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Israel Stops Taking Counsel from the Angel
of Death

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/29/2024 4:56:19 AM

Only a fool could be blind to the fact that the Pentagon way of war, three decades into the 21st century and a world away from the United States’ last conclusive victory, means death for all who pursue it. If Washington and the Europeans are appalled by Israel’s campaign over the last two weeks, it’s because the Israelis have resurfaced the ugly truth that no modish theories of war, international organizations, or even American presidents could long obscure. Wars are won by killing the enemy,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 5 handicap 9/29/2024 6:26:51 AM (No. 1804068)
Netanyahu may very well bring about "peace thru strength"...Sound familiar? G-d Bless you Bibi!
76 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Strike3 9/29/2024 6:53:35 AM (No. 1804078)
Netanyahu spent the past year ignoring idiots like Blinken and Biden and got the job done. If he had listened to those yacking yokels, Israel would have ceased to exist. One cease-fire would have allowed a complete recovery by Hamas and a major invasion by Hezbollah. As it was, the resupply efforts of the US and the UN provided Hamas with tons of food and medical supplies. The two-state solution is not an option, there is only one way to deal with terrorists and the weak people who support them and that is not to deal with them but kill them.
72 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: The Remnants 9/29/2024 7:35:50 AM (No. 1804099)
Bibi is fighting a just war.
55 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bpl40 9/29/2024 7:37:57 AM (No. 1804103)
The US Ambassador to the UN did not attend PM Netanyahu's speech to the UNGA! That is disgraceful. Clearly does not represent the wishes of overwhelming majority of the American People. Vote Trump on Nov 5. Our only hope.
71 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 9/29/2024 7:40:40 AM (No. 1804105)
When countries allow these snake like terrorists to live in their countries, they deserve what is coming to them. The United states needs to do some cleaning around our colleges and places where terrorists are building a terror organization among our own youth.
55 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 9/29/2024 8:13:38 AM (No. 1804130)
Bibi knew that America was not his trusted ally even before she chose to stay away. I really think Trump needs to move the UN "off campus". Let Switzerland host them for a few decades. Definitely a must read choice.
54 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Lawsy0 9/29/2024 8:42:04 AM (No. 1804146)
She's right, of course. Common sense is quite uncommon because of so many axes to grind and so little time.
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: sagman 9/29/2024 8:42:05 AM (No. 1804147)
Recycling. Everything old is new again. DANA BASH: Will President Biden be speaking to Netanyahu any time soon? ANTHONY BLINKEN: He’s on vacation in Maryland until January, Dana. Vice President Harris will reach out to the prime minister soon. BASH: And say what? BLINKEN: She’ll acknowledge Israel’s determination to avoid another Holocaust. And she’ll tell him our support for Israel is unconditional unless it refuses to recognize a Palestinian state bent on driving Israelis into the sea. BASH: How would the Administration respond to an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities? BLINKEN: That won’t happen, Dana. Contingency plans exist to take out Israel’s air force and Fox News headquarters if a strike appears imminent. BASH: Are you at all worried that Iran appears on the verge of developing nuclear weapons? BLINKEN: Not really. Our nuclear weapons specialists have been working with Iranian scientists since 2021 to ensure they fashion bombs that kill people but go easy Mother Earth. BASH: Is there anything we can do to forestall a conflagration? BLINKEN: Vice President Harris believes we should seize the initiative, Dana, and launch a preemptive nuclear strike on an Israeli city before Iran does. Israelis won’t have cause to vaporize Iran, saving millions of lives and denying the ayatollahs and mullahs their martyrdom. BASH: A nuclear firebreak? BLINKEN: Exactly. A side benefit: The strike might embolden Iranian moderates and earn us goodwill on the Arab Street.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 9/29/2024 8:48:23 AM (No. 1804151)
The number of people who are still alive who were also alive the last time America won a war, is rapidly dwindling.
23 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Paperpuncher 9/29/2024 9:04:51 AM (No. 1804163)
The UN is absolutely worthless and is a waste of money. The United States should leave the UN, through them out of New York. They do nothing to keep peace on this planet. When they are sent to keep peace their so called blue helmeted peace keepers end up killing and raping those they are there to protect. The sooner the UN no longer exists the better. The funds we would save could be used for better causes.
