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Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump
‘Almost Certainly’ Won in 2020

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Posted By: Mr. Know-It-All, 2/10/2024 11:51:38 AM

A new study examining the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 election concludes that the outcome would “almost certainly” have been different without the massive expansion of voting by mail. The Heartland Institute study tried to gauge the probable impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots cast for both then-candidate Joe Biden and his opponent, President Donald Trump, would have had on the overall 2020 election results.


We all knew this.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: velirotta 2/10/2024 12:02:14 PM (No. 1654876)
Well, this is good news! No doubt the fraudsters are all going to be ferreted out an brought to justice, and Donald Trump will be moved into the White House after Criminal Joe is put in prison. Etc.
48 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 2/10/2024 12:06:06 PM (No. 1654878)
Yes, many of us have known this for four years now. The fraud was MASSIVE, and not terribly well hidden. Yet the courts firmly rejected ALL attempts to do any sort of legal investigations. ALL the courts just went along with the fraud.
74 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: wilarrbie 2/10/2024 12:16:25 PM (No. 1654890)
We're teeing up to do it all over again. Plus, all the intentionally undetected fraudulent voters last go 'round are now firmly ensconced in the rolls. Add a few hundred thou newly registered illegals and a fake address - good to go!
30 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jalo1951 2/10/2024 12:21:39 PM (No. 1654893)
Well, duh. Ya think? Dems are very good at cheating. Now tell me something I don't know.
27 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 2/10/2024 12:26:02 PM (No. 1654896)
Please. Focus on the 2024 election. Not going to change the past.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: singermom9 2/10/2024 12:31:30 PM (No. 1654899)
Biden has so little support his new campaign slogan should be "Keep STUFFING those MAIL IN BALLOT BOXES". In English, Spanish and 150 other languages. Paying ILLEGALS, with YOUR hard earned money, to stuff those boxes. Keep those boxes full for biden. Sure, I believe in fair elections. Just like the dems have indoctrinated. S/O
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: stablemoney 2/10/2024 12:39:59 PM (No. 1654900)
You can delete the "Almost". The election was stolen, and the Republicans and courts did nothing about it. What total self disgrace!
45 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: udanja99 2/10/2024 12:40:40 PM (No. 1654901)
File this under “No Shiite, Sherlock”.
28 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Namma 2/10/2024 12:59:34 PM (No. 1654910)
Almost certainly won! What the heck is that. Not almost certainly ! Just CERTAINLY WON. we know it and so do the Dems. And the news media.
32 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Starboard_side 2/10/2024 3:39:16 PM (No. 1654985)
Regardless, need to turn the page, and if talking about the 2020 election simply mention how many rules were changed due to the pandemic with few being done through the various state legislatures under their respective state constitutions. Then, push hard on making sure ever possible Republican, Independent and even move some of the moderate and conservative Democrats out to vote for Trump and any other Republican on their ballot. I found it interesting that a young lady at work, African American, married, a couple of children is not happy with how things are going. Her husband mentioned he's not happy paying for the benefits of the illegals that have been swamping the country. Said many of her friends and family opening talking about such things and considering a new political party to vote for in November. GOP needs to go out and court this vote, and ask for their vote, instead of letting Democrats take them for granted.
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: walcb 2/10/2024 5:19:42 PM (No. 1655019)
Courting legal voters who may have changed their mind about continuing to vote for the dims will not overwhelm the cheaters in the dim party who will continue to use mail in voting and other cheating methods (even if Trump wins the legal voters by 20%). The cheaters need to be shut down before election time.
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: JimBob 2/10/2024 9:15:23 PM (No. 1655102)
What I am wondering is..... Did the ChiComs deliberately release the Covid crud in order to facilitate the Democ'RATS panic-pushing mail-in ballots -and the follow-on cheating on an Industrial scale- in time for the 2020 election? Remember that notable 'RAT saying..... "Never let a Crisis Go To Waste."
4 people like this.

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Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump
‘Almost Certainly’ Won in 2020
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Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 2/10/2024 11:51:38 AM Post Reply
A new study examining the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 election concludes that the outcome would “almost certainly” have been different without the massive expansion of voting by mail. The Heartland Institute study tried to gauge the probable impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots cast for both then-candidate Joe Biden and his opponent, President Donald Trump, would have had on the overall 2020 election results.
