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They Want You Dead

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Posted By: Judy W., 10/22/2024 8:39:22 AM

~Back in the summer, in the immediate aftermath of the slaughter of three little girls in the English town of Southport, I wrote: Starmer is not, as has been suggested, simply 'tone-deaf'. He is seizing his opportunity, as Washington did on J6 and Justin did with the Canadian truckers. You know how that worked out for law-abiding grannies on their first trip to America's capital, or for prairie donors who'd dropped fifty bucks via credit card on the Ottawa convoy. And you know how muted public protest about anything has been in either country since. Yeah. Frozen bank accounts and solitary confinement will do that to you.


One of Steyn's best, though it's hard to choose when so many of his columns are great.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 10/22/2024 9:23:54 AM (No. 1817704)
You’ll need a warm blanket and hot coffee to get through this. It is chilling to the core.
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/22/2024 10:24:00 AM (No. 1817749)
Britain, EU, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, all gone to the communists. The US is only a step behind. Britain is so far gone that both the Labor and Conservative parties are communist.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 10/22/2024 10:38:40 AM (No. 1817759)
fta... Rotherham is the town where 'the authorities' - police, politicians, social workers - turned a blind eye for years on end to the industrial-scale gang-rape and sex-slavery of white English girls by Pakistani Muslim predators. A decade ago, after one of their most courageous victims Sammy Woodhouse had been invited up to Downing Street to watch David Cameron furrow his brows and look concerned, I went to see Sammy and her friends in Rotherham and was told that, notwithstanding Dave's furrowed brow, it was all still going on. And they gave me the name of the shopping centre and I swung by and, after twenty minutes, saw it for myself - as Sammy and I have discussed regularly on The Mark Steyn Show over the years. Back then there were officially estimated to be 1,400 victims of 'grooming gangs'. It must be many more now. And yet the authorities are so indifferent to the fate of these girls that they breezily assign thousands of 'migrants' - almost all young Muslim men - to Rotherham! The 'white slags' (as the coppers call them) were doubly violated - first by their rapists, then by the connivance of officialdom. But that's no reason not to set them up for a third time, is it? Maybe then you'll get the message: lie back and think of diversity. This is what human trafficking looks like. The government has taken sides. Why? Because powerful people inside and outside of government are 'clients' of these rape gangs. Next time you pass by a 'Missing Children' board somewhere, take a cold hard look at it. it's going on here in the US too.
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: JHHolliday 10/22/2024 10:48:06 AM (No. 1817767)
The fascists in the UK have also threatened to come after Americans here in our own country for "hate speech" meaning any speech that disagrees with the overlords. I use to think England was a lovely country and I have visited twice. No more. I don't want to get arrested for simply criticizing the powers that be. They can go to hell. I don't want it but we are not far from another Civil War.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 10/22/2024 11:08:16 AM (No. 1817774)
I met a gentleman from the Manchester just yesterday and he recounted similar stories. He came here some years back on a business visa. He married an American woman, which allows him to become a US citizen after 5 years. He told me that immigration requires him to be tested for TB and to get all his covid boosters. We both 'joked' about going through El Paso dragging a bambino behind him. Home free.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Vaquero45 10/22/2024 11:42:18 AM (No. 1817791)
This is what happens when you give up your guns.
4 people like this.

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They Want You Dead 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/22/2024 8:39:22 AM Post Reply
~Back in the summer, in the immediate aftermath of the slaughter of three little girls in the English town of Southport, I wrote: Starmer is not, as has been suggested, simply 'tone-deaf'. He is seizing his opportunity, as Washington did on J6 and Justin did with the Canadian truckers. You know how that worked out for law-abiding grannies on their first trip to America's capital, or for prairie donors who'd dropped fifty bucks via credit card on the Ottawa convoy. And you know how muted public protest about anything has been in either country since. Yeah. Frozen bank accounts and solitary confinement will do that to you.
November 5: The Pennsylvania Cheat Sheet. 7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/19/2024 8:45:15 AM Post Reply
Since the Democrats have not disbanded the criminal wing of their party, we have to assume they are going to try the same tricks they used to ‘fortify’ the 2020/2 elections and then some. Election theft is an anti-story, which is to say, if you are employed by Baghdad Bob, (Sundance’s name for the corporate media), if you mention suspicions, you are not only fired, you are blacklisted for all time. Driven out of the cult, and mocked. If you type the word: D*m*nion, a bot picks you up and down-ranks your post or story. The absence of the legacy media means that citizens have stepped up.
