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Posts on Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Donald Trump's Next Move Should Be a Trip
to the Southern Border
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 11:46:15 PM Post Reply
Here is an idea I like a lot – Donald Trump should hop on Trump Force One and fly down to the Eagle Pass, Texas area. He should do it as soon as possible. Like tomorrow. Why not? His record on securing the southern border is one that he can point to as a undeniable success. He ran on immigration being a top issue in 2015. In his campaign announcement, after he came down the escalator in Trump Tower, he spoke about illegal immigration. He made a trip to the border to see the border wall that had been put up during his time in office but that was years ago.
It Begins… Politico Urges Trump Supporters
to Skip His Historic Rallies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 11:38:37 PM Post Reply
The Democrat Party has done everything they can to ruin President Donald Trump. The junk lawsuits couldn’t stop him. The insurrection lies couldn’t stop him. The 14th Amendment smears couldn’t stop him. The FBI spying and lies couldn’t stop him. Lawfare charges by crooked District Attorneys. Threats of 700 years in prison for manufactured crimes. Stealing over $250 million from his business for paying off business loans. Brutal harassment of his family. None of this stopped President Trump from his mission to save America from the Marxist horde and the power hungry elites. Now, the left has a new tactic. Politico today is now urging Republicans to skip Trump rallies.
CNN Reporter Fully Debases Herself During
Kamala Harris Interview, 'Struck Just
Being in Your Presence'
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 9:47:49 PM Post Reply
There have been a lot of embarrassing, sycophantic moments between reporters and Democrat politicians throughout history, and press bias is hardly a new revelation. Some moments stand out more than others, though, and Laura Coates of CNN has just entered her submission to be one of the worst ever. In an astonishing exchange, Coates appeared to get choked up as she heaped praise on Kamala Harris. "I'm struck just being in your presence," she says, teeing up the vice president to claim it's because she's a woman. [Tweet, video]
Democrat Biden Voter Admits He Crossed
Over in NH Primary to Vote for Haley
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 9:41:21 PM Post Reply
Despite unique voting laws New Hampshire holds, former President Trump still slid to victory in the Granite State’s Monday night primary election. New Hampshire is often described as a “closed” primary; however, several rules allow voters to change party affiliation to “undeclared” when voting in elections. The state’s Secretary of State website asks: Can I vote in a primary if I am an undeclared voter? Yes. An undeclared voter may vote in a state primary or a presidential primary. You will be required to choose either a Democratic or Republican ballot when you go to vote.
Agents ‘Absolutely’ Don’t Want To
Cut Greg Abbott’s Razor Wire, Border
Patrol Union President Says
Posted by Beardo 1/24/2024 9:30:32 PM Post Reply
Border Patrol agents don’t want to cut Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border wire after the Supreme Court ordered that the federal government can take it down, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told the Daily Caller News Foundation. (snip) The Biden administration sent a letter to Republican state Attorney General Ken Paxton on Jan. 14 asking that the state stand down from its position at Shelby Park by Jan. 17, according to CNN. Paxton responded by saying that Texas would hold its post.
FAA Gives Boeing Stern Rebuke While Approving
737 Max 9 Inspection Protocols
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 7:06:30 PM Post Reply
The Federal Aviation Administration said Wednesday it has approved a protocol for airlines flying the Boeing 737 Max 9 to inspect and repair the grounded aircraft, potentially returning them to commercial service within days. However, the news came with a severe warning to Boeing: The agency won’t allow the company to expand 737 Max production beyond its current output, alarmed by a series of quality-assurance lapses that have bedeviled the company’s aircraft. An “exhaustive, enhanced review” of the 737 Max 9 door plugs has given the FAA confidence to allow airlines to begin inspecting and rectifying any problems with the systems on some Max 9s, FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said
Abbott: Texas Has Constitutional Right
To Defend Its Borders From Invasion, Supersedes
All Federal Law
Posted by Yepper 1/24/2024 7:04:42 PM Post Reply
Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a defiant statement on Wednesday pushing back against President Joe Biden’s attempts to stop Texas from securing its borders against the millions of illegal aliens pouring into the state thanks to Biden’s reckless border policies. (Snip) “For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself,” he concluded.
