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Posts on Sunday, May 19, 2024

‘No sign of life’ at crash site of
helicopter carrying Iranian President
Ebrahim Raisi: State media
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2024 11:18:33 PM Post Reply
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is believed to be dead after a helicopter he was on crashed in the Islamic Republic’s East Azerbaijan province. Iranian state media reported Monday morning local time that there was “no sign of life” at the crash site. Raisi, 63, had been serving as Iran’s president since August 2021 and was widely seen as a successor to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran. Others on board the helicopter were Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, East Azerbaijan Governor Malek Rahmati, and Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, Khamenei’s representative to East Azerbaijan. Iranian state media reported on Sunday that the rotorcraft
Mosquitoes swarm Texas town, officials
blame climate change
Posted by mc squared 5/19/2024 11:03:37 PM Post Reply
Officials are pointing the finger at climate change as a Texas town battles with another spring of exploding mosquito populations. "If you open the car door to go somewhere, you’ve got 10 mosquitoes inside," Mith Varley, a resident of the Houston suburb of Conroe, Texas, said of the issue, according to a report in the Washington Post. Varley, who has lived in the area of Montgomery County for nearly 10 years, told the Washington Post he has never seen it worse. While the area of Texas has always been known as an ideal mosquito habitat,
Self-Described ‘Catholic Republican’
Senate Candidate Larry Hogan Advocates
for ‘Restoring Roe v. Wade as the Law
of the Land’
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 10:48:50 PM Post Reply
Self-described “Catholic” and “Republican” senate candidate Larry Hogan is advocating for “restoring Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.” Hogan previously served as the governor of Maryland. “As governor, I protected the rights of Maryland women to make their own reproductive health decisions. I will do the same in the Senate by restoring Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. No one should come between a woman and her doctor,” Hogan wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. (X) The candidate also linked to an article from the New York Times headlined, “Hogan Backs Codifying Roe, Tacking Left on Abortion
At least three U.S. citizens - accused
of being CIA agents - are arrested in
Congo after failed coup: Three people
killed in shootout at presidential palace
and home of close ally
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 10:31:06 PM Post Reply
Three Americans have been arrested over their alleged involvement in a failed coup in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Video shows what is thought to be two of the men groveling for mercy on the ground as they were surrounded by government forces following a shootout in the capital Kinshasa on Sunday. Reports in local media suggested the arrested men were CIA operatives although the US ambassador in the city was keen to distance the US from any involvement.'I am shocked by the events this morning and very worried by the reports of American citizens allegedly being involved,' Lucy Tamlyn, the US ambassador to the DRC,
Salman Rushdie: A Palestinian State Would
Be Hamas
Posted by OhioNick 5/19/2024 9:45:10 PM Post Reply
Salman Rushdie was a longtime opponent of Israel. Despite being targeted by Iran for The Satanic Verses, a book that the Islamic revolutionary regime deemed blasphemous and being sold out by fellow leftists for “provoking” Muslims, the Pakistani ex-Muslim opposed the Jewish State and supported the terrorist cause. Now in an interview with Bild, a German publication, Rushdie, who suffered a Muslim terrorist attack in America (funny how quickly the media moved on from that) that left him without one eye, had some thoughts on the Hamas campus riots.
Biden’s Voldemortian theory of privilege:
The president whose voice must not be heard
Posted by Moritz55 5/19/2024 9:09:11 PM Post Reply
While all eyes were focused on a Manhattan courthouse for Donald Trump’s trial, a curious thing happened in Washington. President Joe Biden invoked executive privilege in defiance of Congress. It is not the invocation that is particularly unusual. What is curious is that Biden is withholding the audiotape of his own interrogation by Special Counsel Robert Hur, even though the transcript has been released as unprivileged. It appears that Joe Biden is “he who must not be heard.” The invocation of privilege over the audiotape is so transparently political and cynical that it would make Richard Nixon blush.
