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From the Mixed-Up Files of Sec. John Kerry

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Posted By: Hazymac, 5/23/2024 12:57:19 PM

Former Secretary of State John Kerry blocked multiple FBI arrest operations against individuals linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs to further negotiations on the failed Iran nuclear deal, according to unclassified internal FBI emails obtained by Senators Grassley and Ron Johnson via legally protected whistleblower disclosures. Senator Grassley’s press release is posted here. This is the gist of the disclosure: "The records provided to our offices show that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department, under the leadership of John Kerry, actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists, members of Iranian proliferation networks,


He wasn't any good a half century ago, and he's still no good.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Luandir 5/23/2024 1:12:46 PM (No. 1723472)
Further evidence of whose side he's really on.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Starboard_side 5/23/2024 1:14:26 PM (No. 1723475)
Wonder why they would interfere with the FBI's investigation. Hmmm. Wonder if anyone received any "bonus" or "finders fee" for helping to release the billions of dollars to the Iranian regime that may have influenced decisions. After all, isn't this just the sort of speculative question that's been the justification or rationalization for DOJ and FBI investigations into President Trump and his allies?
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: itsonlyme 5/23/2024 1:22:28 PM (No. 1723482)
John "Kommandant" Kerry
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Miss Ann Thrope 5/23/2024 1:30:59 PM (No. 1723487)
Makes me wonder what info Iran has that Obama/Biden doesn't want us to know.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: padiva 5/23/2024 1:31:23 PM (No. 1723489)
Did Kerry's daughter marry a man from Iran? Did this man marry her because he loved her or because he could manipulate JFKerry?
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 5/23/2024 1:45:05 PM (No. 1723496)
Once a Traitor, always a Traitor...
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 5/23/2024 2:01:22 PM (No. 1723499)
Puts him on the same level as "Jenjis" Khan.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: smokincol 5/23/2024 4:16:07 PM (No. 1723540)
and ..... we've got the wrong guy in the White House!!!!! recalling the famous quote from Jimmy Durante which has been seen on this site many times so, I won't repeat it
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Reply 9 - Posted by: 3XALADY 5/23/2024 5:33:15 PM (No. 1723571)
I can't let an article about Jon Cary go by without this: Hey, Jon F'n, why the long face! He is nothing but a treasonous dirt bag.
1 person likes this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: nwcudagal 5/24/2024 8:04:55 AM (No. 1723835)
Kerry is a fraud. I wish I still had access to all the Swift Boat ads from the election that I had saved.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Hazymac 5/24/2024 11:10:53 AM Post Reply
The Donald Trump New York City farce is on the way to being over. The prosecution (at least) rested after what would’ve been a disastrous performance by Michael Cohen in any other trial, but the standard rules don’t apply here because this is not actually a trial. This trial has nothing to do with law. It is a scummy attempt to frame a political opponent of the Democrats to keep him from winning an election against the desiccated old pervert in the White House. Normally, a jury would laugh this case out of court, except that it would never have been in court had the defendant been named Tronald Dump.