Watch: Fox News Host Charles Payne Turns
the Tables on Democrat Strategist Jessica
Tarlov and Goes Scorched Earth on Joe
Biden’s Sick Hatred of Trump Supporters
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 6:44:25 PM Post Reply
During Fox News’s coverage of the New Hampshire Republican Primary Tuesday night, a one-sided fight broke out between conservative Fox News host Charles Payne and liberal Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov after President Trump won. As Mediaite reported, Tarlov opened up by whining that Trump “has an uncontrollable narcissism and rage about him when he feels insulted.” Fox News anchor Bret Baier then turned to Payne, who responded that he thought it was mainly a “New York thing,” mentioning his experience growing up in Harlem. But then Tarlov interrupted him by claiming the country was at stake if President Trump returned to the White House.
Exclusive: Senate Republicans Sound Off
On Leaked Border Deal Proposals, Say They
Will Absolutely Not Vote For Them
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 6:37:21 PM Post Reply
A number of Senate Republicans are extremely concerned with the ongoing border deal negotiations between the White House and GOP leadership, expressing their frustration with a number of leaked proposals that are being considered and saying they would never vote for the bill, in exclusive conversations with the Daily Caller. According to sources engaged on the border bailout, the proposals go beyond past already reported leaks. The current framework under consideration would drastically change immigration law in the U.S. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz all spoke with the Caller about what they have heard about the ongoing negotiations and reacted to leaked proposals
Reporter Gets Torn to Shreds for Claiming
'Learn to Code' Was Never a Thing
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 6:37:19 PM Post Reply
It’s one of those cases where you know they’re wrong. You could probably ignore them, but it’s the liberal media, so you attack at them like a pod of orcas. Better yet, like orcas, play with your prey before mutilating and devouring it. That’s what’s happening with some in the establishment media trying to say that “learn to code” was never a thing and that Joe Biden never said it. Like their allies in the Democratic Party and now the Department of Justice, these people just lie. It's a phrase created by this insular circle aimed at working Americans whose jobs were being unnecessarily targeted by Democrats, specifically Barack Obama,
Saudi Arabia to get first alcohol shop
in more than 70 years
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 6:24:00 PM Post Reply
Saudi Arabia has said it will open a shop in Riyadh selling alcohol to a select band of non-Muslim expats, the first to open in more than 70 years. The clientele will be limited to diplomatic staff, who have for years imported booze in sealed official packages known as diplomatic pouches. Saudi officials said the shop would counter "the illicit trade of alcohol". Prohibition has been law since 1952, after one of King Abdulaziz's sons drunkenly shot dead a British diplomat. The new store will be located in Riyadh's Diplomatic Quarter west of the city centre, according to a document seen by the AFP and Reuters news agencies. A source familiar with the plans
Ohio Senate Overrides Governor’s Veto
of Bill Banning Trans Medical Procedures
for Minors, Restricting Sports Participation
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 5:11:17 PM Post Reply
The Ohio senate on Wednesday successfully overrode Governor Mike DeWine’s veto on a bill that bans transgender medical procedures for minors and restricts trans student-athlete participation in school sports. Ohio House Bill 68 will become law in 90 days. The Republican state senate voted 23-9, two weeks after the state house voted 65-28 along party lines to override the governor’s veto. The Ohio legislature’s votes come after DeWine, a Republican, vetoed the bill late last month to kill both acts within the transgender-focused legislation. The bill in question included both the “Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act” and “Save Women’s Sports Act,”
ABBOTT: 'States Should Not Be Left to
the Mercy of a Lawless President'
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 4:12:24 PM Post Reply
As President Biden escalates the federal government's assault on Texas and the Lone Star State's efforts to secure its border with Mexico after the Biden administration abdicated such responsibilities, Governor Greg Abbott is doubling down on his efforts to enforce the international border and reminding Biden that doing so is within Texas' constitutionally protected rights. Reiterating that President Biden has "broken the compact between the United States and the States," Abbott says in a fiery and justifiably defiant statement that "James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president
Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit steps
down after Kari Lake tape leak
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 3:37:23 PM Post Reply
Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jeff DeWit announced he would step down as head of the party after audio of him allegedly attempting to bribe Kari Lake to not run for Senate was released on Tuesday. The audio featured DeWit asking Lake what price she would take to not enter the Senate race, which she is now running in. Lake said that DeWit should resign in the aftermath of leak. DeWit announced on Wednesday that he would be stepping down in a lengthy statement accusing Lake of leaking the recording herself.
