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Posts on Sunday, June 23, 2024

Teamsters President Accepts Trump's Invitation
to Speak to Republican Convention
Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:42:39 PM Post Reply
International Brotherhood of Teamsters President Sean O’Brien will speak at the Republican convention next month in Milwaukee. Former President Trump announced that O'Brien accepted his invitation to speak. This is the post on Truth Social from Trump: Sean O’Brien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee. Our GREAT convention will unify Americans and demonstrate to the nation’s working families they come first. When I am back in the White House, the hardworking Teamsters, and all working Americans, will once again have a country they can afford to live in and be respected around the world.
Poll: Nearly Half of US EV Owners Regret Purchase replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:40:02 PM Post Reply
To listen to the Biden administration, the situation with electric vehicles is going swimmingly. People love them. Government subsidies make them more affordable. As a bonus, you get the pride and satisfaction of knowing that you're doing your part to rescue Mother Earth from carbon emissions or whatever. But according to a recent survey from McKinsey and Co. conducted this month, people remain unconvinced, particularly in the United States. They polled EV owners in nine countries and found that 46% of American owners of EVs want to switch back to gas-powered cars with internal combustion engines. There were lower levels of dissatisfaction in some other nations, but nearly half
Team Trump Demands Biden Stop Peddling
Charlottesville Lie After Snopes Debunked It
Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:31:24 PM Post Reply
As RedState’s Bonchie reported Sunday, the fact-checking site Snopes for reasons known only to themselves decided now would be a good time to debunk the myth that then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists “fine people” in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017. Of course, anyone who pays attention to news sources other than the New York Times and MSNBC has known all along that Trump’s quote was bastardized to make it sound like he said something he didn’t actually say, but the mainstream media and the Biden team has run with the falsehood for years now. Bonchie explains how the deceitful quote so moved Biden
Gunman Opens Fire on Synagogues In Russia,
Killing Priest and Several Others
Posted by Northcross 6/23/2024 10:08:30 PM Post Reply
A gunman opened fire on two synagogues, two Orthodox churches, and a police post in Derbent, Russia— home to a Jewish community— on Sunday. According to the state-sponsored TASS news agency, the Chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission of Dagestan Shamil Khadulaev confirmed that a 66-year-old priest was found dead with his throat slashed at one of the Orthodox churches. Two police officers were killed and at least six people were wounded during the incident.
These Three Ideas Will Win 2024 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 8:44:23 PM Post Reply
This week’s debate reveals—in many ways—the blueprint for the election of 2024. Every candidate for federal office will be viewed as an extension of the Presidential nominee representing them this week. That makes this week’s debate more meaningful than others in the cycle's past. The major reason this is the case is because both men have had the reigns of government, both have a record in office, and the people will choose on those records. From a purely policy perspective that indicates the most lopsided loss in history should be expected for the incumbent. But with the malcontent in office, his corrupt influence with the media,
Biden’s RADICAL judicial nominee just
busted lying under oath–Sen. Kennedy
brought damning receipts…
Posted by Trapper 6/23/2024 8:33:01 PM Post Reply
Sometimes, you witness a takedown so epic, it leaves everyone watching in utter amazement. That’s exactly what happened to Joe Biden’s radical left-wing judicial nominee, Karla Campbell. She’s a hare-brained left-wing attorney from Nashville and Biden’s Marxist pick for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and her judicial dreams might have just imploded. After being caught lying under oath, her hopes of becoming the left’s next activist judge may be over.