Judge Cannon Calls Jack Smith
Out For His Dirty Tricks in Rare Sunday Order
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 8:21:41 PM Post Reply
Judge Aileen Cannon called out Special Counsel Jack Smith for his dirty tricks in Trump’s classified documents case in a rare Sunday filing. Jack Smith has repeatedly warned of a ‘significant, immediate’ threat to the government witnesses if their names were unredacted. The Special Counsel has been fighting to keep the names of government witnesses a secret. He also opposed the unsealing of discovery material because one document confirms the existence of another FBI investigation. In a five-page order, Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, said that she is “disappointed” that Jack Smith has demanded redactions for “witness safety” when it benefits him, but ignored those concerns at other times.
Baker Versus Noonan replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/19/2024 8:07:53 PM Post Reply
Susan Baker read Peggy Noonan’s recent Wall Street Journal column so that you don’t have to. Baker took issue with Noonan in a letter to the editor published yesterday. It’s hard to nail Noonan down in the column, but Baker bites on Noonan’s set-up: "Peggy Noonan starts out decrying Joe Biden as 'too old and infirm' to be president and Donald Trump as 'too crazy' (“2024: A Certain Fatalism Sets In,” Declarations, May 11). I think this gives Old Joe a pass; after all, who doesn’t feel for an old man? Instead, I see a man who has spent his adult life living off the largesse of political power.
Tim Scott Reminds Americans of Joe Biden’s
Association With a KKK Member
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 8:05:59 PM Post Reply
As President Joe Biden scrambles to gain back black voters ahead of the 2024 election, his past may crawl back to bite him. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) is reminding Americans that Biden has close ties to “racist” and known member of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV).He criticized the media for suppressing the story, that had it been a Republican, the press would be eating it up. Scott said Biden’s words and actions are a “disgusting reflection on who he is,” accusing him of dividing the nation rather than bringing unity.
The reason why you may have to pay MORE
tax in 2026
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 8:00:15 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump-era tax breaks are set to expire next year meaning millions of Americans may have to start paying more in 2026. Trump made sweeping changes to the tax landscape through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017. This included lowering individual income tax rates, almost doubling the standard deduction and raising the federal estate tax exemption. It also slashed corporate income tax to 21 percent - its lowest level since 1993.However, these cuts are due to expire on January 1, 2026 - a date dubbed 'Sunset day' by financial experts.
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi is seen
in eerie photo moments before helicopter
crash: Hamas-backing leader is still missing
amid fears his death will spark power
vacuum in Tehran
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 7:28:14 PM Post Reply
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi was pictured moments before the helicopter crash near the border with Azerbaijan which put his ‘life at risk’. He was seen staring out of the window of the aircraft, which was traveling in Iran's East Azerbaijan province near Jolfa, around 375 miles northwest of Tehran when it crashed. There have been conflicting reports among Iranian state media about whether the helicopter has been found following a frantic search mission. The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard The president is still missing hours after the crash and there is no confirmation they are close to finding Raisi.
Helicopter crash could reverberate across
the Middle East, where Iran’s influence
runs wide and deep
Posted by 4250Luis 5/19/2024 5:46:45 PM Post Reply
The apparent crash of a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s foreign minister and other officials is likely to reverberate across the Middle East. That’s because Iran has spent decades supporting armed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Palestinian territories that allow it to project power and potentially deter attacks from the United States or Israel, the sworn enemies of its 1979 Islamic Revolution. Tensions have never been higher than they were last month,
Jill Biden ludicrously claims Trump would
‘destroy’ public education if elected
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 5:25:34 PM Post Reply
First lady and fake “doctor” Jill Biden ludicrously claimed Saturday that former President Donald Trump will destroy the public education system if reelected to office. Speaking at the United Federation of Teachers’ annual spring conference, she argued instead that her husband, President Joe Biden, is the one who’ll bless public education. “I always believed that Joe would be the best education president,” she said, according to the New York Post. Uh huh … [Tweet] Trump, on the other hand, “wakes up every morning caring about one person — and one person only — himself,” she added. “Donald Trump doesn’t want to strengthen our public education system — he wants to destroy it,”
‘Butchers were murderously wrong’:
New study finds risk of suicide jumps
12-fold AFTER gender surgery
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 5:15:41 PM Post Reply
A new study has found that people who’ve undergone transgender surgery boast a much higher risk of committing suicide. Published last month in Cureus, a medical science journal, the study specifically found that “[g]ender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks.” The researchers reached this conclusion by analyzing the healthcare data of 90 million adults aged 18 to 60. They specifically looked at emergency room treatment data for those who’d undergone transgender surgery. The patients were divided into four groups — one containing people who’d undergone transgender surgery and an E.R. visit, and one containing people who’d undergone no transgender surgery but who had partaken in an E.R. visit.