The killing of Yahya Sinwar 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/18/2024 6:54:48 AM Post Reply
Some people here in Israel are reportedly crying tears of joy over the killing by the Israel Defence Forces of the Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in the Rafah area of Gaza yesterday. Others are jubilant. I am not. Yes, there’s enormous relief. There’s huge satisfaction that at last Sinwar has met his long over-due fate.The world is a better place this morning without him. (Snip)Sinwar didn’t create this evil. He was the product of it, and was one of its many diabolical avatars. What created him was fanatical, genocidal Jew-hatred, the desire to remove Israel and the Jewish people from the face of the earth as an Islamic religious duty
Islam, Migration, & Anti-Semitism 3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/14/2024 7:17:45 AM Post Reply
Hello once again from Berlin, where I’ll be speaking today on a panel about migration and anti-Semitism. Over 2000 radical Islamists gathered in Hamburg, Germany, on Saturday to call for a caliphate and the implementation of Sharia law. In the footage from the gathering, crowds could be heard chanting Allahu Akhbar. Germany is a country in which one of the most popular political parties in the country, the right-wing AfD, is under constant surveillance by state security for supposedly being an extremist threat to German democracy. And yet, in Hamburg, 2,000 Islamists rally calling for the overthrow of the state and its replacement with an Islamic religious government.
A brutalist regime dies in absurdity,
illogic, and circus animals passing for leaders.
16 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/12/2024 8:31:43 AM Post Reply
The disaster in North Carolina continues to instruct, the primary take-away being that the government is malignant beyond our imagination and people are going to have to save themselves. The Appalachias are filled with the most degraded and outcast of human ethnic groups - one of them being my aboriginal tribe, the desperate clans of the Scottish/English border - and all of them vote, over and over again, for not-socialist-oppression because the State sends its stupidest most heartless crusader lefties to “help” Appalachia, and then allows vulture-corporations to ride roughshod. Appalachia is rich, in not just coal, but the power for a new century, with lithium and quartz crystal.
The Jewish moment 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/11/2024 7:52:16 AM Post Reply
Earlier this week, there was a sound that has become all too rare. It was a western political leader expressing unequivocal moral clarity. Asked about US President Joe Biden’s opposition to Israel striking Iran’s nuclear facilities in defence against the Islamic regime’s attacks, Canada’s Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said: I think the idea of allowing a genocidal, theocratic, unstable dictatorship that is desperate to avoid being overthrown by its own people to develop nuclear weapons is about the most dangerous and irresponsible thing that the world could ever allow. If Israel were to stop that genocidal, theocratic, unstable government from acquiring nuclear weapons, it would be a gift by
The 2024 Presidential Election Really
Isn't That Close
14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/10/2024 6:19:32 AM Post Reply
Citing conventional wisdom or an "appeal to authority" will reach out and bite you every time. The proverbial "appeal to authority" in an argument only works when the "authority" is credible. The conventional wisdom that the 2024 presidential race is razor-close is based on polls. Frankly, pollsters themselves are warning us not to trust their work. “There are a lot of sh***y polls out there,” said John Anzalone, who has done polling work for Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. And, added Greg Strimple, a Republican pollster, many hardcore Donald Trump voters aren't responding to polls at all, especially online polls.
Wholesale Regime Rejection is Global and Growing 13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/5/2024 8:46:36 PM Post Reply
Nothing illustrates the contempt and outright hatred the government has for us than what is happening in North Carolina. FEMA has spent all its funds, all their tax money, on migrants, who, btw, are illegal economic migrants. And Kamala emerges from her shroud and offers people who have lost their houses, their towns, their businesses, their cars, their possessions, pets and family members $750. (Snip) Of course, the vicious little baby-killing stouts in Hollywood have spent the last forty years treating white working class Americans like sub-humans, So in her perverted world, her demonic world, refusing help to rednecks is not only AOK, it’s what they deserve.