Elon Musk reveals details about his new
baby with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis
- his 12th child - after he was accused
of keeping the birth a secret
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 8:03:53 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk has revealed how he recently had a third baby with 38-year-old Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis, who is part of his brain implant company. Musk, 52, was accused of keeping the birth of the child - his 12th overall - a secret, after news of the birth was made public through media reports. The billionaire businessman says there was never any intention to keep it under wraps, but that putting out a press release would also have been 'bizarre', although the baby's name and gender have not been revealed.As for "secretly fathered," that is also false. All our friends and family know. Failure to issue a press release,
Old Commie Bernie Laments on MSNBC That
Billionaires Donating to Trump Signals
'Greed Over Democracy'
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 7:58:14 PM Post Reply
Bernie Sanders almost won the 2016 Democrat nomination against Hillary Clinton. We might have dodged a bullet. Literally. In any event, the guy who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, is an avowed socialist (aka commie), and isn’t a “Democrat” appeared on the "Chris Hayes Show" to lament that “democracy will end” if Trump is elected. I truly loath Chris Hayes. His cadence is grating like fingers across a chalkboard, and he physically leans into guests (who always agree with him) like a swooning schoolgirl with a crush. I also find him contemptable. When speaking of Memorial Day once, Hayes said he was “uncomfortable”
Looks Like Trump May Have Minnesota In
the Bag
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 7:34:51 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump may have a big chance to turn this blue state, red. According to new polls, Trump is in the lead to secure Minnesota, resulting in the Biden campaign panicking over the president’s diminishing chances to win in November. An Emerson College Polling/The Hill state poll found that Trump holds a slight advantage over President Joe Biden in six swing states and tied in Minnesota— at 45 percent each. “In our first polling in several key swing states since Trump’s conviction last month, there has been little movement,” Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling said. A recent memo from the Trump campaign
Maxine Waters: If Trump Wins in November
There Will Be Violence, More Killings
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 7:05:47 PM Post Reply
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that if former President Donald Trump wins in November, there will be violence and “more killings.” {snip} Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “How concerned are you about your safety if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win,it is going to be fraud,
AOC Makes a Fool of Herself Trying to
Advocate for Fellow Squad Member Jamaal Bowman
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 6:59:55 PM Post Reply
“Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) gave Americans nationwide secondhand embarrassment during an odd performance at a rally in the Bronx. During a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) on Saturday, the two Democrats were labeled “sellouts” just weeks after former President Donald Trump drew thousands of supporters to his historic rally in the blue borough of a Democrat state. AOC walked out to Cardi B’s “Enough” where she began dancing and bouncing around the stage. “Are we ready?! Are we ready I can’t hear you!” She yelled to the crowd of just a few hundred people— a stark contrast to Trump’s Bronx rally.
Former White House Physician Ronny Jackson:
“I Will be Sending a Letter Demanding
That Biden Submit to a Drug Test Before
and After This Debate” (Video)
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 6:55:31 PM Post Reply
Former White House Physician and current Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson was on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday to discuss Joe Biden’s mental and physical health. Dr. Jackson expressed serious concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities. “You’ve sent several letters already to the White House. You’re ready to send another letter to the White House tomorrow. Tell us what you are doing?” Bartiromo asked. “I have sent 5 letters previously asking for President Biden to submit to a cognitive test, very similar to the one that President Trump got while he was President. And all 5 of those letters have gone completely ignored. So tomorrow I’m sending a letter to President Biden,
Scottie Scheffler WINS the Travelers Championship
in sudden death playoff against Tom Kim
- as dramatic finale is marred by climate
change protesters
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 6:51:32 PM Post Reply
Scottie Scheffler and Tom Kim toasted their joint birthday with a pizza party ahead of the Travelers Championship earlier this week. But on Sunday, it was the World No. 1 spoiling the party for his fellow birthday boy. The final round of The Travelers Championship proved to be more of a test of will than skill. Luckily for Scheffler, he possesses both. Used to lie-ins over the weekend, the World No. 1 suffered a rude awakening at the US Open last week. But Sunday, he was back to his regular scheduling. 11:15am: Tee off in the leading group. 4:50pm: Weekly trophy lift.
The Numbers Are In: DeSantis' Crackdown
on Illegal Immigration in Florida Is Already
Paying Off
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 6:03:52 PM Post Reply
Governor Ron DeSantis’ crackdown on illegal immigrants seems to be paying off in more ways than one, according to a recent report. The governor’s multi-pronged effort to reduce illegal immigration in Florida has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of taxpayer dollars going to fund healthcare for those residing in the country illegally. The governor signed a law last year requiring hospitals that accept Medicaid to ask patients about their legal immigration status when they seek treatment. The legislation does not compel patients to answer the question, but immigrant rights groups argued that it would discourage them from receiving medical attention funded by the government.