After Bribe Recording Made Public –
Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff Dewit Resigns
Posted by Beardo 1/24/2024 3:24:48 PM Post Reply
Yesterday an audio recording of Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff Dewit was released that shows him attempting to bribe and coerce Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake into backing away from the contest. Today, Jeff Dewit has resigned. [Letter Source] I am not providing opinion or commentary on the claims within the letter, in part because I am just like you… an observer to a very serious story that is still unfolding.
Toyota Chair: Don't Force People to Buy EVs replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 3:12:53 PM Post Reply
“Customers — not regulations or politics — should make that decision" to buy an electric vehicle, according to the latest report on Toyota chairman Akio Toyoda. Despite generous government subsidies for the manufacture and purchase of electric vehicles, Toyota has concentrated its research and development on other alternative power trains, like hybrids and hydrogen fuel cells. “I have continued to say what I see as reality… if regulations are created based on ideals,” Toyoda said in a similar statement last year. "It is regular users who are the ones who suffer,” like the billion Earthlings who live without electricity, as Toyoda said this week. Despite his opposition to EV mandates,
And Now for Something Completely Unexpected
and Original: VP Suggestions!
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 3:04:24 PM Post Reply
Well, that didn't take long. Donald Trump will be our nominee. My choice was Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) for a myriad of reasons that I've already stated. But the Republican base has spoken, and the man who already got my vote twice will get it a third time. Eyes on the prize. The goal here is the White House, not another circular firing squad. The next big question is who Trump will choose to be his vice presidential candidate. He has dropped hints that he already has one chosen, but his advisors are being more vague about it.
Russia accuses Ukraine of shooting down
military plane, killing all 74 on board
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 2:58:54 PM Post Reply
Russia accused Ukraine of downing a Russian military plane near the Ukrainian border Wednesday, saying all 74 people on board were killed including dozens of Ukrainian servicemen being transported for a prisoner swap. The Ilyushin-76 cargo plane crashed inside Russian airspace, 5 to 6 kilometers (about 3 to 3.7 miles) from the village of Yablonovo in the Belgorod region. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and its Defense Ministry called it an act of terrorism. “The plane was destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the area of Liptsy, Kharkiv region, using an anti-aircraft missile system,” the ministry said in a statement.
Jon Stewart to return to ‘The Daily
Show’ as a host and executive producer
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 2:53:27 PM Post Reply
Jon Stewart is heading back to “The Daily Show.” The comedian, who during his 16-year run as host of the Comedy Central program established it as an entertainment and cultural force, will return to host the show each week on Mondays starting February 12, Showtime and MTV Entertainment Studios announced Wednesday. Stewart, who returns as the 2024 presidential election season heats up, will also executive produce the show and work with a rotating line-up of comedians who will helm the program the rest of the week, Tuesdays through Thursdays. “Stewart is the voice of our generation
The Most Dangerous Conservative replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 2:22:12 PM Post Reply
The New York Times put Charles Murray on the cover of its Sunday Magazine, calling him "The Most Dangerous Conservative." That was after he co-wrote the book, "The Bell Curve," which argued that different ethnic groups have, on average, different IQs. As Murray puts it in my video this week, "Blacks on average have a lower IQ than whites. However, whites are not at the top. East Asians, on average, have a higher IQ than whites. Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs." Other researchers agree.
Texas AG Ken Paxton Explains How Democrats
Stole the 2020 Election – Look for The
Gateway Pundit to Release More on This
Democrat Plot in the Coming Days
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 2:11:50 PM Post Reply
In September 2023 Tucker Carlson sat down with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. This was after the liberals like Karl Rove attempted to remove Paxton from office and turn the Lone Star State over to the Democrat horde and their election fraud operation. Thankfully, Ken Paxton had just been acquitted of wrongdoing following a Senate trial on all Articles of Impeachment. Texas RINOs, including Bush and Rove allies, wanted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton gone so they made up some accusations against him without evidence in an attempt to impeach him.
