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The Fall of Barack Hussein Obama

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Posted By: Hazymac, 10/21/2024 6:57:59 AM

I officially retired from the US Army on 1 August 2004 and vividly recall sitting and watching the 2004 Democratic National Committee convention. At that convention, a fella named Barack Hussein Obama gave the keynote speech. He had just become a State Senator in Illinois. Angela and I listened to a rousing, emotional, rhetorical speech using the southern pastoral iambic pentameter rhythm and said to each other...this is the guy the Democrats are going to run for President. We were correct in our assessment from 2004. We all witnessed a meteoric rise of someone whom we had no idea of who they were. As a matter of fact, Obama once

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Reply 1 - Posted by: slipstik 10/21/2024 7:17:49 AM (No. 1817054)
Thank you Mr. West, for your service and for your clarity of thought. I truly hope your thinking is accurate.
53 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Quigley 10/21/2024 7:17:49 AM (No. 1817055)
A very good description of the arc of the last 16 years in America. Let's hope his prognosis for the "diddleass" character is correct. We've been infiltrated to the point of infestation. Will the cockroaches take over?
32 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 10/21/2024 7:30:34 AM (No. 1817059)
When Obama got involved with the incident involving his friend, Prof. Henry Louis Gates, and the Cambridge police, I knew he was a lying SOB. All his talk of 'coming together' and 'unity' went right out the window. If you do something stupid, oh, like go on vacation and forget your house keys and then decide to break into your own house (prompting a call to the police by concerned neighbors), one should not defy the cops when they ask for ID to, you know, verify that you are the owner of the home you're breaking into, and instead berate them (A BLACK MAN CAN'T OWN A HOME?) for doing their job looking out for you. And yet Obama got involved, in the semi-famous Beer Summit. I hope that the police officer who showed up for that explained how suspicious it looks for ANYONE to break into a house and then cry racism! when asked for proof. Obama was not what he said he was going to be-I think he was a plant, a frontman....a FRAUD.
57 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 10/21/2024 8:02:11 AM (No. 1817068)
Read every word of this. Allen West knows the Barack Obama that many of us saw from the beginning, a muslim communist tool of Mohammed and Karl Marx who fooled some of the people some of the time. He crashed and burned and will not be heard from again anytime soon.
37 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 10/21/2024 8:05:06 AM (No. 1817069)
Excellent article. Thank you for posting. One thing he omitted: Unless Obama repents, when he crashes - he will also burn.
30 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 10/21/2024 8:06:00 AM (No. 1817070)
The media outdid themselves hiding Obama and making sure no one had any idea who this man was. Barrack Hussein was the first non-American ever place in the White House. His birth certificate is as phony as his loyalty to Joe Biden. Harry Truman had his number, and the number for most politicians. "Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I'll show you a crook."
53 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Highlander 10/21/2024 8:15:24 AM (No. 1817075)
One of the best pieces I have read about this Kenyan-borne con man! It depressed me to see how he was practically worshipped on the way to his first presidency. So many, many fools in this country got him in.
47 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: clayusmcret 10/21/2024 8:17:46 AM (No. 1817078)
"...I listened to a rousing, emotional, rhetorical speech using the southern pastoral iambic pentameter rhythm..." This is why I never listened to any of obama's speeches. Instead, I read them all. When I took his style of reading the teleprompter out of the equation, his speeches said nothing. But at least he could read a teleprompter. Biden and Harris can't even do that effectively. obama set the stage for the "fundamental change" of America and if Hillary had won, America would look nothing like the Founders envisioned. Hell, obama did enough damage and Biden was able to salvage enough of the obama tempo that it's almost unrecognizable now. Imagine if there had not been the Trump break between the two administrations. Now imagine if obama gets a chance, using Harris, to get a 4th administration. Given the path we're on, like Venezuela, our zoos will be emptied out for food. And that's not hyperbole.
36 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: chumley 10/21/2024 8:25:52 AM (No. 1817083)
Unfortunately, he is young enough he will be sneaking his communism in for many years to come, through his minions in the house and senate if not the presidency. Nobody with the power to stop it seems interested in doing so. I do hope I live long enough to see the truth about his husband revealed.