Shigella Spreading Fast in San Jose, CA,
Homeless Encampments
Posted by Harlowe 6/23/2024 5:57:56 PM Post Reply
Leslie! We need you! The highly contagious bacteria Shigella has broken out in homeless encampments in San Jose, CA. It’s so contagious that communities have a hard time containing it. The bug infects people when they “come in contact with and swallow small amounts of bacteria from the stool of a person who is infected with shigella.” [Snip] The health department added more portable toilets with handwashing stations and fresh water. One homeless woman said city officials have only given them Lysol wipes. Most people recover on their own, but it’s not rare for people in vulnerable communities to need antibiotics.
BREAKING: Eco-Terrorists Dump Paint on
18th Green During Finish of PGA Final Round
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 5:44:24 PM Post Reply
Environmental terrorists (that’s what they are) recently defaced Stonehenge. We saw the result of them spraying orange paint on the 5,000-year-old archeological relic and iconic symbol They have been seen taking their paint and smearing it across priceless works of art, and across the glass protecting the Constitution. They have swarmed sporting events and generally, they are caught quickly – usually, broadcasters cut to something else and don’t give the protestors the airtime. (Snip) On Sunday, I was watching the final round of the signature golf tournament in Connecticut – The Travelers. The best golfers on the planet, Scottie Scheffler and Tom Kim, were in a battle for the win.
Climate Protesters Storm 18th Green at
PGA Travelers Championship
Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 5:40:20 PM Post Reply
A mob of climate protesters stormed the 18th green at the Professional Golf Association’s Travelers Championship in Cromwell, Connecticut, on Sunday afternoon during a pivotal closing moment, setting off colorful smoke bombs and preventing play from continuing. As Scottie Scheffler prepared to take a putt to win the championship, play was interrupted as the protesters charged onto the green. Police immediately descended on the mob, tackling and handcuffing the protesters as the audience booed, chanting “a**hole” and “U-S-A” as police led the disruptors off the course. Several of the protesters were wearing shirts emblazoned with the phrase, “NO GOLF ON A DEAD PLANET.”
Danger in the Pacific Northwest: What's
Worrying Geologists Most?
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 5:26:30 PM Post Reply
Back in the mid-'80s, I was at Ft. Lewis, Washington (now Joint Base Lewis-McChord) for a training course in those Pacific Northwest rain forests and mountains. We had one weekend off, and since three of my buddies and I had obviously not already spent enough time "humping the boonies," as the saying goes, we decided on that Saturday to go hike nearby Mt. Rainier. Dominating the skyline in the south Seattle/Tacoma area, Mt. Rainier is a volcano, like the rather infamous Mt. St. Helens, although it was certainly inactive that fine, sunny Saturday. We didn't hike to the top, but we did make it up to the tree line,
This Biden Campaign Sign Paid For By The
American Taxpayer
Posted by earlybird 6/23/2024 4:13:42 PM Post Reply
In a letter to Shalanda D. Young, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, takes aim at an Executive Office memo “strongly” encouraging federal agencies to erect signs declaring costly public infrastructure projects around the country have been funded by President Joe Biden. Forget the fact that American taxpayers will fork over trillions of dollars — in present and future treasure — to fund the ill-named Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (aka the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), the ironically named Inflation Reduction Act, and
Mom of California car thief who was fatally
stabbed during heist wants DA to charge
son’s killer: ‘Going to fight for justice’
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 3:30:50 PM Post Reply
The mother of an accused California car thief who was fatally stabbed during a heist attempt wants authorities to reopen the case and charge her son’s killer in the name of “justice.” Xavier Jerrod Cerf, 27, was fatally stabbed around 8 p.m. June 17 after a group of students confronted him as he allegedly tried to steal an older Mercedes parked behind a frat house on the University of Southern California’s Greek Row, according to ABC 7. Cerf allegedly told the students that the car was his because it was “calling him” and “had his name” — then told them he had a handgun before reaching for his waist, investigators said.
