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Did Complacency Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

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Posted By: DVC, 8/5/2024 10:24:25 AM

On January 27, 1967, a freak accident during a routine test killed astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. At the conclusion of the investigation, fellow astronaut Frank Borman testified to Congress that his friends were killed by a “failure of imagination.” As he said, nobody -- including himself -- imagined that a test of the capsule, performed on the ground, could be so catastrophic. We heard the “failure of imagination” phrase again last week, when acting Secret Service director Ronald Rowe testified about the assassination attempt on former President Donld Trump. He said that the Secret Service’s performance on July 13th amounted to


A good sensible look at the events. Secret Service's JOB is to be that overly protective, worry wart, silly but loving aunt who is always imaging ways that you, when you were a kid, were going to get hurtt when you were "just having fun".
And I heard that saying about incompetence rather than malice from a boss 50 years ago, before somebody slapped their name on it. And my boss added "because there are at least 10,000 incompetents for every genuinely malign person."

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 8/5/2024 10:33:32 AM (No. 1772928)
This is my take on the events at Trump's Butler rally. You start with political hacks and DEI drones who just aren't too competent running things. Who imagines that Cheatle was the best and most talented person that could be found to head Secret Service? Anyone think that? Of course not, she was there because she is a woman who was at least remotely plausible, and would happily do the DEI stuff she was ordered to do. And clearly there was lots of intentional cutting of security resources for a presidential candidate that the DC bureaucrats widely despise. They hate Trump, so why support him if they can deny him something, anything? They love saying "NO" to Trump, on anything. No need for any fancy conspiracies with lots of moving parts and things to go wrong. Just keep stacking in the fools and DEI hires and cutting resources. Benign incompetence or malign intent, the result is exactly the same. Probably there was plenty of both.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Italiano 8/5/2024 10:39:46 AM (No. 1772931)
One part of me wants to call BS, it was incompetence on the part of a Deep State hit squad, plus divine intervention. But considering the quality or federal hiring since Obama, from national security to intelligence/law enforcement agencies to senior military purges and promotions, anything is possible. Either way, America is screwed. No way that Swamp gets drained.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: 0658 8/5/2024 10:47:04 AM (No. 1772936)
Complacency, incompetence, or a failed plan?
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: wilarrbie 8/5/2024 10:51:34 AM (No. 1772939)
Complacency? Not buying it. He was SUPPOSED to be shot dead - the following chaos and dead 'accomplice' who could tell no tales would bury any investigation or evidence.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Maggie2u 8/5/2024 10:55:30 AM (No. 1772943)
Never attribute to incompetence that which is adequately explained by malice. Too many things have happened to President Trump to think this was simply because of a' lack of imagination'. All the lawsuits, the Russia hoax, 51 former CIA agents saying hunter's laptop was a Russia misinformation hoax, the armed invasion by FBI agents at Mar a Lago and when these things didn't take President Trump out, so to speak, they decided to do something more drastic. and it was by the Grace of God, they didn't succeed...this time.
18 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Surroundedbyblue 8/5/2024 10:58:49 AM (No. 1772944)
Complacency is a lazy excuse for what was malevolence. This wasn’t a simple “mistake”. Who in their right mind can believe that a 20 year old kid could have randomly selected a Trump event that had a major security gap, was allowed to do his “setup” for hours after having been identified, then was able to bring a gun and ladder and climb up to a suddenly no longer secured area with line of sight to the stage as well as from the SS snipers “fooling” all of these security “professionals”?
23 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: minuteman 8/5/2024 11:03:52 AM (No. 1772948)
A rock could have imagined a shooter on that roof.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Califedup 8/5/2024 11:08:25 AM (No. 1772954)
Not complacency, planned evil intent. Period.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Lawsy0 8/5/2024 11:23:00 AM (No. 1772964)
More names on the growing list of The Unforgiven.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Skinnydip 8/5/2024 11:28:00 AM (No. 1772967)
And how exactly did the shooter manage to get 7 more shots off before he was killed if the counter-snipers already had him in their sites? This whole thing stinks.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: jimincalif 8/5/2024 11:30:12 AM (No. 1772969)
So the USSS leaves a nearby roof unprotected, they keep the local PD out of the loop, some random 20-year old kid happens to go to that roof, somehow finding the spot that has a shot at President Trump and is unprotected, he’s seen by people but somehow not intercepted before getting his shot, AND, for the first time in a long time the USSS sends a counter sniper? Yeah, sure, these “coincidences” all just happened accidentally. The unfortunate reality is everything went according to plan except Trump turned his head as the shot was fired. And the counter sniper was there because dead men tell no tales. What’s even worse, they will probably try again.
