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Posts on Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kamala Shamelessly Lied Her Head Off Throughout
the Debate
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 11:56:58 PM Post Reply
I guess it was a foregone conclusion that the ABC debate was going to be a mess, but people were yelling about the moderators not being fair from the jump. It's pretty clear why Vice President Kamala Harris only wanted to do a debate with ABC, given the bias they showed. Trump had his moments, and I wrote about one earlier. But while the moderators were all over former President Donald Trump, Harris was lying her head off without being checked the whole debate. If I wrote about all the lies, I'd still be going into tomorrow, so I'll stick to some of the highlights. She spread every hoax
What the Heck Happened in the Trump-Harris Debate? replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 11:25:28 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump finally faced off in what will likely be their only debate, and it went more or less as expected. While this debate probably won’t change the overall trajectory of the race in a major way, it did have its key moments—and not all of them went in Trump’s favor. I predicted Trump needed to perform significantly better than he did against Joe Biden, and frankly, that didn’t happen. Let’s start with the obvious: Kamala came in prepared, and Trump, as usual, took the bait more than once. Sure, he got in some good lines and managed to score points
Police Audio, Report Confirm
Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: ‘They
All Had Geese In Their Hands’
Posted by Harlowe 9/10/2024 11:23:24 PM Post Reply
A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago. “I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call. [Snip] ... at an intersection between Water and Warder Street, a location that does exist in Springfield and is confirmed in the police report...
Trump Unfazed by Harris Attack: ‘That’s
Just a Sound Bite, They Gave Her That’
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 10:51:44 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump was unfazed by an attack by Vice President Kamala Harris early in the debate, suggesting it was a canned response and a “sound bite” her advisers gave her. “I’d invite you to know that Donald Trump actually has no plan for you because he is more interested in defending himself than he is in looking out for you,” Harris said after attacking Trump on the economy. “That’s just a sound bite, they gave her that to say,” Trump said. “Look, I went to the Wharton School of Finance, and many
Trump Has the Laugh of the Night When
He Dunks on Kamala Harris With Her Own Line
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 10:47:29 PM Post Reply
I wrote earlier about how Kamala Harris was trying to plan for a viral, unscripted moment in her debate with former President Donald Trump. If that sounds oxymoronic, you would be right. How can you plan for an "unscripted moment." But that tells you everything you need to know about Harris — it's all scripted, and nothing is natural, even something as simple and inconsequential as that. She was allegedly even scripting how to shake hands with Trump, as I reported. That's pretty bizarre. So when it came finally as the debate started, she just looked silly, chasing him down on the stage.
Joe Biden raises eyebrows with 'doing
9/11' comment ahead of debate
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 8:42:06 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden bluntly said he's 'doing 9/11' tomorrow in a head-scratching comment to reporters who asked his plans ahead of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The gaffe-prone 81-year-old was heading to Marine One on the White House lawn when he made the comments just one day before the 23rd anniversary of the terror attacks. 'I'm going up to my granddaughter's birthday in New York,' Biden began. 'Then we're gonna watch the debate, then tomorrow I'm doing 9/11.'The president's remark concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks on America caused social media users to express shock and amusement at his poor choice of wording.
This Is the Real Reason the Eco-Gorgons
Want to Kill Your Dogs and Cats
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/10/2024 8:40:55 PM Post Reply
As if your pale, vegan, demi-gender-in-law wasn't annoying enough when zhe whined about your F-150 tearing apart the clouds, now zhe has another target: your cats and dogs. Several years ago I noticed obeisant stooges in the Operation Mockingbird media lashing out at how house pets are going to ruin the air we breathe, the soil we farm, and the water we use to wash the scrapple out of our brick BBQ pits. Check out this climate codswallop from CNN: Our four-legged friends don’t drive gas-guzzling SUVs or use energy-sucking appliances, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a climate impact.
Breitbart Business Digest: The Economic
Numbers That Matter for the Trump-Harris Debate
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 8:39:30 PM Post Reply
An Economic Data Crib Sheet for the Presidential Debate The economy is likely to be a key battleground in the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in Philadelphia on Tuesday night. It is the top issue for a plurality of Americans and one of Harris’s key weaknesses in opinion polls.Here are some of the key facts about the economy under the Trump administration and the Biden-Harris administration that should inform tonight’s debate.In order to allow for a fair assessment of the economic performance and policies of Trump and Harris, we’ve tried to take out the effect of the pandemic by excluding 2020 and sometimes 2021 from our calculations.