US Olympic and other teams will bring
their own AC units to Paris, undercutting
environmental plan
Posted by NorthernDog 6/23/2024 3:22:52 PM Post Reply
EUGENE, Ore. — The U.S. Olympic team is one of a handful that will supply air conditioners for their athletes at the Paris Games in a move that undercuts organizers’ plans to cut carbon emissions. U.S. Olympic and Paralympic CEO Sarah Hirshland said Friday that while the U.S. team appreciates efforts aimed at sustainability, the federation would be supplying AC units for what is typically the largest contingent of athletes at the Summer Games. “As you can imagine, this is a period of time in which consistency and predictability is critical for Team USA’s performance,” Hirshland said. “In our conversations
Junior’s Restaurant owner Alan Rosen
eyes run for NYC mayor after getting fed-up
with crime and quality of life
Posted by 4250Luis 6/23/2024 2:52:06 PM Post Reply
The owner of one of New York’s most famous eateries is exploring a run for mayor. Junior’s Restaurant proprietor Alan Rosen — upset with crime and quality of life complaints in the Big Apple — wants to bring his cheese cake making skills to City Hall. Rosen recently met with campaign strategist Hank Sheinkopf, Bill Cunningham and Mitchell Moss, who served as political advisors to former three-term mayor, Mike Bloomberg, to discuss what it takes to run for mayor — and win, The Post has learned. Rosen said he’s interested in running for mayor,” Sheinkopf said after meeting with him.
Idaho clamps down on its RINOS replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/23/2024 2:48:08 PM Post Reply
Would you like to hear about a bright ray of political sunshine penetrating the dense political cloud cover? The Republican Party has long been haunted by the specter of platform infidelity on the part of the party’s elected officeholders. Far too often, a Republican candidate fervently vows fidelity to the party platform during a campaign but, once elected, sheds this fervor like a duck sheds water. The officeholder’s primary agenda becomes re-election, and his/her stance on issues is determined by its probable effect on re-election rather than advancing platform values.
Mayor Adams’ budget quietly installs
a permanent ‘migrant crisis’ spending spree
Posted by 4250Luis 6/23/2024 2:46:36 PM Post Reply
Gotham’s budget might be late, with City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams warning last week that she and Mayor Adams (no relation) will miss this Sunday’s fiscal-year deadline. But the timing of the budget is less important than the substance. The council and the mayor are arguing over tidbits while missing the big chunk of spending obscuring New York’s future: How much can we realistically spend on migrants? In his budget proposal, the mayor has finally admitted to reality — the migrant “crisis” is here to stay. This is a reality that he helped create, by continuing to offer all migrants, including single young men with no credible claims to political asylum,
These Gen Z 20somethings were raised progressive
— but they won’t be voting for Biden
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 6/23/2024 1:08:47 PM Post Reply
Young people have long leaned left. But some Gen Zers — including those raised in progressive homes — are questioning the status quo and realizing they’re not actually Democrats. Although more than half of Gen Z do not identify with a political party, more than a fifth (21%) identify as Republican. The Post spoke to four young voters who left the left about their political journeys:
NYC Jewish family pummeled at 5th-grade
commencement by attendees shouting ‘Free
Palestine,’ mom says
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 12:58:48 PM Post Reply
A Jewish mom and her husband were attacked and beaten at a Brooklyn elementary school graduation by an Arabic-speaking family — who taunted them with shouts of “Free Palestine!” “Gaza is Ours!” and “Death to Israel!” she told The Post. The mayhem erupted at PS 682 in Gravesend just after the school’s fifth-grade graduation — which was themed, ironically, “All you need is love.” Instead, the Jewish woman’s husband was thrown to the ground by members of the other family. One man put him in a chokehold, he said. Others grabbed his legs as they kicked and punched him.
President Trump Policy Interview With
“All-In” Podcast
Posted by earlybird 6/23/2024 12:56:22 PM Post Reply
President Trump joins David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, and David Friedberg for an extensive panel interview on policy and current political events. This interview and discussion comes approximately a week after President Trump was in California at the home of David Sacks talking to tech insiders, venture capitalists and young industrialists. WATCH: (video)VIDEO SEGMENTS: (0:00) Bestie intros: Big house talk! (1:37) Economy: Regulation, taxes, tariffs, taming inflation, de-dollarization (12:02) Federal debt: growth, spend control, where to cut, role of energy, nuclear (20:22) Foreign policy: Ukraine/Russia (25:05) Foreign policy: Israel/Palestine (28:13) Abortion: Stance on a national ban (31:09) Foreign policy: China (32:33) COVID: Origins, Fauci relationship, deep state, bad deals (39:39) Border: Wall, immigration, H-1Bs, recruiting global talent
Left wing fact checker admits Trump never
called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very
fine people’
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 6/23/2024 12:45:44 PM Post Reply
The left-leaning fact checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis “very fine people” during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. Critics of Trump have claimed for years that he equated neo-Nazis with counterprotesters following the event. President Biden was chief among those critics, citing the supposed incident as a main reason for launching his 2020 campaign.