Georgia Parents Speak Out After CPS Takes
Their Kids Under False Child Abuse Allegations
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 3:23:08 PM Post Reply
When Georgia parents Corey and Diana Sullivan took their three-month-old daughter, Amelia, to the hospital, they had no idea that within 24 hours, their children would be removed from their home due to false allegations of child abuse. Diana spoke with RedState about the family and their ongoing fight to get their children back. Corey and Diana met in middle school and married at 21, then spent 16 years trying to have children. Through in vitro fertilization (IVF), they finally succeeded, welcoming (now) four-year-old Arabella and eleven-month-old twins Amelia and Christian. "We were elated to find out that we were having twins," the mother recalled.
How Trump Reacted to a Dysfunctional Podium
in Minnesota
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 3:15:49 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump’s Minnesota rally wasn’t anything you haven’t heard before. He ripped into Joe Biden, said he was destroying the country, and ginned up the crowd as always. Despite being a traditionally Democratic state, local Minnesota outlets noted how both parties are keeping watch. Trump came very close to wresting the state from Hillary Clinton in 2016. The Iron Range region, a stronghold for Democrats and chock-full of union families is beginning to drift into the GOP camp. Yet, the former president's dysfunctional podium led to some chuckles, which he incorporated into his act.
Morehouse College Graduates Turn Their
Backs on Joe Biden as He Delivers 2024
Commencement Address (Video)
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 3:00:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden Sunday morning delivered the 2024 Morehouse College commencement address in Atlanta, Georgia. Biden, a lifelong racist who once told blacks they “ain’t black” if they don’t vote for him, was given an honorary doctorate degree from the private historically black men’s liberal arts college. “Congratulations, Dr. Joseph Biden,” Morehouse President David Thomas said. WATCH: (Video) Joe Biden was never involved in the civil rights movement. This is one of his favorite lies. (Video)
Democrat MA Town That Voted Overwhelmingly
for Joe Biden Furious They Got What They
Voted For
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 2:55:08 PM Post Reply
Norfolk, Massachusetts’ 11,500 residents voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020. Now, residents are up in arms that they are getting exactly what they voted for. (List) The state announced it is refurbishing the Massachusetts Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk, which formerly served as a minimum-security dorm-like facility. The move will alleviate the hundreds of illegals currently camped out at Boston’s Logan International Airport and provide housing for six to twelve months.
Trump Indictments Have Ignited a Juggernaut
of a Presidential Campaign
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 2:35:38 PM Post Reply
President Trump just can’t stop winning, as the many indictments levied against him by his political opponents continue to earn him billions of dollars worth of press coverage. In fact, these indictments and the resulting media storm are doing a better job of convincing doubters of the authenticity of his agenda than President Trump and his team could likely do on their own! Suburban moderates and independents, the type of gilded voters most likely to be offended by Trump’s rhetorical bombast or otherwise buy into the anti-Trump propaganda blitz, are seeing a sort of coordinated, repellent injustice against Trump previously unfathomable within their narrow worldview.
Washington Is High School With Paychecks replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 2:27:24 PM Post Reply
I’m glad my kids are too young to realize just how stupid most of the people who lead our government are. I’d like them to be realists about idiots rising in power, but at 6 and 5 it’s a little too soon for that, let childhood bloom. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to live in a world where our tax dollars pay the salaries of morons to have the equivalent of a “your mama” match in the halls of Congress. Look, I don’t have a dog in that hunt – I’d say AOC is a mile wide and an inch deep, but she’s far too shallow for that,
Joe Biden’s Problem Is in the Pews replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/19/2024 2:10:46 PM Post Reply
To locate Joe Biden’s electoral problem, you need only to look on Sunday morning. Polling shows the mass-attending Catholic president trails Donald Trump by 10 points among those who attend religious services a few times a year or more. The score is reversed with voters who report they seldom or never attend church, with Biden leading by 10. It’s the starkest divide in the electorate – and one that political journalists rarely mention, perhaps because, as a profession, journalists are more removed from religion than the average American. Trump’s advantage with white evangelical Protestants is widely understood, but he also leads Biden by healthy margins among less politically conservative Christians.