13 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: crashnburn 8/5/2024 11:39:56 AM (No. 1772974)
IC stands for Intelligence Cabal. And it was intentional incompetence in Butler. Why is it mistakes only happen in Democrat’s favor?
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/5/2024 11:43:43 AM (No. 1772977)
A failure of imagination? What the hades does that mean? Oh, that's the Leftist way of saying we totally messed up, but since we are NOT admitting it, we get off free as a Vulture!
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Reply 14 - Posted by: felixcat 8/5/2024 11:58:09 AM (No. 1772988)
Failure of imagination? As if there have been no assassination attempts on any previous US President or nominee.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/5/2024 11:58:37 AM (No. 1772989)
Drones with missiles being used around the world, and the SS don't think drone coverage necessary. SS says they can't communicate --but you can contact your kid, or them you, on your cellphone in a second. The SS apparently does not have brainstorming sessions with their agents, or maybe their agents are not capable, to address threats that may arise. It is apparent the SS has done nothing to assess and address threats, and responses.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: spacer 8/5/2024 12:05:00 PM (No. 1772993)
This is muddied water...intentionally. I beleive the attempted assassination of President Trump was an act of treason by actors we will never know.
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 8/5/2024 12:24:48 PM (No. 1773009)
Planned incompetence made it too easy for the assassin to get his shot. Toxic politics and toxic media cultivated an assassin. Trump's enemies want him gone. For a while now, I have imagined a scenario where Biden and Trump don't make it to election day. We are halfway there. The Trump haters are so desperate, they got rid of their own candidate. They have created an environment where someone assassinates Trump is more likely to happen. Barring all that, some corrupt judge throws Trump in jail.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: zoidberg 8/5/2024 1:11:55 PM (No. 1773037)
I would call it the incompetence of indifference. Nobody at the upper levels of the Secret Service cares about the mission.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: hershey 8/5/2024 1:17:47 PM (No. 1773041)
It wasn't complacency, it was a failed attempt to kill Trump.I no longer trust the DOJ, USSS, CIA, or FBI.....I can't remember who said the government was filled with commies years ago, and was silenced because there were so many already there, but there is this: ... Read it and weep to see how far they have bored into our can read this list and blame everything bad on them...
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Reply 20 - Posted by: Luandir 8/5/2024 1:22:38 PM (No. 1773046)
Mr. Green, whom I greatly respect, is sounding awfully naive here.
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Reply 21 - Posted by: udanja99 8/5/2024 1:45:14 PM (No. 1773063)
The day after the attempt I asked a question on this forum and there has still not been an answer anywhere from anyone in authority… How did Crooks know that that particular roof would not have SS or any other law enforcement stationed on it during the rally?
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DebraAnn 8/5/2024 1:47:29 PM (No. 1773065)
Re: #16. I believe in our hearts, we know. The "lawfare" didn't work, the process of referring to him as a "convicted felon" isn't working, so...what the heck? Let's just shoot him! We all know who did this.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: BarryNo 8/5/2024 2:49:07 PM (No. 1773094)
It wasn't complacency with Trump. The Apollo disaster may have been a lack of imagination, but the Oxygen didn't 'conspire' to end their lives. The hatches didn't conspire to prevent their escape... Bullets were fired by Crooks and possibly others unnamed, with intent to kill. A clear path was left to bring Crooks to his destination. Definite decisions were made to expose Trump to assault by an assassin's bullet. The venue had been changed, echoing the JFK route change through Daley Plaza. An obvious patsy was in place. Cameras were recording the action... He was meant to be killed, the event was going to be televised, the patsy was groomed and background fitted for a homegrown MAGA connection... This was a coldly, if stupidly pre-planned event, which they are now trying to conceal. We warned them what would happen if they tried this. We the People will not be denied.
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Reply 24 - Posted by: JimBob 8/5/2024 2:52:39 PM (No. 1773096)
“failure of imagination”? Not buying it. All the planned incompetence.... all the planned failures.... all the deliberate lack of organization.... lack of communication.... lack of coverage.... Not a coincidence. Add in #21's question. Add in the stories -if correct- that this is the first time the USSS has had counter-snipers at a Trump rally, the stories that they had the shooter in their sights..... that they were not allowed to shoot until after the shooter took his first shot. it sounds more a more like a deliberate assassination attempt.... and the counter-sniper is there to silence the 'patsy' and cover up the tracks. A million theories..... and just like JFK's assassination sixty one years ago.... we'll NEVER find out the Truth!