24 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: seamusm 10/21/2024 8:52:27 AM (No. 1817109)
So much wishful thinking. The left - far more than its counterpoint - has waged a war of attrition for decades. If we think they'll fold should Trump win again you haven't been paying attention. Like the Israelis with Hamas there is no room for a two-state solution since our enemies will be happy with nothing less than the end of America as founded and ALL of us in thrall to their absolute and permanent power. If Trump wins that will be a battle won but the war will rage on and with even more anger. Hold on to your hats people and make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened. The ride is about to start.
28 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/21/2024 8:56:54 AM (No. 1817111)
FTA - "Perhaps if Obama had a real American Dad like mine who, born in 1920, endured tough times, served his country in World War II, and set an example as a strong Black man role model, he would not be experiencing the fall." Obie, you are well past your sell-by date, pal. Like I keep telling you, get busy and start working on that retirement hut in Kenya. You aren't relevant here. Never was.
21 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/21/2024 9:03:54 AM (No. 1817115)
P.S., OP, much damage to your Florida residence from Milton?
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: red1066 10/21/2024 9:08:59 AM (No. 1817118)
I was in Michigan when Obozo became president the first time. Almost all of the clueless idiots were as happy as hell at work the next day. I on the other hand flat out said there goes the country. I had heard enough about Obozo to see right through the fakeness. Now, get ready for Obozo II because they are grooming the next Obozo here in Maryland. Wes Moore is a taller version of Obozo with military experience. Those are the only differences between Obozo and Moore. Moore looks like him, acts like him, and speaks like him. The same halting speaking manner. The same turning of the head while speaking, and he's taken a billion-dollar state surplus that was left by former governor Larry Hogan and turned it into a deficit in less than a year. The national exposure he received from the Bridge collapse in Baltimore helped him get invited to the White House and get national exposure by attending some democratic something. He was right by Shumer's side front and center with only three other democrats. All of whom are national figures in the democrat party.
20 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 10/21/2024 9:21:42 AM (No. 1817127)
Let's hope we can put this evil and destructive man far from any influence on government.
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/21/2024 9:38:59 AM (No. 1817146)
Lieutenant Colonel West reminds us that Obama was the first president who didn't leave the federal district after his two terms were up, the better to keep exercising political power and turn America into the USSA, or United Soviet Socialist America, as his childhood communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis (CPUSA card #47544) taught him to think. Re #12: On September 26 Hurricane Helene absolutely devastated low lying coastal areas of West Florida. Anyone living in Flood Zone A in an ancient ranch style house (one floor, a flat, no longer legal to build in Flood Zone A for obvious reasons) would have been in danger of drowning in the nine to ten foot storm surge. And some did drown in their bedrooms. Tampa, farther away from the storm's center some 25 miles to our east, got a 6.9 foot storm surge, the greatest since 1921. Before the electricity went out, my neighbor across the way said that my front door was invisible behind the storm surge topped by waves. The seawater reached the fifth step above my foyer. My living area above was okay, so I got lucky the front door held and didn't blow in. A fifty foot section of boardwalk was deposited across our driveway. Heavy carport walls were left around the property, effortlessly moved from where they should have been. Cars left in carports just floated away. It absolutely slays me that people believe that humanity has anything to do with this seasonal weather. Humanity is weak and insignificant. We are still here because we haven't yet been swept away. And algoresh thinks "the world hathh a fever"--no, Al, you're completely nuts, and are among the most misanthropic people on earth, wrong about almost everything you say out loud. Go bag your head, Al.
21 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: ilovedogs 10/21/2024 9:47:19 AM (No. 1817150)
I have often pondered, is it Obama or some shadow behind him? We know the money pipeline, but neither Obama nor his wife seemed all that smart to me.
17 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/21/2024 10:22:42 AM (No. 1817180)
He's just a hankie-head now. Always was.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Italiano 10/21/2024 10:32:31 AM (No. 1817186)
Thanks Allen, but we knew that he was an effeminate, empty-suit POS phony from Day One.
15 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Kate318 10/21/2024 10:39:17 AM (No. 1817194)
Terrific article, OP. Col. West nails The Messiah to a tee, and then ends on a hopeful note describing Obama’s political demise as a done deal. If I never had to see or hear the dreaded Kenyan again, I would be one happy camper.
