Harris Blames Bad Economy On — Who Else?
PJ Media,
Robert Spencer
Original Article
Posted By: ladydawgfan,
8/3/2024 10:41:21 AM
Vice President or Something Kamala Harris has just gotten some bad news in her quest to become the next person to pretend to be president of the United States, if she isn’t doing that already: the Biden regime Labor Department on Friday released a jobs report that shows that job growth is cratering while unemployment is rising. As job growth has been one of the chimerical accomplishments that Old Joe and his henchmen have most often touted as evidence of the “success” of the regime, this was the last thing the woman whom we now all love and admire wanted to hear.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
JackBurton 8/3/2024 10:59:03 AM (No. 1771851)
Is this what it takes to get them to admit the economy isn't great, isn't booming?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 8/3/2024 11:31:30 AM (No. 1771868)
The economy was good when they took over and started wrecking it. It was great under Trump until the Chinese Communist bioterrorism attack.
24 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 8/3/2024 11:36:47 AM (No. 1771873)
Her handlers probably decided not to blame Dwight D. Eisenhower or Ulysses S. Grant. Yet they were most likely tempted. Kamala "OpenBorderCzar" Harris
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
valinva 8/3/2024 11:48:46 AM (No. 1771881)
Singer is absolute lying scum. He is worse than Karine Jean-Prevaricator and he doesn't even blink rapidly to signal when he is going to start his lying.
12 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Krause 8/3/2024 11:51:24 AM (No. 1771882)
Low info voters might buy this crap, including the left media, but the sane folks are realizing how stupid and dishonest she is.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
JimBob 8/3/2024 11:56:48 AM (No. 1771886)
If this is the 'Unemployment' number that the Lamestreams usually cite, I believe that it only counts people who have looked for a job, or have been employed in something like the last 100 days. It does NOT count the 'long-term unemployed', the life-long layabouts and those who have given up finding a job.
Gee, I wonder what the economic numbers would look like if the Federal government was NOT 'Juicing' the economy by overspending and going deeper into debt by a TRILLION(!) Dollars every 100 Days?
10 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 8/3/2024 11:59:45 AM (No. 1771888)
From my experience and anecdotal narrative, “job growth” is a misnomer. Here in No AL (Huntsville area), there are myriad jobs — from mom and pop stores to service areas to banks to tech businesses to plant/production corporations.
The issue is not lack of jobs — the issue is finding people who want to work.
After the bat flu, when the goobermint PAID people to STAY home, a new class of Layabouts was created. How they continue to sustain themselves is a mystery. But from my perspective, we are not lacking jobs, as much as people willing and capable of working.
IMHO, it’s a societal issue.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
mc squared 8/3/2024 1:08:01 PM (No. 1771917)
Wait a minute. The administration has been saying the economy is booming.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Birddog 8/3/2024 1:09:11 PM (No. 1771918)
I do not understand why "New Jobs" numbers are not ALWAYS in the same paragraph as "Border crossings"...likely because border crossing always seem to exceed new jobs, demonstrating net job losses.
Those flooding across our borders are not "Independently wealthy" individuals arriving in a self supporting fashion, cash in hand to buy, rent, housing, purchase cars, clothes, pay insurance, cover their healthcare, schooling costs, not even food. Those working, and those losing their jobs are PAYING for those folks the Govt is bringing in.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Ditto1958 8/3/2024 1:21:44 PM (No. 1771927)
She’s Biden’s VP. She owns his policies and actions.
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#5 - No argument, but there aren't enough of us. And that Project 2025 lie is starting to gain traction, too.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 8/3/2024 1:57:50 PM (No. 1771949)
In people's own memory banks is the truth. Unless they are now 18 years old and were an oblivious 12 or 13 year old when the economy was good, they should be able to easily remember much better economic conditions.
More affordable food, wages rising faster than costs, gasoline that was under $2 a gallon, a nice car could be easily purchased for $20-25K. Eating at a fast food restaurant didn't require taking out a loan. And illegals weren't swarming everywhere, stealing, raping and killing.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bighambone 8/3/2024 2:45:29 PM (No. 1771965)
Besides Harris being dumb, the Democrat operatives make such comments that don’t make sense, because they believe that the massive numbers of their low information supporters and prospective voters believe their ridiculous politicized garbage comments.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Trigger2 8/4/2024 4:23:59 AM (No. 1772162)
According to demonrats and media hyped God-like Kamala, everything Joey's administration did was all Trump's fault. How did that happen? Because demonrats are all serial liars.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
mifla 8/4/2024 5:57:45 AM (No. 1772191)
Another instance of the Harris campaign blaming Trump, but providing no facts behind the statement.
Get used to it.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/4/2024 6:15:30 AM (No. 1772198)
#12, I'm seeing many young people up to their mid-twenties still living in the parents' basement and mooching their food and expenses. Ten years ago it was unthinkable for somebody over the age of 17 to live at home unless attending a local college. Somehow that lifestyle has become acceptable. Between those and all of the newly-minted, drug-addicted homeless, there is the workforce that is missing. Cut off the free money, the personal electronics and the drugs and those help-wanted signs will soon come down.
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