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Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 11/22/2021 12:30:10 PM Post Reply
Another mob of looters targeted several San Francisco Bay Area retailers on Sunday night, marking the third such incident in as many days. Police told CBS San Francisco that they responded to the multiple calls of smash-and-grab looting incidents at the Southland Mall in Hayward, located south of Oakland and north of San Jose. They told the station that robbers used hammers to smash cases before running off with jewelry at a jewelry store.
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2 replies
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 11/22/2021 12:29:08 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 11/8/2021 12:55:35 PM Post Reply
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Nearly 15 Million Mail-in-Ballots Unaccounted
for in 2020 Election, Report Says
19 replies
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 8/23/2021 9:27:14 AM Post Reply
In the November 2020 general election, whose chaotic results have been vigorously disputed, almost 15 million mail-in ballots went unaccounted for, according to a good-government group that focuses on electoral integrity. The research brief by the Indianapolis-based Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) notes that as the nation dealt last year with the CCP virus (which causes COVID-19), various U.S. states “hastily pushed traditionally in-person voters to mail ballots while, at the same time, trying to learn how to even administer such a scenario.”
Judge Orders New Election After 78
Percent of Mail-In Ballots Found
Invalid, Notary Arrested
8 replies
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 3/4/2021 4:35:13 PM Post Reply
A Mississippi judge ordered a new runoff election for a local election in Aberdeen after more than three-quarters of absentee ballots cast in the June Democratic runoff election were found to be invalid, while a notary involved in the election was arrested. Judge Jeff Weill, in a 64-page order, said that there is evidence of fraud and criminal activity in how absentee ballots were handled, how they were counted, and actions from individuals at polling places during the runoff election held in Aberdeen, Mississippi. As a result, a new runoff election for the Ward 1 alderman seat is necessary, reported WCBI.
Biden Admin Embraces ‘Racial Equity’ Ideology
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8 replies
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 1/21/2021 9:08:05 AM Post Reply
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McCloskey Gun Inoperable
When Police Seized It,
But Prosecution Ordered Crime
Lab to Make It Operable and ‘Lethal’
16 replies
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 7/22/2020 10:03:51 AM Post Reply
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To Hell in an IP packet 3 replies
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 2/11/2020 10:43:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 10/14/2019 12:54:03 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/11/2024 12:58:35 PM Post Reply
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Schiff: Special Counsel Hur’s Report
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Posted by earlybird 2/11/2024 8:16:21 PM Post Reply
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that he believed Special Counsel Robert Hur is a “hack” who released a political report on President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. (snip) “As a former federal prosecutor, my reaction was Robert Hur couldn’t make a legal case against Joe Biden so he decided to make a political case(snip)What he did was willful, that is, Robert Hur.. What he did was deliberate, and what he did he knew would damage Joe Biden (snip) )I can tell you this, if Robert Hur were a line prosecutor, he would be disciplined or fired.
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Posted by Hazymac 2/11/2024 8:35:41 AM Post Reply
For the last couple of days, the news world has been abuzz with the Hur Report, its condemnation of President Biden's mental state, and its implications for the 2024 Presidential race. Day by day, more and more Democrats are showing some willingness to yank the rug out from under old Joe and sub in someone else. There is a lot of noise about someone either belling the cat and convincing Joe (or, more likely, Jill) to step down for "reasons of health" or "family matters" or to outright 25th Amendment the old man into the next time zone, which would put Kamala Harris at the Resolute Desk and,
Jill Biden's Statement on the Hur Report
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Posted by Imright 2/11/2024 4:59:47 AM Post Reply
I wrote more in a story earlier about a report on Jill Biden's handler role of her husband, the freakout that she had at him and his aides, when no one stopped him during a disastrous press conference, and how she was the one who pushed him to run because of her hatred for former President Donald Trump. Now, she is showing that handler role again, with a statement on the report issued by Special Counsel Robert Hur in the classified document investigation. The statement was issued in her name, as part of a fundraising email sent out by the Biden campaign.
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Posted by snakeoil 2/11/2024 2:54:19 PM Post Reply
Democrats are quietly pushing President Joe Biden’s aides to have the president engage more frequently with the public following Thursday night’s turbulent press conference in response to a special counsel report, according to Politico. In his report assessing whether Biden previously mishandled classified documents as a private citizen, special counsel Robert Hur made reference to Biden’s advanced age and repeated mental lapses.