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Did Complacency Almost Get Donald Trump Killed? 24 replies
Posted by DVC 8/5/2024 10:24:25 AM Post Reply
On January 27, 1967, a freak accident during a routine test killed astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. At the conclusion of the investigation, fellow astronaut Frank Borman testified to Congress that his friends were killed by a “failure of imagination.” As he said, nobody -- including himself -- imagined that a test of the capsule, performed on the ground, could be so catastrophic. We heard the “failure of imagination” phrase again last week, when acting Secret Service director Ronald Rowe testified about the assassination attempt on former President Donld Trump. He said that the Secret Service’s performance on July 13th amounted to
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Posted by DVC 8/2/2024 6:40:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 7/29/2024 4:43:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 7/24/2024 4:54:29 PM Post Reply
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12 replies
Posted by DVC 7/22/2024 2:30:09 PM Post Reply
Rep. Gerald Connelly (D-VA) lost it during Monday’s House Oversight Committee hearing, when Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle refused to play along and criticize privately owned firearms. Connelly began by praising “the incredible daily risks” taken by the Secret Service, then said, “Help us understand, however…how could [this assassination attempt] happen and how can we ensure it can’t reoccur?” He then criticized “AR-15s and access to them by 20-year-olds or anybody for that matter…” Connelly then asked director Cheatle, “The ubiquity of weapons, guns, in America, especially ‘assault weapons’ or semiautomatic weapons, has helped your job and the mission of your agency? Right, it has made it less complicated, isn’t that true?”
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Posted by DVC 7/21/2024 11:31:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 7/16/2024 3:44:26 PM Post Reply
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Posted by happywarrior 8/7/2024 9:02:18 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 3:12:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 8/7/2024 2:01:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by JoElla Bee 8/7/2024 3:43:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 8/7/2024 9:49:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 8:00:09 PM Post Reply
Tim Walz ran away as reporters on the tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin shouted questions about his stolen valor scandal. Walz lied about being a combat veteran. Tim Walz dropped out of the Army after his unit was deployed to Iraq. “We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,” Tim Walz previously said. (X Video) Walz has been avoiding the press since Kamala Harris chose him as her running mate.“Governor! Your response to allegations of stolen valor?” a reporter shouted to Tim Walz. Walz ignored the reporter so the reporter shouted again:
How Trump Can Win – or Lose – the Election 13 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/8/2024 12:01:46 AM Post Reply
The good news for the Trump campaign is that the sure Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is a lifelong California hard leftist at a time when the state is emblematic of progressive nihilism. Her extremist advocacies as a San Francisco county and city attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. And they are consistent with what has virtually destroyed the state. [Snip] However, the bad news for Trump is that there are only roughly 90 days left to expose Harris’s extremist record. And like cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, her handlers will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or to give interviews to real journalists.
Hollywood Falls in Line to Support Harris
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13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/7/2024 10:13:04 PM Post Reply
The latest Hollywood script revision has dropped — it’s Tim Walz, not Josh Shapiro — and left-wing celebrity influencers are falling in line to learn their new talking points: he’s “awesome,” “irresistible,” “strong,” and a “winner.” There’s a “joyous feeling” going around the country. Even, “I’m Walzing on air!” As recently as yesterday, Hollywood elites seemed pretty convinced that Kamala Harris was going to pick Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) as her vice presidential running mate. Deadline even reported that Shapiro’s name was “echoed around town” as an almost certainty.
Tim Walz Blamed 'Deafness' For Running
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13 replies
Posted by Imright 8/7/2024 8:05:52 PM Post Reply
Newly unearthed court documents from 2022 reveal significant contradictions from Democratic vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz’s (D-MN) claims from when he was arrested for driving under the influence. Walz previously blamed “deafness” for why he fled from police after being pulled over for driving drunk after going over 95 miles per hour in a 55-speed zone in 1995. He also claimed he was “not drunk,” despite failing a field sobriety test and a preliminary breath test. The court documents note that Walz had “a strong odor of alcoholic beverage was detected emitting from Mr. Walz[‘s] breath and person”
This New York Times Editorial Is So Unhinged
It Can Only Be Described As ‘Bat-Crap Crazy'
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/7/2024 3:20:20 PM Post Reply
The concept in journalism of offering your platform for a diversity of voices and alternative opinions is generally a noble pursuit. But this does not mean that in that process, you need to abandon the use of common sense and subjective editorial oversight. I say this because it appears that at the New York Times, they just flung open their op-ed space to anyone with a modicum of literacy while displaying a rather imbalanced mindset. I say this based on a recent “guest essay” that appeared in the opinion pages of the Times, written by book author Belle Boggs. Her entry is about an episode that transpired inside her home,
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