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Crime of the Century?

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Posted By: Christopher L, 11/22/2024 1:37:36 PM

If my father had been alive, I wouldn’t have done it. He was a doctor who had a diverse background in medical research, medical writing and editing, both private and hospital practice But my father wasn’t alive when COVID came along, and so I got the damned Pfizer jab – twice – without giving it much thought at all. In retrospect I feel like a fool. it didn’t occur to me that the corporate media and Big Pharma might team up with the Deep State to push life-threatening drugs on the whole world

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Reply 1 - Posted by: red1066 11/22/2024 2:05:13 PM (No. 1840874)
I had to get it if I wanted to continue working because I worked in hospitals. I wasn't ready to retire at the time, but a year later, I had had enough of the bureaucratic BS and the never-ending shots requirement, and said I'm done and retired.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 11/22/2024 2:12:28 PM (No. 1840876)
The should be a Must Read. Every time more info comes out, I am so, so glad that I was able to figure out to not take these shots in time to avoid them. My friend since college, a cellular biologist researcher at a state university, is now dead from a massive heart attack. He had some heart problems before COVID, as did I, having had one minor heart attack, and he and I discussed these shots via e-mail for a few weeks. He decided to take the shots, and I decided against it. My sticking points were two issues. First, it was starting to become clearer that the spike protein, which is what was selected as the antigen, was by itself toxic. This is daunting. And second, in a conventional vaccine, the antigen is in the get the exact amount of antigen that is injected into your arm. But, with an mRNA 'vaccine', the instructions to manufacture the antigen (toxic spike protein) are injected. And I asked my cellular biologist friend, "How long will the RNA stay active in the body, how long will the spike proteins be made?" He dismissed it with "Oh, there are lots of enzymes to clean up loose RNA in the body, it won't be functional for very long." And now we know that the RNA was modified with a pseudo-amino acid to make it far less susceptible to being 'cleaned up' by the immune system, so it could work to make spike proteins in your body longer. My sticking point was that it was impossible to know how much antigen (spike protein) you would wind up with. In a conventional vaccine, all the antigen your body will every see is in the syringe. In an mRNA 'vaccine' the amount of antigen your body will be exposed to is unknown and literally UNKNOWABLE. These were and are dangerous shots and the whole concept of mRNA 'vaccines' is a very dangerous technology. I will never take any mRNA based 'vaccine'. Dose control is not possible with mRNA shots. This makes them dangerous. Did my friend since college, my buddy in sailing and diving and mountain climbing adventures for 55 years die from the mRNA shots? I can't be sure, but his heart problems got much worse after the mRNA shots, and killed him earlier this year. So he only lived a couple of years after the mRNA shots. I think they probably accelerated his death. Thank goodness we avoided the shots.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: chagrined 11/22/2024 2:57:44 PM (No. 1840907)
Fortunately, I retired before this mess arrived. Otherwise, I would've had to take the vaccine to stay at work. Many of my family and friends were forced to take it to do just that. I'm not a doctor, but was pretty certain I wasn't trusting any of our "health" experts concerning the Fauci Ouchie. Have said it all along, this was a Plandemic to prevent President Trump's second term. Still believe that to this day, especially since our government is rife with evil people who have no compunction regarding the collateral damage they caused. In this case that damage is deaths of innocent people. AND they are still pushing these vaccines to this day! Very. Evil. People.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: hurricanegirl 11/22/2024 3:06:34 PM (No. 1840913)
My "sticking point" was much simpler than #2's: Why in the world would I subject myself to something that was both ineffective AND dangerous? The entire COVID mania from the toilet paper shortage to the masks to the jabs was the STUPIDEST stupid I have ever seen in my life (well, so far).
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Reply 5 - Posted by: seamusm 11/22/2024 3:08:00 PM (No. 1840914)
If I owned a gun, I'd be tempted to find these people and exact justice. But I don't and more importantly I believe that God knows the gory details and it is His job to bring justice. They will not escape. I am a retired academic physician who worked for decades in drug research and development while 'battling' the FDA to approve drugs I and colleagues had tested. We did not win all the battles - nor did the FDA. But vaccines are a special category where Pharma when THEY win are exempt from ALL product liability because WE the taxpayers become financially responsible for the injuries THEIR drugs caused. Covid as a man-made bug which 'needed' these vaccines and all the other untested protections like masks, distancing, and working from home, demonstrates the capacity for industry to whore with the world-wide deep state (not just ours) at our expense and perhaps the whole world's fertility. Fauci better just stay in hiding.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 11/22/2024 3:13:33 PM (No. 1840915)
My wife and I got the first two! Never Again for this little trooper!