Trump scores epic CDC endorsement—and
his four-word COVID verdict must have
Fauci sweating bullets…
23 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/28/2024 7:40:24 AM Post Reply
Well, COVID is back on the menu—but not in the way you’d expect. This time, it’s playing right into President Trump’s hands, thanks to a CDC-related endorsement that’s left everyone stunned. Dr. Robert Redfield, Trump’s former CDC director, has just thrown his support behind 45 for president. And he’s dropped a COVID verdict that will leave you—and Fauci—shocked and awed. (Snip)And it’s clear that former CDC Director Robert Redfield knows President Trump had a better plan. That’s why he’s not only endorsing Trump for President but also making amends with his old nemesis, RFK Jr., and revealing some truths that will probably have Anthony Fauci sweating bullets
News nuggets to make your blood boil 2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/28/2024 7:24:35 AM Post Reply
Below are five news nuggets that will make your blood boil. *CNN “reporter” Elle Reeve recently asked a boat-owning Trump supporter why he was so concerned about the economy. The clear inference was that he must be doing pretty well himself, so why should he care? Amazing. This doesn’t speak well of her. The boat owner gave a pretty good answer, but he should have asked CNN’s ditz: “Gee, I don’t know, why do healthy people care about health care?” *While making an appearance in a grocery store recently, Donald Trump handed a woman $100 to help pay for her groceries.
Bill Gate Breaks Cover 3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/20/2024 8:50:12 AM Post Reply
It’s four years now, nearing five, since the whole world went mad. It’s nearly five years since people in the western world were told that they couldn’t hold weddings and funerals. (Snip) It’s nearly five years since Bill Gates ruled the world. In the course of researching my book on him (Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World) which I hope those of you who haven’t purchased already will seek out, I came to appreciate just how powerful Bill Gates is. I came to see him as more influential and harmful than any other single individual on the planet,
An explosive moment of clarification 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/20/2024 6:34:13 AM Post Reply
The Iranian war of extermination against Israel continues to be a clarifying moment for the supposedly civilised world. As this crisis continues, it is remorselessly spotlighting those who stand against such evil and those who are shamefully siding with it. Israel’s astounding feat this week in killing or disabling thousands of senior Hezbollah operatives by causing their pagers and walkie-talkie radios to explode has sent its western enemies into a frenzy. (Snip) In fact, never in the history of warfare has there been a more precisely targeted attack against enemy combatants. The explosive devices had only been distributed to senior Hezbollah operatives. The small amount of explosive inside was
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:25:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 10/21/2024 4:21:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 10/22/2024 8:56:34 AM Post Reply
Two impeachments, 88 felony counts (with guilty verdicts on 34 of them), a massive fine, two assassination attempts, unrelentingly hostile media coverage, a last-minute candidate switcheroo, and Donald Trump is still showing signs that he will win the election in two weeks. So, what do Democrats still have up their sleeve to stop Trump? They must have something. Back in May, we asked what the Democrats’ Plan B was if their lawfare campaign against Trump failed, and offered five options – four of which have come to pass. Here is what we said then.
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Posted by Imright 10/22/2024 12:01:17 AM Post Reply
McDonald's has finally revealed why it does not have records to verify Vice President Kamala Harris' claim that she worked at one of its restaurants in the 1980s. In a memo emailed to McDonald's USA franchisees the corporation confirmed that while Harris had 'fond memories' of working at a location in Alameda County, 'we and our franchisees don't have records for all positions dating back to the early '80s.' A copy of the internal letter was posted by an anonymous McDonald's franchise on social media and confirmed by the Wall Street Journal.
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:07:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2024 4:27:59 PM Post Reply
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Trump’s genius McDonald’s stunt will
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:03:06 AM Post Reply
“Even if you flippin’ fries at McDonald’s,” Oprah Winfrey once said, “if you are excellent, everybody wants to be in your line.” I thought of this quote when Donald Trump turned up yesterday at a McDonald’s restaurant in suburban Philadelphia to do a shift making French fries, then handing bags of food to drive-through customers. As political stunts go, this might have been the best I’ve ever seen, because it served two very powerful presidential race purposes.(Photo) First, it reminded voters that his rival Kamala Harris has repeatedly boasted about having a summer job at McDonald’s
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 8:59:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 10:28:06 PM Post Reply
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