33 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: BarryNo 9/29/2024 9:12:56 AM (No. 1804169)
Enemies, Friends and Allies. Kill your Enemies. Protect your Friends. Respect and listen to (but do not cater to) your Allies. Currently, It cannot be said that Israel has any Friends. At least not the current Administration. So, listen consult, and economically interact with Allies, but do not EVER let them sway you from your goals. And as for those who would destroy you? Kill them all.
22 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: FLCracker 9/29/2024 10:39:10 AM (No. 1804229)
The thing about getting old is that you can see how often you've been right, or not. For instance, I feel vindicated that I thought, "Boy, that isn't going to work", the first time I heard, "Global War on Terrorism". I knew Gaza was doomed when they voted Hamas into power. Took longer than I expected, though. I could have been Biden's advisor on how to properly exit Afghanistan. I'd say that was a no-brainer, but apparently not. I can be Netanyahu's advisor - Israel is in the right. Now if you could just teach American Jews how not to roll over. I can be the 3-H Club's advisor - Iran is not your friend and does not really have your interests at heart. You are nothing but, and will be nothing more, than their dogs. (In your hearts, you know I'm right.) Am I right?
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/29/2024 10:44:56 AM (No. 1804234)
And Iranians are hoping Netanyahu is finishing the job with the so/called muslim leaders...then they can have freedom from the crazy twisted moolas that have their boots on the necks of the people...obama had a chance when he was in the White House...well...he's still there...but he turned his back on his fellow muslims...
13 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: WI Cynic 9/29/2024 11:04:42 AM (No. 1804243)
Daniel Morgan knew this, as did Nathan Bedford Forrest, Wm T. Sherman, and George S. Patton. Hamas should thank their idolatrous magic rock that one of those guys isn't in charge of this operation.
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: mc squared 9/29/2024 11:17:55 AM (No. 1804255)
Much of the world has a unicorns and rainbows vision of peace, having never seen the atrocities of WW II and the efforts to vanquish Nazi-ism.
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Italiano 9/29/2024 11:28:44 AM (No. 1804262)
The Leader of the Free World, unless/until Trump gets back in.
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: red1066 9/29/2024 11:32:27 AM (No. 1804265)
It seems those who have been running the military are about making money from defense contractor's stock prices. The wars go on and on with no objective to actually win anything. We saw it in Vietnam and every conflict since. To a certain extent, Korea could also be included in the bunch. The wars are started not to win, but to make as much money as possible. There wasn't any loss of a will to win because winning was never the objective.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: earlybird 9/29/2024 11:39:17 AM (No. 1804267)
ou wil read more about what is happening ithe ME in this article tan in ten others. And with context. She is not a reporrer but a knowledgeable observer and analyst. " The ubiquitous availability of mobile phones with their photographic and video-capable features means that one can see the joy in the Middle East among Sunni Moslems, Christians, Druzes, and Israelis at the destruction of Hezb’allah and the gelding of Iran, whose people hate the theocratic monsters who rule them: videos from Azaz and Idlib in Syria and Christian and Sunni areas of Lebanon show the joy. Elsewhere in Lebanon, people are beating up fleeing Hezb’allah operatives trying to escape into their neighborhoods or fire missiles from them. "
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Reply 19 - Posted by: JHHolliday 9/29/2024 1:13:36 PM (No. 1804336)
I recall when the Iraq war began and we were bombing the Iraqui bunkers, some reporter chick asked Rumsfield a question. "Mr secretary, we are dropping huge bombs on the Iraquis in the desert, what are we trying to accomplish"? Rummy's short answer: "We are trying to kill them".
