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Posts on Sunday, February 18, 2024

Kansas City mayor accuses governor of
racial ‘dog whistle’ for calling Super
Bowl parade shooters ‘thugs’
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 8:35:52 PM Post Reply
Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas accused Missouri Gov. Mike Parson of using a racial “dog whistle” when referring to the suspected shooters at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade as “thugs.” Lucas made the comment during an appearance on local radio show “Up to Date” on Friday. He told KCUR host Steve Kraske that he has seen similar incidents of alleged racism “time and again.” Following the shooting, Parson had said, “We can’t let some thugs just take over and ruin what happened.” “I have respect for the governor. We get along well,” Lucas told Kraske. “I disagree strongly with how he would describe that situation.
Trump's 'slurred speech and gross, repeated
errors' show his cognitive decline is
'MORE apparent' than Biden, UBC professor
claims, in frightening assessment of presidential
front runners
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 8:21:27 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's cognitive decline is 'more apparent' than Joe Biden's with 'slurred speech and gross, repeated errors' but both are concerning, a professor has warned. Politics professor Paul Quirk from the University of British Columbia assessed both the presidential front runners' cognitive functioning - after a series of gaffes raised questions about their fitness to hold office. He told Newsweek that 77-year-old Trump's cognitive deterioration is more obvious, but Biden's 'cognitive failure' could result in him refusing to relinquish control if needed during his second term.
Trump's Tough Talk Works: Germany Vows
To Spend Over 2% GDP in Defense ‘For
Decades to Come’, Pressures European
Allies To Do the Same
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 8:03:00 PM Post Reply
First, the whole NATO apparatus and mainstream media landscape went into full meltdown mode with Donald Trump’s suggestion that the US would only help alliance countries that obey the minimum of 2% GDP investment in defense. And then Europe’s greatest power, Germany, immediately announced that it was fulfilling the spending level, as you can read in TRUMP’S TOUGH TALK WORKS: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Now Vows To Meet NATO’s Agreed Minimum and Spend More Than 2% of GDP on Defense. Now, it is reported at once that Germany means to spend MORE than 2% of its gross domestic product on defense,
San Francisco Admits First Non-citizen
to Elections Board
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 7:53:45 PM Post Reply
San Francisco has appointed a non-citizen to its elections commission for the first time, even though she cannot vote. Bay Area public radio station reported Thursday: The newest member of the San Francisco Elections Commission, a seven-member civilian body that oversees and creates policy for the city’s Department of Elections, isn’t legally allowed to vote. Kelly Wong, an immigrant rights advocate, is believed to be the first noncitizen appointed to the commission. At a swearing-in ceremony administered by Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin on Wednesday at San Francisco City Hall, dozens of people gathered to commemorate the occasion.
2 police officers, 1 fire medic shot and
killed in Burnsville
Posted by voxpopuli 2/18/2024 6:32:41 PM Post Reply
The City of Burnsville has identified the two officers and fire medic who were shot and killed Sunday morning as Officer Paul Elmstrand, 27, Officer Matthew Ruge, 27, and firefighter/paramedic Adam Finseth, 40. The city said police were called to the 12600 block of 33rd Avenue South at 1:50 a.m. Sunday on a report of a domestic situation where a man reported to be armed was barricaded with family members. After police arrived, the situation “escalated into gunfire with responders.”
Kevin O’Leary slams Trump’s civil
ruling as ‘un-American’ and a shock
to the entire real estate industry
Posted by Harlowe 2/18/2024 6:19:50 PM Post Reply
In a scathing rebuke of a New York Judge’s decision to fine Donald Trump a staggering $355 million, the entrepreneur and media personality Kevin O’Leary minced no words, denouncing the ruling as “unjust,” “appalling” and ultimately “un-American.”[Snip]“That fact that he was found guilty, you might as well find guilty every real estate developer on Earth,” O’Leary said in an exclusive interview with The Post.[Snip]“I don’t understand where someone got hurt…What developer doesn’t ask for the highest price valued for any building they built?” O’Leary said.[Snip]He later added, “If this judgment sticks. Every developer must be jailed. They must be found guilty. They must be put out of business.
