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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may well mop up
the mess on the floors in November

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Posted By: ToryWhite, 6/2/2024 6:31:19 AM

I voted for Trump against the Hill-da-beast. I hope he wins again—if he is still willing and able after they get done with him. However, from the moment RFK Jr. announced his run for the presidency, I had an old D.C. political observer’s hunch: Bobbie Jr. may win.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: BarryNo 6/2/2024 6:51:04 AM (No. 1729387)
Don't think so.
46 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Calvinesq 6/2/2024 7:12:38 AM (No. 1729395)
A liberal behind a thinly veiled conservative mask, or a wolf in sheep's clothing. No thanks.
45 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: privateer 6/2/2024 7:18:14 AM (No. 1729398)
We could all use a little comic relief right about now. This Will-o'-the-wisp from the fever swamp does the job. Well written column, but the premise is risible. The Deep State will get the band back together before they let him be a threat to the carrion puppet.
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Daisymay 6/2/2024 8:28:34 AM (No. 1729425)
No Way will JFK win!! I think if Trump is somehow knocked out of this Race, whoever jumps in to run in his place will win. It could be Mickey Mouse, with a R behind his name, he would win. None of us believed Trump would be found Guilty, so Anything can happen. Nothing the Nasty Democrats do now will surprise anyone! I think when the celebrating the Democrats are doing now subsides, they will all of a sudden realize they opened a can of worms! Do we really think that the Trump People are not going to go after Biden and his Funny Money from China! You bet they will! He will be tied up until he dies! Clinton could also get hooked as he wasn't exactly free from his own Tryst with a Young Staffer! We all know the Statue of Limitations can be ignored (after all, Bragg changed that Rule). So, Democrats that have any kind of Skeleton in their Closet had better be ready to be Outed! Republicans are going to want Revenge and they are going to go after it with guns blazing!
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 6/2/2024 8:48:30 AM (No. 1729438)
The delusion is strongv with this one.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BillsMafia49 6/2/2024 8:51:34 AM (No. 1729443)
What's this guy smokin' anyway?
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 6/2/2024 8:55:10 AM (No. 1729445)
Are the author and poster the same person? No matter: bless her heart.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Adam 6/2/2024 8:58:48 AM (No. 1729449)
#6 is “they” won’t allow Trump to win Well, if they won’t allow Trump to win, why would they allow Kennedy to win?
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Nashman 6/2/2024 9:09:01 AM (No. 1729459)
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Skinnydip 6/2/2024 9:11:39 AM (No. 1729462)
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: FormerDem 6/2/2024 9:37:26 AM (No. 1729474)
No, he won't win. His key thing was courage and Trump is now beyond him. He is a bit of a totalitarian and Trump still is not a totalitarian. Whatever they say, Trump is a gracious and funny man who does not punch down and does not pine to rule others.
9 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Californian 6/2/2024 9:46:50 AM (No. 1729482)
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: IAmButASimpleCaveman 6/2/2024 10:17:43 AM (No. 1729509)
dont bogart that joint vickie - pass it over to me
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Italiano 6/2/2024 10:30:22 AM (No. 1729519)
(She's dreaming.)
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Strike3 6/2/2024 10:30:45 AM (No. 1729521)
By this time we have learned to read between the lines when politicians speak. It took us long enough.
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: udanja99 6/2/2024 11:28:09 AM (No. 1729594)
Oh, please. Anyone who may have thought RFK was the least bit conservative should have had their eyes opened by the woman he chose as his running mate. Yes, #7. I believe that you nailed it. Nice try, Tory.
9 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: ToryWhite 6/2/2024 12:04:33 PM (No. 1729620)
#'s 7 and 16: oh, gee. Am I in truwble? I get in truwble all the time, a woman's handle, and writing as a literate, educated man would, if there were any on these sites. Take a guess, who's the left brain and who's the right? Who knows diddly about history and what happens to nations and who does? Who is part of the internet commentators' male scratch-my-back cabal and who isn't? Who wears their forever misogyny like a badge and who is actually a real patriot? Who pretends to read any objective journalism in order to do their own special blowhard thing, in psedonym, again?
1 person likes this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/2/2024 2:30:44 PM (No. 1729685)
Hey, Victoria, there's an old saying, "If dreams were horses poor men would ride."
4 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Luke21 6/2/2024 3:15:44 PM (No. 1729728)
Worked real well for Ross Perot.
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Venturer 6/2/2024 3:15:54 PM (No. 1729729)
No: Robert is just one more mess that needs cleaning up.
4 people like this.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may well mop up
the mess on the floors in November
20 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 6/2/2024 6:31:19 AM Post Reply
I voted for Trump against the Hill-da-beast. I hope he wins again—if he is still willing and able after they get done with him. However, from the moment RFK Jr. announced his run for the presidency, I had an old D.C. political observer’s hunch: Bobbie Jr. may win.
At Least 5 Whistleblowers Come Forward
Against Biden Family
13 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 5/15/2023 10:44:26 AM Post Reply
At least five whistleblowers have come forward to allege wrongdoing by the Biden family in connection with business schemes and corresponding coverups. The whistleblowers are in addition to the multitude of witnesses that Republican members of Congress have interviewed behind closed doors.
Reports: “We’re Numb to It”: Twice
a Week School Lockdowns in Uvalde Became
Routine as Biden’s Open Borders Turned
Texas Town into ‘Wild Wild West’
3 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 5/28/2022 11:26:20 AM Post Reply
Students in Uvalde, Texas say school lockdowns have become routine because of frequent high-speed car chases by Border Patrol of illegal aliens reported Buzzfeed this week. A year ago to the week of the mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, that took place Tuesday killing 19 third and fourth grade children and two teachers, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that Joe Biden’s open borders policies had turned his small western Texas town into the “Wild Wild West.”
Former DARPA Official: COVID-19 Was Designed
to Be an Aerosolized Synthetic Spike Protein
Vaccine For Bats
10 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 1/11/2022 4:55:19 PM Post Reply
A former DARPA official claimed in a letter to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense last summer that “a synthetic spike protein chimera” was created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to inoculate bats in caves, but it escaped from the lab before it was ready, causing the COVID-19 pandemic instead. New documents reveal that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID went ahead and funded top secret research dubbed “Project Defuse” at the Wuhan Lab after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) rejected the project because it violated a gain of function research moratorium.
Biden's 'Infrastructure czar' is a total incompetent 19 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 12/20/2021 6:44:14 AM Post Reply
Mitch Landrieu, the former two-term mayor of New Orleans, was recently appointed "Infrastructure Czar" by President Joe Biden. He will oversee spending the $1.2 trillion allocated by Congress for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Not surprisingly, most of the funds will be spent on projects that have nothing to do with infrastructure.
Stanford study quietly published at proves face masks are absolutely worthless against Covid 26 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 4/18/2021 12:02:17 PM Post Reply
The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot. Did you hear about the peer-reviewed study done by Stanford University that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that face masks have absolutely zero chance of preventing the spread of Covid-19? No? It was posted on the the National Center for Biological Information government website. The NCBI is a branch of the National Institute for Health, so one would think such a study would be widely reported by mainstream media and embraced by the “science-loving” folks in Big Tech.
Dr. Ayyadurai’s Wins Key Victory in
Election Fraud Case
13 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 12/17/2020 9:33:42 AM Post Reply