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Why CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Owes Melania
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 5:28:15 AM Post Reply
Former (and increasingly likely, next) First Lady Melania Trump watched live as an assassin's bullet came within less than an inch of tearing into her husband's brain. Next, she got the chilling news that just eight weeks later, an assassin was lying in wait for her husband as he played a round of golf. Next, she got the news that there are potentially more assassination teams in our nation hunting her husband. And yet, with all of that, it's not the least bit surprising to learn that far-left, self-absorbed, entitled,
Rats Scurry for Cover: Iran Moves Supreme
Leader to 'Secure Location' After IDF
Strike Kills Nasrallah
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 5:25:07 AM Post Reply
Israel has taken the gloves off and sent in the exterminators, and the rats are running for cover. One of the rats is Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has reportedly been moved to a "secure location" within Iran: One wonders if the Ayatollah took his pager with him to the "secure location." As for the "proud Hezbollah," that organization was just decapitated with the death of Hassan Nasrallah, only days after some of the most interesting operations in recent history, which operations included exploding electronics:
Nate Silver and Allan Lichtman Throw Down
in Catfight Over 2024 Election Predictions
9 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 5:23:18 AM Post Reply
We've been covering a lot of the polls, focus groups, betting markets, and other indicators in regard to the election. But there was a funny catfight between two people who are election prognosticators, Professor Allan Lichtman and Nate Silver. Lichtman has a system where he applies true or false questions to 13 questions. if there are six or more false answers, the challenger -- in this case, former President Donald Trump -- would win. But Lichtman has interpreted his keys and he's predicting Kamala Harris will win. This is how he's interpreted the keys:
Return of the Silent Majority 5 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 5:05:10 AM Post Reply
Here I am, in deep blue Oakland, California…walking around my neighborhood while wearing a camo-MAGA-Trump ball cap. Pepper spray at the ready, just in case I wind up in a “situation.” Instead, however, I receive mostly sincere compliments. Just the other day a guy noticed my ball cap and just went rhapsodic over Trump while also thanking me for my effort. Turns out he’s a Teamster. Not only that, he’s also a shop steward. He firmly confirmed that Trump is immensely popular among the rank-and-file.
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 5:01:33 AM Post Reply
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Eric Adams’ girlfriend joined on $45K
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10 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 4:59:57 AM Post Reply
Mayor Adams’ longtime girlfriend Tracey Collins, a highly paid “senior advisor” in the city Department of Education, joined Hizzoner on $45,000 worth of ritzy trips — and allegedly hasn’t shown up for work in nearly a year, according to complaints filed this week. Collins, 61, a former DOE teacher, principal and administrator who was promoted after Adams took office, is referred to as “Adams’ domestic partner” in the 57-page federal indictment unsealed against the mayor this week. The Fort Lee, NJ, resident went on Adams’ trips to India, Hungary, Turkey, Jordan, Oman and Ghana starting in 2016,
Israel Stops Taking Counsel from the Angel
of Death
19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 4:56:19 AM Post Reply
Only a fool could be blind to the fact that the Pentagon way of war, three decades into the 21st century and a world away from the United States’ last conclusive victory, means death for all who pursue it. If Washington and the Europeans are appalled by Israel’s campaign over the last two weeks, it’s because the Israelis have resurfaced the ugly truth that no modish theories of war, international organizations, or even American presidents could long obscure. Wars are won by killing the enemy,
Brother of Navy diver killed in 1985 Hezbollah
hijack says the world is a ‘better place
with Nasrallah not in it’
0 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/28/2024 7:50:44 PM Post Reply
A retired Navy SEAL whose brother was killed by Hezbollah terrorists expressed relief when he heard that Hassan Nasrallah was killed. “When the sun went down yesterday, the world was a better place with Nasrallah not in it,” Kenneth Stethem told The Post on Saturday, less than 24 hours after Nasrallah, 64, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on a Beirut suburb. “Ever since [Hezbollah’s] inception in 1982, Nasrallah and others like him have caused much death and destruction,” he said.
After Staging Event for Kamala Harris,
Primanti Brothers a PA Based Restuarant
Chain, Blocks JD Vance from Entering
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/28/2024 7:46:34 PM Post Reply
The Primanti Brothers restaurant chain is apparently owned and operated by hardcore left-wing activists. [Details on Restaurant Here] About a month ago, it was reported in the Daily Mail the restaurant chain kicked out all of the regular dining patrons so they could stage actors as a campaign event for Kamals Harris in the Pittsburgh area. The Harris campaign bussed in the press pool and a group of campaign supporters, essentially actors, to stage a photo shoot meet and greet and manufacture the appearance of support for Kamals Harris.
Eric Adams corruption case is less than
meets the eye: Less ‘All the King’s
Men,’ more ‘All the King’s Upgrades’
12 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/27/2024 10:10:21 AM Post Reply
The federal five-count indictment of New York Mayor Eric Adams is on its face a damning document of alleged public corruption. The government is alleging that Turkish officials saw Adams as a rising star in the Democratic Party and started to groom him for influence. However, once beyond the details of the opulent rooms and flight upgrades, there may be less here than meets the eye in some of these charges. The campaign-contribution violations raise serious problems for Adams in the alleged solicitation of unlawful foreign contributions. Yet the counts must be read with caution.