Harris Is Getting Mocked Over Final, Funny
Debate Move
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 8:35:34 PM Post Reply
We're now counting down the hours to the debate between former President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. We've heard about some of her fits in regard to the details of the debate. For example, she didn't want to have muted mics because she wanted to be able to have a moment where she could say, "I'm talking" in the face of a Trump interruption. But she didn't get that. It also sounded like she was getting nervous and freaking out as they talked about strategy sessions going "sideways." Maybe she should have spent a little more time being concerned about her policies and communicating them to the American people?
Live Results: Voters Make Their Primary
Election Decisions in Final Three States
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 8:33:15 PM Post Reply
It's Tuesday night, which means it's Primary Night in America, the last one of the year. This week, voters will head to the polls in Delaware, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Most polls close at 8 pm ET, and most results are expected by the end of the night.Democratic Gov. Jay Carney is retiring in Delaware. There's a competitive three-way race to see who the Democratic nominee will be, with various polls showing different results. In the Republican gubernatorial primary, Minority Leader of the Delaware House of Representatives Mike Ramone is favored to win the nomination. Democratic State Sen. "Sarah" McBride, who is transgender, is expected to win the nomination
House Report on Afghanistan Withdrawal
Indicts Biden for Stupidity and Poor Planning
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/10/2024 8:32:40 PM Post Reply
One gets a nauseating feeling reading about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan that began in April 2021 with Joe Biden's announcement that the U.S. was leaving the country by Sept. 11 and ended in wrenching tragedy when U.S. service members were blown up at Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport on Aug. 26. The report was three years in the making, and Republicans completed it without any help from the Democrats. That didn't stop them from criticizing the way the committee gathered evidence and wrote the report. Rep. Greg Meeks (D-N.Y.) accused Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee
Can Trump Stay Poised in Tonight’s Debate?
Harris’s Team Hopes Not
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 7:15:55 PM Post Reply
Tonight in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will meet in person for the first time ahead of what’s expected to be a fiery debate — the first of its kind in this toss-up race just eight weeks out from Election Day. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Still riding the high of last month’s Democratic convention in Chicago, Harris will spend her time onstage this evening trying to present herself to the country as the adult in the room and as more presidential than her opponent, all while avoiding the word salad that has become her trademark and somehow distancing herself from the current administration to which she is inextricably tied.
TGP Reporter Cara Castronuova’s Full
Testimony For Congress On January 6th
and the Government Coverup Regarding the
Death of Patriot ROSANNE BOYLAND (Video)
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 7:04:15 PM Post Reply
This reporter had the honor of being asked to testify for Congress yesterday about January 6th. See my testimony here: (Photo) The hearing yesterday, titled: Unusually Cruel: A Continued Investigation Into the Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners, delved into the continued abuse of J6 defendants being unlawfully detained, the continued arrests of Trump Supporters that were present at January 6th to this day, and the gross censorship by the media of these facts. I specifically spoke about my experience as a reporter for The Gateway Pundit and the extreme censorship I have experienced in getting out the story of Rosanne Boyland. Boyland died on January 6th after she was seen beaten
Developing: Emergency Shelter-in-Place
Ordered Near ExxonMobil Refinery in Beaumont,
Texas — Advises to Lock All Windows
and Doors, and Seal All Gaps
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 6:37:34 PM Post Reply
Residents near the ExxonMobil Refinery in the Charlton Pollard neighborhood of Beaumont have been ordered to shelter-in-place due to a potential release. The City of Beaumont issued an emergency alert advising residents to take immediate precautions for their safety. According to an official statement from ExxonMobil Beaumont: “ExxonMobil Beaumont is issuing an immediate shelter in place for the Charlton Pollard Neighborhood. Go inside the nearest building. Close and lock all windows and doors. Turn off all ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and close any fireplace dampers. Seal all gaps under doorways and windows with wet towels
Poll: 14-Point Shift Among Independents
Toward Trump
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 5:34:53 PM Post Reply
The new NPR/PBS News/Marist National Poll shows a neck and neck presidential race—but one number that has to be freaking out Democrats in advance of Tuesday night’s debate is the move among independents since August. That figure has moved a stunning 14 percent in favor of Donald Trump: Among independents, Trump (49%) edges Harris (46%). This is a 14-point shift from August when Harris was up 11 points over Trump in a multicandidate field. Some of this shift can likely be attributed to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropping out of the race and throwing his support toward the former president.
