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Fear and Trembling in the Deep State

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Posted By: FlyRight, 8/25/2024 6:24:33 AM

On Friday, we faced yet another black swan event. We’ve had an attempted Trump assassination, the surprise coup against President Biden, and now Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s, defection and joining up with Donald Trump. Before getting into this and a discussion of the DNC convention in Chicago, I want to expose the partisan perfidy of NPR’s Judy Woodruff and the ease with which she and the press are manipulated by the deep state. During the convention, Judy Woodruff reported (using the most authoritative voice and concerned visage she could muster) that Donald Trump had a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NeverVoteDem 8/25/2024 7:19:02 AM (No. 1784600)
If you read only one article today please read this one.
63 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 8/25/2024 8:12:53 AM (No. 1784628)
A CNN anchorwoman (of all the people) asked the sixty four million dollar question "If Democrats have controlled the White House for twelve of the last sixteen years, how is it that everything is Trump's fault".? There was of course no coherent answer.
73 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 8/25/2024 8:13:40 AM (No. 1784630)
With all of the lies and the incompetence we have seen in the Biden Administration, and especially with the total lack of hard work shown by Kamala Harris during the last 3 1/2 years we should be looking at a Trump landslide, but yet because of the ignorance of Democrat voters and the bias of the American Press we are looking at a close race with horrible consequences if we allow them to cheat and put Kamala Harris and Barrack Obama in the White House.
75 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 8/25/2024 8:14:08 AM (No. 1784631)
We can always depend upon Clarice to be powerful and on target. In the case of Judy Woodruff, her lies are especially glaring because she is paid with tax money, our tax money, so we should call for her immediate firing. The proposed cease fire in Gaza has nothing to do with politics, it is to give Hamas a break so they can regroup, re-arm, catch their breath, get a break from a relentless IDF that is only trying to protect Israel's future. The Hamas animals have been practicing terrorism and murder since the 1980s, non stop. Extermination is Israel's only option. The Obamas have been a sick joke since 2008 and their greed has been on public display while they condemn most of America every chance they get. They are vile people, both of them. At this point, anybody who can not figure out that Harris is a worthless, untalented figurehead has no concept of the real America. We are in for the fight of our lives and the enemy has the backing of every sick communist in the US Government. We can not sit idly by this time and let them slither their way into power.
78 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Muguy 8/25/2024 9:21:26 AM (No. 1784668)
This is a GREAT article well worth your time to read! It is a huge expose` about REAL 'deniers' trying to pull ANOTHER ONE over on the American people denying who they really are-- unfortunately, there are MILLIONS upon millions of what Rush Limbaugh called "low information voters" who will still allow themselves to be fooled. Don't miss this other great article on
29 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/25/2024 9:54:59 AM (No. 1784695)
Brilliantly written! It's only a matter of time before the class-warfare unleashed by Democrats comes back to haunt them, much like an arsonist who sees the blaze he set come back to threaten all he holds dear. Imagine the Obamas forced to pay for their own homes and pay taxes like all Americans without the tricks and gimmicks former Presidents enjoy.
21 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Vaquero45 8/25/2024 9:58:23 AM (No. 1784699)
This is the “must read” of the day. Clarice is at the top of her game.
29 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/25/2024 11:03:19 AM (No. 1784734)
Hey Judy...WE need more than a fake apology...who was your source regarding the call from President Trump to Netanyahu...seems such an important call was captured by someone who could clean up the verbal mess you left...your reputation has been tarnished...was the payout worth your reputation?...or were you chosen from a long list of fake news pushers....
20 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: earlybird 8/25/2024 11:34:39 AM (No. 1784744)
I came on the thread to post what #1 said. To them and the rest, thanks and megadittos. If one could read only one article a week, it should be Clarice's.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: czechlist 8/25/2024 11:36:07 AM (No. 1784745)
Mr T branded dim voters decades ago SUCKAs
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: chagrined 8/25/2024 11:38:56 AM (No. 1784748)
The only three subjects these people are competent with are: destroying our once great Republic; cheating massively in elections to achieve the first; and lying about all of the above. That's it! Sure they've become millionaires and billionaires in the process, but that's common place with dictators and such.
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mc squared 8/25/2024 12:17:50 PM (No. 1784776)
If there were only one article a liberal should see, it's this one. But they won't, as it shatters their world view of the Wonderful Democrats.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: NotaBene 8/26/2024 12:29:23 AM (No. 1784964)
It would not be a lie to say that Comrade Camala would be the first prostitute - Willie Brown - to be elected President.
0 people like this.

