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Michelle Obama's secret feud
with Biden... what Nancy Pelosi thinks
of Kamala Harris... and why the president
was left physically shaking: Emily Goodin's
dispatch reveals what REALLY went down
at the DNC

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 8/26/2024 3:02:47 PM

As Joe Biden disembarked Air Force One in the early hours of Tuesday morning in California last week, he was visibly shaking. It was approaching 5.30am East Coast time and the president had been awake almost 24 hours. Walking slowly down the plane's stairs, he struggled to step up into the SUV waiting to take him to the 8,000-acre Santa Barbara ranch where he and his family have just enjoyed a week-long vacation. One of his Secret Service agents moved to shield him from the watching cameras, before giving him a helpful boost into the car. On the tarmac, First Lady Jill Biden watched, visibly concerned.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 8/26/2024 3:06:34 PM (No. 1785232)
The Always Angry Wookiee doesn't like the Demented Fuhrer
57 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 8/26/2024 3:55:18 PM (No. 1785243)
"Harris represents the best of America...". Does the Kenyan realize how false, risible and hypocritical that sounds to ordinary Americans??
82 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jasmine 8/26/2024 4:37:11 PM (No. 1785256)
Dems humiliated Joe Biden when they no longer had any use for him. He was snatched off the stage when, even with the help of our despicable MSM establishment operators, they couldn't hide or explain away his rapid physical and mental decline. Most appalling is that they knowingly propped him up to serve their OWN interests, without regard for what he was doing to our national interests, our families and our heritage as Americans. Trusting Democrats has not ended well for millions of American families being treated as second class citizens on their own soil.
82 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 8/26/2024 4:37:12 PM (No. 1785257)
We have RINOs. Do they call their enemies in their party DINOs?
37 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: padiva 8/26/2024 4:38:55 PM (No. 1785258)
Are the bidens receiving a gift of value by staying at this big Santa Barbara ranch? Clarence Thomas was 'guilty' because he stayed at the home of a long-time friend.
80 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 8/26/2024 4:48:38 PM (No. 1785262)
What is fascinating is how communists eat their own. Ole Joe thought he was part of the In Crowd. Until he wasn’t [useful to them.] The other communist players could meet the same fate. In a heartbeat. Should they prove unlucky… er, unuseful.
57 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 8/26/2024 5:13:08 PM (No. 1785277)
The spectacle of putting a sitting President on the podium at 11 PM in the Chicago time zone, when he is a known sundowner, is an unbelievable disrespect. He was being insulted and he was meant to know it.
74 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Subsuburban 8/26/2024 5:26:10 PM (No. 1785282)
The democrat cabal foisted Joe Biden on an unsuspecting American populace, with the false promise of a "return to normalcy," or a call to "unify" and "come together," and the rubes fell for it. They voted for the elderly--and now obviously decrepit if not outright dying--Biden, who was shielded from scrutiny by the cabal and it lickspittles in the major media. And now, after even the cabal and its running dog media could no longer keep the truth from emerging and a portion of the sonambulent public finally roused itself from its torpor, the cabal has foisted another empty (pant)suit on us, with the same phoney promises of patriotism and love of country while stirring pots of rage against the "Trump" boogeyman, a caricature they have created out of whole cloth, but whom they use to vilify hthe half of the country that has not fallen for their line of crap. They preach "unity," but practice hatred and division; division of the citizens and hatred of everything American, including our founding fathers and documents. I hate all democrats; some because they wish to destroy the country that I grew up in and still support, and the rest of them for allowing the political party to which they belong and for whose candidates they vote to become the American politburo.
66 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: udanja99 8/26/2024 7:06:30 PM (No. 1785328)
Jill was visibly concerned for no other reason than she doesn’t want him to kick the bucket before Jan. 20, 2025.
39 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: anniebc 8/26/2024 8:43:19 PM (No. 1785366)
No sympathy for any of them. they deserve each other. May their crash and burn be caught on somebody's cell; we know it won't be televised.
39 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/27/2024 6:10:54 AM (No. 1785513)
From the article: "Harris's decision to absent herself was made out of sensitivity and respect to Biden, insiders say." You really expect me to believe that? All the while she is stabbing him in the back. I don't care what Kamala Harris or her supporters say. Her candidacy for President of the USA is illegitimate. She never primaried again and Democrats do what they do best - take shortcuts that always favor them.