Climate Change ‘Solutions’ Are Harming
the Environment
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Posted by Hazymac 5/24/2024 8:19:14 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 5/24/2024 7:19:11 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto made some remarks and held a press conference on Thursday afternoon. As often happens with Biden, the event was an hour late. Their remarks were each about five minutes. The topics on the table? Kenya providing people to help bring some order to Haiti and dealing with African nations saddled with debt. (X) Now, I'm fine with "private sector financing," but we know that's never all it is with Democrats, as he talked about providing more government money for such countries. It's funny talking about "countries saddled with debt" when he doesn't seem to care about our own debt. Then, Biden seemed confused
From the Mixed-Up Files of Sec. John Kerry 10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/23/2024 12:57:19 PM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State John Kerry blocked multiple FBI arrest operations against individuals linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs to further negotiations on the failed Iran nuclear deal, according to unclassified internal FBI emails obtained by Senators Grassley and Ron Johnson via legally protected whistleblower disclosures. Senator Grassley’s press release is posted here. This is the gist of the disclosure: "The records provided to our offices show that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department, under the leadership of John Kerry, actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists, members of Iranian proliferation networks,
Pentagon Says None of Food Aid Moved Through
Gaza Pier Has Made It to Palestinians
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/22/2024 5:50:00 PM Post Reply
The Pentagon said Tuesday that it believes none of the hundreds of tons of aid delivered over several days via a military-built pier in Gaza has made it to Palestinians. The pier, erected by the U.S. Army to ease the humanitarian crisis amid the Israel-Hamas war, was secured to the Gaza shoreline Thursday, and trucks began dropping off pallets of food ashore on Friday. But the United Nations reported difficulties moving the aid once it reached the shore, including an apparent ambush that reportedly turned deadly. Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Tuesday that more than 569 metric tons of aid had been delivered to Gaza via the pier,
It's Time for Biden to Get to the Basement
and Stay There
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/21/2024 8:49:03 AM Post Reply
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) It is once again time for an episode of "Our Demented President," starring Joseph Robinette Biden as The Puppet and DOCTOR Mama Jill Biden as The Elder Abuser. The show is a huge hit with everyone at The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Lincoln Project's kiddie pool. To the rest of us, it's an ongoing, painful tragedy. Every public appearance by President LOLEightyonemillion features an epic struggle with the English language. On the occasions when he does get the words right for a sentence or two, he tends to get all the details wrong, which I also mentioned yesterday.
Wait, the U.S. Senate Chaplain Said What
About the Death of the Iranian President?
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/21/2024 8:19:33 AM Post Reply
The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash over the weekend. He shouldn’t be mourned or prayed for. If anything, we should all hope the man is burning in hell. He was a terrorist, allegedly responsible for the murder of thousands of dissidents in Iran, earning him the nickname the “butcher of Tehran.” And yet, you’d thought he was Mother Theresa. Spencer covered the reaction from our ambassador to the United Nations, which was deplorable: (Snip)
Here's How (and How Not) to Celebrate
the Death of the Butcher of Tehran
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/20/2024 1:10:43 PM Post Reply
Iranian strongman Ebrahim Raisi — aka "the butcher of Tehran" — is dead in a Sunday helicopter crash that his countrymen and women are celebrating, so now would be the perfect time for the New York Times to avoid interviewing the Iranian dissident he tried to have assassinated. Advertisement Wait, what? Raisi was "elected" president in 2021, after decades of coming up through the bloody ranks of Iran's hardcore Shiite Muslim theocracy. He earned the "butcher" moniker for his part on the 1988 "death committee" that quickly sentenced more than 5,000 dissidents to death — and just as quickly had them killed. Dissidents reckon that Raisi is directly responsible for the deaths
The antisemitic, immoral, evil International
Criminal Court comes for Israel
5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/20/2024 11:14:36 AM Post Reply
The International Criminal Court has lumped Yahya Sinwar and Benjamin Netanyahu into the same category of “war criminal” and is coming for both of them. To say that this is an act of moral inversion doesn’t even come close to describing what’s happening here, except to say that we’re seeing the left’s desire to outlaw Israel. The International Criminal Court (“ICC”) was established in 2002 via a UN General Assembly vote called the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Its ostensible purpose was to address crimes of genocide, war crimes, “crimes against humanity,” etc. Early on, it was clearly intended to make Israel a war criminal because
On Cue, Biden Is Lying About Republicans
and Elections
4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/20/2024 7:39:22 AM Post Reply
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) We are all quite aware that the Democrats struggle with the truth. It's been that way throughout my long life as a political activist. They're not very creative about it either. They've had cover from their flying monkeys in the mainstream media for so long that they never really had to be crafty when spewing untruths. They've gotten even worse since 2016, and the current alleged chief executive officer of the United States of America is the biggest liar of them all. He gets away with repeating stories that are full of chronological impossibilities
Baker Versus Noonan 12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/19/2024 8:07:53 PM Post Reply
Susan Baker read Peggy Noonan’s recent Wall Street Journal column so that you don’t have to. Baker took issue with Noonan in a letter to the editor published yesterday. It’s hard to nail Noonan down in the column, but Baker bites on Noonan’s set-up: "Peggy Noonan starts out decrying Joe Biden as 'too old and infirm' to be president and Donald Trump as 'too crazy' (“2024: A Certain Fatalism Sets In,” Declarations, May 11). I think this gives Old Joe a pass; after all, who doesn’t feel for an old man? Instead, I see a man who has spent his adult life living off the largesse of political power.