Democrats Will Look to 'Bidenize' Trump
After the Debate
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 5:32:39 PM Post Reply
Have you noticed there are a lot more media stories about Trump's perceived mental decline? Trump is "incoherent." He "rambles." His "cognitive decline" is becoming obvious. And the radical left is accusing the media of (wait for it) "covering for Trump" and his mental decline. They call it "sanewashing," which eerily echoes criticism of the media from the right. "If it feels like half the electorate has gone mad, that’s in part because the press continues to fail to present Trump as he truly is," writes Stephen Robinson of Public Notice. "The average voter probably doesn’t spend much time watching clips
In Fiery Hearing Exchange, Cuomo Admits
He Never Consulted Health Officials on
Nursing-Home Directive
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 4:54:24 PM Post Reply
Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo admitted during a congressional hearing that he did not consult public-health authorities before his administration ordered nursing homes to allow Covid-positive patients into their facilities. Representative Brad Wenstrup (R., Ohio), chairman of the coronavirus subcommittee, sparred with Cuomo over his March 25, 2020 directive ordering New York nursing homes to take in patients who had tested positive for Covid to relieve pressure on hospitals. The order arguably defied federal guidance instructing nursing homes not to admit Covid-positive patients unless they could follow the Centers for Disease Control’s prescribed safety procedures.
Pennsylvania Prof Claims Trump Is A ‘Fascist’,
Urges Students To Vote
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 3:56:13 PM Post Reply
An accounting professor at a taxpayer-funded Pennsylvania university condemned former President Donald Trump and his supporters as “fascists” during a lecture where he urged his students to vote in November, video shared with The Daily Wire shows. William Lloyd ripped into Trump and Republicans during a managerial accounting class on September 4 at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven. The university is part of Pennsylvania’s public education system and is located in Clinton County, an area that largely backed Trump in 2020. “Get informed. It is important. There is a lot of disinformation out there,” Lloyd told his students last week, according to a recording of the lecture shared with The Daily Wire. “And vote.
Victim Advocate Rips Democrats Over Claims
of 'Exploitation'
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 3:38:23 PM Post Reply
The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday featuring victims of illegal alien crime, family members and victims rights advocates. During her time, Democratic Congresswoman Veronica Escobar claimed Republicans were "exploiting people's pain." Her claims were immediately met with disgust by the witnesses. "It's insulting, please don't speak over me," Crime victim's advocate April Aguirre shot back. "It's insulting, these people lost loved ones, they lost children, and they want to see a difference...I assure you we are not being used in any way. Don't make an assumption that we are being used. That is insulting. Insulting."
Exclusive: Trump shooting task force obtains
'gruesome autopsy' for Thomas Crooks as
details emerge of would-be assassin's
bizarre behavior in days before
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 3:25:48 PM Post Reply
The leader of the congressional committee investigating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump says the autopsy report of shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is stomach-churning. Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., the top Republican in charge of the probe told that the report and its grisly details are 'gruesome.' However, he did not provide a timetable for when the autopsy would be released publicly. Kelly, who represents Butler, Pennsylvania, where the shooting occurred, has led several investigative trips to the fairgrounds where Trump spoke to further uncover details about the tragedy that left one dead and several, including the former president, injured.
Cuomo probed over who deflated nursing
home COVID death toll: Live updates
Posted by Mercedes44 9/10/2024 3:20:12 PM Post Reply
Andrew Cuomo is set to be grilled over his administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic — including an infamous mandate that forced infected patients into nursing homes. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is going to to question the ex-New York governor on Sept. 10 about the “unscientific guidance” that led to the deaths of thousands of senior citizens. The COVID subcommittee has already conducted a closed-door transcribed interview with Cuomo in June, during which the governor came across as “shockingly callous,” Wenstrup added.
The Greatness of Caitlin Clark replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 3:12:30 PM Post Reply
Remember when Caitlin Clark was going to have trouble adjusting to the WNBA and was the beneficiary of various “privileges” (white privilege, pretty privilege, etc.)? Well, the adjustment period has emphatically ended, and she is clearly benefiting from exceptional-talent privilege. Since the all-star break, Clark and her team, the Indiana Fever, have been on an incredible run. She’s eighth in points-per-game in the league and first in assists-per-game, but that doesn’t fully capture what she’s achieving. Clark has the most assists ever for a rookie, and is closing in on the overall record for most assists in a season.