Houthis, defying U.S. strikes, attempt
another attack on U.S.-owned commercial ship
Posted by NorthernDog 1/24/2024 2:04:38 PM Post Reply
The targeting of another U.S.-owned commercial ship Wednesday shows the militant group remains intent on continuing its attacks in the face of multiple rounds of U.S. military airstrikes. The Houthis launched anti-ship ballistic missiles at the U.S.-owned, flagged and operated commercial ship Maersk Detroit as it was transiting the Gulf of Aden, according to a statement from the U.S. Central Command. The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Gravely shot down two missiles and a third fell into the water. There were no indications of damage or injuries in the attack. The U.S. military has been conducting airstrikes against the Houthis to
Trump slams his former White House press
secretary Kayleigh McEnany as a 'RINO'
after she criticized his New Hampshire
victory speech and suggested he adopt
a more 'general election tone'
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 1:56:59 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump has added former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany to the list of Republicans he has branded a 'RINO' after she advised him to 'look under the hood' and adopt a 'general election tone'. McEnany offered the unvarnished, and apparently unwelcome, advice during live commentary on Fox News on a night when Trump spent much of his New Hampshire victory speech torching rival Nikki Haley, calling her an 'imposter' and grumbling, 'I don't get too angry, I get even.' 'I don't need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox,' Trump vented online shortly before midnight on Tuesday, using an acronym for 'Republican In Name Only'.
Zelensky, the war bore replies
Posted by earlybird 1/24/2024 1:40:03 PM Post Reply
AP reported that Zelensky is big mad at Donald Trump. In case you have forgotten, Zelensky turned Trump’s congratulatory call for being elected president of Ukraine into an article of impeachment. In retaliation, Trump said when he returns to power, he’ll end the Ukraine war in 24 hours. The Ukrainian crook felt that was a low blow. Zelensky does not want the war to end. Why should he? The war has been a financial windfall as Western countries have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into his pi**ant nation
WATCH: Gazans Turn on Hamas, Take to the
Streets to Demand the Release of Israeli Hostages
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 1:18:52 PM Post Reply
Perhaps the one thing Hamas didn't count on was its inability to command total public support in Gaza. Residents of the embattled territory took to the streets on Wednesday morning to demand their terrorist government release the remaining Israeli hostages taken during the October 7th massacre. [Tweet, video] The protest occurred near a hospital, prompted by anger at Hamas for putting civilians in the position they've been placed in. As has been said many times, the war would end immediately if Hamas simply surrendered and turned over the hostages. Instead, the terrorist group, including its psychotic leader Yahya Sinwar, has burrowed underground, content to prolong the conflict.
It’s Almost Morning in America replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/24/2024 12:40:37 PM Post Reply
It might not seem like it right now, but it’s almost morning in America again. Americans of all sides are waking up. Democrats, Independents, and Republicans are uniting around shared concerns. Big city mothers aiming to rescue their children from failing schools and suburban moms losing their kids to woke educators are both waking up to the broken education system, where administrators get bigger and bigger salaries while kids suffer. Meanwhile, both “granola” foodies and conservative farmers are becoming aware of the broken food system, where small farmers struggle, and it’s impossible to ban chemicals we know harm our kids. Despite citizens trying to effect change, their efforts are in vain
Pianist who went viral over clash with
CCP officials speaks out: 'Knickers in
a twist'
Posted by JunkYardDog 1/24/2024 12:40:31 PM Post Reply
When Chinese nationals confronted a British man over the right to use their images in public, he had no idea the exchange would become a viral video that fascinated millions. "You're obviously not used to democracy," Brendan Kavanagh, the British man in the video, said at one particularly hot moment during the clash at St. Pancras train station in London. The fight ultimately ended with threats of legal action and the police getting involved to deescalate.
Another Boeing Plane Sees Critical Failure
as 757’s Nose Wheel Falls Off Before Takeoff
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 12:35:35 PM Post Reply
A Delta Airlines Boeing 757 jet taxiing on the runway with 184 passengers on board at Atlanta’s international airport was forced to abort takeoff when a nose wheel fell off and parted ways with the stricken flight. The wheel “came off and rolled down the hill” as the flight was waiting to begin its journey, according to a report from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).The plane is 32 years old. Delta confirmed the incident on the plane scheduled to fly from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to Bogota, Colombia. “Delta Flight 982 ATL/BOG was taxiing for departure when a nose gear tire came loose from the landing gear,”
Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of "Corrupt"
GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her
Posted by Beardo 1/24/2024 10:22:25 AM Post Reply
Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake called on the state's GOP chair Jeff DeWit to resign after a recording emerged of him trying to bribe Lake to stay out of politics for two years. In the recording, first reported by the Daily Mail, DeWit, 51, can be heard asking lake to name her price not to run. (snip) Following the report, Lake called on DeWit to resign. "He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party," she told an NBC reporter during Trump's New Hampshire primary victory party.