Appeal This! replies
Posted by Citoyen 2/18/2024 5:33:06 PM Post Reply
Most coverage of Friday's verdict from a Manhattan courthouse has focused on the $350 million plus that rogue judge Arthur F Engoron has demanded Trump cough up - for a "crime" which has no known victims and no identifiable proceeds. Confiscating (with interest) close to half-a-billion dollars for no good reason is certainly unusual, even by the standards of US "justice".
'He Speaks in Gibberish': Yet Another
Liberal Thought Leader Demands Biden Drops Out
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 3:31:18 PM Post Reply
Yet another Democratic Party thought leader has demanded that Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Ezra Klein, the co-founder of Vox and now a columnist and podcast host at The New York Times, said he understood that many liberals would be angry at him for calling on Biden to go but that it was necessary."I want to say this clearly: I like Biden. I think he’s been a good president. I think he is a good president. I don’t like having this conversation. And I know a lot of liberals, a lot of Democrats are going to be furious at me for this show,”
America, I give you… Madam President
Michelle Obama: She's third favorite for
a reason, Barack is already doing half
the job - and Joe simply can't go on.
The tantalizing reasons why and how it
really CAN happen
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 3:15:00 PM Post Reply
Is Michelle Obama ready to follow in Hillary Clinton's footsteps? I'm not suggesting the former First Lady would take a hammer to her old cell phones or lie to Congress. I'm writing about the undeniable possibility that Michelle uses her husband's notoriety to launch her own political career. Rumors that Mrs. Obama might run for president have plagued the Washington political scene for years. But she has always denied that she wants the job. 'I've never expressed any interest in politics. Ever,' Obama told Oprah Winfrey in 2023. Fine. But why doesn't anyone outside of the chattering political punditry seem to believe her?
Haley Refuses to Say She Will Support
Trump if He Wins Nomination
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 3:06:28 PM Post Reply
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) refused to say if she would support former President Donald Trump if he won the GOP presidential nomination. Partial transcript as follows: KARL: We’re just about of time, but I’ve got to ask, you had said earlier in this process that you will support Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination. But since you made that pledge, he has encouraged NATO – he encouraged Russia – said he would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell it wants with – with a NATO ally. You have called him diminished, unhinged, unfit for office.
Biden’s border blackmail replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/18/2024 2:28:41 PM Post Reply
One week after Senate Republicans rejected White House-backed legislation that would have sent $3.7 billion to bail out sanctuary cities while also mandating the catch and release of all migrants arrested for illegally entering America from Mexico, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials threatened to release thousands more migrants into the U.S. by slashing capacity to detain them at the border. This unveiled threat by President Joe Biden is despicable, but is also laughably empty, for the cuts he is threatening are to the exact levels his administration sought in his last budget. Biden’s plan to deal with budget shortfalls at ICE, caused entirely by his misgovernment of the border,
Obscene award against Trump is testing
the New York legal system’s integrity
Posted by Moritz55 2/18/2024 2:23:07 PM Post Reply
In laying the foundation for his sweeping decision against former President Donald Trump, Judge Arthur Engoron observed that “this is a venial sin, not a mortal sin.” Yet, at $355 million, one would think that Engoron had found Trump to be the source of Original Sin. The judgment against Trump (and his family and associates) was met with a level of unrestrained celebration by many in New York that bordered on the indecent. Attorney General Letitia James declared not only that Trump would be barred from doing business in New York for three years, but that the damages would come to roughly $460 million once interest was included.
London mayor under fire for reportedly
snubbing queen statue in favor of art
celebrating trans prostitutes
Posted by Moritz55 2/18/2024 2:17:01 PM Post Reply
The mayor of London is under fire from critics for allegedly snubbing an art installation memorializing Queen Elizabeth II in Trafalgar Square in favor of an art piece showcasing hundreds of transgender prostitutes, local media reports show. Labour Party Mayor Sadiq Khan approved £1 million, roughly $1.2 million, to fund Fourth Plinth installations in the city’s famed Trafalgar Square for 2026 and 2028, according to Express. The plinth has long been used to showcase contemporary art installations, and Londoners had anticipated a statue of the late queen to be installed following her death in 2022.
