How Much Voter Fraud In 2020?
Power Line,
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
12/16/2024 12:18:20 AM
There is no doubt that improprieties impacted the 2020 presidential election. Suppression of free speech by social media platforms, Zuckbucks, and above all the concealment of definitive evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption by the Dirty 51 and the press, very likely swung the election to Biden.
But how about outright voter fraud? We will never know how extensive the fraud was, since the essence of a successful fraud is that it is not detected, or at least not proved. But a look at the gross numbers can provide a meaningful context for the question.
Shortly after the election,
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Jiobaobubai 12/16/2024 12:30:16 AM (No. 1855713)
81 million votes of fraud.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 12/16/2024 1:04:07 AM (No. 1855716)
2000 mules worth. Box after box after box of fraudulent ballots dumped into the system.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
mifla 12/16/2024 6:38:55 AM (No. 1855754)
The fraud was the absentee ballot process. Mail out ballots to everyone and anyone. Once in the system, there were few checks and balances on who received them, who filled them out, and who delivered them.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 12/16/2024 7:11:58 AM (No. 1855778)
Here's the problem with this question, fraud is a crime but for there to be a true crime there needs to be a LAW against it, AND a legal review and DECISION that a specific action IS covered by the law. THEN you need to uncover CLEAR EVIDENCE that such a crime has been committed.
What dems had been doing and fine tuned in 2020 is perfecting being sneaky, to avoid obvious legal roadblocks, to know where the loopholes are, to know where law has been untested or there are grey areas, how to act in ways to avoid detection of their actions, and how to leverage opportunities, like COVID, that allow them more ability to pervert the intention of fair elections. In essence, they honed their behavior to avoid detection and accountability.
This is not all that surprising. Criminals attempt to do these things all the time. That's why new laws are always being passed, to close loopholes that clever people of ill intent learn how to manipulate.
This is also how media can also claim there was no mass fraud in the 2020 election. They may be technically correct. There may have been no laws broken because the dems learned how to maneuver around the intent to have fair elections, at least on the surface. A deep dive and intense analysis may show criminal results even if there are no breadcrumbs to show how it got to that point, i.e. no obvious individuals to hold accountable. An example: when votes can be dropped off and then collected in bulk, all without scrutiny, who can be sure who did what anywhere along the way.
So, we know dems cheated, i.e. acted dishonestly or unfairly, but they were mostly successful in skirting most legal accountability through loopholes and obfuscation.
So the question is, how do we block their actions and expose them to accountability. First we need to close anonymous submission of ballots. Only government people operating under well defined procedures can accept ballots. No general group should be able to go into a nursing home and solicit ballots in bulk. You might assist seniors in getting proper paperwork and helping them fill it out and submit it but each voter needs to act independantly and submit proper ID and verification as to why they cannot vote in person and submit it through the post office. The information required and dates for submission of ballots must comply with regulations, NO exceptions. Otherwise ballots can not be backtracked for compliance.
We need to recognize that, just as important as it is for all citizens to be able to vote, it is CRITICAL for all citizens to be SURE that all the votes cast COMPLY with regulations and are LEGITIMATE votes. It is better to decline a ballot that is noncompliant than to allow a ballot for the sake of "allowing everyone to vote". This will close a lot of the cheating loopholes.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bpl40 12/16/2024 7:18:31 AM (No. 1855785)
The fraud was in two parts. One was preparing the bogus ballots. The other was inserting them into the system and converting them into votes that mattered - right up to Jan 6. Once that certification took place - game over. The 'Rats knew it. That is why Harris didn't leave her Senate seat right up to the last minute. Alternate methods of assessment including the US Census based estimate indicate the real ballots cast were the same as the usual trend i.e. about 135 million. The excess 21 million that gave us the unlikely 156 million number were (almost) certainly fraudulent.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/16/2024 8:09:51 AM (No. 1855805)
It's amazing to me that nobody mentions Dominion any more and the machines that were online to China on election night. When you can change the totals at the end point by hundreds of thousands of votes, it's much easier than manipulating paper and even less detectable. The democrats manufactured votes in at least six different states and had trucks deliver them in the middle of the night. The Supreme Court was cowardly and negligent in the days following. The end result was a mentally deficient, childlike president who nearly ruined the country.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
stablemoney 12/16/2024 9:16:28 AM (No. 1855848)
If you can't access the ballots or election records, and the courts say the defrauded don't have standing in the courts, how can anyone "prove" there was no election fraud? Well, they have, and I am having none of they haven't proved it crowd.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 12/16/2024 9:56:30 AM (No. 1855875)
Democrats wanted change. They elected Obama who was for sale.
Republicans wanted change. They elected Trump who could not be bought and was forced out.
Washington and the people running it resisted changed. They installed Biden. He has been a disaster.
The result was Trump being elected again.
What happens in the future only God knows. The story continues to unfold.
There definitely is fraud and 'legalized' fraud, but the good news is there are enough people (for now) to override it. Also, Washington has many ways to stay in power. They cheat, they manipulate, they bully, they bribe, they corrupt, and if all of that fails they just run out the clock until their opponent is gone.
Washington and the powers behind it still hold the upper hand folks.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
red1066 12/16/2024 10:06:38 AM (No. 1855894)
Ditto to #1. Biteme never received 81 million legal votes.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Miceal 12/16/2024 12:01:05 PM (No. 1855947)
Enough to appoint Quid Pro Joe the Fraud...
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 12/16/2024 3:29:46 PM (No. 1856018)
It is easy to stop voter fraud. Voting is ON election day, in person , with an ID, by previously registered individuals, using PAPER ballots, with a member of each party verifying the voter is authentic, and NO results posted to any media until ALL people
have voted, (including Alaska and Hawaii). The only write in ballots are for military members and for nursing home residents that cannot travel. Ballot harvesting from nursing homes and such is a total scam; most folks there are mentally compromised
and have no idea who the candidates are. I have been there , done that, know that.
If the locations have so many voters that it is impossible to accomplish voting on election day, split the Alphabet and have voting over two days. AND. ALL employers must offer
time off for employees to vote. Voting has become a corrupt process. Impose a massive fine if these regs are not adhered to,
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
JimBob 12/17/2024 1:53:52 AM (No. 1856248)
How Much Voter Fraud In 2020?
Enough to Steal the Election!
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