Israel's True Enemy: Hamas, Not Netanyahu replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 3:07:58 PM Post Reply
More than 30 years ago, these "elites," overwhelmingly on Israel's political "left" (think "peace," as if most people in democracies do not want peace) played a significant role in convincing the Israeli government to sign the Oslo Accord with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), headed by Yasser Arafat. The assumption back then was that if you bring Arafat's PLO from the Arab countries to Gaza and the West Bank and help them create a government and police force, the Palestinians would renounce terrorism and give up their dream of destroying Israel. The Palestinian Authority, established in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1994,
FACT CHECK: Kamala Harris Campaign Platform
Makes Promises Based on False Assumptions
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 3:05:46 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats’ nominee for president, finally released her policy platform Monday, a day before her first debate with former President Donald Trump. The Harris platform makes various claims about the root causes of issues faced by America and the way Harris plans to address those issues. The claims underlying her policy promises are false, however. Here is a look at what the Harris campaign released under the title “A New Way Forward.”
We’ve never paid migrants’ costs before
— so why is Eric Adams doing so now?
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 3:01:14 PM Post Reply
Mayor Adams must think Gotham needs more illegal migrants: He’s offering them up to $4,000 to leave city-funded shelter for permanent housing — which of course is more incentive to come here in the first place. No joke: The city’s Department of Homeless Services launched a pilot program in December that grants supposed “asylum-seekers” cash to cover the costs of moving out of a city shelter and into permanent quarters. Already, 150 families have benefitted, and the city is looking at “scaling up and expanding access” to the funds. It means up to four grand to cover security deposits, moving expenses and first and last month’s rent,
“Excuse Me, Are You His Daughter?”
– Watch This Newly Unearthed Video of
Married San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown
with His Side Piece Kamala Harris in 1995
Posted by DW626 9/10/2024 2:49:27 PM Post Reply
Never forget that Kamala Harris launched her political career in the bedroom as married Mayor Willie Brown’s mistress. Democrats picked Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate in July in a silent coup of the sitting president, Joe Biden. And, of course, the legacy media’s obedient stenographers pushed forward with their fresh Kamala narrative, not questioning what had just taken place. Kamala Harris is best known for being former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s much younger sidepiece.
Unearthed ABC News footage from 1995 shows
Kamala Harris being asked if she is ex
Willie Brown's daughter in San Francisco
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 2:32:28 PM Post Reply
An ABC news profile on the then San Francisco mayor Willie Brown has re-emerged showing the moment a young Kamala Harris is questioned by reporters while on a night out with her lover who is 31 years older than her. The special report on Brown by Dianne Sawyer from 1995 portrays the Democrat as a 'rogue' politician 'notorious for his flamboyant lifestyle, flashy clothes, fancy parties,' and 'fine women' - with Harris featured in the footage. 'Are you his daughter?' a reporter asks in the clip that is circulating just hours before first debate against Donald Trump, which is also being shown on ABC.
Wargaming the Electoral College: This
Pollster Just Said Landslide
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/10/2024 2:31:12 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump looks like he might win every swing state and also Kamala Harris is up by six points in the latest ABC News poll and has put Texas and Florida in play. Wait, wut? Let's cover the absurdities first because that's my beat. On Monday, ABC News ran the headline, "Harris support rises among some likely voters: POLL," and, if you thought they meant that's what happened in the latest poll... well, that's on you, bub. As previously reported, Kamala Harris leads Donald Trump by a slight 4 percentage points, 50-46%, among all adults and registered voters alike, and by 6 points, 52-46%, among likely voters in the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll.
Is This the Sign Pelosi Doesn't Think
Harris Can Win?
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/10/2024 2:23:42 PM Post Reply
It seemed to be a point of pride for Nancy Pelosi that hers was one of the voices that knocked Presidentish Joe Biden out of his reelection campaign. "I just wanted to win this election," she told David Remnick during the Democratic National Convention in August about Democrats who didn't approve of her scheming. "So if they’re upset, I’m sorry for them. But the country is very happy." In the days after 81-year-old Biden's career-ending presidential debate performance — you remember, the one when he did everything a coma victim would but drool on himself — Pelosi went public with her concerns.