40 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Strike3 8/27/2024 6:47:49 AM (No. 1785531)
"Honor among thieves" apparently only applies to some thieves. These filthy backstabbing communists have no redeeming qualities. Nancy Pelosi finally made a good decision in her long, crooked career by forcing Joe out but the result is Kamala. Barack lied with his usual skill but Michelle could not hide her disdain.
27 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 8/27/2024 7:24:23 AM (No. 1785564)
Biden learned the hard way what Truman already knew. If you want a friend in Washington DC, buy a dog. There is nothing so tragic as when a useful idiot realizes that he is no longer useful, and is left with being an idiot.
26 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: smak90 8/27/2024 7:25:12 AM (No. 1785566)
We're without a president at this point. Sleepy Joe won't be coming back from vacation. He may go back to the White House, but we won't be seeing him anymore.
28 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/27/2024 8:20:51 AM (No. 1785617)
FTA - "Nonetheless, the organisational failure will have done little to help what has been described in recent weeks as the First Lady's growing feeling of 'betrayal' at how the Democratic party has treated her husband." I would imagine that Jillie has a yet larger axe to grind with Moochie and Nanie. And I am sure that Jillie longs to fist Obie and Chuckie where it counts, or where it used to count, that is. But this is how the dims operate. When something becomes inconvenient, it is thrown overboard in a New York minute.
21 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/27/2024 8:53:30 AM (No. 1785647)
Why hasn't anyone from ourCIA compromised media asked themselves how it can be that a washed up, octogenarian leftist former House Speaker and a slothful former pResident of the U.S. could come together on a whim and decapitate what we're always told by the MSM is, "without question, the most powerful man in the world, the President of the U.S.A."? Then just WHO or WHAT is running our country?? Is Joe Bidet such a tool and beta-male that he takes orders from Red Queen, Nancy Pelosi and her Halfrican Attendant?
16 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: TurtleDove 8/27/2024 9:39:39 AM (No. 1785680)
"There is strong speculation that Biden endorsed Harris within hours of his withdrawal precisely to aggravate Pelosi "
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Strike3 8/27/2024 10:19:54 AM (No. 1785708)
Biden bought a dog or two but unfortunately, they adopted his personality. A couple of years ago, one of them floored him when he pulled its tail. Dogs know... The concept of Joy shared by Kammie and Timpon is not shared by the rest of the DNC. Clueless people tend to grin all the time.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: mc squared 8/27/2024 11:08:27 AM (No. 1785748)
This is all BS. As long as the Obama/Biden/Harris cabal loses, the country may survive.
7 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Samsquanch 8/27/2024 11:12:16 AM (No. 1785750)
The 50 year grifter got shown the door by the other, younger grifters.
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/27/2024 11:25:48 AM (No. 1785759)
Isn't this interesting...the Dems are at each other's throats....and WE the people just wait for President Trump to take over I suspect is the entire world....the swamp creatures have painted themselves into a corner...and no amount of spinning by the fake news can change the road they are on....nervous Nancy is truly nervous now...because ole Joe has many years of information on her...pass the popcorn...
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Italiano 8/27/2024 11:44:06 AM (No. 1785770)
I had the same reaction to the Iran-Iraq War during the 80's: Disappointment that they couldn't completely wipe each other out.
5 people like this.

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The Story Behind Trump's Second Assassin
Took a Strange Turn...and It Involves
the Media
7 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 9:51:22 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump was golfing in West Palm Beach, Florida, when Ryan Wesley Routh waited along the green, hoping to assassinate the former president and record it. He left a GoPro and an AK-style rifle mounted with a scope on the scene. He was later apprehended by local police, but not before scurrying when Secret Service agents opened fire on him; they saw the barrel from his gun through the shrubbery. Ryan Wesley Routh has a criminal record that spans the Himalayas. We’re waiting to see if he was on the radar for any federal law enforcement agencies vis-à-vis recent threats:
Did Ryan Routh have inside info on Trump’s
movements? Ex-FBI official calls possibility ‘scary’
10 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 9:43:17 AM Post Reply
The alleged would-be assassin arrested for targeting Donald Trump while he golfed in Florida may have been given inside information about the former president’s schedule, according to an ex-FBI official who called the possibility “scary.” Chris Swecker, a retired FBI assistant director, told Newsweek that the feds and other law enforcement will be probing how the suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, allegedly appeared to know Trump would be at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday. “The biggest question to answer is: ‘How did the would-be assassin know to be at that location at that time?'” said Swecker, who worked on FBI criminal investigations.
