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Judge dismisses Disney's lawsuit alleging
retaliation by DeSantis

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/31/2024 4:01:12 PM

A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed Disney’s lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and members of a state board for allegedly retaliating against the entertainment giant after the company criticized the state’s limits on classroom discussion of sexuality in lower grades, according to a court filing. DeSantis and other defendants in the case had argued that the lawsuit should be dismissed because Disney couldn’t sue them over constitutionally enacted state laws. Florida's Republican-led government had stripped Disney's control over a special development district that gave it autonomy over its theme parks, including the Walt Disney World Resort. The dispute between Disney and DeSantis' administration began after the company criticized

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Dreadnought 1/31/2024 4:01:36 PM (No. 1648391)
Desantis has always held the high ground regarding Disney (a corporation) and the former Reedy Creek District (a state government entity.) This has been the expected outcome since Disney initially filed it.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 1/31/2024 5:29:33 PM (No. 1648422)
Disney losing is always good news.
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Californian 1/31/2024 5:35:09 PM (No. 1648429)
Disney would be doing better if they focused on the kind of family friendly content that made them famous and stopped with the alphabet soup propaganda and virtue signal lawsuits.
30 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: RWPollock 1/31/2024 11:16:45 PM (No. 1648549)
No surprise. Disney is ruined.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Lawsy0 2/1/2024 5:04:19 AM (No. 1648590)
Big Grin. Since we can't post icons. ;)
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 2/1/2024 7:59:05 AM (No. 1648655)
Another loss for the perverted family that ruined Walt's dream.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: swarfer 2/1/2024 8:32:06 AM (No. 1648679)
When corporations think they have the power of legislatures, they will lose every time in court. Disney’s special privileges compared to other corporations made it an easy case. In their arrogance they opened their mouth and brought scrutiny into their sweetheart deal hiding behind Micky’s facade. Walt wasn’t here to protect them anymore and Florida’s huge economy isn’t linked Disneyland these days. It was a Biden moment of stupidity and arrogance that only the left can do.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 2/1/2024 9:40:11 AM (No. 1648749)
The RCID was always a political unicorn. It was allowed to roam, graze and grow because it created so much economic activity. But it began poking its horn into politics especially when Disney's power base was in lefty LA. Perhaps the best aspect of this ruling was the declaration that Disney didn't have standing and they don't with or without RCID. Political actors have watched smugly as everyday citizens get turned (wrongly) by the courts for lack of standing. Now the tables are turned.
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Zigrid 2/1/2024 10:17:23 AM (No. 1648774)
It is a sad day when Disney works to corrupt the family with their DEI nonsense...I spent many happy hours at Disney with my children and they are done in my family...and I use the private library films I have when I choose to watch the old stories....especially the cinderella and lion king.....
2 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: broken01 2/1/2024 11:07:18 AM (No. 1648824)
Since George Lucas sold his company to Disney for a cool 4 billion back in 2012 I'm going to use Star Wars terms. It is a darn shame that Disney having gone to the Dark Side of the Force. The first movie I saw was in 3rd grade back in 1970 something was Bambi. I still remember how it was so cool to watch it via projector with a big movie reel. People who grew up back then know what I'm talking about. I also still remember consoling my best friend Sue Ann when she cried when Bambi's mom died. Disney back then was a force for good for kids. Now Walt would be turning over in his grave to see how they don't care about kids' happiness. Instead, they care about kids being exposed to everything LGBTQXXXYZ. Name it they want our kids to know about it. They've corrupted things that I loved as a kid/young adult. Marvel Comics, Star Wars, ABC, ESPN to name a few. Now I will never have anything to do with Disney and anything bad that happens to them will forever be good news to me.
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: MickTurn 2/1/2024 11:55:03 AM (No. 1648866)
As Mickey, my nickname namesake gives Disney the 'Proud' Finger!
1 person likes this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Omen55 2/1/2024 3:06:31 PM (No. 1648969)
Seeing Disney get B-slapped is fun & free.