19 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: chagrined 10/21/2024 11:16:52 AM (No. 1817211)
I wish I had Allen West's optimism. I really like Allen West, but don't know if we're actually through with the magic Kenyan or not. When President Trump is restored to the White House, and "people" like Hussein are actually being penalized for their criminal activities, then I'll say Hussein has fallen. The Enemedia alone will be difficult to overcome if any of this begins, and don't forget the demonrat destroyers around the country. Head winds will be so strong if we ever start to right the country, hurricanes will be considered child's play in comparison.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Jen103143 10/21/2024 11:21:20 AM (No. 1817214)
I must give thanks to Sean Hannity for explaining Obama to me! I was living in Long Island when Obama was running for president. Many New Yorkers were swayed by Obama’s rhetoric but didn't know much about him. Hannity continually brought up Obama’s pastor, Wright, and I started seeing Obama in a true light. Obama pushed his own pastor away so he could lie about his past, and true intentions for the future. Hannity was right about Obama, and I am glad I never voted for him.
12 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/21/2024 11:22:30 AM (No. 1817215)
Also re #12: Hurricane Milton, which we saw as potentially a greater threat than Helene, came ashore just south of Sarasota (Siesta Key, about 75 miles south of here, as the crow flies) as a major hurricane, reducing top wind speed from 180 to 130, but widening as Katrina had, moving west to east across the state. Wind gusts got to 90 or more here--over 100 at St. Petersburg forty miles south, ripping the roof off Tropicana Field, the TB Rays' home. Milton could have hit anywhere from Naples to Cedar Key. As the storm approached, no motels were available west of Lakeland, so I wound up in Orlando for three nights. Rainfall in Central Florida was ridiculous on Wednesday, October 9, with between twelve and eighteen inches falling from coast to coast that afternoon and night. After 11:00 Friday morning check out, I headed back to the west coast to see if my place had been damaged further. (It hadn't, as things turned out.) The car trip home, undertaken in my low slung (5.9" road clearance) '03 Honda S2000, was for the ages, only a day and a half after Milton had rambled through. Bear with me. You might find this interesting. Interstate 4 West going to Tampa was a veritable parking lot. I made five miles in twenty minutes. Normally a two hour trip from the Disney World area back to Pinellas County, my phone navigation said four hours and asked if I wanted an alternate route. I took it, exiting I-4 at The Wide wide World of Sports (a Slim Pickens reference there) and going through the back of the WDW property, eventually winding my way to US 27, on the edge of the massive Green Swamp, headwaters for five major Florida rivers. Two miles north of I-4, I was directed to turn right onto Deen Still Road, a narrow 2-lane road with no shoulders running fourteen miles almost due east-west from US 27 to the slight left turn onto even narrower Rock Ridge Road, then ten miles southwest to US 98. Never in my life have I seen so much water on land. To my north and south all one could see was flooded land, barns, trailers, and houses under several feet of standing water. A Polk County deputy, blue light flashing, was parked in the middle of Dean Still Road, guarding a late model Dodge Challenger 6.4 hemi with racing stripe. The Hemi was waterlogged, dead. Would I soon be, too? Almost immediately, I got into so much water--6" to 12"-- I had to drop down into first or second gear, rev the engine, and try to plow through the deep water until it shallowed somewhet. During the 24 miles on Deen Still-Rock Ridge, I went through at least deep twenty-five washouts in the road, and my car cut off three times in the deep water, tachometer falling alarmingly to zero. Each time, my blessed little Honda refired, I revved the hell out of it and plowed on in first. Once an SUV, passing going the other direction, slung such a heavy 200 pound curtain of water into my windshield--WHAM!--that I though the windshield would give way. Then after the interminable trip through Florida's Green Swamp (between I-75 and US 27), US 98 had another complete washout that was a foot deep. It just wouldn't stop. "Water, water, everywhere" as Coleridge write in his Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I've learned a lot about water in the last month. Like Addie Bundren's coffin, my Honda made it though the flood. Thatisall.
14 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: swarfer 10/21/2024 12:08:36 PM (No. 1817233)
Obama was only a placeholder for a real president, no real qualifications or experience, sketchy education and citizenship credentials, no accomplishments and raised primarily in a third world Muslim country. Everybody knew this. Obama was the first DEI national political candidate, nothing more. Everybody knew this. Obama was supported by a fawning media, determined to portray him in the best Hollywood style. Everybody knew this. Obama never uttered a memorable speech. Everybody knew this. Today the mantra of hope and change is the byline of the opposition. Obama didn’t fly to close to the sun, he never had any wings. Without the pomp and ceremony he looks just like an over the hill politician struggling for relevance.