Fresh Details Emerge About Trump's Plan
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/11/2024 7:45:35 PM Post Reply
The finer details behind Donald Trump's plan to deport millions of illegal immigrants are starting to emerge. In a report published Sunday evening, Axios outlined how Trump plans to use the power of the state to forcibly deport millions of people with no legal right to be in the United States. The outlet noted: Donald Trump's plan to crack down on immigration includes using a range of tools to deport millions of people in the U.S. each year — from obscure laws to military funds to law enforcement officers from all levels of government. History tells us such an effort would dramatically disrupt local communities and economies
The week Biden lost the New York Times:
Liberal paper's Editorial Board unleashes
astonishing broadside warning of 'a dark
moment' as it runs back-to-back opinion
pieces knifing the elderly president after
damning special counsel report
19 replies
Posted by Imright 2/11/2024 11:37:01 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is incapable of assuring voters he can handle another presidential term, his team has 'no plan' on how to deal with his senile behavior, and he should simply 'not be running for re-election,' according to New York Times authors. Anxieties from the liberal Times' Editorial Board and opinion writers show how worried they are that ailing Biden may not be able to beat 'bad man' Donald Trump this year. The back-to-back opinion pieces knifing the elderly president, 81, over the weekend comes after a Justice Department report ripped into his handling of classified documents and portrayed him as a forgetful old man.
Has Joe Biden Become Possessed, Or Is
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17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/11/2024 2:02:27 PM Post Reply
In watching Biden’s speech the other day, I was disgusted by his words, attitudes, lies, anger, and abandonment of Israel. I usually listen to him without actually watching his speeches, but seeing him this time made me do a little research about his eyes… It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and Biden’s pupils were so dilated that his eyes were solid black while he was reinterpreting the words of the special prosecutor. Looking at previous speeches, it seems that all of his “big” speeches have the same image: significantly dilated pupils. Since I don’t actually believe that he is the anti-Christ,
Trump says he would ‘encourage’ Russia
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17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/11/2024 2:01:48 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump declared that if he is re-elected as president he will “encourage” Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member that does not pay enough for defense. Speaking Saturday at a rally in Conway, South Carolina, the former president recalled that a leader of a “big country” asked if the US might come to their aid if they did not pay their fair share in defense spending within NATO and had come under attack from Moscow. “I said: ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ … ‘No I would not protect you, in fact, I would encourage them to do whatever they want.
James Carville slams Biden decision to
skip Super Bowl interview
17 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 2/11/2024 10:49:00 AM Post Reply
Democratic strategist James Carville slammed President Joe Biden‘s decision not to sit down for an interview prior to the Super Bowl, saying it shows a lack of confidence to perform well. Carville noted the massive television audience of the Super Bowl, which has regularly exceeded 100 million viewers several times in recent years, and questioned why the White House turned down the opportunity, while speaking on CNN on Saturday. “It’s the biggest television audience — not even close — and you get a chance to do a 20, 25-minute interview on that day,” Carville said. “And you don’t do it?
Rachel Maddow Offers One of the Weakest
Ever Defenses of Joe Biden's Fitness for Office
17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/11/2024 8:40:38 AM Post Reply
Democrats and their close friends and allies in the activist media have been in full-on spin doctor mode ever since Special Counsel Robert Hur released his report regarding President Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents. Predictably, the Special Counsel refrained from recommending charges, but the rest of his report was quite damning when it comes to the issue of Biden’s age and cognitive problems. Now, the left is doing its best to assure the nation that the president is still fit for office despite Hur’s contention that he is an “elderly man with a poor memory.” MSNBC host Rachel Maddow attempted to mitigate this revelation
Can the Republicans be trusted to stand
aside as Democrats implode?
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/11/2024 1:46:41 AM Post Reply
Napoleon Bonaparte is reputed to have originated the expression, “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.” It’s to be hoped that, when it comes to the Democrats and their reckoning with Biden’s profoundly diminished brain power, Republicans heed this advice. In 2020, when Biden ran for office, conservatives warned that (a) he was a deep well of corruption, kind of like an unplumbed cesspool; (b) he was never the brightest bulb in the box, to begin with; (c) he was showing early signs, if not of clinical dementia, but at least of age-related diminished capacity; and (d) that he seemed to be in
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