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Inside the meltdown at The Messenger:
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/2/2024 12:52:34 AM Post Reply
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Out: Illegal Crossings at Eagle Pass,
Texas In: Arizona and California
1 reply
Posted by Dreadnought 2/2/2024 12:43:49 AM Post Reply
Who says that razor wire and shipping containers, along with a border wall don’t work to keep illegal border crossers out? Well, besides the White House spokesditz? Those measures seem to be working well enough in the Eagle Pass, Texas area that a dramatic drop in illegal crossings is being reported. According to a tweet posted by Fox News Channel’s Bill Melugin, a major shift has occurred. The majority of illegal border crossings has shifted from Eagle Pass to Arizona and California. Per CBP sources, over the last week of January, Border Patrol apprehended 32,809 illegal immigrants. 23,576 of them (71.8%) were in AZ & CA. Notably, the numbers in TX’s Del Rio sector,
Politico Leaks Truly Nasty Comments Biden
Has Made About Trump Privately
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/2/2024 12:14:40 AM Post Reply
It's quite something that the Democrats sold Joe Biden as some kind of a nice moderate who would supposedly restore order and have the "adults back in charge." That was such fiction, and everything has been out of order and in chaos since he came in, from domestic issues to foreign policy. He's governed like someone completely under the control of the left, with extreme positions on the border and student loans, for example. Instead, we got a nasty man. He makes up things constantly to pander and to hold onto control. He screams at people when he's challenged, he's called voters and media all kinds
Fourth Academic Scandal Hits Harvard 8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 8:52:35 PM Post Reply
This time, a medical school neuroscientist is on the hot seat for research misconduct at Harvard. Claudine Gay could at least argue that her academic misconduct wasn’t exactly brain surgery, but now that two of the academic scandals are at Harvard Medical School and one includes a neuroscientist, you get the idea. It is brain surgery in this case, and it’s pretty hard for Harvard to deny that there is a fundamental problem regarding academic integrity at its institution now that four separate scandals have popped up in the period of a few months. Top Harvard Medical School neuroscientist Khalid Shah allegedly falsified data and plagiarized images across 21 papers,
Trump civil fraud verdict now expected
by mid-February
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 7:09:36 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK, - A ruling in the New York state attorney general's $370 million civil fraud case against former U.S. president Donald Trump will not come until early to-mid February, a court spokesperson said Thursday. Justice Arthur Engoron, who oversaw a three-month trial in the case last year, had said he planned to rule by the end of January but offered no guarantees. His eventual ruling could deal a major blow to Trump's business empire as the businessman-turned-politician seeks the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 U.S. election.
They Firebombed My Office 10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 6:48:20 PM Post Reply
I wasn’t entirely forthcoming in this post about why I haven’t written much the last few days. It is true that I have been in Washington, mostly to attend the Michael Mann v. Mark Steyn trial. I will write up my thoughts on the trial (or at least, those portions I have seen) when I have time. But something else has been distracting me: leftists firebombed my office last Saturday night. At around 2 am, they broke into the building that houses Center of the American Experiment and two other conservative organizations with which we often collaborate, along with many other businesses. The arsonists set two fires:
Watch: Illegal Aliens Who Beat Cops Have
a Nasty Message for America - This Is
Where Biden Has Led Us
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 4:21:25 PM Post Reply
My colleague Bob Hoge reported on a mob of illegal aliens who beat two police officers in New York City, continuing to kick them in the head and attack them as they struggled with a suspect on the ground. But initially, they were only able to arrest four of them, when obviously there were more than four involved. Two suspects — Yorman Reveron, 24, and Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19 — were arrested minutes after the attack. At around 10:15 p.m. on Saturday, officers took Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, and Wilson Juarez, 21, into custody. All four suspects were released hours later with no bail.
Trump's Super PAC Is Short on Cash, Burning
$50 Million on His Legal Fees
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 3:17:35 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's political operation is burning through cash and has just $5 million remaining in the bank, according to a report from Mediaite. Disclosures published online for Trump's Save America PAC reveal that having once had a healthy $100 million war chest, the organization has just $5 million remaining after spending a staggering $25 million on his legal fees in the second half of 2023. Another Trump-affiliated PAC, Make America Great Again, similarly spent $4 million on the former president's legal fees as he battles numerous state and federal criminal cases brought against him.
Ex-senior Boeing manager warns flyers
to avoid 737 MAX 9 jets: ‘I would absolutely
not fly a MAX airplane’
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 1:42:58 PM Post Reply
Former high-level Boeing managers and engineers have issued startling warnings for flyers to avoid the airplane giant’s troubled 737 MAX 9 jets as the model once again takes to the skies. “I would absolutely not fly a MAX airplane,” one-time senior Boeing manager Ed Pierson bluntly told the Los Angeles Times of the model that recently saw a door plug blow out in midair on an Alaska Airlines flight. “I’ve worked in the factory where they were built, and I saw the pressure employees were under to rush the planes out the door.” Joe Jacobsen, a former Boeing engineer who has also worked at the Federal Aviation
Biden sanctions four Israeli settlers
accused of attacking Palestinians in the
West Bank
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 1:25:27 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Thursday issued an executive order that targets Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have been accused of attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, imposing financial sanctions and visa bans in an initial round against four individuals. Those settlers were involved in acts of violence, as well as threats and attempts to destroy or seize Palestinian property, according to the order. The penalties aim to block the four from using the U.S. financial system and bar American citizens from dealing with them. U.S. officials said they were evaluating whether to punish others involved in attacks that have intensified during the Israel-Hamas war.
