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Posts on Monday, February 19, 2024

It's George Washington's Birthday replies
Posted by earlybird 2/19/2024 8:54:29 PM Post Reply
“First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen. He was second to none in the humble and endearing scenes of private life; pious, just, humane, temperate and sincere; uniform, dignified and commanding, his example was as edifying to all around him, as were the effects of that example lasting. “To his equals he was condescending; to his inferiors kind; and to the dear object of his affections exemplarily tender: Correct throughout, vice shuddered in his presence, and virtue always felt his fostering hand; the purity of his private character gave effulgence to his public virtues.”
Developing: WW3 WATCH: Houthis Sink British
Ship in Red Sea, Shoot Down US Reaper
Drone, Attack Two US Ships in Gulf of
Aden: Report
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 8:04:28 PM Post Reply
*World War 3 Watch* Iran-backed Houthis sunk a British ship in the Red Sea on Monday and attacked two US ships in the Gulf of Aden. The US is also investigating a US Reaper drone that crashed in Yemen on Monday. A spokesman for the Houthis claimed the $30 million unmanned US Reaper drone was shot down “with a suitable missile.” (Video) According to reports: “The United Kingdom’s Maritime Trade Operations Agency (UKMTO) reported Monday that the Houthis sunk a ship traveling in the Red Sea , south of the port city of Mukha in Yemen. It is the the first time since the start of Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza
How Presidents Day went from George Washington’s
modest birthday to big sales and 3-day weekends
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 7:59:52 PM Post Reply
NORFOLK, Va.— Like the other Founding Fathers, George Washington was uneasy about the idea of publicly celebrating his life. He was the first leader of a new republic — not a tyrant. And yet the nation once again commemorated the first U.S. president on Monday, 292 years after he was born. The meaning of Presidents Day has changed dramatically, from being mostly unremarkable and filled with work for Washington in the 1700s to the consumerism bonanza it has become today. For some historians the holiday has lost all discernible meaning. Historian Alexis Coe, author of “You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George of Washington,” said she thinks about Presidents Day
Biden to go to UN Security Council to
force temporary cease-fire on Israel,
halt Rafah offensive
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 7:43:54 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration is reportedly taking its goal of a temporary cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war to the U.N. Security Council as early as Tuesday. The administration is said to have proposed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution which in part would call for a temporary cease-fire and call on Israel not to go into Rafah in the Gaza Strip. According to Reuters, the U.S. text states in part that it "determines that under current circumstances a major ground offensive into Rafah would result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries."
Scientists Hope to Fight Climate Change
by Dumping Chemicals in the Ocean
Posted by thudlike 2/19/2024 7:33:02 PM Post Reply
Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts are planning an experiment in which they will dump approximately 6,000 gallons of sodium hydroxide — a common ingredient in soaps, cleansers, and chemical pipe cleaners — into the waters off of Martha’s Vineyard. The experiment is a part of WHOI’s LOC-NESS project, which seeks to ascertain whether artificial alkalinity enhancement of the Earth’s oceans can help in global efforts to address so-called global warming..
How Hur’s Report Hid Biden’s Obstruction replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/19/2024 6:00:52 PM Post Reply
Every engaged citizen knows that Donald Trump was indicted for obstructing the Department of Justice's investigation of his retention of presidential records by not turning over all his presidential documents, classified and unclassified. He was also indicted for possessing classified documents. Special Counsel Robert Hur’s similar investigation of President Biden has just concluded, with Hur declining to indict Biden for his willful possession of classified documents, justifying the contrast with Trump by noting that, unlike Trump, Biden cooperated with the FBI and did not obstruct justice. 
Presidents Day: 5 Presidents Who Warned
Against Mass Immigration
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 5:44:20 PM Post Reply
While presidents have long had disagreements on national policy, many agreed that unchecked immigration to the United States ultimately hurts Americans and those legal immigrants who have already arrived. Five presidents, in particular, have famously warned against mass immigration to the United States — despite their differences on a variety of other issues. Calvin Coolidge.... In the early 1920s, President Calvin Coolidge (R) drastically reduced annual legal immigration levels to the United States, stabilizing the nation’s population following decades of record-high immigration.