Zelensky Demands More Weapons From West,
Invites Trump to Visit ‘Front Line’
Posted by mc squared 2/18/2024 1:22:04 PM Post Reply
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned allies Saturday that an “artificial deficit” of weapons for his country risks giving Russia breathing space, hours after his military chief said he was withdrawing troops from the eastern city of Avdiivka. Zelenskyy spoke to the Munich Security Conference, an annual gathering of security and foreign policy officials. Ukraine is back on the defensive against Russia in the nearly 2-year-old war, hindered by low ammunition supplies and a shortage of personnel. “Ukrainians have proven that we can force Russia to retreat,” he said. “We can get our land back, and (Russian President Vladimir) Putin can lose, and this has already happened more than once on the battlefield.”
Son of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki
found dead in UC Berkeley dorm: school officials
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/18/2024 12:42:35 PM Post Reply
The 19-year-old son of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki died Tuesday inside a dorm at the University of California, Berkeley. Marco Troper, a freshman math major, was found unresponsive in a Clark Kerr campus dorm around 4:23 p.m. Tuesday, according to KRON4, citing school officials. Emergency responders’ attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful. “Berkeley Fire Department notified UCPD that they were attempting life-saving measures on the victim,” the University of California Police Department said in a statement. “UCPD responded, and Berkeley Fire Department pronounced the person deceased.”
ADA Doesn't Require Employer to Keep Customer-Facing
Employee Whose Tourette's Leads Him to
Use Slurs
Posted by Beardo 2/18/2024 12:35:39 PM Post Reply
From Cooper v. Dolgencorp, LLC, decided Thursday by the Sixth Circuit, in an opinion by Judge Mathis, joined by Judges Moore and Murphy: In 2016, Cooper began working for CCCI as a delivery merchandiser [who delivered products to customer stores]. Prior to CCCI hiring Cooper, he had already been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. (snip)  The condition causes Cooper to use obscene and inappropriate vocalizations, including profanity (b****) and a racial slur (n*****)…. This led to repeated customer complaints, and eventually led Cooper's employer (Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc., or CCCI) to reassign Cooper to a lower-paying non-customer-facing warehouse position, 
Teens with guns again replies
Posted by DVC 2/18/2024 12:17:11 PM Post Reply
It didn’t take long for Democrats to call for “sensible gun control.” I’m sure that you’ve heard the same old song about passing new laws. It happens every time we have a shooting. These people must have their speeches written in advance and ready to be delivered. All they have to do is fill the blanks with the name of the town and type of event. [snip] Two juvenile suspects have been charged in connection with Wednesday’s mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade that left one person dead and 22 others injured.
Liz Cheney Won’t Rule Out 2024 Presidential Run replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 11:31:27 AM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she was not ruling out a presidential run to keep former President Donald Trump out of the White House. Anchor Jake Tapper said, “You still haven’t ruled out a presidential run of your own in 2024, as far as I know. Are you still considering it, or what do you rule it out?” Cheney said, “I haven’t made any decisions about it yet. I’m going to do whatever is necessary to defeat Donald Trump.” Tapper said, “But if it came down to you, not running, and it’s Biden versus Trump, you would you would support Biden?”
Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear
about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’
Posted by snapper451 2/18/2024 11:22:46 AM Post Reply
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and the inability to conduct business in New York for three years.
Gavin Newsom Predictably Tries to Cash
in on KC Super Bowl Parade Shooting, 'Please
Contribute $20 Today'
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 11:18:04 AM Post Reply
Far left-wing progressive Governor Gavin Newsom has driven his home state of California into the ground, but that doesn’t seem to stop him from telling other states what to do or weighing in on national issues when he should be asking for forgiveness in a church somewhere. Advertisement Instead, he’s sending out fundraising emails regarding the Kansas City Superbowl shooting, which left dozens injured and one dead, ludicrously arguing that our nation’s gun laws and the Supreme Court paved the way for this tragic incident to happen.