Biden is drowning in three disasters of
his own making
5 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 12:23:27 PM Post Reply
Responding to the killing of three American soldiers by Iranian proxies this weekend, President Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the Middle East is now more volatile than at any moment since 1973. At around the same time, Biden finally admitted that the southern border is in “crisis,” just as his Department of Homeland Security announced 300,000 migrants were arrested for illegally crossing into the U.S. in December, a number dwarfing all previous records. Again, at the same time, inflation ticked higher last month, as a record number of people find they cannot pay their rent and consumers owe more personal debt than ever before. Workers can’t afford
Florida Has Nearly 800k More Registered
Republicans than Democrats
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 10:28:52 AM Post Reply
Florida has nearly 800,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) recently announced. “When I got elected governor in Nov 2018, FL had close to 300k more registered Democrats than Republicans,” DeSantis, who dropped his Republican presidential bid in January, said on X. “Today, we have close to 800k more registered Republicans than Democrats — a net gain of more than 1 million in a little more than 5 years,” he said, adding, “Produce results and people will respond!”: Indeed, data from the Florida Division of Elections — last updated on December 31, 2023 — shows 5,141,848 registered Republicans and 4,362,147 registered Democrats
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Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy: New
Poll Shows ‘The Trends Here May Be
Changing’ With Biden Ahead
29 replies
Posted by snakeoil 2/1/2024 8:51:15 PM Post Reply
A new Quinnipiac University poll shows President Joe Biden opening up a 6-point lead over Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, with Biden taking 50 percent to Trump’s 44 percent in the poll released Wednesday. On Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends Thursday morning, White House correspondent Peter Doocy said “the trends here may be changing” after Trump had consistently led in national polls of a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 election—and Quinnipiac’s own poll in December found the race “too close to call,” with Biden just one point ahead, 47 percent to 46.
Denny's closes Oakland restaurant that's
been open for 54 YEARS because California
city is now so dangerous, weeks after
In-N-Out shuttered nearby location over
soaring crime
29 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2024 3:43:56 AM Post Reply
A 54-year-old branch of Denny's has closed its doors in Oakland amid threats to 'the safety and wellbeing' of staff and customers, as the Bay Area city struggles to contain soaring crime. With robbery up by 37 percent year-on-year, burglary up 24 percent and motor vehicle theft rising 45 percent to reach an all-time record, those who live and work in the city do not feel safe. Violent crimes have also spiked by 21 percent in 12 months. And on Tuesday, Clorox - which has its global headquarters in Oakland - begun providing security escorts for people walking to and from the train station.
White House Taps John Podesta to Succeed
John Kerry as U.S. Climate Envoy
28 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2024 8:46:01 AM Post Reply
White House adviser John Podesta will be the top U.S. climate diplomat when high flying John Kerry steps down this spring and ceases his endless global tours warning the world of impending doom. “We need to keep meeting the gravity of this moment, and there is no one better than John Podesta to make sure we do,” White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients said in a written statement, shared Wednesday with The Washington Post, CNN and The Hill. “John has — and will continue to be — at the helm of driving the implementation of the most significant climate law in history,” Zients added.
Watch: Illegal Aliens Who Beat Cops Have
a Nasty Message for America - This Is
Where Biden Has Led Us
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 4:21:25 PM Post Reply
My colleague Bob Hoge reported on a mob of illegal aliens who beat two police officers in New York City, continuing to kick them in the head and attack them as they struggled with a suspect on the ground. But initially, they were only able to arrest four of them, when obviously there were more than four involved. Two suspects — Yorman Reveron, 24, and Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, 19 — were arrested minutes after the attack. At around 10:15 p.m. on Saturday, officers took Kelvin Servat Arocha, 19, and Wilson Juarez, 21, into custody. All four suspects were released hours later with no bail.
