Chronicles Magazine,
Adam Mill
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
12/18/2024 5:00:48 PM
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In early 2018, members of the House Intelligence Committee investigating the FBI’s malfeasance in the Russia Collusion hoax met with then Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Kash Patel, then serving as senior aide to that committee, attended the meeting on behalf of the committee’s chair at the time, California Republican Devin Nunes.
Rosenstein had good reason to be worried about that investigation. In early 2017, he signed one of the FISA warrant applications the Justice Department used to spy on Trump campaign figure Carter Page. it was based on false information provided by a subcontractor for the Clinton campaign.
James D. Agresti
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
12/16/2024 3:54:43 PM
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Dozens of media outlets are reporting in unison that Donald Trump cannot stop the U.S. government from awarding birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. They claim this is the case because the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires it.
In reality, the legislative history of the 14th Amendment is clear that it only grants birthright citizenship to the children of people who are legally and permanently living in the United States. This does not apply to the children of illegal immigrants, temporary residents, visitors, or tourists.
Front Page Magazine,
Bruce Bawer
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
11/22/2024 1:37:36 PM
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If my father had been alive, I wouldn’t have done it. He was a doctor who had a diverse background in medical research, medical writing and editing, both private and hospital practice But my father wasn’t alive when COVID came along, and so I got the damned Pfizer jab – twice – without giving it much thought at all. In retrospect I feel like a fool. it didn’t occur to me that the corporate media and Big Pharma might team up with the Deep State to push life-threatening drugs on the whole world
Rocky Mountain Voice,
Heidi Ganahl
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
11/19/2024 4:05:51 PM
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The legal journey of Tina Peters, former Clerk and Recorder of Mesa County, Colorado, has become emblematic of the contentious debates surrounding election integrity and judicial fairness. Peters now seeks bond pending appeal, citing significant procedural and constitutional concerns in her trial. Peters was convicted on charges that stemmed from her decision to hire a cybersecurity expert to create forensic images of Mesa County’s election management system . This action followed a directive from the Colorado Secretary of State to perform a software update, which Peters believed might erase key election records. Her intent was to comply with federal laws
Gateway Pundit,
Martel Maxim
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
11/1/2024 1:22:53 PM
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As Steve Bannon would likely say, “Jena Griswold, Suck on This”. Your recent despicable dodging and cover-up interview with Kyle Clark from 9News in Denver leaves zero doubt in anyone’s rational mind that the Contrived Password Divulgence Charges levied upon former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters were solely fabricated to put her in prison. During this SOS Griswold interview, she emphasized how the BIOS Passwords on her SOS website were incomplete, and thus unusable. However, according to a well respected security expert, this is likely not true
Ace of Spades,
Buck Throckmorton
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
10/28/2024 1:23:47 PM
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The long political career of Mitch McConnell (R – KY) is winding down in the same manner as previous RINO Senators such as John McCain, Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, etc – with betrayal, vendettas, and a repudiation of the conservative base. McConnell, the current Senate Republican Leader is actively trying to defeat incumbent Senate conservatives who are running for re-election, and he is making it clear that his role in his final two years in Congress will be to align with Democrats to thwart President Trump should Trump be elected to a second term.
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
10/26/2024 7:19:53 PM
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The Los Angeles Times announced a few days ago that it would not endorse a presidential candidate this year. That decision apparently was dictated by the paper’s owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, after an editorial endorsing Kamala Harris had already been drafted. Times editor Mariel Garza resigned in protest
The Union,
Amy Beth Hanson
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
10/26/2024 12:43:40 PM
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At least 12 mailed ballots were stolen in a rural Colorado county and then sent in with fraudulent votes, three of which slipped past county election officials and were counted in next month's general election, state officials said Thursday.
Front Page Magazine,
Daniel Greenfield
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
10/22/2024 2:21:57 PM
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On the last leg of her African tour, Vice President Kamala Harris paid a visit to an otherwise unremarkable office building in Zambia. Kamala needed a tangible connection to Africa to win over African-American voters and convince them that she was one of them. And everyone settled on the office building as being the next best thing where she had once stayed as a little girl with her Indian mother on a visit to her grandfather.
P. V. Gopalan, Kamala’s grandfather, had been a member of India’s socialist Congress party which was aligned with the USSR.
Gautam Mukunda
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
10/21/2024 1:20:08 PM
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The CEO of a legendary American company steps down after a series of reverses. His company used to dominate its industry, was the leader in innovation, and succeeded so massively that it became an icon of American success. Despite this track record, it had turned to an outsider with a financial background, but no experience in, or passion for, the industry when it hired him. The new CEO focused on cost-cutting and squeezing profits from older products instead of making the investments necessary to invent new ones.
Ace of Spades,
Buck Throckmorton
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
9/23/2024 4:25:56 PM
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As the “electric vehicle transition” continues to implode due to an emphatic consumer rejection of EVs, legacy automakers have had to deal with a glut of unsold and unwanted electric cars. Coincidentally, whenever there is a need to suspend EV assembly lines due to the glut of unsold inventory, there always seems to be an accompanying cover story that provides a different reason for halting EV production.
Volkswagen is the latest to suspend its EV assembly line here in the US. VW is blaming this all on door handles, not on the collapse in sales of its electric ID.4 car.
The Washington Stand,
Ben Johnson
Original Article
Posted by
Christopher L
9/17/2024 1:30:31 PM
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Do you plan to vote this November? You’re not alone. Experts say somewhere between 1.5 million and 2.7 million illegal immigrants are likely to cast a ballot in the 2024 elections, “A 2014 academic journal found that 6.4% of noncitizens voted in 2008,” Kerri Toloczko, executive director of Election Integrity Network and senior advisor to the Only Citizens Vote Coalition, told The Washington Stand. “There are about 24 million noncitizens in the U.S. right now. If they voted only at the same rate of 6.4% this year as they did in 2008, they would account for 1.5 million votes.”