Disney's Latest Act of Self-Immolation
Is As Culturally Stupid As It Is Financially Dumb
11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/19/2024 7:57:52 AM Post Reply
For a brief moment in early 2024, it seemed like Disney might have learned its lesson. The once-admired company saw financial gains under new leadership amid some pointed public statements vowing to focus more on entertainment and less on politics. The slop is solidly trending downhill again, though, and it's become clear that no actual lessons were learned. The most recent example comes via the Disney+ investment and partnership with the BBC to stream the umpteenth season of "Dr. Who." As RedState's Brad Slager laid out on Friday, former showrunner Russell T. Davies returned for this latest iteration, and he's decided to make "queerness" a centerpiece.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
All the Aid From Biden’s Gaza Pier was
Seized by Hamas: That was $300 million
in taxpayer money well spent
34 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/23/2024 3:51:04 AM Post Reply
If you’re keeping track, Biden announced that America was going to spend two months building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza at a cost of $300 million that would be operated by the U.S. military. Then the pier came under attack by terrorists, was withdrawn to the Israeli port of Ashdod for repairs while the Biden administration conducted backchannel talks with Hamas urging it not to attack the pier, then redeployed for aid deliveries and it’s been a smashing success. For Hamas.
UN's top court orders Israel to halt military
offensive in Rafah
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/24/2024 10:19:41 AM Post Reply
The U.N.'s top court, the International Court of Justice, on Friday ordered Israel to cease its military offensive in Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip, citing concerns over the safety of Palestinian civilians. "Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part," ICJ President Nawaf Salam said. The court noted that conditions in Rafah had deteriorated further since the ICJ's last ruling in March, and that the provisional measures that the ICJ instructed at the time
Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious
medical school 'are failing basic tests
after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative
action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'
26 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/24/2024 3:27:52 AM Post Reply
A DEI-fixated dean at UCLA's world-famous medical school has allowed standards to plummet by discriminating against white and Asian applicants, it is claimed. The David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles boasts Nobel Prize winners on its faculty and accepts just 173 students out of the 14,000 who apply to it each year. But it has plunged from sixth to 18th place in the rankings since the appointment of Jennifer Lucerno as dean of admissions in June 2020 amid claims that the admissions bar for underrepresented minorities is now 'as low as you could possibly imagine'.
MSNBC’s Wallace on Nikki Haley Endorsing
Trump: ‘We Need Shrinks and Cult Experts
to Explain This’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 5/23/2024 8:48:44 AM Post Reply
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said Wednesday on her show “Deadline” that “shrinks and cult experts” needed to explain former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) endorsing former President Donald Trump. Partial transcript as follows: NBC REPORTER VAUGHN HILLYARD: Nikki Haley, in 2015, said, ‘Donald Trump is everything I taught my children not to do in kindergarten. I told my little ones, you don’t lie and make things up.’ She ended up serving in his administration. WALLACE: Who are these people?! HILLYARD: On, January 6, she called it “an ugly day.” She then went and said – a couple months later
Yikes: Hochul Insults Americans As She
Tries to Attack Trump and His Rally in
South Bronx
25 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/24/2024 3:38:20 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump's rally is on in the South Bronx, and it's driving the Democrats crazy that so many people have come out to hear him in the deep blue area. Maybe it isn't so "deep blue" after all when you see the number of people coming out to see him. It was driving Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) mad to have it right in her backyard; her district is nearby. She threw a fit about it, trying to say he was there because he had to be in New York for the ridiculous lawfare against him, not realizing what she was essentially admitting about election interference.
