Report: Female Church Shooter Formerly
Identified as ‘Jeffery’
Breitbart 2nd Amendment,
AWR Hawkins
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
2/12/2024 9:32:09 PM
The female shooter who attacked Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church has been identified as 36-year-old Genesse Moreno, who KHOU 11 noted “previously identified as Jeffery Escalante.”
KHOU 11 indicated that they discovered the references to Jeffery Escalante during a Texas Department of Public Safety Records search on Moreno. The station also found her prior arrest records, including “arrests…[for] failure to stop and give information, assault of a public servant, assault causing bodily injury, forgery, possession of marijuana, theft, evading arrest unlawful carrying weapon.” (X)
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 2/12/2024 9:40:20 PM (No. 1656609)
So he's a man pretending to be a woman?
I can't keep this stuff straight without a scorecard.
33 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Northcross 2/12/2024 10:14:45 PM (No. 1656622)
Of course it identified as Jeffery, and no doubt a bunch of other appellations.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 2/12/2024 11:13:55 PM (No. 1656638)
Only fools call men women.
This was and is a male.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
RobertJ984 2/12/2024 11:50:54 PM (No. 1656652)
Does he still have his crank?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 2/12/2024 11:59:01 PM (No. 1656656)
Whoa! Another trans mass shooter? So what's wrong with the Trans Psyche that requires killing others?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Highlander 2/13/2024 12:00:36 AM (No. 1656658)
Reply 5; Mental illness
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
LadyHen 2/13/2024 1:10:20 AM (No. 1656680)
As a former Nashville resident who was in the city when that horrible shooting happened, I have to ask HOW MANY of these "trans" crazies have to shoot up public places, kill innocent people before we declare this "trans mania" mental illness a serious threat to law and order?
30 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
mifla 2/13/2024 4:17:39 AM (No. 1656706)
Yet another trigger happy tranny.
America's biggest threat is not climate change or white supremacy.
It is trigger happy trannies.
9 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
skacmar 2/13/2024 6:17:40 AM (No. 1656728)
Just another transgender, pro-Palestinian, anti Israel, immigrant who decided to shoot innocent people who had nothing thdo with their grudge. And don't forget, they dragged their 7 year old son along, who was shot in the head.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
minuteman 2/13/2024 6:42:31 AM (No. 1656743)
And another point demonstrating a correlation between marijuana and satanic activity.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
rightdog 2/13/2024 7:36:16 AM (No. 1656775)
OOps! Say it ain't so! Another would-be mass shooter who is trans? This fact explains the Dem silence on the thing. They are usually lined up to demand more gun laws, blah, blah, blah. They don't dare to alienate their LGBTQ...etc base.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Wetenschapper 2/13/2024 7:42:04 AM (No. 1656779)
I have a list:
The Colorado Springs shooter, Anderson Lee Aldrich, identified as non-binary.
One of Highlands Ranch school shooters, Maya “Alec” McKinney, identified as trans.
The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans.
The Nashville shooter, Audry Hale, identified as trans. It would seemthe modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.
Parents at Florida middle school north of Tampa there were outraged at school officials for not informing them about a report about a transgender teacher who threatened suicide and killing students in March, multiple reports said.
Then we have William "Lilly" Whitworth of Colorado Springs who was reportedly "transitioning" as he planned his mass shooting up Timberview Middle School. Fortunately, his/her/its sister turned him/her/it in to the police before the shooting could take placde.
More recently, we have the "Philadelphia Shooter, BLM activist Kimbrady Carricker, is either transexual or transvestite, since there are many pictures of him on social media in women's attire.
Now, the Lakewood church shooting in Houston: The shooter was Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a 36-year-old who previously identified as Jeffrey Escalante.
16 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
coldborezero 2/13/2024 7:45:55 AM (No. 1656781)
Re#4: “Does he still have his crank?”
SEX is determined at the chromosomal level. There are two sexes.
An male (XY) with his “crank” removed is still a male (XY).
Immutable, biological fact.
“Transgenderism” is a mental defect, as is homosexuality.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Marzipan4 2/13/2024 8:41:06 AM (No. 1656831)
I called it (probably many of you also) . Women do not do mass casualty events. However now they (the new royal (‘we’) will prop up some troubled woman to an event to prove us wrong. Oh, where are the real adults shouting the emperor is naked? Matt Walsh is right saying do not ever give in to the pressure of acknowledging this madness is ok. Some guy wants to wear a dress and makeup? Not my business. He insists I call him female, no way. I refuse to lie.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
millstream 2/13/2024 8:53:57 AM (No. 1656838)
This gender dysphoria is the result in most cases of a myriad of psychological issues that they attempt to self manage. Ultimately its an attempt to claim victimhood. Soumds like one of the basic requirements to beimg a democrat
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 2/13/2024 9:04:26 AM (No. 1656847)
Four questions / comments: 1) Is he, she, it here illegally? 2) It was hilarious when the story broke yesterday watching the talking heads and po po gingerly tip toe between 'a man', 'a woman' and 'mental illness'. And that was Fox. I can't imagine what the other networks were saying. 3) Haven't the last 3 or 4 mass shootings or mass shooting attempts been done by transvestites? 4) This will be swept under the rug as fast as possible since it wasn't a white guy / girl who did it.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Geoman 2/13/2024 9:26:37 AM (No. 1656866)
Trannies are not just men pretending to be women but go the other way as well. If the local reporting is more accurate than the speculators, and the shooter was the birth mother of the seven year old, then it was a she. I'm pretty sure someone checked the package of the deceased.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Kate318 2/13/2024 10:28:40 AM (No. 1656904)
How many trans shooters does that make now? The Deep State has found their new crazy that they can use to take the guns.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Hazymac 2/13/2024 10:41:58 AM (No. 1656921)
Re #14's "Women do not do mass casualty events." The shooter in Nashville last March was a crazy female who was trying to be male. So yes, there are females out there who are as evil as any twisted male, regardless what sex they might think they are.
During the blizzard years of cocaine that fell on South Florida between 1979 and 1990, the most prolific--and heartless--killer of them all was La Madrina, Griselda Blanco, who is thought to have had some 200 of her enemies rubbed out. For several of her executions she was present, and thoroughly enjoyed what she and her hired killers were doing. After her shortened prison term, she was deported to Colombia, and at age 69 was executed by two guys on a moto in Medellín, who just drove up one day and shot her to death. She had enemies everywhere.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/13/2024 10:45:01 AM (No. 1656924)
Jeffery is not a Hispanic name so that's probably a lie as well. Send he, she or them to the graveyard where they will become "it," a proper identification for "corpse." What part of mental illness do the police not understand when dealing with this scum?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
broken01 2/13/2024 12:04:50 PM (No. 1656993)
He was NOT a female.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/13/2024 12:34:46 PM (No. 1657007)
Ah, for the good old days of a boy named Sue. Things were so much simpler then.
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