I’ll Pass On Celebrating Black History
Month, Thanks
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 11:08:05 AM Post Reply
It’s “black history month.” So what? I’m not black; I don’t care. In fairness, I’ve never cared about any of these ethnocentric “celebrate diversity” kinds of garbage divisions Democrats try to cram down our throats, mostly because I celebrate accomplishments, not irrelevant characteristics over which no one has any control. I’m old school; I prefer to judge people based on who they are as people, not their melanin levels. It’s why I would’ve made a horrible Democrat at any time in their history. I will say, however, that this black history month,
Zelensky Invites Trump to Visit 'Front
Line' While Demanding the U.S. Send More Weapons
Posted by DW626 2/18/2024 11:04:29 AM Post Reply
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invited former President Trump to the “front lines” of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine while begging the United States for more weapons and aid. On Saturday, Zelensky demanded Trump to travel with him to Russia so that the former U.S. leader can experience “real war.” “Mr. Trump, if he will come, I am ready even to go with him to the frontline. We have to demonstrate to people who are decision makers what does it mean. The real war, not in Instagram,” Zelensky said.
Vladimir Putin: Bad Historian replies
Posted by DVC 2/18/2024 10:57:16 AM Post Reply
As someone who’s lived in both Russia and Ukraine, who speaks Russian and Ukrainian, and is versed in their histories, I’ve been bombarded with questions about Putin’s recent interview with Tucker Carlson. It prompted me to compile my answers into this article, hoping to clarify for my American friends the real backdrop and fallout of Putin’s remarks. [snip] 12 main messages and 30 basic fakes in Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson, adding that a detailed analysis of Putin’s fakes, errors, absurdities, distortions, manipulations, and falsifications requires considerable space and time and, hopefully, will be done in the near future.
Biden Regime Plans to Give Hamas a Grand
Reward for Murdering 1,200 Israelis
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 10:56:17 AM Post Reply
It has been clear for quite some time that the Biden regime, despite its show of support for Israel, is really on the side of Hamas. Now the regime is in serious talks to respond to Hamas’ brutal and inhuman murder of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 by giving it the biggest reward of all: a Palestinian state. If you are skeptical that Old Joe and his henchmen are really on Hamas’ side, consider the fact that, in November, they enabled the release of ten billion dollars in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas’ primary financier. That followed $100 million in “humanitarian aid”
Give Me Your Ungrateful, Your Criminal,
Your Anti-Western Masses Yearning To Loiter Free
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 10:47:57 AM Post Reply
Another day, another crime involving a "migrant" whose illegal entry and re-entry and re-entry into the country has been actively encouraged by political ideologues whose frenetic ambition to power supersedes the massive and irreparable damage their tactics wreak upon society. Irreparable, that's both the operative word and the stated intent. Obama's dream of fundamentally transforming America as we know it plows full steam ahead. Hence, the following incidents numb us into morbid resignation: An illegal immigrant and five-time deportee from Nicaragua viciously beat and raped a developmentally disabled woman in Ohio. Prior to this, he had been arrested multiple times
Racism means Fani Willis can do no wrong replies
Posted by DW626 2/18/2024 9:59:48 AM Post Reply
The reason Fani Willis is being questioned in the case against Trump and his associates has nothing to do with race or sex. It has to do with whether there is an appearance of a conflict of interest — period. Fani Willis’ testimony evokes long-standing frustrations for Black women leaders Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is used to prosecuting high-profile, challenging cases. But as she parried questions about her own personal conduct from the witness stand against the legal teams for defendants her office has accused of election interference, many Black women recognized a dispiriting scene.