Jerry Seinfeld’s brutal comeback as
anti-Israel hecklers crash another show
on Australian tour from hell
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 6/23/2024 12:32:06 PM Post Reply
Jerry Seinfeld has brutally shut down yet another group of anti-Israel hecklers at his Melbourne show, the latest in a series of disruptions during the legendary American comedian’s Australian tour. Seinfeld was performing in front of thousands of fans at Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena on Saturday night when, towards the end of his set, a group of anti-Israel protesters began chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
At the Supreme Court, two cases lay bare
New York’s legal wasteland
Posted by Moritz55 6/23/2024 12:29:27 PM Post Reply
In 1976, Saul Steinburg’s hilarious “View of the World from 9th Avenue” was published on the cover of the New Yorker. The map showed Manhattan occupying most of the known world with wilderness on the other side of the Hudson River between New York and San Francisco. The cartoon captured the distorted view New Yorkers have of the rest of the country. Roughly 50 years later, the image has flipped for many. With the Trump trial, Manhattan has become a type of legal wilderness where prosecutors use the legal system to hunt down political rivals and thrill their own supporters.
Pentagon sued over deletion of ‘Duty,
Honor, Country’
Posted by Beardo 6/23/2024 12:01:14 PM Post Reply
In its effort to blast “woke” military policies, a Washington-based legal watchdog this week sued the Pentagon for documents detailing the hows and whys of the U.S. Military Academy’s decision to delete its famous motto “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement. Judicial Watch told Secrets that the move came after West Point refused to turn over information about the change. As a result, the group filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit earlier this week. “Given the woke virus infecting West Point, deleting the words ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ from its mission statement has sparked justified concern about what the Army’s rising leadership is being taught at the United States Military Academy."
Doug Burgum: Trump Can Win This Race Regardless
of Who His VP Pick Is
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 11:18:59 AM Post Reply
Governor Doug Burgum (R-ND) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump could win the November election no matter who his running mate is. Guest host Kaitlan Collins said, “As I mentioned, you are one of Donald Trump’s top contenders to be vice president. I’ve heard from sources that really they believe it’s down to you and to Senator JD Vance of Ohio. Of course, the caveat Trump could could change his mind. But when you look at the ticket and we look at vice presidential selections in the past, Joe Biden helped Barack Obama with foreign policy inexperience.
CNN Springs Embarrassing 'Gotcha' Question
on Trump and Ten Commandments, Ben Carson
Was Ready
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 10:40:26 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump spoke at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. At one point, his remarks swung around to Louisiana's Republican governor signing a new bill into law this week that requires all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms. (X Video) Trump broached the subject with the audience this way, to roaring applause: Who likes the Ten Commandments, by the way, going up in the school? Once the clapping died down, he said, "They think it's such a bad thing. I said, 'Has anyone read the... Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shall...? I mean, has anybody read this incredible stuff?
Biden Wins Crucial Coin Flip, Picks Curious
Debate ‘Advantage’ Over Trump
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 10:24:45 AM Post Reply
Given how much former President Donald Trump loves to get the final word in on any issue, one would assume that President Joe Biden would cherish the chance to strip his predecessor of getting a last word in, especially in a debate setting. One would assume wrong. According to CNN, which will host the first debate, Biden won a crucial coin flip ahead of the June 27 debate. The coin, which turned up tails, gave Team Biden the option to choose between either podium position or the order in which closing remarks are delivered. The incumbent, apparently, opted to lock in his podium position — a seemingly far lesser advantage
Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor
DeSantis Secrecy Operation
Posted by Kitty Myers 6/23/2024 9:58:32 AM Post Reply
People will see…. it might take a little more time than I would prefer, but the truth will come out and people will see. A judge in Florida is starting to take apart the secrecy operation that Ron DeSantis and his DC Bush clan constructed during their block Trump operation. DeSantis moved from congress to the Florida Governor position in 2018; the intent was always to run for President in 2024 and take apart the Trump constructs returning the Republican apparatus to traditional corporate controls. [snip] The DeSantis team began changing the rules, subverting laws and demanding support from legislation.