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Reply 7 - Posted by: stablemoney 11/22/2024 3:14:53 PM (No. 1840917)
I refused the shot. I never go to the front of the line for something that has not been tested for 5 or more years. Then frankly, I did not believe the politicians, doctors, and CEO's pushing these shots. Colds, flu, and pneumonia diagnoses had disappeared. Everyone said covid instead. That was not believable. Some people were claiming dead bodies in trailers behind the hospital. Really? There are always dead bodies there, so this was not unusual. The mass hospitals set up were never used. So who would believe anything from Dr. Fauci, scarf lady, or Mike Pence? Nobody.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: chumley 11/22/2024 3:22:30 PM (No. 1840920)
I refused to get it and almost lost my job and subsequent retirement over it, but I could smell a government lie a mile away. I outwaited them and their threats, and finally retired at the earliest possible moment. Since then I have refused every shot the doctors have offered and will continue to. Whos to say with any certainty whats in them?
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Lucky5 11/22/2024 3:48:00 PM (No. 1840930)
I am a contractors and work with many non profits. I quit a left wing non profit I had done events with for 17 years because I would not get the shot.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: JHHolliday 11/22/2024 10:29:06 PM (No. 1841121)
I got the two Moderna shots at the urging of my children ("You are old, dad, and COvid could kill you"). I wish now I had refused. So far I am OK. I did have to take to bed for two days afterwards since I felt so bad. My wife took the booster against my advice and had to be hospitalized with life threatening Afib. Since then, I won't even take the flu shot. I am 82 and as my uncle used to say, "If the owl doesn't get you, the chicken hawk will".
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Reply 11 - Posted by: snakeoil 11/22/2024 10:56:49 PM (No. 1841138)
I've had 5 jabs. And if I make it to the end of the post I survived. First one, no reaction. But with the second, I thought I was going to die with heart racing and problems standing up and walking. The 3 after that no reaction. They could have been water for all I know. So why did I get them? Back in 2020 The Chinese Virus hit. People were dying or ending up on iron lungs. There was this new shot that offered at least hope. So I took the chance. I feel sorry for all the members of the military, law enforcement, etc. who lost their jobs because they refused the jab. Am not going to get the 6th shot but am considering the RSV. I've had the flu shot. But no one should be forced to get medial anything if they don't want it.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: udanja99 11/23/2024 9:56:40 AM (No. 1841411)
No one in my immediate family has had any of the clot shots. We waited, did a lot of research and decided that there was no reason to get them. Especially since covid had a 99% survival rate. Fortunately, none of us was in a job which would force us to get them. At this point we are so distrustful of the medical community that the only shots we will even consider are tetanus if needed and novocaine or whatever it is that dentists use these days.
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Crime of the Century? 12 replies
Posted by Christopher L 11/22/2024 1:37:36 PM Post Reply
If my father had been alive, I wouldn’t have done it. He was a doctor who had a diverse background in medical research, medical writing and editing, both private and hospital practice But my father wasn’t alive when COVID came along, and so I got the damned Pfizer jab – twice – without giving it much thought at all. In retrospect I feel like a fool. it didn’t occur to me that the corporate media and Big Pharma might team up with the Deep State to push life-threatening drugs on the whole world
Tina Peters appeal filed while justice
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2 replies
Posted by Christopher L 11/19/2024 4:05:51 PM Post Reply
The legal journey of Tina Peters, former Clerk and Recorder of Mesa County, Colorado, has become emblematic of the contentious debates surrounding election integrity and judicial fairness.  Peters now seeks bond pending appeal, citing significant procedural and constitutional concerns in her trial. Peters was convicted on charges that stemmed from her decision to hire a cybersecurity expert to create forensic images of Mesa County’s election management system . This action followed a directive from the Colorado Secretary of State to perform a software update, which Peters believed might erase key election records. Her intent was to comply with federal laws
PASSWORD WARS: The Difference Between
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Against TINA PETERS and the HUGE Actual
Password Breach by Colorado SOS Jena Griswold.