It's Tuesday and It's All on the Line:
How Trump 'Can Win the Debate and the
Election in Two Minutes'
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 1:05:13 PM Post Reply
Tuesday night's presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will likely be the defining political event of the year, if not the decade. Nothing less than the direction of America will be on the line in November.The candidates couldn't be more diametrically opposed. Harris is a radical San Francisco leftist who wants nothing less than a wealth-redistribution-driven nanny state, open borders, strict gun control, and lax law enforcement. Trump's "America First" and "Make America Great Again" resonate with tens of millions of hard-working Middle Americans who see the values and morals of the country they grew up loving being eaten away by far-left politicians who are also
“Why Didn’t Law Enforcement Arrest
the Shooter Before the Speech?” —
Melania Trump Releases Powerful Video
on the Attempted Assassination of Her
Husband Donald Trump (Video)
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 12:49:39 PM Post Reply
Former First Lady Melania Trump stepped into the political fray on Tuesday morning before the much-anticipated presidential debate tonight between President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Melania posted the video on her social media on Tuesday morning. Melania wants to know why why the security team did not arrest the young would-be assassin before he fired off several shots at her husband! Melania Trump: The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience. Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder, why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?
Tropical Storm Francine tracker: Forecast
to become hurricane as it approaches Louisiana
Posted by NorthernDog 9/10/2024 10:39:21 AM Post Reply
Tropical Storm Francine is forecast to strengthen into a hurricane on Tuesday as it takes aim at the Gulf Coast. By Tuesday night, Francine is expected to become a Category 2 hurricane with winds of 100 mph. Landfall is expected on Wednesday in Louisiana, between Cameron and Morgan City, as a Category 2 hurricane. Heavy rain and strong winds are already lashing South Padre Island, Texas, on Tuesday morning. Up to 1 foot of rain is forecast for parts of Louisiana from Tuesday night into Wednesday. Flash flooding will be a significant threat on Wednesday for New Orleans, Lake Charles
Trump reiterates: There will be blood replies
Posted by zoidberg 9/10/2024 9:46:44 AM Post Reply
Six months ago, Donald Trump presented us all with a Rorschach test by predicting a “bloodbath” if he loses the 2024 election. “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it,” Trump said while discussing the economy and his tariff plan. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.” Those on the left largely took Trump literally, citing how his supporters have risen up violently before, on Jan. 6, 2021. Those on the right argued that Trump was just speaking figuratively. The latter said he was talking about a metaphorical bloodbath.
Brutal Polling Slaps Kamala on Day of
Crucial Debate With Trump
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 9:27:46 AM Post Reply
Tonight’s debate is the election for both camps. The Waterloo moment is here. The race is virtually tied in the polls. There was no convention bump for Democrats; many are uneasy. You see it on social media, networks, and print. If the election were held today, Donald Trump would win. It’s the same result as it would have been before Democrats pushed Joe Biden off the political cliff. Meet the new boss, same the old boss—both getting beaten by the 45th president of the United States. It’s not a mystery. They all talk about Kamala’s higher ceiling, which is true, but you’ll never exploit that if you keep dodging
Wake Up, Republicans! Democrats Are Stealing
the 2024 Election with Fraudulent Overseas Ballots
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 9:06:19 AM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit reported extensively on this 2020 voter fraud scheme in numerous battleground states. One method Democrats used to steal the election was with overseas ballots. We saw evidence of this in several battleground states. During an Arizona Senate session in February2022, the discussion turned to the UOCAVA voters — these are voters covered under the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act. These are the men and women who are serving their country in the military and send in a mail-in vote from where they are stationed outside the country. These ballots also include US citizens residing in countries outside the United States.
‘Embarrassing’: Kamala Harris Plagiarized
Joe Biden’s Campaign Policies for Website
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 9:03:38 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign plagiarized policies from President Joe Biden’s campaign website, copying and pasting onto its “issues” page Sunday — seven weeks after Harris entered the presidential campaign. As Breitbart News noted, Harris finally posted a set of policies on Sunday, after weeks of criticism for not having one on her campaign website. The policies were published just 48 hours before the presidential campaign’s first — and likely only — debate on Tuesday evening on ABC (at 9:00 p.m. ET).