Dozens of Chinese migrants spotted entering
US illegally in California border town
of Jacumba and say they're here to 'take
the money' along with others from Syria
and Turkey
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 5:08:23 PM Post Reply
Shocking images and video taken in California this weekend show Chinese migrants lined up at the border town of Jacumba and telling reporters shamelessly how they're here to 'take the money'. Dozens and dozens, possibly up to hundreds of migrants, crossed the international boundary, according to Griff Jenkins of Fox News, who recorded the footage. 'This is one of the largest groups of Chinese I have ever come across and there were [...] two groups at the same time crossing in Jacumba, CA,' the correspondent tweeted last week.
On Presidents’ Day, Washington and Lincoln
Speak to Us from Their Graves
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 4:37:48 PM Post Reply
With the shock and awakening of Americans that the freedoms, rights, and opportunities they had taken for granted for generations have been brazenly stripped away in the last few years, primarily by the federal government and its administrative state, President’s Day 2024 takes on particular significance. It is unique among American holidays in that two of America’s greatest presidents -- George Washington and Abraham Lincoln -- speak to us from their graves. Washington was the key founder of the United States, the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army which defeated Great Britain -- the greatest military power in world. Later Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention and was unanimously elected
America’s Open Border – Intentionality
or Incompetence?
Posted by Hazymac 2/19/2024 4:33:43 PM Post Reply
It’s clear that America’s open border is an unmitigated disaster, allowing over 300,000 known migrants to enter the U.S. each month. Migrants are arriving from all over the world, including from geopolitical adversaries like China and Afghanistan. Few are vetted, meaning their health, criminal, education, vocations, literacy, and motivations are unknown. Anyone can ask for political asylum, as they are coached to do. To federal border agents, they are a massive herd of cattle, and it’s all they can do just to get them across the border, feed and hydrate them, and put them on plane to Denver, New York, or Chicago. There are also an unknown number of euphemistically.
Democrats frustrated by 'bed-wetting'
complaints from Biden inner circle, demand
West Wing 'be better': report
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 4:31:28 PM Post Reply
Complaints of "bed-wetting" are reportedly frustrating top Democrats who feel like their concerns are being brushed off by the Biden campaign as they demand the president and his team "need to be better." CNN reported on Sunday that Vice President Harris has been meeting with leading Democrats for some guidance on the Biden-Harris reelection effort as some members of the party who are concerned about their chances have been feeling "sloughed off" by the White House and the president's campaign. "The bed-wetting complaints are running thin with people," one person who attended a meeting with Harris told the media outlet, referring to Democrat anxiety over the 2024.
30 Questions Likely To Stump The ‘Sharp’
And ‘Vigorous’ Joe Biden
Posted by Garnet 2/19/2024 4:11:45 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has the greatest mental acuity of any president in the history of the United States — at least that’s what the White House wants you to believe. Throughout the past week, regime-approved media and administration officials have twisted themselves into pretzels trying to gaslight Americans into believing Biden is as “sharp” and “vigorous” as he’s ever been, despite incident after incident showing he’s in mental decline. These laughable claims come in response to the release of the Hur report, which found that Biden mishandled classified documents but concluded that “no criminal charges are warranted in this matter” because the president
‘Blood Money’ Contains 939 Endnotes;
Leaked Documents from FBI, DHS, DOJ; Restricted
Chinese Military Documents; No Unnamed Sources
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 4:11:21 PM Post Reply
Peter Schweizer’s soon-to-be-released book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans contains 939 endnotes totaling 89 pages; no unnamed sources; leaked documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Department of Justice (DOJ); restricted Chinese military documents and reports; leaked Mexican internal communications; internal communications from U.S. officials; and Chinese corporate records.
New York Migrants Receiving Cash Welfare
Payments After Quiet Rule Change
Posted by mc squared 2/19/2024 3:51:41 PM Post Reply
The Democrat-controlled state of New York has been quietly handing out cash payments to thousands of migrants under a rule change qualifying non-citizens for welfare. Gov. Kathy Hochul’s Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) modified its Safety Net Assistance (SNA) program’s parameters in 2023, making migrants who have filled out asylum application forms eligible to receive even more taxpayer dollars. A memo quietly sent out to New York welfare office workers from the Hochul administration on May 12, 2023, carefully revised the standards needed to qualify for SNA, expanding them to include “non-citizens who are considered permanently residing under color of law (PRUCOL).”