2 replies
Posted by Christopher L 11/1/2024 1:22:53 PM Post Reply
As Steve Bannon would likely say, “Jena Griswold, Suck on This”. Your recent despicable dodging and cover-up interview with Kyle Clark from 9News in Denver leaves zero doubt in anyone’s rational mind that the Contrived Password Divulgence Charges levied upon former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters were solely fabricated to put her in prison. During this SOS Griswold interview, she emphasized how the BIOS Passwords on her SOS website were incomplete, and thus unusable. However, according to a well respected security expert, this is likely not true
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Posted by Christopher L 10/28/2024 1:23:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Christopher L 10/26/2024 7:19:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Christopher L 10/26/2024 12:43:40 PM Post Reply
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Kamala Grew Up Around Terrorists 2 replies
Posted by Christopher L 10/22/2024 2:21:57 PM Post Reply
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From 737s To Sneakers, It’s The Same
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12 replies
Posted by Christopher L 10/21/2024 1:20:08 PM Post Reply
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Volkswagen is Halting US Electric Vehicle
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7 replies
Posted by Christopher L 9/23/2024 4:25:56 PM Post Reply
As the “electric vehicle transition” continues to implode due to an emphatic consumer rejection of EVs, legacy automakers have had to deal with a glut of unsold and unwanted electric cars. Coincidentally, whenever there is a need to suspend EV assembly lines due to the glut of unsold inventory, there always seems to be an accompanying cover story that provides a different reason for halting EV production. Volkswagen is the latest to suspend its EV assembly line here in the US. VW is blaming this all on door handles, not on the collapse in sales of its electric ID.4 car.
1.5 to 2.7 Million Illegals Likely to
Vote in 2024: Experts
12 replies
Posted by Christopher L 9/17/2024 1:30:31 PM Post Reply
Do you plan to vote this November? You’re not alone. Experts say somewhere between 1.5 million and 2.7 million illegal immigrants are likely to cast a ballot in the 2024 elections, “A 2014 academic journal found that 6.4% of noncitizens voted in 2008,” Kerri Toloczko, executive director of Election Integrity Network and senior advisor to the Only Citizens Vote Coalition, told The Washington Stand. “There are about 24 million noncitizens in the U.S. right now. If they voted only at the same rate of 6.4% this year as they did in 2008, they would account for 1.5 million votes.”
“Havana Syndrome” is the Greatest
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6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 9/6/2024 1:09:11 PM Post Reply
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" one of those Philosophy 101 questions which many of us have endured as students. But is there still a scandal if the powers that be insist that there is no scandal? Such is the strange place where American spooks find themselves thanks to the unprecedented saga surrounding the so-called Havana Syndrome. Here, the leadership of the Intelligence Community has conspired with the White House and Biden administration to deny and conceal that hostile intelligence services are attacking and crippling Americans
Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO
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16 replies
Posted by Christopher L 7/23/2024 2:11:37 PM Post Reply
On the frontlines near this old industrial city, soldiers in the trenches say a shortage of an all-important munition – the 155 millimeter artillery shell – has turned the war in Russia’s favor. The causes of the shell crisis began years ago. They are rooted in decisions and miscalculations made by the U.S. military and its NATO allies that occurred well before Russia’s 2022 invasion, a Reuters investigation found. A decade of strategic, funding and production mistakes played a far greater role in the shell shortage than did the recent U.S. congressional delays of aid, Reuters found.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/23/2024 5:12:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/23/2024 12:51:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/23/2024 10:16:06 AM Post Reply
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Joy Reid Spews Hate Toward Trump Supporters
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Posted by Imright 11/23/2024 6:27:32 AM Post Reply
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FEMA RV trailers sit EMPTY while homeless
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/23/2024 12:18:41 AM Post Reply
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Donald Trump Faces His First Big Policy
Test Over EVs
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/23/2024 4:50:18 PM Post Reply
With the election in the rearview mirror, things are rightfully shifting from ensuring victory to focusing on delivering results. When the alternative was Kamala Harris, accepting disagreement was not only understandable but paramount. Now that Donald Trump has come out victorious, outcomes matter, and he's about to face his first big test. The big three American automakers and the UAW union are preparing to pressure the incoming president to keep Joe Biden's disastrous EV mandates in place: [Tweet] Three of the nation’s largest automakers, Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, are strategizing with other car manufacturers on how to make a delicate request of President-elect Donald J. Trump:
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18 replies
Posted by OhioNick 11/23/2024 4:00:26 AM Post Reply
A-List actor Denzel Washington says he knows it isn’t “fashionable” to talk about or even be religious in Hollywood. But he also says he has come to a place in his life where he simply does not care what anyone thinks about his open expressions of faith. [SNIP] he was well into his adulthood at that point, and he had never really cultivated a solid religious belief despite having grown up in the church with his family. But when he got to West Angeles, he had a spiritual awakening that changed his life.