Ryan Wesley Routh's shocked neighbor claims
everyone was afraid of him before Trump
golf course assassination attempt
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 9:10:38 AM Post Reply
Neighbors of the man accused of attempting to assassinate Donald Trump at his Florida golf club described him as 'a little cuckoo', and claim he left everyone on the street terrified. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, is in custody after he allegedly pointed an AK-47 at the former president as he played at the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon. The suspect was found unarmed while a backpack, GoPro camera and AK-47 style rifle were discovered at the scene once he fled.
How JD Vance Can Secure Trump’s Re-Election 1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 8:48:15 AM Post Reply
As last week’s debate made clear, Kamala Harris’s media enablers have given Harris the green light to lie in the most flagrant ways about the most significant of issues. Even if Donald Trump were adept at giving concise answers, which he is not, he would have had no chance to expose Harris’s mendacity. In the long run, the most damaging of issues deal with the weaponization of justice. As vice presidential candidate, Sen. J. D. Vance is perfectly positioned to address this phenomenon. He is precise in his language; quick on his feet, and, with a “J.D.” (hmmm!) from Yale, inarguably well credentialed to take on the task
Wife of Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Conspirator
Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After
Issuing Disgusting Tweet Mocking Second
Trump Assassination Attempt
8 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 8:41:13 AM Post Reply
As The Gateway Pundit reported, a second attempt was made on President Trump’s life, just two months after he came within a centimeter of being killed in Butler, Pennsylvania by a Democrat donor named Thomas Crooks. Shots were fired at the 45th president’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon at roughly 1:30 pm as he was playing golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff. The shooter, later identified as 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, shoved the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at the golf course before Secret Service agents opened fire on him.
Fmr FBI Agent to CNN: Verbiage About Trump
Being a Dictator Led to Attempts on His Life
2 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 8:38:01 AM Post Reply
Sunday, during CNN’s coverage of a second attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, former FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente told host Erin Burnett that finger-pointing at Trump, including claims his “verbiage” about a “bloodbath” for the auto industry if his Democrat opponent wins misconstrued to bolster claims of violence if he didn’t win, was a likely motivation for the accused assassin. “It’s unprecedented in a civilized society, and I think we’re becoming more and more uncivilized, sadly, with the political diatribes that are going on and the political new indictments of either candidate,” he said. “And sadly, the finger pointing at Trump has led to — you know —
Trump golf course gunman Ryan Wesley Routh's
chilling social media posts surface...
as it's revealed he was arrested in 2002
for having 'weapons of mass destruction'
5 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 12:54:33 AM Post Reply
The suspect who allegedly wanted to shoot Donald Trump has a rap sheet that includes a hours-long standoff and 'terrorist threats' and a social media post saying he can't wait until the former president is 'gone.' Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, is in custody after aiming an AK-47 rifle barrel towards Trump when he was golfing at his course in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday. The would-be shooter was convicted more than two decades ago with possessing a weapon of mass destruction, according to a more than two-decades old News & Record report.
Sheriff on Assassination Attempt: Trump
Would Have Had More Protection as Sitting President
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 12:45:31 AM Post Reply
Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw told reporters Sunday evening that a gunman was able to gain access to former President Donald Trump’s golf course at Mar-a-Lago because he had less security as a former president. Bradshaw revealed details of the assassination attempt — the second on Trump in the past three months — which was foiled by the Secret Service when they saw a rifle poking through the fence of the next hole Trump was to have played. (Video) Bradshaw said that had Trump been the sitting president, local police would have had the property surrounded:
The Liberal Media Reaction to This Second
Trump Assassination Attempt Is What You'd Expect
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 12:18:06 AM Post Reply
t’s an assassination attempt. The FBI is on the case. The suspect fled in a black Nissan, later apprehended by local law enforcement. Former president Donald Trump was golfing at Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach in Florida. Secret Service agents doing a security sweep a couple of holes ahead of the president saw a barrel of a gun poking through a piece of the fence and engaged the suspect. An AK-style rifle with a scope was found, along with a GoPro, were found at the scene. (X's)
The Right Way: Gov. Ron DeSantis Explains
How Florida Handles Election Integrity
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 12:04:46 AM Post Reply
Florida caught a lot of heat (rightly so) after the mess of an election in 2000 — pregnant chads, anyone? In the years since, the Sunshine State has cleaned up its act significantly. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) joined Maria Bartiromo on "Sunday Morning Futures" to discuss the measures Florida takes to shore up election integrity — and why confidence in election results is essential.(X Video) Here are the key points of their exchange: BARTIROMO: Your reaction to what you just heard from AG Merrick Garland — and walk us through your plans to ensure a fair election in Florida.