Exclusive: Navalny’s Letters from the Gulag replies
Posted by Judy W. 2/19/2024 3:29:01 PM Post Reply
Natan Sharansky, one of the great heroes of the twentieth century, corresponded with Alexei Navalny, one of the great heroes of the twenty-first. Navalny, through his lawyers, managed to get a Russian copy of Sharansky’s famous memoir Fear No Evil. He read it in the gulag where he was killed on February 16, 2024. We know this because he sent Sharansky two letters: one in March and one in April of 2023. Today we are honored to publish these historic letters in their original, handwritten Russian and in English. (Snip) There are so many things that are striking about this correspondence: their erudition; their Biblical references; their moral clarity
Media Admit Joe Biden Involved in Lucrative
‘Americore’ Deal with Brother James
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 2:16:55 PM Post Reply
Politico national political correspondent Ben Schreckinger admitted Sunday that President Joe Biden was involved with James Biden in the family’s lucrative “Americore” deal. The article appears to contradict Politico reporting in October that no “smoking gun” exists that proves any Biden family wrongdoing. Politico, a publication that tried to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story, typically works to suppress the Biden business scandal.The outlet reviewed information that shows that “Joe Biden’s name and inner circle were more involved with the company than has been understood,” Schreckinger acknowledged:
The Second American Civil War
Is Starting
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 2:13:13 PM Post Reply
American society is spinning out of control: What you need to do now to prepare for massive civil unrest and violence It doesn’t take any brilliant analytical mind to discern that American society is losing its rudder and that there are powerful forces seeking to divide us at a critical juncture, provoking us to civil war. After decades of ideological attacks on our gatekeeping institutions by globalists with no allegiance to this country, America’s sense of identity and purpose is dangerously close to dead. A country without a cohesive identity is a country ripe for manipulation, division and ultimately war among its factions.
Hidin’ Biden AWOL as America faces crisis
after crisis
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 1:00:56 PM Post Reply
A question an increasing number of voters are asking these days is a perfectly reasonable one: Who the hell is running the country right now? In looking at President Biden’s schedule just last week alone, the answer to that basic question is as clear as Jersey’s swamps: On Tuesday, the 81-year-old delivered brief remarks on the Senate’s passage of a supplemental agreement. When reporters attempted to ask questions afterward, Biden said he had to run but promised to take questions Wednesday or Thursday. That never happened, of course, and not because Biden had a stacked itinerary to contend with. But here’s something more disconcerting: The commander in chief received
Dutch Leader Urges Allies To Stop ‘Whining’
About Trump
Posted by Beardo 2/19/2024 12:54:18 PM Post Reply
Outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, a top contender to be the next leader of NATO, encouraged Western allies to stop fretting over the prospect of former President Donald Trump returning to the White House. “We should stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump,” Rutte said to the Munich Security Conference, according to Reuters. He added, “It’s up to the Americans. I’m not an American, I cannot vote in the U.S. We have to work with whoever is on the dance floor.” (snip) “We need to invest in our defense expenditure. We need to massively ramp up arms production, and we need to massively do more in support to Ukraine,” Rutte said.
Portland Public Schools Face Civil Rights
Complaint For Disciplinary Policy That
Factors In Race, Gender Identity
Posted by Beardo 2/19/2024 12:40:20 PM Post Reply
An education advocacy group hit Portland Public Schools (PPS) with a federal civil rights complaint Thursday over a policy that requires factoring students’ race and gender identity into disciplinary decisions. Parents Defending Education (PDE) alleges in its federal civil rights complaint that PPS is violating civil rights law and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment through its new “Student Support and Discipline” policy, which requires educators to respond to “disruptive student behavior” by developing a behavior support plan that considers characteristics like race. The policy also requires the school district to assign educators based on race and gender identity.