Texas Farmer Faces Hefty Prison Term After
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17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/23/2024 10:48:12 AM Post Reply
What started as a Texas farmer’s love for exotic chickens has led to armed federal agents storming her farm, killing her prized birds, and a possible 20-year prison sentence for bringing rare eggs into the country. Jennifer Mayo, who owns a chicken farm in South Texas, has found herself at the center of a federal smuggling case that has destroyed her business and left her fighting for her freedom. The farmer’s story begins with a passion project that grew into a flourishing business enterprise. She started with nine birds about five years ago. Her collection eventually expanded into 39 different breeds of chickens,
Could the Democrats Still Put Kamala in
the White House?
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/23/2024 4:31:44 PM Post Reply
Could it happen? Could the Democrats manage to land Kamala Harris in the White House, and not just for a few weeks? National treasure Dr. Victor Davis Hanson sees a way for them to do that - but it would be an act of pure desperation. A video of Biden on Tuesday went viral online after the president appeared to wander off a designated path following his speech on climate issues in the Amazon rainforest. On “The Victor Davis Hanson Show,” the senior fellow noted how Harris had flip-flopped on left-wing policies she had advocated for prior to 2020, claiming she was now returning to her “left-wing self”
Bill Clinton finally breaks silence on
claims he carried out shocking act of
sabotage before leaving White House
13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/23/2024 3:09:21 PM Post Reply
Former President Bill Clinton has addressed a bizarre claim his staff deliberately tore the letter ‘W’ from White House keyboards to hinder his successor, President George W Bush - and admitted that the long-running allegation might be true. Writing in his new memoir, Citizen – My Life After The White House, Clinton, 78, recalls how a media ‘feeding frenzy’ marred the handover to Bush in 2001 amid claims departing staff had vandalized the West Wing. At the time, it was said that filing cabinets were glued shut, obscene messages left on answering machines and pornographic pictures placed on office printers.
The Pentagon's DEI Mafia Has Set Their
Sights on Saving Themselves From Pete Hegseth
12 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/23/2024 5:33:41 AM Post Reply
Pentagon officials speaking on condition of anonymity are claiming that should Pete Hegseth be confirmed as Secretary of Defense, he will demolish the efforts by the Department of Defense to stamp out sexual assault. According to Politico, "Officials fear that Hegseth, whose nomination had already caused controversy due to his opposition to women serving in combat, could also hurt efforts to recruit women into the military."Let's stop the tape for a moment. Hegseth was not "credibly accused of sexual assault." As he said, police investigated the incident, and there were no grounds to charge him.
Even after a Trump trouncing, the Democrats
refuse to learn lessons
11 replies
Posted by mc squared 11/23/2024 12:57:50 PM Post Reply
The left’s autopsy of its very predictable electoral defeat has become a comedy show. Joe Scarborough is on bended knee, licking the boots of an incoming president he has likened to Hitler. Nancy Pelosi, who first defended Biden’s mental capacity before coldly whacking him, is now blaming him for Kamala Harris’s loss. Activist “journalists” claim that Harris ran a “perfect” campaign and blame voters “who gave up on democracy.” Self-preening typifies much of what’s wrong with the contemporary American left. It’s a culture driven by its own self-exaltation and social credit scores rather than self-examination. Moral condescension and virtue signaling are its chief currency.
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