Crime of the Century?
Front Page Magazine,
Bruce Bawer
Original Article
Posted By: Christopher L,
11/22/2024 1:37:36 PM
If my father had been alive, I wouldn’t have done it. He was a doctor who had a diverse background in medical research, medical writing and editing, both private and hospital practice But my father wasn’t alive when COVID came along, and so I got the damned Pfizer jab – twice – without giving it much thought at all. In retrospect I feel like a fool. it didn’t occur to me that the corporate media and Big Pharma might team up with the Deep State to push life-threatening drugs on the whole world
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
red1066 11/22/2024 2:05:13 PM (No. 1840874)
I had to get it if I wanted to continue working because I worked in hospitals. I wasn't ready to retire at the time, but a year later, I had had enough of the bureaucratic BS and the never-ending shots requirement, and said I'm done and retired.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 11/22/2024 2:12:28 PM (No. 1840876)
The should be a Must Read.
Every time more info comes out, I am so, so glad that I was able to figure out to not take these shots in time to avoid them. My friend since college, a cellular biologist researcher at a state university, is now dead from a massive heart attack. He had some heart problems before COVID, as did I, having had one minor heart attack, and he and I discussed these shots via e-mail for a few weeks. He decided to take the shots, and I decided against it. My sticking points were two issues. First, it was starting to become clearer that the spike protein, which is what was selected as the antigen, was by itself toxic. This is daunting. And second, in a conventional vaccine, the antigen is in the get the exact amount of antigen that is injected into your arm.
But, with an mRNA 'vaccine', the instructions to manufacture the antigen (toxic spike protein) are injected. And I asked my cellular biologist friend, "How long will the RNA stay active in the body, how long will the spike proteins be made?" He dismissed it with "Oh, there are lots of enzymes to clean up loose RNA in the body, it won't be functional for very long."
And now we know that the RNA was modified with a pseudo-amino acid to make it far less susceptible to being 'cleaned up' by the immune system, so it could work to make spike proteins in your body longer.
My sticking point was that it was impossible to know how much antigen (spike protein) you would wind up with. In a conventional vaccine, all the antigen your body will every see is in the syringe. In an mRNA 'vaccine' the amount of antigen your body will be exposed to is unknown and literally UNKNOWABLE.
These were and are dangerous shots and the whole concept of mRNA 'vaccines' is a very dangerous technology. I will never take any mRNA based 'vaccine'. Dose control is not possible with mRNA shots. This makes them dangerous.
Did my friend since college, my buddy in sailing and diving and mountain climbing adventures for 55 years die from the mRNA shots? I can't be sure, but his heart problems got much worse after the mRNA shots, and killed him earlier this year. So he only lived a couple of years after the mRNA shots. I think they probably accelerated his death. Thank goodness we avoided the shots.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
chagrined 11/22/2024 2:57:44 PM (No. 1840907)
Fortunately, I retired before this mess arrived. Otherwise, I would've had to take the vaccine to stay at work. Many of my family and friends were forced to take it to do just that.
I'm not a doctor, but was pretty certain I wasn't trusting any of our "health" experts concerning the Fauci Ouchie. Have said it all along, this was a Plandemic to prevent President Trump's second term. Still believe that to this day, especially since our government is rife with evil people who have no compunction regarding the collateral damage they caused. In this case that damage is deaths of innocent people. AND they are still pushing these vaccines to this day! Very. Evil. People.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
hurricanegirl 11/22/2024 3:06:34 PM (No. 1840913)
My "sticking point" was much simpler than #2's: Why in the world would I subject myself to something that was both ineffective AND dangerous?
The entire COVID mania from the toilet paper shortage to the masks to the jabs was the STUPIDEST stupid I have ever seen in my life (well, so far).
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
seamusm 11/22/2024 3:08:00 PM (No. 1840914)
If I owned a gun, I'd be tempted to find these people and exact justice. But I don't and more importantly I believe that God knows the gory details and it is His job to bring justice. They will not escape. I am a retired academic physician who worked for decades in drug research and development while 'battling' the FDA to approve drugs I and colleagues had tested. We did not win all the battles - nor did the FDA. But vaccines are a special category where Pharma when THEY win are exempt from ALL product liability because WE the taxpayers become financially responsible for the injuries THEIR drugs caused. Covid as a man-made bug which 'needed' these vaccines and all the other untested protections like masks, distancing, and working from home, demonstrates the capacity for industry to whore with the world-wide deep state (not just ours) at our expense and perhaps the whole world's fertility. Fauci better just stay in hiding.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 11/22/2024 3:13:33 PM (No. 1840915)
My wife and I got the first two! Never Again for this little trooper!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
stablemoney 11/22/2024 3:14:53 PM (No. 1840917)
I refused the shot. I never go to the front of the line for something that has not been tested for 5 or more years. Then frankly, I did not believe the politicians, doctors, and CEO's pushing these shots. Colds, flu, and pneumonia diagnoses had disappeared. Everyone said covid instead. That was not believable. Some people were claiming dead bodies in trailers behind the hospital. Really? There are always dead bodies there, so this was not unusual. The mass hospitals set up were never used. So who would believe anything from Dr. Fauci, scarf lady, or Mike Pence? Nobody.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
chumley 11/22/2024 3:22:30 PM (No. 1840920)
I refused to get it and almost lost my job and subsequent retirement over it, but I could smell a government lie a mile away. I outwaited them and their threats, and finally retired at the earliest possible moment.
Since then I have refused every shot the doctors have offered and will continue to. Whos to say with any certainty whats in them?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Lucky5 11/22/2024 3:48:00 PM (No. 1840930)
I am a contractors and work with many non profits. I quit a left wing non profit I had done events with for 17 years because I would not get the shot.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 11/22/2024 10:29:06 PM (No. 1841121)
I got the two Moderna shots at the urging of my children ("You are old, dad, and COvid could kill you"). I wish now I had refused. So far I am OK. I did have to take to bed for two days afterwards since I felt so bad. My wife took the booster against my advice and had to be hospitalized with life threatening Afib. Since then, I won't even take the flu shot. I am 82 and as my uncle used to say, "If the owl doesn't get you, the chicken hawk will".
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
snakeoil 11/22/2024 10:56:49 PM (No. 1841138)
I've had 5 jabs. And if I make it to the end of the post I survived. First one, no reaction. But with the second, I thought I was going to die with heart racing and problems standing up and walking. The 3 after that no reaction. They could have been water for all I know. So why did I get them? Back in 2020 The Chinese Virus hit. People were dying or ending up on iron lungs. There was this new shot that offered at least hope. So I took the chance. I feel sorry for all the members of the military, law enforcement, etc. who lost their jobs because they refused the jab. Am not going to get the 6th shot but am considering the RSV. I've had the flu shot. But no one should be forced to get medial anything if they don't want it.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
udanja99 11/23/2024 9:56:40 AM (No. 1841411)
No one in my immediate family has had any of the clot shots. We waited, did a lot of research and decided that there was no reason to get them. Especially since covid had a 99% survival rate. Fortunately, none of us was in a job which would force us to get them. At this point we are so distrustful of the medical community that the only shots we will even consider are tetanus if needed and novocaine or whatever it is that dentists use these days.
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