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Harris walks tightrope when it comes to taxes

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/8/2024 5:09:33 AM

Democrats say Vice President Harris’s decision to offer a more modest capital gains tax hike on the wealthy is a step in the right direction to win over voters concerned she’s too liberal or too antagonistic to business. The Trump campaign has cast Harris as a liberal firebrand, pointing to various positions she took in 2019 when she was running for president and courting liberal voters. In recent weeks, since becoming the Democratic nominee, Harris has shifted toward the center, most notably in moving away from her 2019 call to ban fracking, a critical issue in swing state Pennsylvania.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mifla 9/8/2024 5:39:45 AM (No. 1792203)
Kamala "I will say anything for your vote" Harris.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 9/8/2024 6:44:23 AM (No. 1792223)
One to ten, the trustworthiness of Kamala Harris i off the bottom of the chart. A zero.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Subsuburban 9/8/2024 6:53:32 AM (No. 1792235)
A favorite tactic on cross-examination among trial lawyers when a witness has made statement in court that is contradictory to one made at an earlier time is to remind the witness of what they said, then ask in all sincerety, "Were you lying then or are you lying now?" Kind of like the proverbial, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It's hard to come up with a good explanation and the jury is left to decide whether to believe the witness despite the obvious prevarication. Of course, sometimes they do for reasons having nothing to do with the witness' lack of candor. Kind of like the people who intend to vote for Harrris/Walz. Stupidity can never be ruled out.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: philsner 9/8/2024 7:46:38 AM (No. 1792257)
"Walks a tightrope" = never tells the truth.
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 9/8/2024 8:28:48 AM (No. 1792283)
Everything that Kamala has flip-flopped, shifted, changed her position, backed away from or softened on is a lie. It's all for the purpose of winning the election and if that particular horror comes to pass, she will revert to all of the radical leftist ideas in her puny little head and totally destroy the economy and the country. There is no middle ground.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rama41 9/8/2024 10:06:46 AM (No. 1792347)
"In recent weeks, since becoming the Democratic nominee, Harris has shifted toward the center,...." Nonsense. That's the view of unnamed staffers. She lied when Dana Bash asked about her "changed" view on fracking. And the press continues to do all it can to hide who she is from the voters.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: danu 9/8/2024 6:37:37 PM (No. 1792557)
why? how much does sssshhhheeee charge for maintenance of her husband's feeeeeeees, schmalz's trips and ballot printing, plus armies of military age red star men to 'write out the vote' for them?
0 people like this.

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Posted by Mercedes44 9/8/2024 5:12:55 AM Post Reply
‘Caution: Those with sensitive stomachs or respect for the truth should stop here.” That’s the warning label The Washington Post should have slapped on a recent essay. Unfortunately, it didn’t and let the writer gas on as if his fabulist claims were grounded in reality. The op-ed was doubly dispiriting because, although it appeared in The Washington Post, it was written by the publisher of The New York Times. Both outlets likely thought the joint imprimatur would increase the audience and impact. Instead, the resulting flop magnifies their effort to spread misinformation. Both outlets apparently still think Americans are foolish enough to trust Big Media to tell them the truth.
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/8/2024 5:11:18 AM Post Reply
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Harris walks tightrope when it comes to taxes 7 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/8/2024 5:09:33 AM Post Reply
Democrats say Vice President Harris’s decision to offer a more modest capital gains tax hike on the wealthy is a step in the right direction to win over voters concerned she’s too liberal or too antagonistic to business. The Trump campaign has cast Harris as a liberal firebrand, pointing to various positions she took in 2019 when she was running for president and courting liberal voters. In recent weeks, since becoming the Democratic nominee, Harris has shifted toward the center, most notably in moving away from her 2019 call to ban fracking, a critical issue in swing state Pennsylvania.
When Students Become Terrorists 6 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/8/2024 5:07:30 AM Post Reply
Last year, American universities exploded with protests over a war half a world away in Gaza. In solidarity with the perpetrators of October 7, keffiyeh-clad students covered campus grounds with “encampments,” took over buildings, waved the flags of terrorists, and menaced Jewish classmates. As fall semesters begin this week, some major universities—from NYU to UCLA—have implemented new rules to protect Jewish students from the protesters who declared sections of campus no-go zones for “Zionists,” which often just meant Jews.
AP Deletes JD Vance Tweet After Fact Checkers
Call Them Out
3 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/6/2024 11:46:44 AM Post Reply
The Associated Press deleted a tweet Thursday aimed at Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance after fact checkers called them out for misrepresenting his comment on school shootings. The tweet linked to an article about Vance, implying that he’d called school shootings a “fact of life” shortly after a deadly shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia on Wednesday. The AP replaced the story roughly 90 minutes with correct context, that Vance said he “laments that school shootings are a ‘fact of life’ and says the U.S. needs to harden security to prevent more carnage” like the attack in Georgia.
U.S. Campuses: The 'Taboo' Ignored Pandemic
of Muslim Jew-Hate
1 reply
Posted by Mercedes44 9/6/2024 11:44:46 AM Post Reply
ADL further recorded a total of 400 antisemitic incidents on college and university campuses, compared to only 33 incidents during the same period in 2022. Ugly incidents of U.S. campus antisemitism persisted throughout the spring 2024 semester year. Routine empirical, if taboo, observation clearly indicates that often, the most vociferous and violent U.S. student campus antisemites share a common Islamic/Muslim religio-ethnic identity. A courageous, expansive Brandeis University study was just published addressing the potential validity of this anecdotal observation by analyzing U.S. undergraduate college student religious affiliation as a critical, independent factor animating their Jew-hatred.
Harris Campaign Reportedly Said It Doesn’t
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2 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/6/2024 11:42:28 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/6/2024 11:40:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/6/2024 11:38:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 8:43:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by EJKrausJr 9/9/2024 3:25:52 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 2:29:11 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 1:48:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/9/2024 3:30:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 3:13:13 PM Post Reply
Former Hawaii congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard reacted to former Rep. Liz Cheney’s announcement that she would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. Liz Cheney clarified that her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, would vote for Harris as well. “I have a very simple message for my Democrat friends, my independent friends, those who may not be sure about who they’re voting for in this election, Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear, a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades,” Gabbard said
Parody Song With Jim Morrison and The
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Kamala Harris
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 12:59:35 PM Post Reply
Along with satire, parody, in my not-so-humble opinion, is one of the smartest forms of humor. Parody song-maker Brian Coyne, who recently created a parody video that absolutely blisters Kamala Harris and her never-ending lies, said the Democrat presidential nominee has become “the poster child for flip-flopping.”Kamala Harris has become the poster child for flip-flopping on everything from her ethnicity to policy. She steals policy ideas form her opponent, Donald Trump, while having almost no policies of her own. No wonder she avoids interviews like the plague!
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 3:05:49 PM Post Reply
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