Adams’ top campaign fundraiser Brianna
Suggs, close aide Winnie Greco expected
to be named in bombshell indictment
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/26/2024 9:52:05 AM Post Reply
Two more in Mayor Eric Adams’ inner circle are expected to be named among others in a historic indictment set to be unsealed Thursday morning, The Post has learned. Brianna Suggs, the key fundraiser during Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign, and Winnie Greco, his director of Asian affairs, are expected to be named in the indictment. It was unclear whether Suggs and Greco would be charged or just named. At least three others are also expected to be charged, though The Post could not immediately confirm their identities.
A Harris Presidency Will Give Sanctuary
to Gang Members, Victimize Law-Abiding People
5 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/25/2024 10:59:07 AM Post Reply
From New York to Chicago and the Denver suburbs, migrant gangs are mugging, raping, robbing stores, running brothels next door to elementary schools, and threatening apartment dwellers with guns to take over residential buildings, all without fear of being deported. The gangs are turning neighborhoods into hellholes. Blame insane "sanctuary" laws. The word "sanctuary" sounds charitable. Don't be fooled. It doesn't mean welcoming the downtrodden. It actually bars police from sharing arrest information with Immigration and Customs Enforcement so that the agency can take illegals arrested for violent crimes into custody and deport them.
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Hillary Clinton Says She’s The ‘Most
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Posted by HPmatt 9/29/2024 12:19:47 PM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized former President Donald Trump and stressed her purported innocence in an interview with Margaret Hoover of PBS’ “Firing Line” on Friday. Clinton echoed sentiments that Trump poses a threat to democracy and mocked him for directing his administration to investigate her only to not file any criminal charges. While the Trump administration never formally accused Clinton of breaking the law, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey in July 2016 said that Clinton had stored 110 emails containing classified information on a private email server, with eight email chains containing top secret information.
In Alabama, Trump goes from the dark rhetoric
of his campaign to adulation of college
football fans
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Posted by 4250Luis 9/29/2024 5:30:26 AM Post Reply
As Donald Trump railed against immigrants Saturday afternoon in the Rust Belt, his supporters in the Deep South had turned his earlier broadsides into a rallying cry over a college football game as they prepared for the former president’s visit later in the evening. “You gotta get these people back where they came from,” Trump said in Wisconsin, as the Republican presidential nominee again focused on Springfield, Ohio, which has been roiled by false claims he amplified that Haitian immigrants are stealing and “eating the dogs ... eating the cats” from neighbors’ homes.
Trump scores epic CDC endorsement—and
his four-word COVID verdict must have
Fauci sweating bullets…
23 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/28/2024 7:40:24 AM Post Reply
Well, COVID is back on the menu—but not in the way you’d expect. This time, it’s playing right into President Trump’s hands, thanks to a CDC-related endorsement that’s left everyone stunned. Dr. Robert Redfield, Trump’s former CDC director, has just thrown his support behind 45 for president. And he’s dropped a COVID verdict that will leave you—and Fauci—shocked and awed. (Snip)And it’s clear that former CDC Director Robert Redfield knows President Trump had a better plan. That’s why he’s not only endorsing Trump for President but also making amends with his old nemesis, RFK Jr., and revealing some truths that will probably have Anthony Fauci sweating bullets
Poll: Taylor Swift’s Popularity Dropping
After Kamala Endorsement
21 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/29/2024 12:00:41 AM Post Reply
A new poll shows that Taylor Swift’s popularity has dropped overall among voters following her endorsement of Kamala Harris this month. Taylor Swift’s overall favorability among all registered voters fell from last year, decreasing from 40 percent in 2023 to 33 percent this year, according to an NBC News poll released Friday. While 16 percent had negative feelings about her in 2023, 27 percent say they do now. About 26 percent of independents have a positive attitude toward Swift, a drop from 34 percent in 2023. The NBC News poll is the latest survey to show that Swift’s endorsement hasn’t had the impact Democrats were hoping for.