Alito’s House Reportedly Flew ‘Appeal
To Heaven’ Flag Used By Jan. 6 Rioters—Adding
To Upside-Down Flag Controversy
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/23/2024 12:53:21 AM Post Reply
TOPLINE Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an “Appeal To Heaven” flag at his New Jersey vacation home last year, a Revolutionary War-era symbol also flown by religious conservatives and some rioters on Jan. 6, according to The New York Times, the latest controversy for Alito, who recently faced criticism after the Times reported an upside-down American flag flew outside his house after the 2020 election. KEY FACTS The flag was flown at Alito’s Long Beach Island home in July and Sept. 2023, the Times reported, citing a Google street view photo, three photographs and accounts from a half-dozen neighbors and passers-by.
Pope Francis Lauds Gavin Newsom for Moratorium
on Death Penalty
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/23/2024 3:35:40 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis congratulated California governor Gavin Newsom for his refusal to carry out the death penalty and for California’s leadership in fighting climate change, the governor’s office reported. (snip) “The intentional killing of another person is wrong and as Governor, I will not oversee the execution of any individual,” said Governor Newsom. (snip) Following the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, Governor Newsom launched a crusade to defend the right to abortion, which the Catholic Church considers to be murder.
Newly Released Emails Reveal that John
Kerry and Obama Admin. Blocked FBI from
Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including
Terrorists at Least 8 Times
21 replies
Posted by DW626 5/23/2024 2:44:58 PM Post Reply
In March 2018, Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry was caught secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal that funded terrorism across the Middle East. Obama’s former Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials. The above photo was taken as Kerry left the restaurant in Paris. Around this time, President Trump withdrew from the sham Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump knew the deal with the Iranian mullahs was not working.
Pentagon Tacitly Admits Biden’s Gaza
Pier Stunt Is A Total Failure
21 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/23/2024 10:48:12 AM Post Reply
It didn’t take long for the Pentagon to all but confirm that the temporary Gaza port constructed at the behest of President Biden is turning out to be a total disaster. (snip) during a Tuesday press conference, in which Gen. Patrick S. Ryder, the Pentagon’s spokesman, told reporters that none of the 569 metric tons of food and supplies delivered into Hamas-controlled Gaza via the port have been distributed to Gaza residents by nongovernmental organizations. Constructed by the U.S. military, the $320 million floating port was announced earlier this year during Biden’s State of the Union address, a move designed to cater to the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party base.
AOC Admits Lawfare Is An ‘Ankle Bracelet’
Keeping Trump From Campaign Trail
20 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/23/2024 10:40:14 AM Post Reply
Democrat New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gloated Tuesday that the Manhattan lawfare case against former President Donald Trump is achieving its goal of keeping him from campaigning. Speaking to reporters outside Capitol Hill about Trump’s upcoming rally in the South Bronx, Ocasio-Cortez pointed out the former president is holding a rally in the deep-blue Empire State because he has a “legal version of ankle bracelet around him” and can’t easily campaign in battleground states. “By the way, he’s doing [the rally] in the South Bronx not to make a point but because he’s got court
Biden's daughter Ashley has finally admitted
her diary about 'showers with dad' as
well as fears she was 'molested' is real.
So, Maureen Callahan demands: What IS
the truth, Joe?
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/23/2024 8:01:53 PM Post Reply
Now we know for certain: the diary, like the laptop, is real — and its contents are alarming. So why isn't the media all over this? In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused. Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout. After undergoing treatment in rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Florida, where she left the diary under a mattress.
Portland DA Mike Schmidt loses election
to Nathan Vasquez after his Soros-backed
soft-on-crime policies were blamed for
ruining city
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/23/2024 8:56:31 AM Post Reply
Portland's progressive District Attorney Mike Schmidt has conceded victory to a tough-on-crime challenger after his policies were blamed for ruining the city. Schmidt, who is the prosecutor for Multnomah County, which covers the Oregon city, conceded the race to Nathan Vasquez shortly after 7pm ET Wednesday. Voter counts are ongoing, but Vasquez has secured around 54 percent of votes, with Schmidt trailing well behind on 45 percent. The Soros-backed progressive was elected with 77 percent of the vote in 2020 after touting a host of 'equity'-focused policies, in a county that has not voted for a Republican president since 1960.
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