DC police release bodycam video of deadly
shooting involving Violence Interrupter
Justin Robinson
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:50:01 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - Body camera footage released by D.C. police Monday shows the moment officers shot and killed Justin Robinson, a Violence Interrupter for the city, during an incident at a Southeast McDonald’s last week. The footage was made public following community pressure for its release. While a statement from the Mayor’s Office initially indicated that Robinson’s next of kin did not want it shown, the family reversed their decision over the weekend. At a vigil held on Friday, some of Robinson’s family members called for the "full release" of all body camera footage from officers on the scene. The incident began when police responded to a call about a car crash
Biden-Harris Administration Approves New
Jersey’s “Internet for All” Initial Proposal
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 8:39:51 AM Post Reply
The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved New Jersey’s Initial Proposal for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, a cornerstone of the Biden-Harris Administration’s “Internet for All” initiative. This approval enables New Jersey to request access to funding and begin implementation of the BEAD program—a major step towards closing the digital divide and meeting the President’s goal of connecting everyone in America with affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet service.
Bombshell Undercover Sting Exposes How
Google Is Actively Helping Kamala Harris
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:38:04 AM Post Reply
In yet another bombshell exposé, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) has shed light on how Big Tech is up to its same old shenanigans in order to help Kamala Harris get elected. During a date with an undercover OMG journalist, Dakota Leazer, a growth strategist and ad salesman at Google, admitted that the tech giant has been manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor Harris ahead of the 2024 election. According to Leazer Google’s ad campaigns are strategically designed to promote Harris while appearing to be legitimate news content. As Leazer explained, "Google was essentially promoting through its ads... rhetoric that
A Little Debate Preview replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/10/2024 8:36:41 AM Post Reply
Get your hip boot on, it’s debate day in America. You’ll probably want some nose plugs too, as it’s going to get really smelly around here. What can we expect from the debate? I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot of challenging of Donald Trump from the moderators and Kamala Harris. Since the mics will be muted when the other person is talking, Kamala can’t use her pathetic “I’m speaking” garbage, but that will not stop her from scrambling for the victim card.
Trump Must Dismantle Kamala With Graceful Brutality replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/10/2024 8:35:28 AM Post Reply
Today is the showdown for the 2024 race. For Roman history fans, it’s the political equivalent of the Battle of Pharsalus (or Alesia). The stakes couldn’t be higher, as this debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will likely decide the election. This nation has endured a Democratic Party coup that booted Joe Biden from the ticket and an assassination attempt that no one likes to talk about anymore. One candidate was replaced by someone younger but equally inept in politics. Kamala will do her best to rattle Trump, but all he must do is follow the same playbook during the June debate with Biden.
There’s Nothing New About Kamala’s
‘New Way Forward’ — Except Stuff
She Stole From Trump
Posted by 4250Luis 9/10/2024 8:33:58 AM Post Reply
Fifty days after Joe Biden quit his reelection campaign – and one day before she debates Donald Trump – Kamala Harris finally posted an “Issues” page on her website, detailing her plans if she wins the election in November. Now we know why she waited so long. She calls this “A New Way Forward.” But it’s actually just the Biden plan with a few added wrinkles – which either have been widely panned or were stolen from Donald Trump. The day after Biden made his announcement,
Beating the Cheat replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:13:59 AM Post Reply
It can’t actually be said that the either the Butler assassination attempt or Joe’s bugout upended the 2024 campaign. That had already largely occurred by the second week of July. Every last effort against Donald Trump by the progressive establishment and their Deep State and bureaucratic allies had collapsed by that point. The lawfare campaign miscarried completely, generating sympathy for Trump and anger against his tormentors. The Supreme Court’s decision in Trump V. United States put an end to that chapter and cleared the way for Donald Trump’s next move. Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of Jack Smith’s demented records case is simply icing on the cake. (Even though Jack,
President Trump -vs- Kamala Harris, 9:00pm
ET Debate -
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 7:04:54 AM Post Reply
When is the debate? Harris and Trump will debate on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 9 p.m. ET. The debate will run for 90 minutes with two commercial breaks. Where is the debate? ABC News is hosting the debate at the National Constitution Center, a private nonprofit education center and museum dedicated to the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia. Who is moderating the debate? ABC News’ “World News Tonight” host David Muir and anchor Linsey Davis are moderating the debate.
