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Supreme Court rejects Alabama death row
inmate's lethal gas claim

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Posted By: Hazymac, 1/25/2024 9:09:25 AM

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected an Alabama death row inmate’s last-minute request for a stay of execution, moving him a step closer to being put to death using an untested method: nitrogen gas. Kenneth Smith, sentenced to death for murdering Elizabeth Sennett in 1988, objected to being executed by nitrogen hypoxia because of the potential for the state to botch the procedure. He alleged it would violate his right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. He is scheduled to be executed on Thursday. The brief court order simply noted that Smith's application was denied. No justices publicly dissented.


If capital punishment weren't a deterrent, the condemned wouldn't fight it.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Hazymac 1/25/2024 9:17:00 AM (No. 1643968)
Denied. Enjoy the ride.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: franq 1/25/2024 9:24:18 AM (No. 1643978)
Alright then, execute him in the same manner he killed Elizabeth Sennett.
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 1/25/2024 10:16:32 AM (No. 1644011)
Personally, I would find a way to put these people to death in such a manner that they never know it was coming. Put a knockout drug in their 'last' meal, and never let them wake up again. Don't give them any indication that their time is up.
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: southernboy 1/25/2024 10:36:36 AM (No. 1644035)
I wonder what Elizabeth would say about that?
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 1/25/2024 11:46:42 AM (No. 1644114)
A coworker got knocked out by crawling into a nitrogen filled space in an industrial accident. He was pulled to safety before dying, but was unconscious for a minute or so. Afterwards, I asked him....he had no pain, no warning, just as he put it "the lights went out, then I woke up on the grass." Proven, effective. I have been supporting this for decades.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BarryNo 1/25/2024 12:55:35 PM (No. 1644234)
Personally, if an inmate complains about a state's preferred method of execution, send then to a guillotine. Quick, sure over and done with, if a trifle messy.
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Luandir 1/25/2024 1:15:05 PM (No. 1644258)
You're breathing 78% nitrogen right now.
0 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: AntiStatist 1/25/2024 4:52:56 PM (No. 1644422)
He was given choice over the method of his execution. I wish he had chosen a firing squad- it's effective and cheap. And how is execution "cruel and unusual" if capital punishment is a known possibility before one goes out and commits capital murder? If you know what the punishment can be, and you go and commit murder anyway, do you not surrender the ability to object to the punishment?
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Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 1/26/2024 6:01:51 AM (No. 1644711)
#3 - I think it is Japan that puts the convicted on death row without an execution date. One day, the door opens and the convicted is told he will die that day. No advance warning.
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Supreme Court rejects Alabama death row
inmate's lethal gas claim
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/25/2024 9:09:25 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected an Alabama death row inmate’s last-minute request for a stay of execution, moving him a step closer to being put to death using an untested method: nitrogen gas. Kenneth Smith, sentenced to death for murdering Elizabeth Sennett in 1988, objected to being executed by nitrogen hypoxia because of the potential for the state to botch the procedure. He alleged it would violate his right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. He is scheduled to be executed on Thursday. The brief court order simply noted that Smith's application was denied. No justices publicly dissented.
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Posted by Hazymac 1/21/2024 11:28:00 AM Post Reply
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