Biden's Morehouse Speech Is a Mess With
Pandering in Overdrive, As Students Turn
Their Backs on Him
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 1:54:37 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden was at Morehouse College on Sunday to give a commencement address. But his confusion started even before he began to speak. He spent a lot of time staring off, looking like he was lost in space. [Video] Then he confusingly clapped when there was a call for an "immediate and permanent ceasefire," which of course would help save Hamas (and not help our hostages or our ally Israel). [Video] But I don't think Joe really knows what he stands for from one minute to the next at this point. He's just clapping by rote because other people are applauding, regardless of the reason.
MSNBC Legal Analyst Thinks Blaming Bob
Menendez’s Wife Is a Good Tactic
Posted by DW626 5/19/2024 1:36:54 PM Post Reply
Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner said that blaming Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-NJ) wife in his federal corruption trial may be a good thing for his defense. During an interview with MSNBC, Kirschner praised the Democrat’s legal team for throwing his wife under the bus as a way to protect him. “Once the cases were severed, you know, there’s a preference in the law for codefendants to be tried together jointly in one trial,” Kirschner said. “That’s true for lots of reasons.
Biden tells black graduates Republicans
'don't see you in the future of America'
in fiery speech slamming right-wing 'extremists'
Posted by mc squared 5/19/2024 12:52:19 PM Post Reply
The president didn't use Trump or the GOP's name as he addressed graduating seniors from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, but it was clear who he was talking about as he brought up January 6 amid their commencement ceremony. 'Insurrectionists who stormed the capitol with Confederate flags are called patriots by some,' Biden told the seniors, graduating from the historically black, all-male institution. 'Not in my house.' Trump often refers to his supporters who ramsacked the Capitol by that term. 'Black police officers, black veterans, protecting the Capitol were called another word as you recall,' Biden continued. The president added that 'extremists close the doors of opportunity.'
They are Coming for Alito and It Has Nothing
to Do With Upside Down Flags
Posted by earlybird 5/19/2024 11:30:13 AM Post Reply
You are not going to like this, and most will say I’m nuts.(snip) The IC is coming after Judge Sam Alito, but not because of his non pretending, general J6 disdain, solid grasp on the fraud that is Joe Biden,(snip), the IC has been coming for Justice Alito since Chief Justice John Robert’s internal court counselor’s lead office staff Sheldon Snook, the husband of Mary McCord, leaked the Alito decision [Dobbs Decision] overturning Roe and sending the abortion issue back to the states.(snip), Judge Alito appears to be holding the line and forcing the IC to come out of the shadows after him. My hunch is he’s just had enough.
Hostages dead or alive replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2024 11:22:08 AM Post Reply
On October 7 Hamas brutally maimed and murdered — not necessarily in that order — Israelis attending the Nova Music Festival in Re’im. Hamas kidnapped the living and the dead to Gaza. Hamas has sought to Gaza exchange the living hostages and the bodies of the murdered Israelis for a multiple of living Hamas murderers incarcerated in Israel. Hamas seeks freedom for its incarcerated murderers so that they can assist in the project of repeating massacres again and again until Israel is annihilated — as Ghazi Hamid explained on Lebanon TV. Late last week the IDF undertook an overnight operations to recover the bodies
Biden Officials Hold Talks with Iran in
Oman to Prevent ‘Escalation’
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2024 11:17:50 AM Post Reply
Senior officials from the Biden administration held indirect talks last week with the Iranian regime in the Gulf state of Oman to avoid “escalation” in the region — even as Iran’s proxies continue to attack Israel and global shipping. The effort is one of few diplomatic meetings between the U.S. and Iran, and recalls the secret meetings between President Barack Obama’s envoys and the Iranian regime in Oman in 2013 that set the stage for the Iran nuclear deal. That agreement was widely viewed as favorable to Iran, allowing it to emerge after roughly a decade as a nuclear power. President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018;
Update: Joe Biden Was Lying When He Promised
'Intelligence' to Israel in Exchange for
Saving Hamas
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2024 11:13:16 AM Post Reply
Are you ready for the most ridiculous outcome imaginable regarding the recent offer of intelligence to Israel in exchange for a ceasefire? Here's the update: Joe Biden was not telling the truth about being able to pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders, including top terrorist Yahya Sinwar. As RedState reported, the Biden administration recently promised that it had intelligence to offer that negated the need to enter Rafah and finish off Hamas. That was coupled with a diplomatic push by Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding Israel "get out of Gaza." At the time, it appeared the White House had been holding back valuable information while American hostages
Trump claims 'low-IQ' Joe only has to
do one basic thing to be declared the
winner of presidential debates
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 10:46:58 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump claimed Joe Biden faces a low bar in this year's presidential debates, and that simply remaining upright will be enough for the media to declare it a brilliant performance, reminiscent of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The two candidates agreed this week to meet for two televised showdowns ahead of the November election. During a speech on Saturday at the National Rifle Association, Trump, 77, said he had no hesitation in agreeing to the clashes with his 81-year-old opponent.