Newly Elected School Board Deals Immediate
Blow to 'Cancel Culture' by Reinstating
Controversial Logo
Posted by Beardo 1/24/2024 10:04:58 AM Post Reply
A Pennsylvania school board on Thursday voted to restore the Native American warrior head logo that had been part of the district’s tradition until it was wiped away in 2021. The Southern York County School District board voted 7-2 to bring back the warrior symbol after intense debate on the issue, according to WGAL-TV in Lancaster. Douglas Brent, a parent whose children are high school students, was among those who spoke in support of restoring the logo. “Nobody was trying to be demeaning to the local Indian tribes that were here,” he said.
Army Reveals It Fired Female Commander
in Troubled Brigade After Claims of Sexual
Assaults on Male Soldiers
Posted by Beardo 1/24/2024 9:52:45 AM Post Reply
A female Army officer was fired from command of a unit based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord amid allegations of multiple sexual assaults against several male subordinates and a pattern of sexual harassment, according to a service spokesperson. Col. Meghann Sullivan served as commander of the 5th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade, at the base in Washington state. (snip) Sullivan, who did not immediately return a request for comment, is still in the service and was reassigned to I Corps, based out of the same installation. She is seemingly not facing a court-martial,
Trump says Melania will be 'active' in
his campaign as New Hampshire primary
begins and reveals how tall Barron REALLY is
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 9:17:43 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump says wife Melania will be 'active' in his campaign and revealed how tall 17-year-old son Barron is. The former president, 77, said he relies on his first lady for advice and praised on her compassion in a Fox News interview as voters arrived at the polls for the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday morning. 'She wants to make America great again, too,' he said of Melania. 'I rely on her for advice and all the others. I think she will be very active in the sense of being active.' Trump also admitted he had concerns for his family, who have been targeted with 'unfair' attacks
CNN and MSNBC are slammed for muting Trump's
mic to chime in with fact checkers - as
Jake Tapper speaks over the former president
to condemn his 'anti-immigrant rhetoric'
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 9:07:01 AM Post Reply
CNN and MSNBC doubled down on their decision not to air Donald Trump's primary victory speeches in full, again cutting away from his New Hampshire rally to offer fact checks to viewers. As Trump boasted on Tuesday night that he had won the Granite State for a third time in a row, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interjected with a laugh, 'So, there we go, this is part of the issue here.' She then corrected Trump's false assertion that he won the state in the 2020 general election, and only in the GOP primary, at the same moment CNN's Jake Tapper followed suit.
Trump rides to New Hampshire victory on
the strength of support from the GOP base,
AP VoteCast shows
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 9:04:21 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump had rock-solid support from the party faithful in his primary victory Tuesday, with even most backers of rival Nikki Haley acknowledging the GOP belongs to him. Yet as Trump’s hold on securing the party’s nomination tightened, AP VoteCast found that some voters express concerns that he is too extreme to compete in the November general election. Some also worry about his legal peril in pending criminal trials. Haley, a former South Carolina governor and a U.N. ambassador under Trump, bested him among college graduates and moderates, a possible sign that Trump has yet to expand his political base. The survey found signs
After Trump’s NH win, Biden gets the
opponent he wants
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 8:50:22 AM Post Reply
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — The general election has all but begun — and it’s the race President Joe Biden’s team wanted. Former President Donald Trump’s victory in the New Hampshire primary Tuesday dealt a blow to the hopes of his strongest challenger and strengthened Trump’s hold on his party’s nomination. Biden’s reelection team took Trump’s win over Nikki Haley as the starting gun for what will now be the longest and most grueling general election campaign in modern American political history. Those aides believe that Trump poses a far greater threat to the nation’s democracy than any of his Republican rivals would. But they also feel the most confident about
Hoo Boy: Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump Senile
and Then Immediately Has a Senile Moment
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 8:47:17 AM Post Reply
Age comes for all, but I'm not sure someone who age has already come for is the best spokesperson for pointing that out. Enter Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who appeared on MSNBC to offer her vast wealth of knowledge and expertise following Donald Trump's win in the New Hampshire primary.During the interview, she decided it'd be a great idea to accuse the former president of being senile. Specifically, she claimed he has "cognitive disorders." What she wasn't counting on was having a senile moment of her own immediately after.