Hillary Clinton's Comments on Trump and
NATO Are Not Going Over Well
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 12:16:41 PM Post Reply
Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is weighing in on President Donald Trump's demands NATO countries pay their committed two percent of the alliance or face invasion from Russia. Trump has always maintained NATO countries must pay their defense obligations -- obligations NATO governments agreed to as part of receiving collective protections of the alliance. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Saturday that former President Donald Trump will seek to withdraw the U.S. from NATO if he wins a second term in the White House. In remarks during a lunchtime panel at the Munich Security Conference, Clinton urged delegates
Houthis claim ‘catastrophic’ attack
in Red Sea that prompted crew to abandon ship
Posted by NorthernDog 2/19/2024 12:03:51 PM Post Reply
The Iran-backed Houthi militant group on Sunday damaged a ship offshore Yemen, prompting its crew to abandon the vessel in the latest escalation of maritime tensions that have disrupted key trade routes in the Red Sea. The U.K. Maritime Trade Operations said on social media they received a report of a vessel attack in the Bab el-Mandeb strait off Yemen’s coast, adding that the crew had abandoned the ship. “Vessel at anchor and all crew are safe,” the UKMTO said. Houthi militants later claimed the attack, with spokesperson Yahya Sare’e identifying the vessel as general cargo ship Rubymar and describing
High-profile Republicans head for the
exits amid House GOP dysfunction
Posted by earlybird 2/19/2024 11:26:51 AM Post Reply
House Republicans were shocked by some of the recent high-profile retirements announced by their colleagues, which have included powerful committee chairs and rising stars inside the GOP. But given the miserable state of affairs inside the House right now, they also weren’t exactly surprised. “They’ve signed up to do serious things. And we’re not doing serious things,” said Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, a conservative who is retiring after bucking his party on several key issues. Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska, a moderate who represents a key swing seat, pointed to his party’s struggle to govern as driving the departures.
A British NHS trust claims chemically
induced man’s breast milk is fine for babies.
Posted by Hazymac 2/19/2024 11:22:56 AM Post Reply
One of the creepiest videos I’ve ever seen showed a mixed-up partnership in which the man claimed to be a woman, and the woman claimed to be a man. That’s not even the creepy part. What was creepy was that the woman (i.e., fake man) had a baby, and the man (i.e., fake woman) tried to “breastfeed” that poor little infant. That was bad. Much worse is that a trust in Britain’s National Health Service is claiming that a man given a dangerous chemical cocktail can, in fact, breastfeed a baby. Matt Walsh gives a good rundown of what led to the video and then has the actual clip itself.
Taking a Chance on Risk replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/19/2024 11:15:32 AM Post Reply
It's been nearly 40 years since the Berlin Wall collapsed and the end of history arrived. While most people welcomed the peace and prosperity the interim has brought, the organic evolution of the world has been stunted, forced into a straitjacket, and grown misshapen. Our predicament is that we fear the bad old 20th century, and yet the shoes we walked out of its ruins with are pinching our 21st-century feet. No one feels the contradiction more than the hegemon itself. Is there any way for America to relax the reins on the world-order stagecoach without risking a team of runaway horses? Greg Lawson frames the problem in this way.
Inside the Meeting Where LA County's Ferrer
Tried to Silence Co-Workers of Employee
Who Committed Suicide
Posted by Dreadnought 2/19/2024 11:07:40 AM Post Reply
Days after RedState broke the news of the tragic suicide death of Heather Hughes, a Los Angeles County Department of Public Health/Environmental Health (DPH/EH) employee, the union representing those employees is demanding "an immediate investigation into the circumstances" surrounding Hughes' death and "a comprehensive and detailed explanation of what occurred. The demand also comes after Ferrer met with Environmental Health employees at the office in Koreatown where Hughes was stationed and heard more than two hours' worth of detailed employee grievances, then sent a cursory email outlining steps
Delusions, Alternate Realities, and the
Biden Consortium
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 11:06:40 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden has a train of a dozen lawyers defending him on felony indictments ranging from several counts of tax fraud to gun violations. From time to time, the contents of his laptop come up, both in these criminal trials and in civil suits. The information on the laptop is, of course, incriminating and useful to various prosecutors and litigants. Yet Hunter himself is suing the computer repairman with whom he dropped off his laptop and never retrieved—and never paid—despite signing a waiver relinquishing ownership if and when in default of payment and claim.