NYC business leaders scramble to deal
with growing reality of socialist running
the city
21 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 9/28/2024 11:07:35 AM Post Reply
After the bombshell indictment of Eric Adams by a federal grand jury, New York City’s powerful business community is scrambling to figure out how to deal with the real possibility of a socialist taking over City Hall. Business titans are said to be terrified at the prospect of Jumaane Williams, the left-wing, anti-cop Public Advocate running the city if Adams is either forced to resign or removed by Gov. Kathy Hochul amid the corruption scandal that has engulfed his mayoralty. “This is scary stuff,” one top business leader told the Post.
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump neck and
neck in Wisconsin and Michigan: Polls
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2024 8:31:18 AM Post Reply
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her Republican rival Donald Trump are in a tight race in the key states of Michigan and Wisconsin, according to an opinion poll by the New York Times and Siena College released on Saturday. The NYT/Siena College poll found that Harris received 48% support amongst likely voters in Michigan with Trump garnering 47%, while in Wisconsin Harris holds 49% support to Trump's 47%. The surveys were conducted by telephone between Sept. 21 to 26, where interviewers spoke with 688 likely voters in Michigan and 680 likely voters in Wisconsin.
VIce President Visits Border, Promises
to Get Tough on Immigration Next Year
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2024 12:41:25 AM Post Reply
Today Kamala Harris visited the border in Arizona and proposed a tougher plan to limit illegal immigration. But of course she's also the current Vice President in the administration with one of if not the worst immigration records in US history. She is essentially promising that, if elected, she will clean up her own mess. This really ought to be embarrassing to all involved but she seems to be getting the serious headlines she wanted out of it. Harris’s proposed executive action would build on President Joe Biden’s current policy of essentially closing the U.S. asylum system unless illegal border crossings stay below 1,500 daily crossings
John Kerry Derides First Amendment as
Major Roadblock to Government Being Able
to “Hammer” Dissent “Out of Existence”
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/29/2024 1:44:43 PM Post Reply
During the Sustainable Development Impact Meeting held by the World Economic Forum (WEF), John Kerry brazenly admitted that first amendment is a threat to government power. During the discussion, Kerry stated that free speech, particularly on social media, threatens ‘democracies’ by inhibiting the government’s ability to manufacture a consensus through the control of information. ”…I think the dislike like of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing, and that’s part of our problem particularly in democracies — in terms of building consensus around any issue, its really hard to govern today.”
Israel Stops Taking Counsel from the Angel
of Death
19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2024 4:56:19 AM Post Reply
Only a fool could be blind to the fact that the Pentagon way of war, three decades into the 21st century and a world away from the United States’ last conclusive victory, means death for all who pursue it. If Washington and the Europeans are appalled by Israel’s campaign over the last two weeks, it’s because the Israelis have resurfaced the ugly truth that no modish theories of war, international organizations, or even American presidents could long obscure. Wars are won by killing the enemy,
Walmart and Target to make major policy
change to every store across California
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/28/2024 7:05:12 PM Post Reply
Walmart, Target, and Albertsons alongside other grocery giants are all making a big change to their stores in California. Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law banning plastic bags being used at such stores in the state. The change will take legal effect on January 1, 2026, and will affect all grocery stores.Some grocery chains such as Whole Foods have already phased out plastic bags at their checkouts nationwide. Consumers will be encouraged to bring their own bags to do their shopping, and those who do not will be offered a paper alternative. The new law will only affect the plastic bags
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed
by airstrike in Beirut: IDF
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/28/2024 4:35:22 AM Post Reply
Hassan Nasrallah — the secretary-general of Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah — was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut on Friday in what is a major escalation in Israel’s military action in Lebanon, according to the Israeli Defense Forces “Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world,” the IDF claimed on X on Saturday. Nasrallah, 64, was in a bunker beneath the group’s main headquarters in Beirut Friday when Israeli warplanes dropped bombs that “leveled six buildings” and took out several Hezbollah honchos in a targeted attack on the longtime terror leader.
Tech and car firms including Apple are
bringing back old-fashioned feature to
gadgets and cars that customers love
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/29/2024 10:07:00 AM Post Reply
Tech and car companies are ditching touch screens and bringing back physical buttons to their products. Despite a surge of touch screens being incorporated into devices for years, some of the world's biggest tech companies are going back to basics. Many that converted to the touch screen may have had their transformation perceived as their assimilation into modern technology. Experts, however, have hinted the embrace of touch screens was more cost related than any other factor.
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