Helicopter carrying Iranian President
Ebrahim Raisi suffers ‘hard landing’
in Azerbaijan
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 9:45:50 AM Post Reply
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi suffered a “hard landing” on Sunday, Iranian state media reported, without immediately elaborating. Raisi was traveling in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province. State TV said the incident happened near Jolfa, a city on the border with with the nation of Azerbaijan, some 600 kilometers (375 miles) northwest of the Iranian capital, Tehran. Traveling with Raisi were Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, the governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province and other officials, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. One local government official used the word “crash” to describe the incident, but he acknowledged to an Iranian newspaper that he had yet to reach
Maryland governor signs Biden-inspired
bill establishing 'Center for Firearm
Violence Prevention'
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 9:40:10 AM Post Reply
Democratic Maryland governor Wes Moore signed a bill establishing the first statewide gun violence prevention center earlier this week. The project, which is called the Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention, will operate within the Maryland Department of Health. Its mission is to "consolidate and better coordinate Maryland’s public health approach to preventing gun violence," according to a press release published by the governor's office on Thursday. "The center will partner with local governments, advocates, and medical professionals engaged in violence intervention programs to build upon the critical gun violence intervention programs that were pioneered in Maryland
Trump Announces Rally In The South Bronx
After Massive Turnout In NJ
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 9:35:07 AM Post Reply
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced that he will hold a rally in the South Bronx next week after tens of thousands of supporters showed up for his event in the Democratic stronghold of New Jersey last Saturday. The New York City rally will be Trump’s first in his native state since his successful 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Post reported. Team Trump announced the South Bronx rally in a statement that slammed President Joe Biden’s “failed policies” from which “New Yorkers have suffered greatly.” “The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden,”
Disney's Latest Act of Self-Immolation
Is As Culturally Stupid As It Is Financially Dumb
Posted by Hazymac 5/19/2024 7:57:52 AM Post Reply
For a brief moment in early 2024, it seemed like Disney might have learned its lesson. The once-admired company saw financial gains under new leadership amid some pointed public statements vowing to focus more on entertainment and less on politics. The slop is solidly trending downhill again, though, and it's become clear that no actual lessons were learned. The most recent example comes via the Disney+ investment and partnership with the BBC to stream the umpteenth season of "Dr. Who." As RedState's Brad Slager laid out on Friday, former showrunner Russell T. Davies returned for this latest iteration, and he's decided to make "queerness" a centerpiece.
Iran's New Proxy: American Universities replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/19/2024 7:53:41 AM Post Reply
We are watching the demonstrations, and we like what we see, but it should not end with this.... These protestors are our people and will support Iran in an Iran-U.S. confrontation; Iran can repeat in the U.S. what it did in Lebanon but on a grander scale because the 'Hizbullah -style' groups in the U.S. are 'much larger' than in Lebanon.... America is the Great Satan and our enemy, but we have hope in these areas." — Foad Izadi, Teheran University, who studied at University of Houston and Louisiana State University, Ofogh TV (Iran), April 26, 2024.