9 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Rivetjoint 10/21/2024 12:16:40 PM (No. 1817241)
That was one fine posting by LtCol West in reviewing all the reasons I wish the Obama era would fizzle out. I still reflect on the disappointing performance by Romney in the second debate after having Obama on the ropes the first time out.
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Reply 25 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/21/2024 12:26:30 PM (No. 1817252)
My gosh, #15 and #22. That's quite a story. Print a hard copy of your story for history. And thanks for your time to recollect and share the details. My buddy, Gary, has his place in Fort Myers near the Caloosatchee River where part of it turns into the Deep Lagoon Canal. His house took in sea water again from Milton, but not as much as from Ian two years ago. His son shrink-wrapped the outside wall of the house before Milton arrived and this seemed to help prevent the back sliding door and front door from blowing in. Gary just turned 80 so of course not thrilled about doing another renovation. He's down there now. Mostly just flooring, some furniture, and dry wall to replace. I told him, after he gets done with the demolition exercise to swab down the sub-floor and walls that got wet from the sea water with a dilute bleach solution to prevent mold and mildew. Staff, appreciate your allowing this brief conversation.
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Reply 26 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/21/2024 12:43:40 PM (No. 1817266)
Around the corner the Honey wagon Flew! Obie was standing in the road and Justice was done! For you Moron Leftists, a Honey wagon is a German truck with a large tank on the back...FULL of Human 'Code Brown', politically it's what Obie Slings around anytime he talks!
6 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: FLCracker 10/21/2024 1:02:00 PM (No. 1817284)
FTA: "a rousing, emotional, rhetorical speech using the southern pastoral iambic pentameter rhythm" I call that "preacher voice." I don't like preacher voice, even when a preacher is using it. And I especially don't like when a politician is using it. it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: FLCracker 10/21/2024 1:08:06 PM (No. 1817294)
#8, I didn't see your comment until after I posted the above one. I never thought of READING Obama's speeches; what I had heard was enough to put me right off him.
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Reply 29 - Posted by: dbdiva 10/21/2024 1:13:06 PM (No. 1817299)
Next to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, pride is the worst sin there is --- the root of all evil. As we all know 0bama oozes pride and arrogance through every pore of his body. I have every confidence in what Allen West says here. 0bama will indeed fall and fall soon and HARD because Someone does have him in His crosshairs. His judgments always fit the crimes so I expect his fall will be very public and very spectacular so as to be known worldwide. Everyone will finally find out what a corrupt poser he has always been (and not nearly as "brilliant" as the media reports him as being.) That day will come.
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Reply 30 - Posted by: walcb 10/21/2024 3:56:29 PM (No. 1817353)
I'm from ILL and was never fooled by Obama. West wrote an excellent article. Thanks for posting.
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Reply 31 - Posted by: Strike3 10/21/2024 5:08:10 PM (No. 1817401)
I think Obama finally did himself in with his attempts to scold REAL black men in his anemic support of Kamala. He is a failure as a president as well as a man. I think the wrong guy drowned in the pond on Martha's Vineyard. Thanks for that narrative, #22. It makes the snowstorm experiences that we have up north look like childs play.
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Posted by Hazymac 10/21/2024 6:57:59 AM Post Reply
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The Fall of Barack Hussein Obama 31 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/21/2024 6:57:59 AM Post Reply
I officially retired from the US Army on 1 August 2004 and vividly recall sitting and watching the 2004 Democratic National Committee convention. At that convention, a fella named Barack Hussein Obama gave the keynote speech. He had just become a State Senator in Illinois. Angela and I listened to a rousing, emotional, rhetorical speech using the southern pastoral iambic pentameter rhythm and said to each other...this is the guy the Democrats are going to run for President. We were correct in our assessment from 2004. We all witnessed a meteoric rise of someone whom we had no idea of who they were. As a matter of fact, Obama once
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Kamala Harris was offered an opportunity to finally work at a McDonald's restaurant but never responded to the invite, a statement circulating on social media indicates. A franchisee on X posted what they describe as "an internal statement to the McDonald’s system from the US Senior Leadership Team" regarding Donald Trump's visit to a McDonald’s in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They describe the memo as "100% real." By now, most of our readers know that Trump swapped out his suit jacket over the weekend with an apron and proceeded to work the fryers and the drive-thru section at the fast food restaurant. [Tweet, video] It was classic Trump.