Is Trump’s Would be Assassin
Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism
Analyst Malcolm Nance With Ukrainian Ties
Mentioned in NY Times Article?
12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 8:36:58 PM Post Reply
A New York Times report was discovered on Sunday mentioning Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who was caught targeting Trump, armed with a scoped AK-47 rifle in West Palm Beach before shots were fired by the Secret Service. The New York Times was actually in contact with and interviewed Routh for their article. In an oddly coincidental Truth Social post, just hours before the attempted shooting, Trump said, “THE FAILING NEW YORK TIMES IS A TRUE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!” (TRUTH) The article from the Times ties the would-be shooter to nutbag MSNBC terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance, who once called for ISIS to bomb the Trump Tower in Istanbul.
Exclusive: Son of alleged would-be assassin
says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable
people' but he's never owned a gun and
wouldn't do anything bats*** crazy
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 8:34:07 PM Post Reply
The son of Ryan Wesley Routh, the man named as the suspect in a possible assassination attempt near Donald Trump's Florida golf club on Sunday, has said his father is not a violent person and did not even believe him to own a gun. Wesley's son, Oran Routh, reached by shortly after Sunday's shooting, said this was the first he'd heard of the alleged assassination attempt. 'This was the first I heard about it,' the 35-year-old exclusively told 'Was my father shot or injured?'
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Democrat House Minority Leader Hakeem
Jeffries After Second Trump Assassination
Attempt: ‘We Must Stop’ MAGA Republicans
38 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/15/2024 8:18:55 PM Post Reply
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) took to X on Sunday to decry what he called “extreme MAGA Republicans,” adding, “We must stop them.” Notably, Jeffries made this declaration an hour after former President Donald Trump survived a second assassination attempt on his life. “Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025,” Jeffries said in a Sunday X post, adding, “We must stop them.” [Tweet] The Democrat House Minority Leader expressed these sentiments an hour after President Trump’s campaign announced that he was safe following gunfire transpiring in his vicinity. “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,”
JD Vance's childcare plan ticked off some
parents and grandparents. There's a way
to fix it.
27 replies
Posted by sunset 9/15/2024 4:59:41 AM Post Reply
Linda C., a retired deputy sheriff in California, considers herself politically independent. She voted for former President Donald Trump in 2016 and then for President Joe Biden in 2020. But this year, she feels strongly about supporting the Democratic ticket, largely because of the stances Republicans, including Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance, have taken on childcare. She was particularly perturbed by Vance's recent suggestion that grandparents and other family members "help out a little bit more" with childrearing to relieve the burden of childcare costs.
Brian Stelter: Image of Kamala Harris
as ‘Hope and Change’ is More Important
Than Anything She Actually Says (Video)
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 2:10:08 AM Post Reply
The potato has returned. Brian Stelter is back on the air at CNN and it’s almost like he never left. During a recent segment on Kamala Harris, Stelter suggested that the image of Harris as the young ‘hope and change’ candidate is more important than anything she actually says about what she would do as president. He also cheered for the image of Harris speaking at rallies. Has anyone told Brian that the campaign has to bus people in for these events? Breitbart News reports:
MSNBC Guest: Donald Trump Is ‘Exactly
Like Hitler’
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/15/2024 11:42:48 PM Post Reply
Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis said on MSNBC’s broadcast of “The Saturday Show” that former President Donald Trump is “exactly like” Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Host Jonathan Capehart said, “Give me your response to what Donald Trump is doing?” Lewis said, “It’s outrageous but expected by an authoritarian who wants to take us to Nazi Germany. We exploited racism, fascism to Nazi Germany. We know how to do it.” She continued, “Let’s not pretend that Donald Trump isn’t exactly like Mussolini, exactly like Hitler, he is that guy. I want to say something to the American people. I live in a neighborhood, Jonathan.