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12th Anniversary of the Benghazi Attack
2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2024 6:57:32 AM Post Reply
Today, Wednesday September 11, 2024, is the 1,332nd day of Joe Biden in office. It is also the 12th anniversary of the attack at a U.S. embassy outpost in Benghazi, Libya, and the 10th anniversary of my 2-year research project. The “Benghazi Brief” remains the most in-depth research report CTH has ever produced. The brief took two years of research to assemble and contains hundreds of very specific citations supporting it. Ten years after the brief was originally written in 2014, nothing within the outline has ever been identified as inaccurate. The full brief has been updated below adding context depth from current events.
Why Is 'Project 2025' So Vilified by Both
Political Parties?
9 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2024 6:56:09 AM Post Reply
“Project 2025.” It was mentioned during last night’s debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, just as it has repeatedly come up over the course of this year’s remarkably unusual presidential campaign. True to form, it was criticized by Harris and disavowed by Trump. Much has been written about Project 2025, which is detailed in a 887-page book – Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise -- published last year by the Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based, conservative think tank, as a guide for a hoped-for conservative-oriented presidency to follow that of President Biden.
Liz Cheney Has It Backward: Never-Trumpers
Would Have Hated Reagan, Too
5 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2024 6:41:03 AM Post Reply
I don't think it helps to just say what people want to hear. The truth matters. And the truth is that it was not a great debate for Donald Trump on Tuesday night. I suspect he did little to no debate prep in advance, and every time Kamala baited him, he took the bait. It goes without saying that Kamala Harris lied her way through the debate, but the moderators didn't fact-check her once, yet Trump was "fact-checked" between five and seven times — and the fact-checks weren't always accurate. Perhaps because of what I do for a living, I'm extra critical of Donald Trump's performance.
Why Won’t This Swing State Clear 4 Million
Ineligible Names From Voter Rolls?
10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2024 6:36:02 AM Post Reply
One of the most fiercely contested battlegrounds in this fall’s presidential race won’t remove more than 4 million ineligible names from its voter rolls. “Wisconsin’s population is a little less than 6 million, with 3.5 million active voters,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told The Daily Signal in a written statement. “So why do election officials refuse to clean up Wisconsin’s voter rolls and [instead] allow up to 4.1 million inactive voters to remain, with the potential for fraudulently using those names?”
The New UK Government's Anti-Israel Policy
Is a Disgrace
2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2024 6:30:00 AM Post Reply
The pretence that the UK's new Labour government has moved away from the blatant anti-Semitism that was rife under its former leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has been brutally exposed by the actions of David Lammy, the party's new Foreign Secretary. It was during Corbyn's stint as Labour leader that his party faced constant accusations of anti-Semitism. A damning report produced by the Jewish Labour Movement in 2019 said the party harboured "endemic, institutional anti-Semitism" and that there was "overwhelming evidence that anti-Semitic conduct is pervasive at all levels of the party."
Victor Davis Hanson Rips Goldman Sachs
For Propping Up Harris, Says Others Alike
Are Pushing To ‘Destroy’ Middle Class
8 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 4:08:40 PM Post Reply
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson called out Goldman Sachs on Tuesday for suggesting the economy under Vice President Kamala Harris could be more beneficial, arguing the group and others like it are pushing an agenda that could “destroy” middle-class Americans. Last week, Goldman Sachs economists released a note suggesting Harris’ policies might provide a “very slight boost” to gross domestic product investment, while former President Donald Trump’s plans could negatively impact growth due to “tariffs and tighter immigration policy.” On his podcast,
Yes, Trump Really Did Do Better Than Kamala
in the Debate
3 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 4:06:16 PM Post Reply
The first presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris has ended. While there were some inevitable disappointments and lost opportunities, I am here to assure you that, yes, Trump definitely performed better overall than Harris did, in spite of the egregiously biased moderators. Trump was working under a handicap, because the debate moderators — most particularly Trump-hating, Harris-loving David Muir — were as eager to undermine him as Harris was, meaning Trump was essentially debating three people at once.
Megyn Kelly: Dana Walden, Close Friend
of Kamala Harris, Runs Disney-Owned ABC
News. The Moderators Did Her Bidding:
‘They’re Trying to Steal This Election’
2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 4:03:51 PM Post Reply
The obvious bias shown by ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis during Tuesday’s presidential debate has put the spotlight on their boss — Disney executive Dana Walden, who oversees ABC News and is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris. So blatant was the network’s animus against former President Donald Trump during the live broadcast that even Megyn Kelly — not exactly Trump’s biggest fan — has called out Walden, saying she is helping lead the effort to “steal this election. They’re openly working to sink him.”