Are Dems Out Of Options To Stop Trump? 18 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/22/2024 8:56:34 AM Post Reply
Two impeachments, 88 felony counts (with guilty verdicts on 34 of them), a massive fine, two assassination attempts, unrelentingly hostile media coverage, a last-minute candidate switcheroo, and Donald Trump is still showing signs that he will win the election in two weeks. So, what do Democrats still have up their sleeve to stop Trump? They must have something. Back in May, we asked what the Democrats’ Plan B was if their lawfare campaign against Trump failed, and offered five options – four of which have come to pass. Here is what we said then.
McDonald's claims they are missing Kamala
Harris's employment records as staff are
'sworn to secrecy'
18 replies
Posted by Imright 10/22/2024 12:01:17 AM Post Reply
McDonald's has finally revealed why it does not have records to verify Vice President Kamala Harris' claim that she worked at one of its restaurants in the 1980s. In a memo emailed to McDonald's USA franchisees the corporation confirmed that while Harris had 'fond memories' of working at a location in Alameda County, 'we and our franchisees don't have records for all positions dating back to the early '80s.' A copy of the internal letter was posted by an anonymous McDonald's franchise on social media and confirmed by the Wall Street Journal.
Kamala Harris town hall host Maria Shriver
says crowd can't ask questions because
they're 'pre-determined'
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:07:10 PM Post Reply
A town hall event with Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday featured a shocking revelation after one voter simply wondered whether she could ask a question. Former California First Lady Maria Shriver admitted while hosting the event with former Rep. Liz Cheney in Royal Oak, Michigan that she would only include 'predetermined questions.' 'Are we going to be able to ask a question?' asked a woman in the audience.'You're not, unfortunately we have some predetermined questions,' Shriver replied. 'And hopefully I'll be able to ask some of the questions that might be in your head, I hope so.' Typically, presidential campaigns allow voters at townhall meetings to ask unscripted questions,
Seven Jewish Israelis arrested for spying
for Iran on security figures, IDF bases
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2024 4:27:59 PM Post Reply
Seven Israeli citizens were arrested last month on suspicion of spying for Iran for as long as two years, carrying out hundreds of tasks at the behest of the Islamic Republic, prosecutors said on Monday. “This is one of the most severe cases we’ve ever investigated. There is a real possibility that the main charge will be aiding the enemy in wartime, for which the penalty is death or life imprisonment,” said Chief Superintendent Yaron Binyamin, who heads the Lahav 433 serious crimes unit of the Israel Police. The suspects, all residents of Haifa and the north who emigrated from Azerbaijan, include a soldier who deserted
Trump’s genius McDonald’s stunt will
fry Kamala at the ballot box
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:03:06 AM Post Reply
“Even if you flippin’ fries at McDonald’s,” Oprah Winfrey once said, “if you are excellent, everybody wants to be in your line.” I thought of this quote when Donald Trump turned up yesterday at a McDonald’s restaurant in suburban Philadelphia to do a shift making French fries, then handing bags of food to drive-through customers. As political stunts go, this might have been the best I’ve ever seen, because it served two very powerful presidential race purposes.(Photo) First, it reminded voters that his rival Kamala Harris has repeatedly boasted about having a summer job at McDonald’s
Barack Obama Holds Tiny Rally for Kamala
in Las Vegas High School Gym
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 8:59:08 AM Post Reply
This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission. Barack Obama holds a small rally in Las Vegas in a high school gym requiring ID to attend. The following comes from Pam on Facebook. Obama swooped into Las Vegas, NV, to a high school gym to rally voters to go door to door for Kamala in Vegas. No longer the days of holding court in large venues.The requirement was to sign up on GOOGLE with all your information again and receive an email to obtain entrance. The most hilarious requirement was you needed to show ID. Let me get this straight: I can vote in NV without showing ID,
Tucker Carlson stunned by dystopian prediction
of what could happen after contentious election
15 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 10:28:06 PM Post Reply
Tucker Carlson invited journalist Mark Halperin on his show to predict what the post-election future could look like for America and was horrified by what he heard. Halperin, an author of several books about American elections and currently a reporter for Newsmax, told Carlson it may result in a psychological catastrophe across the country if Donald Trump beats Kamala Harris. 'I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country,' he said, adding that liberals would question their 'connection to the nation' and suffer 'trauma in the workplace.'
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