New York Governor Admits State Legal Targeting
Was Only at Donald Trump
Posted by earlybird 2/19/2024 10:47:56 AM Post Reply
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has admitted the lawfare deployed against the Trump organization and President Donald Trump himself was a specific plan for his targeting and any other business interests or people within New York should not be concerned. It’s a rather brazen admission all things considered; however, if it changes the public outlook as the various New York lawfare cases against President Trump continue, is yet to be determined. (Via The Hill) – New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about”
Hidin’ Biden AWOL as America faces crisis
after crisis
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/19/2024 10:23:17 AM Post Reply
A question an increasing number of voters are asking these days is a perfectly reasonable one: Who the hell is running the country right now? In looking at President Biden’s schedule just last week alone, the answer to that basic question is as clear as Jersey’s swamps: On Tuesday, the 81-year-old delivered brief remarks on the Senate’s passage of a supplemental agreement. When reporters attempted to ask questions afterward, Biden said he had to run but promised to take questions Wednesday or Thursday. That never happened, of course, and not because Biden had a stacked itinerary to contend with.
Donald Trump’s Russia ties remain a
national security risk
Posted by Rama41 2/19/2024 10:20:45 AM Post Reply
Many gasped recently when Donald Trump said he’d encourage Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” with NATO allies who don’t pay their share of the transatlantic alliance’s defense spending. It was a brazen but hardly surprising turn from someone who has shown a long and loyal affection for Russian President Vladimir Putin, a wanted war criminal. Trump has called Putin — a former KGB agent who jails and murders critics — smart, savvy, and his friend. Trump sided with Putin after a U.S. intelligence community assessment found Russia meddled in the 2016 election. More troubling, in 2017 Trump shared highly classified intelligence with the Russian ambassador.
Charles Barkley eviscerates San Francisco
for ‘homeless crooks’ during All-Star Game
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/19/2024 10:03:09 AM Post Reply
Charles Barkley never pulls any punches when it comes to what he thinks of San Francisco and its inhabitants. The NBA legend and TNT basketball host and analyst likely won’t be planning any vacations to the city anytime soon. Barkley was speaking with polarizing Warriors forward Draymond Green and ex-Pacers star Reggie Miller, now an NBA analyst as well, on TNT’s alternate broadcast during the NBA All-Star game Sunday night at Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indiana. During the broadcast, Green said, “Hey Reggie we love you, let’s not have another All-Star [game] in Indiana. Let’s let this be the last one, my friend.”
Biden and Dems’ total disconnect from
reality: Whatever they say, trust the
opposite is true
Posted by mc squared 2/19/2024 8:34:23 AM Post Reply
Dem Dems keep flipping the script. It’s always Opposite Day for them. Whatever they say, the opposite is the truth. Up is down and black is white. And because Democrats control most of the media, they get to make the truth whatever it is they want it to be. So, after three years living in President Biden’s fantasy world, we finally have fallen through the looking glass with Alice in Wonderland, where nothing is what it is because everything is what it isn’t. Herewith some recent examples:
Biden Quietly Scraps Key Climate Policy
After Realizing How Insane It Really Is
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 8:15:40 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is starting to ride back his committments on forcing the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). According to a report from The New York Times, Biden's administration is giving up on its targets for production of EVs in an apparent "concession" to automakers and labor unions.The plan is also said to be an election ploy as Democrats fear losing the support of automakers and labor unions: Instead of essentially requiring automakers to rapidly ramp up sales of electric vehicles over the next few years, the administration would give car manufacturers more time, with a sharp increase in sales not required until after 2030, these people said.
Rashida Tlaib urges Democrats to vote
against Biden in Michigan primary over
Gaza war support
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 2/19/2024 6:40:12 AM Post Reply
‘Squad’ member Rashida Tlaib publicly encouraged progressives to vote against President Biden in Michigan’s upcoming Democratic primary in protest over his support for Israel’s war on Hamas. “Right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. If you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted,” she said in a video posted by “Listen to Michigan.” The “Listen to Michigan” campaign is championed by Tlaib’s younger sister Layla Elabed and encourages Democrats to vote uncommitted in the Great Lake State’s upcoming Feb. 27 primary.