ABC's David Muir Lied About Crime Falling
Under Biden-Harris
3 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 4:01:43 PM Post Reply
The ABC moderators for the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris couldn’t have been more biased. Not once did they fact-check Harris’ long list of lies. But I will leave the fact-checking of David Muir and Linsey Davis’ lies to others. I will focus on only one of Muir's discussions on crime. DAVID MUIR: “President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country, …” In fact, Trump was correct about the increase in crime under Biden. While violent crime fell by 17 percent under Trump, Biden has seen it rise by 43 percent.
21 False Claims & Hoaxes by Kamala Harris
that ABC’s Debate Moderators Did Not
Fact Check
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 3:59:42 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris issued a slew of false claims and hoaxes that ABC debate moderators did not fact check during Tuesday’s debate against former President Donald Trump. 1. “Very fine people” hoax Harris claimed Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people,” a widely known hoax that Democrats continue to repeat, despite it being debunked for years by numerous outlets, including by the left-wing fact checking website Snopes. 2. Project 2025 hoax Harris accused Trump of wanting to implement Project 2025. This is false. Trump has repeatedly stated that he has nothing to do with it and hasn’t even read it. Trump promptly corrected Harris on the debate stage, saying,
Wife of FDNY chief killed in terror attack
slams Biden’s ‘do 9/11’ comment
in speech during memorial service
9 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 12:35:50 PM Post Reply
The wife of an FDNY chief who was killed on 9/11 slammed President Biden for his “do 9/11” comment yesterday — and called out the government over the “outrageous” plea deal offered to terrorists involved in the attacks. Joanne Barbara spoke at the ceremony to honor her late husband, Gerard A. Barbara. “The elected officials here today show their respect and reverence to the families on Sept. 11, or — in our president’s words — ’do 9/11,’ quite a flippant remark,” Barbara said, referring to Biden’s comment to a reporter earlier this week regarding his upcoming schedule. Joanne Barbara spoke at the ceremony to honor her late husband, Gerard A. Barbara.
In 3-On-1 Knife-Fight, Kalm, Konfident
Kamala Koolly Kills
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 12:34:04 PM Post Reply
Yes, conservatives, on Tuesday night, ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis harassed The Donald, coddled Kamala, and broke their rule by opening her mic to interrupt. But here’s the deal: Harris was ready and rarin’ with a better-designed strategy to make her case and get under that orange skin. From the opening handshake she initiated, she capitalized on the luck of the draw: not just the network, but also an opponent who stumbled, rambled, and ranted. Kamala showed up flawlessly turned out – contrasting her CNN appearance – confident … and superbly prepped.
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Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris for president 32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/11/2024 12:16:18 AM Post Reply
Taylor Swift said Tuesday she is supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in the race for president, ending speculation about whether the superstar singer would share her political views ahead of November’s election. “Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country,” Swift wrote on Instagram, shortly after
Election officials warn that widespread
problems with the US mail system could
disrupt voting
31 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/11/2024 4:13:30 PM Post Reply
Topeka, Kan. (AP) — State and local election officials from across the country on Wednesday warned that problems with the nation’s mail delivery system threaten to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election, telling the head of the U.S. Postal Service that it hasn’t fixed persistent deficiencies.[Snip]mailed ballots that were postmarked on time were received by local election offices days after the deadline to be counted.[Snip] properly addressed election mail was being returned to them as undeliverable[Snip]could automatically send voters to inactive status through no fault of their own
Harris survived the debate (with a huge
assist from the moderators) but Trump
scored crucial points
31 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/11/2024 5:45:26 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump got to Kamala Harris’ core problem in his debate close, waving off all her promises about what she’d do in office: “Why hasn’t she done it already?” Hard to think of a better riposte to her “We won’t go back” slogan — which aims to appeal to Americans’ desperate desire for change from the Biden policies she shares. Harris had a pretty smooth night: She did her homework for once, including prepping lines guaranteed to get under Trump’s skin — some of which plainly did put him off-balance. And of course she had backup from the moderators, ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis —
Ohio Gov Takes Action After Springfield
Residents Speak Out About 20,000 Haitian
Migrant Influx
24 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2024 9:03:43 AM Post Reply
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) is sending law enforcement and millions of dollars to Springfield, Ohio, after residents’ public grievances about the influx of 20,000 Haitian migrants to their community garnered national attention. DeWine said Tuesday that state troopers will be sent to help address the growing reckless driving issue, largely sparked by the migrant influx. He’ll also be dedicating $2.5 million toward health care. Wait times for health care have significantly increased for residents due to the migrants. “I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal
2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral
Votes Designated a National Special Security Event
24 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/12/2024 3:40:35 AM Post Reply
Washington – The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security.This marks the first time a National Special Security Event designation has been granted for a Certification of Electoral Votes and follows a request made by the DC Mayor to designate this event a National Special Security Event. Various reports including from the House Select January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office also called for the DHS Secretary to consider a National Special Security Event designation for future Certification of Electoral Votes.
