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Why Trump Eagerly Accepted Unfair Debate Rules

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Posted By: Garnet, 5/20/2024 12:52:40 AM

Any experienced negotiator knows that, if his opening offer is immediately accepted, he has given away too much. Consequently, it must have rattled President Biden’s handlers when former President Trump instantly agreed to their debate proposal, despite its extravagant demands concerning format and rules. The Biden team very likely expected Trump to balk at some of those preconditions, which would have enabled them to portray his frequently repeated offer to debate “anytime, anywhere” as an empty bluff. Instead, he gleefully exclaimed, “Let’s get ready to rumble.” Moreover, he proposed additional encounters beyond those offered by the Biden campaign.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 5/20/2024 2:43:32 AM (No. 1721075)
Interesting analysis and salient points. Thanks for posting.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: FJB 5/20/2024 3:54:25 AM (No. 1721084)
FTA: I think they are absolutely in denial. I talk to Democrats all the time and they are aghast that the Biden campaign hasn’t reached out, hasn’t changed strategy, hasn’t done anything about inflation, the border, and is involved in conflicts overseas that seemingly will not be resolved any time soon.… Considering that everything Obiden has done to America has been deliberate and that we now live in a permanent Marxist state--which has been one big payday for the Biden Crime Syndicate--why should Pedo Joe bother saying anything about anything? MAGA Vet
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Lawsy0 5/20/2024 4:13:29 AM (No. 1721088)
Reminds me of the child's game of "Thimble, thimble, who's got the thimble?"
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 5/20/2024 6:12:36 AM (No. 1721125)
Biden and team were set back on their heels by a chess master. They are quaking in their boots right now.
25 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: petrichor 5/20/2024 7:01:57 AM (No. 1721161)
If Biden goes after Trump for election denial it would be a great time for Trump to address a list of election misdeeds that the media has all but ignored.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Krause 5/20/2024 7:24:16 AM (No. 1721176)
China, Russia, Iran.....and the democrat party, would like Biden to continue to be president. Think about that.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Red Ghost 5/20/2024 8:36:45 AM (No. 1721225)
You would think democrats instinctively would know why the biden regime isn't changing a thing, or isn't worried about the consequences of their failed and destructive policies. They weren't worried in 2020 and they ain't worried today. That's because they know the "election" is in the bag. They have had three years to perfect the tactics they used in 2020 and they were pretty good at stealing in 2020. In addition, they know their global players, (that's polite speak for our enemies) China, Russia and Iran as an Ldotter already mentioned, are all in again for the best president they have ever had in office, Joseph R. Biden.
16 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: vhs68 5/20/2024 9:47:35 AM (No. 1721300)
FTA: Unless Biden talks about inflation and understanding people’s concern, his willingness to do something about it, cut spending, reduce the size of government, and reduce as much as possible the numbers at the southern border — unless he does those things, I think he’s likely to lose the election narrowly as the polls are now suggesting..... With ALL of these issues why would Joe Blowvation not lose the election BIGGLY. That's cause the fix is still in play. The question is can they come up with the millions & millions of fake ballots that will be needed?
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mc squared 5/20/2024 9:54:50 AM (No. 1721305)
Without a script, Biden will go off on his son Beau, his jobs as a truck driver, life guard, coal miner, snake charmer, etc. The world will see him Full-Monte. If you've seen the movie 'A Face In The Crowd' with Andy Griffith, you've seen a preview.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: RayLRiv 5/20/2024 12:23:31 PM (No. 1721370)
For the upcoming Presidential debates all Trump's gotta do is let Xiden speak. When he launches into an incoherent, non-sensical, stuttering rambling word salad and it's Trump's turn to speak, Trump should simply say "Did any of you understand that garbage?" Due to his advancing dementia this will trigger Xiden's anger, resulting in a furious nationally-televised meltdown for all to see how truly sick Xiden is. Then all Trump has to do is smirk into the camera. Ta-Dah!
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: tootall 5/20/2024 1:23:06 PM (No. 1721410)
Doug Schoen is lying in his quote for this article. The polls do not suggest that Biden lose narrowly. He is getting SMOKED, bigly! His advisors really miscalculated. I think they thought Trump would argue about the rules an they could use that to avoid debating. They thought wrong.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: anniebc 5/20/2024 1:28:36 PM (No. 1721412)
While I agree with poster seven, I don't think they have to perfect anything. They stole 2020 and we were powerless to do anything about it. The left has taken over every aspect of government; they own the courts, and state houses, for that matter. The theft was so in our faces even Steve Wonder could see it was stolen. We were not prepared! Is anyone confident that we are prepared this time?
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: MickTurn 5/20/2024 7:19:56 PM (No. 1721652)
SO Answer Me this Batman, if Trump fails to follow the RULES what is his penalty? The Main Stream Press Useful Idiots will say bad things about him........ Well Bring it on Losers!
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Why Trump Eagerly Accepted Unfair Debate Rules 13 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/20/2024 12:52:40 AM Post Reply
Any experienced negotiator knows that, if his opening offer is immediately accepted, he has given away too much. Consequently, it must have rattled President Biden’s handlers when former President Trump instantly agreed to their debate proposal, despite its extravagant demands concerning format and rules. The Biden team very likely expected Trump to balk at some of those preconditions, which would have enabled them to portray his frequently repeated offer to debate “anytime, anywhere” as an empty bluff. Instead, he gleefully exclaimed, “Let’s get ready to rumble.” Moreover, he proposed additional encounters beyond those offered by the Biden campaign.
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Posted by JrSample 5/26/2024 9:29:11 AM Post Reply
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