Has Our Government Erased the First Amendment? replies
Posted by Judy W. 2/18/2024 7:31:03 AM Post Reply
The most important thing you will see this week is this interview of Mike Benz by Tucker Carlson: Benz is with the Foundation for Freedom, which tracks government censorship. In this interview he explains how our government rigged elections abroad and has now, through DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), censored online communications, noting that its most substantial censorship involved blocking and limiting any critiques online respecting the government’s responses to COVID-19 and the security of the 2020 election. It's a well-detailed account that I urge you in the strongest terms to view. In short form, here’s a summary,
Trump-loving truckers refusing to drive
to NYC after his $355 million fraud ruling
Posted by FlyRight 2/18/2024 7:30:25 AM Post Reply
Trump-supporting truckers are saying they are refusing to drive to New York City after the former president was slapped with a $355 million fine in his fraud case last week. A conservative social media influencer and trucker who goes by Chicago Ray posted a video clip in which he claims that some of his colleagues are going to stop making deliveries to New York City to protest the ruling, issued in Manhattan Supreme court on Friday. “I’ve been on the radio talking to drivers for about the past hour and I’ve talked to about ten drivers … and they’re going to start refusing loads to New York City starting on Monday,
And the Winner Is — Hamas! replies
Posted by FlyRight 2/18/2024 7:27:56 AM Post Reply
What will happen if Hamas is allowed to win this war? If Hamas is permitted to accomplish what it intended by its mass murders, kidnappings and rapes? If the victims of these atrocities — the people of Israel and all countries fighting terrorism — lose? If the prospects for peace in the region and the Free World are seriously damaged? If the relationship between the US and Israel, and the loss of faith in the US as the guarantor of freedom, continues to be fractured?
Here’s how Trump could dump his NY empire
to pay his $355M civil fraud ruling —
with the ex-prez’s iconic NYC tower
even being on the chopping block
Posted by FlyRight 2/18/2024 7:26:21 AM Post Reply
Luxe Manhattan skyscrapers, championship-caliber golf courses, and a 200-acre Westchester estate could all be up for grabs as Donald Trump strains to pay the $355 million civil fraud ruling that a New York judge slapped him with this week. A host of Trump properties in Manhattan, Westchester, and the Hudson Valley — even his iconic $348 million Trump Tower — could end up on the chopping block, sources told The Post, as a 30-day deadline to pay the fine imposed by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron looms. “I can’t imagine that he’s going to hold on to any assets in New York state after this,” a Trump insider told The Post.
Germany announces wide-ranging plans to
restrict the speech, travel and economic
activity of political dissidents, in order
to better control the "thought and speech
patterns" of its own people
Posted by Judy W. 2/18/2024 7:24:00 AM Post Reply
After Germany’s defeat in 1945, Walter Ulbricht returned from exile in Moscow to become one of the founding politicians of the DDR. The new state, he said, “must look democratic, but we must have everything under control.” It has been 80 years since Ulbricht spoke those words, and while the DDR has faded away, their spirit lives on in the political establishment of the Federal Republic. Our present rulers are doing everything in their power to re-establish pseudodemocracy in the West. This is not a mere eugyppius exaggeration, and it is not sensationalism for internet clicks. It is what our politicians themselves are saying.
Biden Gets Confused About Congress, Ukraine,
and 'Consequences' for Putin
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 2:24:28 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden was off on yet another vacation at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware on Friday for the long weekend. That was after spending a couple of hours in East Palestine, Ohio, finally making it there after more than a year of promising to go see the people adversely affected by environmental concerns after a train derailment. But while he was in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday, reporters managed to corral him outside St. Edmond's Church and ask him a few questions. I'm not sure where the handlers were, but they fell down on the job here.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral says it was
tricked into hosting ‘sacrilegious’
transgender activist’s wild funeral
Posted by Beardo 2/18/2024 2:14:57 AM Post Reply
St. Patrick’s Cathedral says it was duped into hosting a “sacrilegious” funeral for a transgender activist, which left church brass outraged after she was eulogized as “St. Cecilia, mother of all whores.” (snip) The cathedral says it had no clue about Gintili’s background. (snip) Ceyenne Doroshow, who organized the funeral, told the Times that those close to Gentili wanted to have her funeral at St. Patrick’s because the Fifth Avenue building “is an icon, just like her.” However, she admitted that she never mentioned Gentili was transgender when putting it together.
Atheist Rob Reiner Goes on MSNBC and Explains
How He Understands Christianity Better
Than Christians (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 1:21:20 AM Post Reply
Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer Rob Reiner appeared on MSNBC this week to promote his new film about ‘Christian Nationalism’ and used the segment to explain that he understands real Christianity better than Christians. His documentary is obviously just his latest attempt to demonize conservatives and Trump supporters, yet he tries to suggest that the project is somehow not bashing Christians. Isn’t it hilarious when people on the far left claim to speak for conservatives and Christians?
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