GOP Voters Sound Off On Trump’s Possible
VP Picks — Their Answers May Surprise
You: I&I/TIPP Poll
Posted by RockyTCB 2/19/2024 6:11:29 AM Post Reply
A presidential candidate’s running mate is usually chosen to “balance” the ticket to shore up electoral weaknesses. But in former President Donald Trump’s case, his vice presidential pick is likely to receive added scrutiny due to his multitude of legal problems. That’s why this month I&I/TIPP asked U.S. voters: Who should Trump’s vice presidential running mate be? To find out who’s potentially strongest as a vice presidential candidate, I&I/TIPP’s national online poll, taken by 587 registered Republican primary voters from Jan. 31-Feb. 2, asked two questions: “If Trump wins the Republican nomination, who would be your top choice for his Vice President?”
The Love Song of D.A. Fani Willis replies
Posted by DW626 2/19/2024 5:55:42 AM Post Reply
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by poet T.S. Eliot shares the story of a sexually frustrated middle-aged man who wants to express his true feelings but is afraid to speak his mind. “The Love Song of (Fulton County) D.A. Fani Willis” tells the tragic tale of a woman whose lust for power was exceeded by her lust for another woman’s husband, and now she faces embarrassment and possibly even legal ramifications for accusations based on her sordid affair with a married man. Look for any parallels you might find between Eliot’s poem and the life and times of Fani Willis.
Eagle-eyed residents reveal sophisticated
migrant smuggling operation at northern
US border
Posted by 4250Luis 2/19/2024 5:53:56 AM Post Reply
Unsettling Post footage and interviews with US residents along the Canadian border offer a rare glimpse into the thriving migrant smuggling operation that has taken hold up north in addition to the debacle to the south. Residents of bucolic Swanton, Vt. — a town of about 6,500 people located just across Lake Champlain from New York and about a 10-minute drive from the Canadian border — have been getting a troubling firsthand look at the US’s northern illegal-migrant crisis for months. The town’s plentiful woods make the leafy hamlet an ideal spot for hunters — and also provide ample camouflage for smugglers,
Great oaks from little acorns grow; or,
a potential truckers strike against New
York City
Posted by DW626 2/19/2024 5:51:41 AM Post Reply
On Saturday afternoon, a video was creeping up on X/Twitter suggesting a trucker’s strike against New York City because of truckers’ anger about the $384 million judgment against Donald Trump. I asked, “Is this going to be something?” Well, yes, it is, and that’s despite the fact that, per the original video, only thirteen or fourteen truckers were contemplating a strike. Now, though, in true black swan fashion, it’s become a real story that could have a powerful effect on the lawfare coming out of leftist cities. This is the video from Chicago1Ray, in which he discusses his friends’ reaction to the disgraceful, hyper-partisan
Mass Deportation—It CAN Be Done replies
Posted by FlyRight 2/19/2024 5:47:12 AM Post Reply
It’s going to be difficult to get tens of millions of illegals out of the country. If there were some fear of that happening, the Democratic Party would rise up and steal as much of the American taxpayers’ money as necessary to protect this future constituency of theirs. Corporations that want cheap labor would press politicians with threats of reduced campaign money, and everybody knows politicians love other people’s money more than they love anything else. The illegals themselves would disappear under rocks, into holes in the ground, and into every cavity and crevice they could find to escape deportation.
Lara Trump steps into political spotlight
with RNC role
Posted by FlyRight 2/19/2024 5:44:39 AM Post Reply
Lara Trump is in the political spotlight after her father-in-law Donald Trump tapped her to be co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). She is no stranger to politics, having served as one of the former president’s most high-profile surrogates. She was also the subject of speculation that she would launch a bid for North Carolina’s Senate seat in 2022. The move reflects the former president’s desire to have loyalists within the party, which has raised alarms among Trump’s critics.
Political, Economic Indicators Not Promising
for Biden
Posted by FlyRight 2/19/2024 5:43:01 AM Post Reply
Several key indicators of the 2024 election environment indicate that President Joe Biden faces an uphill climb to win a second term. His job approval rating, Americans’ satisfaction with how things are going in the country and their confidence in the economy are below the levels associated with successful reelection bids in recent elections. While Democrats hold a slight edge in national party identification and partisan leanings, that advantage is smaller than what it has been in past presidential elections won by Democratic incumbents. In less direct measures of the electoral environment, Americans are more inclined to say that they are worse off financially,
Tucker Carlson Is A Convenient Distraction
For Our Failed Elite
Posted by Mercedes44 2/19/2024 5:39:57 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Putin set up Tucker Carlson by murdering Alexis Navalny just days after Tucker‘s controversial visit to Moscow and interview. That’s what happens when a scorpion rides on your back – it’s going to sting you to death even if it’s riding you across the river and will end up drowning itself, too. But the frenzy over Tucker Carlson‘s visit is still massively overblown, and the intensity of it by the ruling class is less an indication of righteous indignation than an attempt to distract from modern America’s shortcomings.
