American Thinker,
Andrea Widburg
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Posted by
9/2/2024 8:03:22 PM
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While we’re focusing on the American election, interesting things are happening in Germany—and they reflect deep dissatisfaction with the current government’s immigration policies (open borders for Islam) and its green policies (the destruction of Germany’s once-thriving manufacturing sector). What’s especially fascinating is one of the biggest political changes is coming from the left, in the form of the Sahra Wagenknecht Party.
I’m not particularly current on Germany’s political scene and I’ve always found its parliamentary system confusing. There’s also the problem of European nomenclature regarding the terms “left” and “right,” so let’s start with those.
Matt Vespa
Original Article
Posted by
9/2/2024 11:12:25 AM
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Let’s not kid ourselves here: Bill Maher has, more or less, called people who think the 2020 election was stolen are nuts. He’s undoubtedly pressed those who have advocated such a position on his show. The HBO host has repeatedly espoused his most profound worry that Donald Trump would never concede power, all of which has never come to fruition. It’s liberal psychobabble, but it’s also an opinion. And he’s not for censoring that being a free speech supporter. He might not agree with you about the reported funny business during the 2020 election, but he also doesn’t want to see anyone censored for having that view.
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted by
9/1/2024 7:43:20 AM
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Press-gang is a term used to describe the use of troops working to round up and press free men into military service. Looking at the work of Dana Bash at CNN and the entire Washington Post staff, I think we need another definition: People posing as journalists working to bend our minds to untruths designed to fluff up the Democrats. From the absurd Dana Bash “interview” of Kamala Harris, her first since being nominated to the highest office without ever having received a single vote, to the slavish coverage in the Post, it’s clear they cannot defend the Democrats’ unpopular policies. Instead, they work to hide them,
Tim Graham
Original Article
Posted by
8/30/2024 9:29:39 AM
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Taxpayer-subsidized National Public Radio shouldn't be a starting place for aggressively biased coverage against either Democrats or Republicans. But you can ask Clarence Thomas how the machine works. On Aug. 27, NPR veterans affairs reporter Quil Lawrence lit into former President Donald Trump for bringing cameras to a section of Arlington National Cemetery with some families of soldiers killed during President Joe Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
The entire manufactured controversy is perverse. It's obvious NPR is exploiting the cemetery for a political goal, and it then spread to the rest of the national media. Trump is showing support for grieving Gold Star families,
New York Post,
Ryan King
Original Article
Posted by
8/30/2024 9:26:56 AM
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Vice President Kamala Harris was pilloried by critics over her Thursday performance in her first sit-down interview since becoming the Democratic nominee.
Top Republicans and conservative influencers — many of whom have been goading Harris into finally giving such an interview — mercilessly mocked the presidential candidate on everything from optics to some of the answers she offered up when pressed on key issues by CNN’s Dana Bash.
Harris, 59, had used that interview in part to deliver an olive branch to Republicans, asserting that she intends to appoint a member of the GOP to a cabinet post if she prevails in the Nov. 5 election,
Conservative Treehouse,
Original Article
Posted by
8/30/2024 6:04:05 AM
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In an effort to provide as much assistance as possible, CNN heavily edited the Kamala Harris interview as agreed between their producers and the campaign of Kamala Harris (Brian Fallon). The narrative engineering within the interview, which includes soft guidance by Dana Bash, is transparent and openly visible.
The backlash against CNN is also very visible in all social media examples where the interview is being highlighted. To present the post-broadcast coverage, CNN has uploaded the interview in three segments. You will find them below. Kamala Harris’ nasal voice has always been painful;
Sara Arnold
Original Article
Posted by
8/29/2024 9:40:42 AM
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With just 70 days until the 2024 November election, left-wing media will stop at nothing to smear former President Donald Trump in his quest for the White House. Trump paid his respects to the 13 fallen American soldiers who lost their lives during the August 26, 2021, botched Afghanistan withdrawal thanks to the Biden Administration. Just one day later, NPR published a hit piece claiming that two people from Trump‘s team got into an “altercation” with a cemetery worker who stopped the group from taking photographs in section 60 of the Arlington cemetery.
Sara Arnold
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Posted by
8/29/2024 9:07:04 AM
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Former President Donald Trump is again taking the lead in the 2024 race for the White House.
According to a new Polymarket poll, Trump holds a two-percent advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris (50 to 48 percent). The same survey also found that Trump’s chances of winning crucial swing states are much higher than Harris’s.
In Georgia and North Carolina, Trump has a 61 percent chance of winning the state compared to Harris’ 39 percent. In Arizona, the former president has a 55 percent chance of winning compared to the 45 percent chance for Harris. In Nevada, Trump’s chances are 53 percent, Harris’s chances are 47 percent, and in Pennsylvania,
Red State,
Jennifer Van Laar
Original Article
Posted by
8/29/2024 9:05:02 AM
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Grasping for relevance, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is in the midst of a bit of a temper tantrum this week with the legislature - threatening to convene a special session if they don't pass his proposal to further regulate California's oil and gas industry. Industry analysts say that the proposal, which would force refineries to "maintain a minimum fuel reserve to avoid supply shortages," would lead to increased prices for drivers in California, Arizona, and Nevada. This asinine proposal is from Newsom's California Energy Commission (CEC), which was formed in 2023 after a Newsom called a special session in 2022 demanding that legislators "do something"
New York Post,
Ken Girardin
Original Article
Posted by
8/29/2024 8:59:38 AM
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So much for “no means no.”
That’s the message from the state Court of Appeals, which ruled last week that New Yorkers don’t need an excuse to cast an absentee ballot by mail when they’re otherwise able to vote in person — even though the voters themselves have directly rejected such a measure.
Mail-in voting is hardly a revolutionary idea: Oregon since 2000 has conducted elections exclusively by mail, and several other states have followed, including Vermont.
But it involves an important balancing act, as state officials seek to maximize election participation while minimizing — to varying levels of success — fraud.
Conservative Treehouse,
Original Article
Posted by
8/28/2024 4:35:13 PM
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Kamala Harris has yet to give a press conference or sit down with any journalist to discuss the construct of a campaign around her. The media has largely tried to cover for this lack of openness, but even hardcore narrative engineers are starting to become twitchy at the extreme handling of Hawk Tuah Harris.
To deflect attention from the absence of questioning, HT Harris primary handler Brian Fallon, has arranged a scripted interview with CNN. Together with her sketchy running mate, Tim Walz, Mrs Harris will be questioned by Dana Bash in a taped interview which will be edited, smoothed and broadcast on CNN fake news tomorrow at 9pm ET.
The Hill,
Emily Brooks
Aris Folley
Original Article
Posted by
8/28/2024 10:36:35 AM
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A conservative-backed push for stricter proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting could complicate efforts to avert a government shutdown next month.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have acknowledged a stopgap of some kind, also known as a continuing resolution (CR), will be necessary to keep the government funded past Sept. 30. But calls are growing among House conservatives to use that must-pass measure to force consideration of a partisan bill aimed at barring noncitizens from voting — laying the groundwork for a clash with the Democratic-led Senate, which would likely reject such a package.