, “is largely underdeveloped in the United States,” host Kevin Sliman says in an interview with two Penn State University Institute of Energy and the Environment professors.
“There’s a few kind of like one-off test turbines that are typically much smaller than what you would do on a fixed platform,”
New York Post,
Daniel McCarthy
Original Article
Posted by
12/25/2024 7:23:55 AM
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Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year — especially in an election year.
After eleven months of war between Democrats and Republicans, including weeks for the defeated side to mourn the results, Christmas is a season when everyone can rejoice.
For Christians, Jesus’ birth is more important than any political battle.The Christmas spirit has something for people of every belief and background, however: It’s a time to cherish family and reflect on peace and goodwill toward all.
Our politics, and the world, needs that spirit more than ever.Letting go of the hatreds built up over a bruising election cycle isn’t easy,
New York Post,
Victor Nava
Original Article
Posted by
12/25/2024 7:20:46 AM
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Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration is drawing up plans to help illegal migrants dodge deportation when President-elect Donald Trump takes office.
An internal memo being circulated within Newsom’s administration calls for the “creation of an Immigrant Support Network comprised of regional ‘hubs’ to connect at-risk individuals, their families, and communities with community systems — such as legal services, schools, labor unions, local governments, etc,” according to Politico.
The outlet notes that the memo is light on details, including the cost to taxpayers for such a programs,
Associated Press News,
Silvia Stellacci
Colleen Barry
Original Article
Posted by
12/25/2024 7:07:11 AM
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Pilgrims lined up early Wednesday to walk through the great Holy Door at the entrance of St. Peter’s Basilica, as Christmas marked the start of the 2025 Holy Year celebration that is expected to bring some 32 million Catholic faithful to Rome.Traversing the Holy Door is one way that the faithful can obtain indulgences, or forgiveness for sins during a Jubilee, a once-every-quarter-century tradition that dates from 1300. On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis knocked on the door and was the first to walk through it, inaugurating the 2025 Jubilee that he dedicated to hope.
Ian Hanchett
Original Article
Posted by
12/25/2024 7:03:19 AM
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On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkner Focus,” Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) discussed the suspected murder of a woman on the New York City subway and argued that the prosecution of Daniel Penny has had “a chilling effect” on people coming to the aid of others in dangerous situations.
Tenney said, “Now, who would you rather have? Would you rather have this guy running around setting innocent women on fire or a former Marine, Daniel Penny, who was saving people, seeing a violent person, and protecting lives? And, thankfully, he was found innocent by a jury of his peers.”