Kamala Harris owns Afghanistan disaster
— and every other Biden catastrophe
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 7:01:00 AM Post Reply
Of course the House Foreign Affairs Committee report on Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan bugout has prompted a mad media rush to insist Kamala Harris had nothing to do with it. Let’s be clear: Harris. Was. Vice. President. Which means that — no matter how Democrats and their media lapdogs cry about it — she owns that debacle, too. And she’s even admitted this herself. Witness her bragging about how she was “the last person in the room” with Biden when he made the call to skeedaddle, clear evidence she was a strong cosigner.
Dozens reported killed in Israeli strikes
on ‘Hamas command center’ in Gaza
humanitarian area
Posted by FlyRight 9/10/2024 6:59:08 AM Post Reply
The Israeli military launched airstrikes on a designated humanitarian zone in Gaza where the IDF said Hamas terrorists were embedded — killing and injuring dozens of people, according to the Hamas-run civil defense authority. At least four Israeli missiles struck the tent encampment near Khan Younis which is now home to thousands of civilians who fled their war-torn homes — as well as a Hamas command center, according to the IDF’s claims. The IDF said early Tuesday the attack “struck significant Hamas terrorists who were operating within a command and control center embedded inside the humanitarian area in Khan Younis” and added that its air force took steps to limit civilian harm.
Kamala Policy Page Touts DMZ Visit –
Site of ‘Alliance with North Korea’
Gaffe – as Proof She Is ‘Ready’
on ‘Day 1’
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 3:35:23 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris published a policy page on her official website Sunday promising she is “ready to be Commander in Chief on day one,” but she cited one of her most notorious foreign policy gaffes — claiming the United States has a “strong alliance” with North Korea — as evidence. Harris’s presidential campaign debuted a slightly more detailed page of her stances on policy issues seven weeks after she replaced outgoing President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic Party ticket. The page focuses heavily on her experience as a prosecutor and attorney general in California but also features a more limited explanation of her stances on international issues.
There’s Nothing New About Kamala’s
‘New Way Forward’ — Except Stuff
She Stole From Trump
Posted by RockyTCB 9/10/2024 12:30:54 AM Post Reply
Fifty days after Joe Biden quit his re-election campaign – and one day before she debates Donald Trump — Kamala Harris finally posted an “Issues” page on her website, detailing her plans if she wins the election in November. Now we know why she waited so long. She calls this “A New Way Forward.” But it’s actually just the Biden plan with a few added wrinkles — which either have been widely panned or were stolen from Donald Trump. The day after Biden made his announcement, Harris had her own campaign website set up. And it included an “Issues” page, which was a
NBC News Develops Sudden-Onset Concern
Over Weaponized Government
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 12:30:18 AM Post Reply
Now that there is more than a nonzero chance of former President Donald Trump returning to The White House, the Regime Media are suddenly freaked out over the possibility of the government being weaponized against political opposition. The key word here being suddenly. This report, which has to be watched in its entirety to be believed, was filed by correspondent Vaugh Hillyard and pretends to exist in a time and space where government has not already been weaponized (click “expand” to view full transcript): NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 9/9/24 6:37 PM LESTER HOLT: And a topic that could come up in tomorrow night's debate, the increasingly inflammatory rhetoric from former President Trump
Mark Levin Announces Major Injury Will
Keep Him Away From Mic
Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 12:14:28 AM Post Reply
Conservative radio host Mark Levin announced on Monday that he suffered a major injury and will likely require surgery. Levin said he fell over the weekend and tore his quadricep, a group of muscles at the front of the thighs, and his right knee. The injury will likely require him to be in surgery before he returns on-air. “Unfortunately, I had a very bad fall this weekend and tore my quadricep between my right knee and thigh,” Levin said. “I’ll likely be in surgery in the next day or two. I’ll be back on air as soon as I can. God bless.”
CNBC - 'Harris Hasn't Talked to Anyone'
and Kamala Calls Trump a Liar
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 12:04:26 AM Post Reply
GAWD, this is such weak sauce, even out of Harris. But what did I expect, right? And she's playing to a friendly audience - GO FIGURE - when she called in to be "interviewed" on The Rickey Smiley Morning Show, a top-rated podcast. The guy has a lot of X followers - over a million - and while I don't know anything about him, he does seem to have quite a substantial listener base and has declared himself to be a huge Kamala fan. All things considered, that's just the friendly, cozy, and unthreatening environment that might persuade our gunshy Vice President to peep her head
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