Music videos, social media play major
role in DC shootings, report finds
25 replies
Posted by goodbyedems 2/1/2024 7:24:27 AM Post Reply
Music videos and inflammatory social media posts have been a driver of shootings in the nation’s capital in recent years, according to a report released this week by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, an independent agency in D.C. that identifies local public safety challenges. “About 95% of victims and suspects in homicides and 94% of victims and suspects in nonfatal shootings were Black, despite Black residents comprising only 46% of the overall population in the District,” according to the report. Roughly 60% of homicide victims and suspects and 59% of nonfatal shooting victims and suspects were between the ages of 18—34
Disgusting: Joe Biden Calls Grieving Mother
of Killed Soldier and Misleads About Beau
Biden Again
23 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 2/1/2024 1:29:53 PM Post Reply
Chalk this up as another story that dumbfounds me, with Joe Biden once again fibbing to a grieving military family about how his son, Beau Biden, died. As RedState reported, three U.S. Army soldiers were killed in Jordan in late January after an Iranian-backed group attacked it with drones. The deceased have been identified as Sergeant William Rivers, Specialist Breona Moffett, and Specialist Kennedy Sanders. Good Morning America broadcast the call Biden made to the family of Specialist Sanders in which he proceeded to mislead them about his son's death, something he's done in numerous calls to Gold Star families.
Man accused of damaging Satanic display
charged with hate crime
20 replies
Posted by OhioNick 2/1/2024 1:13:23 AM Post Reply
A man from Mississippi has been charged with a hate crime after he allegedly badly damaged a Satanic display at Iowa's capitol building in Des Moines in December. The damaged display included a statue of the pagan idol Baphomet. [SNIP] Michael Cassidy, a former Mississippi congressional candidate, was charged after the vandalism with misdemeanor fourth-degree criminal mischief. He said at the time, "My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted." That charge was upgraded, according to court documents reported on by the Des Moines Register, accusing Cassidy of committing felony third-degree criminal mischief.
WATCH: IDF Forces in Disguise Raid Hospital
and Kill Hamas Leader, Pro-Hamas Libs
Freak Out
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/1/2024 6:05:19 PM Post Reply
The war between Israel and Hamas continues to rage following the October 7th attacks carried out by the latter. In what culminated in a wild scene, IDF operators dressed in disguise raided a hospital in Jenin, taking out a Hamas leader and two of his deputies. No one else was harmed. Surveillance footage showed the beginning of the operation, with one operator even showing up in a wheelchair while others dressed as Muslim women and medical workers. Later photos show the aftermath, with blood stains in the room the terrorists were hiding in. [Video, Tweet] Jenin has been a terrorist stronghold for decades.
Biden sanctions four Israeli settlers
accused of attacking Palestinians in the
West Bank
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/1/2024 1:25:27 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Thursday issued an executive order that targets Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have been accused of attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, imposing financial sanctions and visa bans in an initial round against four individuals. Those settlers were involved in acts of violence, as well as threats and attempts to destroy or seize Palestinian property, according to the order. The penalties aim to block the four from using the U.S. financial system and bar American citizens from dealing with them. U.S. officials said they were evaluating whether to punish others involved in attacks that have intensified during the Israel-Hamas war.
Oregon GOP state senators who staged walkout
over abortion can't run for reelection,
high court says
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 2/1/2024 3:42:38 PM Post Reply
The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that 10 Republican state senators are ineligible to run for reelection after they participated in a quorum-denying walkout for six weeks last year to stall legislation on abortion, transgender treatments and firearms. The high court decided in favor of Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, who had disqualified the senators from running for office again after voters approved a measure in 2022 to amend the state constitution to ban lawmakers with more than 10 unexcused absences from running again.
Oregon Supreme Court Blocks 10 Republicans
From Running for Reelection
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/1/2024 12:53:13 PM Post Reply
Ten Republican senators in Oregon cannot run for reelection, the state’s top court ruled on Feb. 1. The court found that the senators are banned from running for reelection under a constitutional amendment approved in 2022. Measure 113, the amendment, states that lawmakers who miss at least 10 legislative days without an excuse cannot seek reelection.The ruling upheld a decision from Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, a Democrat. Ms. Griffin-Valade said in 2023 that the senators, under the measure, could not try for another term. “My decision honors the voters’ intent by enforcing the measure the way it was commonly understood when Oregonians added it to our state constitution,”
Billionaire Donor Explains Why He is No
Longer Supporting Harvard, Calls the Students
‘Whiny Snowflakes’ (Video)
15 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2024 4:12:32 AM Post Reply
Harvard has been bleeding financial support since October, when Ivy League students began campus demonstrations in support of Hamas. One of their billionaire donors recently explained why he is no longer supporting the institution, calling out the school for its embrace of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) policies. Adding insult to injury, he called the students whiny snowflakes. CNN actually covered this: $500 million Harvard megadonor halts donations, says elite schools produce ‘whiny snowflakes’ ..Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin, who has donated more than $500 million to Harvard University over the years, has halted contributions to his alma mater and claimed elite schools produce “whiny snowflakes.”
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