High-Speed Rail in USA: An Expensive Tax
Burden and Inefficient Solution for America’s
Travel Infrastructure
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 9:32:55 AM Post Reply
For some reason, high-speed rail is a hot-button issue for liberals and a frequent point of criticism from Chinese communist propaganda and Europeans when they attack the U.S. “How can you call yourself a developed country when you don’t have high-speed rail?” they ask. The reality is that high-speed rail would be more expensive and less efficient than our current travel infrastructure. High-speed rail works in Europe and China because of government subsidies, higher taxes, and because people typically travel shorter distances and have fewer travel options. The U.S. has more cars per capita, more highways, more airports, and more railroads than China or the EU. Additionally, Americans prefer to drive
Will the Supreme Court Affect the Debate? replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/23/2024 9:09:06 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court announced that it was adding another opinion day to its schedule -- Wednesday, June 26th. Among the pending cases is United States v. Trump, in which the court must decide to what extent presidential immunity shields the president from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office. While the content of the discussions during oral arguments are not a perfect indicator of how the court will rule, Scotus blog sat through oral argument and concluded the court is likely to side with Donald Trump to some degree:
Bill Maher Questions Media Constructed
Pro Biden Polling
Posted by 4250Luis 6/23/2024 8:57:28 AM Post Reply
During his Friday broadcast on HBO, apparently Bill Maher started to catch on to the issue of fake media polling. Maher questions how Biden could be losing big percentages of his core constituency (by demographic), yet suddenly be polling ahead of Trump. It just doesn’t make sense.Bill Maher: “45% of Hispanic voters prefer Biden, compared to 39% for Trump. Last time, he won 59%. That was 2020. So, he’s lost 14 points there. He went to Morehouse, he said, ‘What is democracy if you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?’
Biden and allied Republicans are trying
to rally GOP women in swing-state suburbs
away from Trump
Posted by Mercedes44 6/23/2024 6:16:43 AM Post Reply
Thirty miles north of Philadelphia, upscale subdivisions such as Colonial Commons interrupt dairy farms, centuries-old roadside stone houses and the winding Neshaminy Creek that flows between Doylestown and Newtown. Both cities were once rural outposts that have morphed into fashionable commercial, dining and shopping hubs. This is one of the most closely watched areas in U.S. politics. President Joe Biden ran up his numbers in Bucks County, which includes both cities, on the way to flipping Pennsylvania from Republican Donald Trump four years ago, and won among suburban women in the state by a substantial margin.
Inside Joe Biden's secret debate rehearsals
ahead of next week's showdown with Donald
Trump - and the biggest mistakes he could make
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:52:50 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is locked in an intense five-day debate camp as he prepares to take on his hated rival Donald Trump in Thursday's televised brawl. Trump is expected to goad, insult, interrupt, and heckle the president - and the man playing him in practice sessions won't take it any easier on Biden. Bob Bauer, the president's longtime personal lawyer, is expected to stand in for Trump as he did before the successful 2020 debates. (Photos) Such is the code of silence around debate camps that Bauer wouldn't even confirm he would reprise his role as the villain this time.
MSNBC Host Scolds Guests for Saying ‘Illegal’
Immigrants: ‘We Don’t Use the Term’ (Video)
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:34:41 AM Post Reply
Symone Sanders, who used to work for the office of VP Kamala Harris and now has her own MSNBC show for some reason, recently snapped at her guests and scolded them for using the term ‘illegal’ immigrants. They were discussing the recent murder of Americans by people in the country illegally, but the real concern for Sanders seemed not to be the victims. She was far more offended by the word ‘illegal’ when used to accurately describe illegal immigrants. This is leftism in a nutshell. MSNBC Triggered By ‘Illegal’ While Discussing Illegal Immigrant Murder NewsBusters reported:
Ahead of Philadelphia Rally, Trump Told
Reporters That He Has Already Chosen His
2024 Running Mate
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:29:49 AM Post Reply
For months now, people have been speculating about who Trump will choose as his 2024 running mate. According to Trump himself, the decision has already been made. Prior to his massive rally in Philadelphia on Saturday, Trump told reporters that he has made up his mind and that no one knows the details yet. People are eager to find out who it is. The Hill reports: Trump says he’s decided on his running mate. Former President Trump told reporters Saturday he’s made up his mind about who will be his running mate in November, but he has yet to tell anyone who it is.