CNN Flash Poll: Kamala Harris Beat Donald
Trump in Debate 63 to 37%
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/11/2024 11:35:10 AM Post Reply
A CNN flash poll conducted on Tuesday showed that Vice President Kamala Harris beat former President Donald Trump in the first presidential debate, 63 to 37 percent. Going into the debate on Tuesday night, the 605 registered U.S. voters polled by CNN said they were split 50/50 on who would perform well. Following the debate, 63 percent said Harris won while the former president stood at 37 percent. Per CNN: The poll’s results reflect opinions of the debate only among those voters who tuned in, and aren’t representative of the views of the full voting public.
A father’s grief cannot override his
hatred for Republicans
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/11/2024 2:02:54 PM Post Reply
Springfield, Ohio, has been in the news because it’s emerged that some of the 20,000 Haitian immigrants dumped on that small town in the last three years have been dining on people’s pets. That scrutiny reminded people that a Haitian immigrant driving illegally killed an 11-year-old Springfield boy. Now, the boy’s father has lashed out—at Republicans. On August 22, 2023, Hermanio Joseph, a 35-year-old Haitian immigrant with an Ohio identification card and a Mexican driver’s license that was invalid due to his immigration status, was driving a minivan that crossed into oncoming traffic, striking a school bus. The collision caused the bus to roll over, ejecting 11-year-old Aiden Clark,
Donald Trump’s anger might not take
him any further
17 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/12/2024 1:41:53 PM Post Reply
When I was a kid, I had a bad temper. I suppose in today’s psychobabble, they would say I had an “anger-management issue” and perhaps they would give me a handicapped parking pass or other special privileges. But back in the day, I was just a kid with a temper. One summer day when I was about 11, when my parents weren’t home, my brother and sister locked me out of the house for reasons I don’t remember (but they were probably good ones). A back door to the house was sliding glass.
Creeping Sharia in France: "We no longer
sell ham. Otherwise they’ll burn everything.”
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/12/2024 2:21:48 PM Post Reply
Muslims have been threatening boulangeries and restaurants in France, even those owned by non-Muslims, to become strictly halal. That means all pork products must be banned. Some outlets have had to ban alcohol, while others have declared that only men should shop in their stores during the week, and women only on weekends. [SNIP] After months of pressure and the latest altercation in his bakery in Vénissieux (Lyon), Alexandre Dallery announced on Friday that the boulangerie would stop selling pork products.
White House official slammed over accidental
email to reporter declaring there’s
‘no use in responding’ to veteran
concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal
16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/12/2024 7:02:37 AM Post Reply
White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was met with intense criticism Wednesday after he inadvertently emailed a reporter that there is “no use in responding” to veteran concerns about the Harris-Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Kirby, 61, apparently intended to send his dismissive response to White House staffers but accidentally hit “reply all” on an email chain that included the Fox News reporter making the inquiry. “Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” read Kirby’s email, according to the outlet.
In 3-On-1 Knife-Fight, Kalm, Konfident
Kamala Koolly Kills
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 12:34:04 PM Post Reply
Yes, conservatives, on Tuesday night, ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis harassed The Donald, coddled Kamala, and broke their rule by opening her mic to interrupt. But here’s the deal: Harris was ready and rarin’ with a better-designed strategy to make her case and get under that orange skin. From the opening handshake she initiated, she capitalized on the luck of the draw: not just the network, but also an opponent who stumbled, rambled, and ranted. Kamala showed up flawlessly turned out – contrasting her CNN appearance – confident … and superbly prepped.
Listen: Leaked Audio of a 911 Call Reveals
Springfield, Ohio Resident Reporting Group
of Haitians Carrying Geese
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/11/2024 7:18:54 AM Post Reply
The Federalist obtained audio of a 911 call from a local resident reporting a group of Haitians carrying geese. More than 20,000 Haitians are now living in Springfield, Ohio and the residents are fed up. Springfield has a population of about 60,000 people and Haitians now make up 25% of the population. The City of Springfield held a City Commission meeting last week and angry residents went off on them for doing nothing about the Haitians wreaking havoc on the community and draining resources.
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