Wife of Trump impeachment witness downplays
assassination attempt: ‘No ears were harmed’
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/15/2024 9:19:24 PM Post Reply
The wife of a former impeachment witness against President Donald Trump in 2019 downplayed the second assassination attempt on Sunday afternoon. “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” Rachel Vindman, the wife of Alexander Vindman, posted on X. You can use this: The post repulsed GOP strategist and Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, who called on the candidate to denounce his wife’s words. “Her husband …a candidate for VA 7 …should condemn immediately,” LaCivita posted to X, mistaking Alexander Vindman for his brother, Eugene Vindman, who is running for the open seat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. That seat is being left vacant by Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.).
Alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh,
58, of Hawaii echoed Harris, Biden’s
anti-Trump rhetoric as he backed Dem candidates
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/16/2024 5:57:04 AM Post Reply
The alleged gunman who authorities said targeted former President Trump while he golfed in Florida Sunday afternoon previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year, and “we cannot lose” — echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. Law enforcement sources identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019.
Exclusive: Son of alleged would-be assassin
says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable
people' but he's never owned a gun and
wouldn't do anything bats*** crazy
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 8:34:07 PM Post Reply
The son of Ryan Wesley Routh, the man named as the suspect in a possible assassination attempt near Donald Trump's Florida golf club on Sunday, has said his father is not a violent person and did not even believe him to own a gun. Wesley's son, Oran Routh, reached by shortly after Sunday's shooting, said this was the first he'd heard of the alleged assassination attempt. 'This was the first I heard about it,' the 35-year-old exclusively told 'Was my father shot or injured?'
Making A Fat Joke Could Land You In Hot
Water At Northwestern University
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/15/2024 10:33:31 AM Post Reply
Northwestern University, a prestigious college in Illinois, recently adopted a policy that would punish students for making fat jokes. The university included weight and height on its list of “protected characteristics” in its 2024 discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct policy, placing the traits alongside attributes like race and gender. Making jokes about these protected characteristics runs afoul of the policy and can result in sanctions for students, staff or faculty, according to the university.
6 Dirty RINOs Sign Pledge with Democrats
to Certify the Results of the 2024 Election
– Without Knowing the Details
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 12:58:40 AM Post Reply
In yet another clear sign that the swamp is alive and well in Washington, more than 30 House members—including a disgraceful six Republicans—have joined hands with Democrats to sign a so-called “bipartisan” pledge that seeks to undermine the true voice of the American people before the 2024 election even takes place. The pledge, deceptively named the “Unity Commitment,” pretends to “safeguard” the election, but in reality, it’s nothing more than an effort to rubber-stamp the will of establishment elites and globalist politicians. Leading this charge are Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), who are rallying members of Congress to commit to upholding whatever result comes from the 2024 election—
FBI shares pictures of rifle, backpack
and GoPro 'assassin' had hidden in the
bushes while lying in wait for Trump on
his Florida golf course
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 7:02:34 PM Post Reply
New images reveal the backpack, GoPro camera and AK-47 style rifle that a gunman left behind when fleeing the scene where he was targeting Donald Trump. Law enforcement held a press conference in West Palm Beach on Sunday after the FBI announced it is investigating a second assassination attempt against Donald Trump in just two months. The former president was rushed to safety on Sunday after multiple shots were fired in his vicinity while he was playing golf at his club in West Palm Beach.
Watch: Joe Biden Says “We Are Better
Off Today” As Americans Fall Behind
on Their Bills
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 3:54:34 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Saturday night delivered remarks at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 2024 Phoenix Awards Dinner in Washington, DC. Biden received a lifetime achievement award. During his remarks, Joe Biden said “we are better off today” than when Trump was in office. “We are better off today than we were four years ago,” Biden said. WATCH: (X Video) Biden also railed against Republicans for wanting election integrity and for their efforts to remove sexually explicit content from elementary schools. WATCH: (X Video)
David Frum: Trump, Vance ‘Want to Present
Themselves as Near-Victims’ After 2nd
Assassination Attempt on Trump
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/16/2024 1:22:31 AM Post Reply
David Frum, a prominent “Never Trump” pundit and former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, claimed that former President Donald Trump and his running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) “want to present themselves as near-victims of violence” following the second assassination attempt against Trump that transpired on Sunday. “Trump and his running mate have spent the past week successfully inciting violence in Springfield, Ohio. Today they want to present themselves as near-victims of violence — in this case, of violence completely unrelated to themselves and at a very safe distance from themselves,” Frum wrote in a Sunday X post.
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