Biden sending senior West Wing aides Mike
Donilon, Jennifer O'Malley Dillon to oversee
2024 reelection campaign
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 8:41:50 AM Post Reply
President Biden is dispatching two of his senior-most West Wing aides to help oversee his reelection campaign in Delaware, multiple people familiar with the plans tell CBS News. Mike Donilon, the president's longtime speechwriter, and Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, who ran Mr. Biden's 2020 campaign, will leave their senior positions at the White House and turn their attention full time to the reelection campaign. The New York Times first reported their move to the campaign. The president's campaign said Donilon "is expected to play a central role in the campaign's messaging and paid media strategy," while O'Malley Dillon will focus on "organizing and execution of the campaign's path to 270 electoral votes
Sen. Cornyn to Haley: End Your Campaign,
Time for GOP to Unite Behind Trump
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 8:35:09 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) endorsed Donald Trump for president moments after the New Hampshire primary was called within minutes of polls closing. “I have seen enough,” Cornyn said on X. “To beat Biden, Republicans need to unite around a single candidate, and it’s clear that President Trump is Republican voters’ choice.”A majority of Senate Republicans have now endorsed Trump, but Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) had been the only senior member of Senate GOP leadership to endorse the former president’s reelection bid before Tuesday night. Barrasso had also been the only one of the “three Johns” – the three most-speculated successors to Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) – to endorse the president.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Urges Nikki Haley
to Quit Race; Says Message From Voters
is the Party Needs to “Unite Around
Our Eventual Nominee” Donald Trump
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 8:32:24 AM Post Reply
While not explicitly saying she should drop out, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel urged former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to drop out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday night, saying she sees ‘no math and path’ for Haley to win the GOP nomination over President Donald Trump and that she should “reflect” on her candidacy. McDaniel made her remarks in an interview on Fox News, saying the message from voters is the party needs to “unite around our eventual nominee which is gonna be Donald Trump.”
Biden to speak at United Auto Workers
conference as he woos blue-collar vote
in battleground states
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 7:50:40 AM Post Reply
Washington— President Joe Biden will be the keynote speaker Wednesday at a United Auto Workers’ political convention as he works to sway blue-collar workers his way in critical auto-making swing states such as Michigan and Wisconsin. Biden will speak as the union closes out a three-day gathering in Washington to chart its political priorities but leaders kept mum in advance about whether they will use the moment to endorse the Democrat’s bid for a second term — or hold out longer to try to increase the UAW’s leverage. It will be Biden’s first political event since Tuesday’s primary vote in New Hampshire, where former President Donald Trump cemented his hold
Democrat Operative Caught on Hot Mic After
Secret Service Agents Swarm Joe Biden
as Pro-Hamas Protestors Interrupt Campaign
Event (Video)
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 7:30:46 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday participated in a campaign event at the Hylton Performing Arts Center in Manassas, Virginia. Dr. Jill and Kamala Harris joined Biden Tuesday evening. Pro-Hamas protestors interrupted Biden’s campaign event more than a dozen times. His campaign event was a total dumpster fire. Biden looked around lost as protestors shouted “Genocide Joe!” WATCH: (Video) Secret Service agents swarmed Joe Biden after he wrapped up his rambling speech. WATCH: (Video) A campaign operative was caught on a hot mic talking about a breach in security after Secret Service agents surrounded Biden on stage.
Ambulances, yes ambulances, are switching
to ‘eco-friendly’ fleets
Posted by Judy W. 1/24/2024 7:06:58 AM Post Reply
There must be some part of me that is incredibly naive, because I didn’t have “eco-friendly” and “green” ambulances on my bingo card—although from what I know about the imbecilic left and their senseless ideas, I really should have seen this coming. Check this out, from an exclusive report out at Daily Mail on Saturday: New ‘green’ ambulances unusable by paramedics who are too tall or have big feet, NHS trusts reveal after staff voice concerns for drivers’ safety. (Snip) Here’s a link to battery-powered ambulances in New York City; here’s a link to more of the same from Paterson, New Jersey; here is just one of many European
Democrats want to subvert the Supreme
Court in their war against Donald Trump
Posted by Mercedes44 1/24/2024 12:52:26 AM Post Reply
The biggest threat to the Constitution in 2024 is the “lawfare” being waged against Donald Trump — and the Supreme Court is as much its target as Trump is. Consider attempts in Colorado, Maine and elsewhere to ban Trump from the ballot. The architects of these efforts are counting on most Americans not knowing how presidential primaries and general elections actually work. What happens if a blue-state supreme court or Democratic secretary of state rules that Trump isn’t eligible to be president? If the question stayed at the state level, very little would change. This is because voters don’t directly pick either a party’s nominee or a president.
Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen: The LA
Times Appears to Be in a State of Imminent Collapse
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 12:50:08 AM Post Reply
The Los Angeles Times has been around since 1881 and has survived enormous ups and downs over the past 142 years. But one thing remained constant: the LA Times could be depended on for trustworthy and timely reporting of the news. Growing up in the San Fernando Valley, the 260-plus square mile suburbs of Los Angeles, my parents were loyal Times subscribers. The paper has enjoyed over a century of respect and popularity with its consumers and even detractors; until now. Impending doom seems to have struck the Times, with new reports of "brutal" layoffs and exodus of
Michelle Obama may already be working
on a 2024 White House bid
Posted by Mercedes44 1/24/2024 12:49:50 AM Post Reply
Could be Mrs. O in the Oval? Obama’s wife is scratching to maybe be our next president. Her husband’s helping. Pay attention. In this sicko political environment, semi-VIPs itch to get you to write what they want. Then, for their own political purpose, tell you they “doubt” what you wrote. These professional doubters have their political motives. However, some info now comes from — I’m told — “credible sources few have access to and usually not meant for the noses of the media.” Whatever that means, what’s told is: Hillary and husband? Toxic. Nikki? The old guard will pee on her.
Positively Stunning - Nikki Haley Campaign
Manager Sends Letter Saying the Haley
Plan Is to Use "Open Primaries" and Democrats
Posted by 4250Luis 1/24/2024 12:46:11 AM Post Reply
Sometimes the reality of the fraudulent plan just hits you harder when you see the people who construct the fraud write it down and promote it. In a letter from Nikki Haley’s campaign manager Betsy Ankney, the corporate-funded plan to use “open primaries” is not only admitted, but also espoused as the core element of the Nikki Haley strategy. [SOURCE] The only Republican politician I can remember campaigning with such an open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter was Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010, who lost the Republican primary to Joe Miller,
New Hampshire takeaways: Trump’s path
becomes clearer. So does the prospect
of a rematch with Biden.
Posted by 4250Luis 1/24/2024 12:42:07 AM Post Reply
This time, New Hampshire didn’t surprise. Instead, its famously fickle voters stuck to the script of delivering a ringing ratification of the front-runner, Donald Trump, the former president. His victory over a defiant Nikki Haley cemented his hold on core Republican voters and substantially reduced the chances of any challenger overtaking him. Never before has a presidential candidate won the first two contests on the primary nomination calendar — as Trump has now done — and failed to emerge as the party’s general election nominee, substantially increasing the already quite likely prospect of a rematch between him and President Joe Biden.
In New Hampshire Victory Speech, Trump
Rips into ‘Impostor’ Nikki Haley for
Insisting on Staying in Race
Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 12:38:31 AM Post Reply
Former president Donald Trump celebrated his New Hampshire primary win in Nashua Tuesday night by delivering an angry tirade against “impostor” Nikki Haley and the Granite State governor who endorsed her. In a dramatic about face from the sunny calls for party unity in his Iowa victory speech last week, Trump ripped into Haley for having the temerity to announce that the GOP primary is just beginning, even after losing to the former president in New Hampshire. “She’s doing a speech like she won, but she didn’t win, she lost,” Trump said of Haley, who delivered her own speech earlier on Tuesday putting a positive spin on her loss.
Seventy Percent of Nikki Haley Voters
Not Registered Republicans, CNN Exit Poll Says
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 12:04:34 AM Post Reply
Nikki Haley relied heavily on the support of Independents and Democrats in the New Hampshire primary yet still lost by wide margins. Of Haley voters in the Granite State, CNN said, “about 7 in 10 said they were registered as undeclared prior to Tuesday.” CNN relied on an exit poll to make its shocking statement. New Hampshire’s loose requirements allow for voters to cross over, while future Republican caucuses and primaries will consist overwhelmingly of registered Republicans. Trump crushed Haley in the New Hampshire primary by double digits with results still outstanding. The Associated Press called the New Hampshire results within three minutes.
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