The Ratio: Nikki Haley Roasted Over Her
End of the Weekend Boast of “12 Fellas
Down. 1 To Go”
Posted by Mercedes44 2/19/2024 5:38:27 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley boasted online Sunday evening about how many ‘fellas’ she’s been through in the campaign, twelve, and how many are left for her to take on, one–President Trump–and well, the jokes just wrote themselves Old adultery accusations against the former South Carolina Governor Haley by South Carolina politicos were resurrected last month as voting in the Republican presidential primary season commenced. Haley has denied the accusations of adultery that were made by two men in sworn affidavits.
A Tale of Two Presidents replies
Posted by DW626 2/19/2024 5:37:36 AM Post Reply
President-In-Name-Only Joe Biden finally decided to visit East Palestine, Ohio — the community that last year endured both a toxic train derailment and the government’s questionable decision to burn the spilled hazardous chemicals and poison the region’s air. Given Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, it’s impossible to know whether PINO mistakenly thought he was heading out to provide aid and comfort to Palestinian terrorists in their war against Israel or whether he wanted to belatedly feign love for blue-collar Americans before demanding their votes in November.
California Democrats Introduce Bill That
Would Force Homeowners and Renters to
Disclose Number of Firearms to Insurance
Companies, Government
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 1:53:32 AM Post Reply
For years, California Democrats have been hostile to gun owners. California Democrats frequently attempt to erode Second Amendment rights in the state. A bill in the Democrat-controlled California State Assembly that was introduced on February 16th, would force homeowners and renters to disclose information about firearms they own. Assembly member Mike Gipson, and State Senator Catherine Blakespear are the two leading California Democrat lawmakers pushing this legislation. Section 2086 will be an addition to the Insurance Code pertaining to AB-3067.
Joy Reid: Black People ‘Literally, Physically,
Built this Country,’ Obama Our Only Reparation
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 1:50:17 AM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid lamented that black Americans have not received sufficient reparations for “literally, physically” building this country, believing that former President Barack Obama’s eight-year tenure is the best they will get. Reid issued her comments during an interview on Salon Talks with writer Dean Obeidallah wherein she said that black people “literally, physically, built this country” and therefore deserve much more than a two-term black president.“To be a Black person in 2024 in America is to be in a state of complete perplexed confusion about what is wrong with a country that hates your history, that to this day can’t admit
Non-Citizens Have Been Voting Since 2008 replies
Posted by Garnet 2/19/2024 1:09:27 AM Post Reply
Why would a president running for reelection refuse to meet with the Speaker of the House to discuss a national crisis that most voters blame on the president himself? This would be regarded as bizarre behavior under any circumstances, but it’s particularly perverse considering that the crisis in question is illegal immigration — the signature issue of Biden’s probable challenger in November. Moreover, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, 63 percent of the voters disapprove of the way he has handled immigration. Yet Biden refuses to discuss the problem. It’s almost as if he thinks it somehow works to his advantage.
Gantz: Israel will launch Rafah offensive
if hostages not returned by Ramadan
Posted by Dreadnought 2/19/2024 12:03:01 AM Post Reply
If hostages held in Gaza are not freed within the next few weeks, Israel will broaden its offensive in southern Gaza and push into the city of Rafah on the Egyptian border, war cabinet member Benny Gantz warned on Sunday. “The world must know, and Hamas leaders must know — if by Ramadan our hostages are not home, the fighting will continue everywhere, to include the Rafah area,” Gantz said. The holy Muslim month of Ramadan begins this year on March 10. “We will do so in a coordinated manner, facilitating the evacuation of civilians in dialogue with our American and Egyptian partners to minimize civilian casualties,” the former IDF
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