Crockett Mocked Into Next Week for Huge
Mistake She Made While Trying to Raise
Money Off Fight With MTG
Posted by 4250Luis 5/19/2024 7:46:13 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, as we reported there was a wild exchange between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX). Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) said in the past he's compared the House to "The Jerry Springer Show." Then in reference to the wild moments on Thursday, he said he would apologize to the show. That caused AOC to flip out and chastise him, saying that she was standing up for women, and somehow, MTG talking about Crockett's eyelashes was racist and misogynist. Crockett then tried to make money off of what she said about MTG,
Who is Winning the War of Information? replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/19/2024 7:03:31 AM Post Reply
Recently, I made a stage presentation to a large crowd at the Calvary Chapel in Chattooga, TN. The last time I was there was December, 2021, in the heat of the pandemic, and the crowd pressed me then for the best treatment protocols at home to survive acute COVID-19. I credited Pastor Frank Ramseur for being correct from the beginning on masking, lockdowns, early treatment, and vaccines. The community needs to know when their leaders made the right calls and had the courage to hold strong. (Snip) The audience confirmed that not a single public health agency, medical school, or hospital system held public forums so people could ask questions
Camp of the Dumbbells replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/19/2024 6:32:28 AM Post Reply
In 1975 a Frenchman, Jean Raspail, wrote a fictional account of how western civilization was destroyed by unrestricted immigration from the Third World. His work, The Camp of the Saints, has been out of print for some time, but it again became popular in 2011 and Amazon now is offering it on Kindle and you can read it free online. I urge you to do so, because it is probably the most prescient novel you will ever read. Every day on X (formerly Twitter) I read accounts from around the world of the increased crime,
Jesus, Moses, and Donald Trump replies
Posted by Msquared112 5/19/2024 5:49:52 AM Post Reply
All three of these men led their people out of slavery and into freedom. (snip) Donald Trump, while quite different in personality and means from Moses and Jesus, seems to clearly have the hand of God’s providence and provision on his life. Because it is Trump’s plan to deliver his people, the citizens of America, from the slavery of tyrants, Pharaohs, and other power-seekers and evil men, he is being pursued, attacked, vilified, ridiculed, pilloried, lied about, and unjustly accused. The jackals plan to crucify him any way they can because he has shown the enslaved People that life can be different: more prosperous, more secure, more pleasant and more sensible.
Bill Maher Nails What's at the Heart of
the Left's Outrage Over Harrison Butker's Address
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 4:01:48 AM Post Reply
Hell froze over when Bill Maher defended the likes of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker on his show Friday. The NFL player recently delivered a controversial commencement address at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which sent the Left into meltdown mode. On one hand, there were some parts that many could view as anachronistic about the speech. Then again, Butker is a devout Catholic who delivered an address that aligned with those values. You can disagree without going crazy. And if Maher, an outspoken atheist and critic of organized religion, can shrug this off, so can everyone else.
Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores
Biden’s Association With KKK Member
Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing
That on CNN’ (Video)
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 3:51:14 AM Post Reply
Senator Tim Scott recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and called out the liberal media for ignoring Joe Biden’s relationship with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who at one point in his life was a member of the KKK. Scott and Sean brought up other examples of Biden’s racism, such as his ‘Jungle’ comments about school bussing and the fact that even Kamala Harris criticized him for that before she was chosen to be his running mate. Tim Scott then goes on to talk about why Biden’s coalition is falling apart.
Anti-Israel uprisings hit dangerous new
extreme in Michigan
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2024 1:39:32 AM Post Reply
This is not normal. The anti-Israel uprisings at colleges across the country have featured violence (from both sides), vandalism, unlawful occupations known as “encampments,” and many other acts that go well beyond free speech. And now, at the University of Michigan, this radical protest movement just crossed the line into dangerous new territory. This week, agitators reportedly showed up at the homes of University of Michigan Board of Regents members in the middle of the night, invading their private property. They chanted on their lawns and brought with them fake corpses, faux bloodied sheets, and lists of demands, including, bizarrely, completely unrelated desires such as “defunding the police.”
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