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD., scored a major victory in his lawsuit claiming that his campaign for Senator in Massachusetts was fraudulently stolen thanks to Dominion Voting Systems machines used to tabulate and calculate the vote. Dr. Ayyadurai is well known to TGP readers. Here are two pieces resulting from Dr. Ayyadurai’s research–Dr. Shiva Presents Arizona Data and Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva, Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft.  Dr. Ayyadurai is David fighting Goliath. He could not find a lawyer to take his case so he was left to fight alone. He filed Pro Se, i.e.   For one’s own behalf;     Corrections*

Breaking Huge: Trump Team Has Dominion
Machine from Small Georgia County –
Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden
18 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 12/4/2020 11:07:25 AM Post Reply

   . BREAKING: Trump team now has a Dominion machine from Ware County, #Georgia with EVIDENCE of Trump votes being switched to Biden. Source: John Fredericks on Steve Bannon War Room According to Fredericks, there were 37 votes that flipped in this small Georgia County on the machine. However, this represents only .26% of the Georgia ballots. When extrapolating to the entire state, this equals more than 14,000 votes and Georgia was stolen by only 10,000 votes by Biden.

Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack 15 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 11/11/2020 5:02:11 PM Post Reply
The devil may be in the details, but the angels are in the data. That’s what we’re learning very quickly as we examine the work of a dedicated Trump-supporter who appears to have uncovered all of the proof necessary to dispel this myth that Joe Biden won the presidential election.A post on by user TrumanBlack has sparked a little attention, though not nearly enough.
Durham Moving Full Throttle on Russian Probe Review 14 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 5/11/2020 11:15:15 AM Post Reply
U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham is going “full throttle” with his review into the origins of the investigation into suspected Russia-Trump coordination in the 2016 election, with additional top prosecutors involved in looking at different components of the original probe, sources told Fox News. Two sources told Fox News that Jeff Jensen, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri who was tapped by the Justice Department in February to review the case of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, is continuing to help with Durham’s investigation even after the DOJ’s move last week to drop the case against Flynn.
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/3/2024 10:49:49 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 6/3/2024 3:11:14 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on Monday testified before a House Select Subcommittee on the Covid origins, lockdowns and phony medical guidance. Dr. Fauci was the face of the Covid lockdowns, unnecessary masking, social distancing, and lies about the ‘Wuhan lab leak’ theory. During his testimony on Monday, citing faulty analysis by elitist media doctor and Covid vaccine promotor Dr. Peter Hotez, Fauci said the unvaccinated are responsible for an additional 200,000 – 300,000 COVID deaths.
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/3/2024 6:43:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/3/2024 1:33:36 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/3/2024 1:37:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/3/2024 6:54:58 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday claimed during testimony before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that unvaccinated individuals are “probably responsible” for hundreds of thousands of deaths. The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases made the remark in response to Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia of California asking whether he believes the public should listen to the best and brightest in the medical community or “podcasters, conspiracy theorists, and unhinged Facebook memes.” Fauci said taking the latter's advice will deprive people of “lifesaving interventions, which has happened.” He then pointed to studies, including one analysis by Dr. Peter Hotez,
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