Trump Leaves $500 Tip at Restaurant in
Philadelphia: ‘No Tax on Tips!’
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:22:37 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump left a $500 tip at a restaurant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and wrote, “Vote Trump, No Tax on Tip” on the check. In a video shared to X by Margo Martin, Trump’s deputy director of communications, Trump can be seen writing on a check at Tony and Nick’s Steaks, and saying, “No tax on tips” as people in the background can be heard cheering. “No tax on tips!” Trump says. (X Video) A photo posted to X by Martin shows a group of employees holding up the check signed by Trump, with the words, “Vote Trump. No tax on tip.”
Young Trump superfan in suit and yellow
wig bursts into tears as he meets his
idol at Philly rally where ex-president
proposed UFC league for MIGRANTS
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:17:35 AM Post Reply
A young Trump superfan was overcome with emotion as he got to meet his idol in the flesh during a stop at a Philadelphia cheesesteak venue on Saturday afternoon. The boy, named Timmy, burst into tears as he met with Donald Trump face to face. The child was seen dressed in typical Trumpian attire, in a navy suit complete with red tie, Trump-styled wig and even similar lapel pins.Trump appeared to show a softer side as he hugged the youngster and appeared flattered that he had dressed in his likeness. 'We like this boy,' Trump said. 'What a good boy. If your parents don't want you, I'll take you!' he said.
‘LMAO’: Dean of Columbia College Mocked
Hillel Head in Newly Obtained Text Exchange
Posted by sunset 6/23/2024 4:14:42 AM Post Reply
The dean of Columbia College, Josef Sorett, sneered at Columbia’s top Hillel official in a new text message obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, further implicating him in the texting scandal that has caused three of his colleagues to be placed on leave. "LMAO," Sorett said in response to a sarcastic message from his colleague, Columbia’s vice dean and chief administrative officer Susan Chang-Kim, who said of Columbia’s Hillel director, Brian Cohen, "He is our hero." The exchange came as Cohen told a concerned parent in the audience that his "soul has been broken" by the protests—which included calls to murder Jewish students and "burn Tel Aviv to the ground."
Ocasio-Cortez Jumps Around, Blasts Cardi
B Music During Bowman Rally
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:14:00 AM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was seen jumping around and blasting music by rapper Cardi B during a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) on Saturday. Video footage posted to X showed Ocasio-Cortez jumping around on the stage as the expletive-filled song, “Enough” by Cardi B can be heard in the background. “Are we ready?” Ocasio-Cortez shouts. “I can’t hear you!” (X Video) Ocasio-Cortez was also seen asking the crowd if they were “ready to win this country back” and if they were “ready to fight” for a ceasefire in Gaza.
The NIAID is a Repeat Offender replies
Posted by Trapper 6/23/2024 2:33:18 AM Post Reply
Fresh off the back of Anthony Fauci and his former agency being accused of lying to lawmakers and covering up the origins of Covid-19, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is embroiled in another scandal. This time, an explosive report by US congressional investigators found the NIAID tried to hide plans to conduct gain-of-function (GOF) research on a lethal strain of the monkeypox virus. The proposed experiments from 2015 sought to insert genes into the virus to retain a moderate fatality rate of approximately 10-15%, but also to make the virus more transmissible, giving it ‘pandemic potential.’
Get Ready for the Islamist Summer In American
Cities, Fed By A Sense of Impunity From Consequences
Posted by Harlowe 6/23/2024 12:14:26 AM Post Reply
Anti-Israel protesters have been unhinged and dangerous forever, but particularly since October 7. We have documented here dozens of times the intimidation tactics, including particularly on campuses. [Snip] Anti-Israel activists, particularly in big cities, are getting more aggressive by the day, as they realize the majority of Americans are not with them, [Snip] Islamism seems to have taken control of the movement. Islamist figures are now openly glorified in the protests. [Snip] The increasingly dominant glorification and worship of Islamist movements and leaders, combined with ability to act with impunity, is a bad omen for this summer.
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