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Harvard Knows Better

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Posted By: DW626, 12/23/2023 9:53:36 AM

Harvard’s commitment to its own way of thinking was on full display during President Claudine Gay’s abominable December 5th congressional testimony concerning campus anti-Semitism, subsequent revelations alleging her plagiarism in various publications (the current tally is about 40) including her dissertation, and the university leadership’s response. After President Gay equivocated on Harvard’s response to anti-Semitism on its campus, the university’s governing body unanimously rushed to support her. The trustees made it plain to the world that they did not expect their president to live up to any common standard of human decency, intellectual honesty, or genuine scholarship.


Credibility and trust are next to impossible gain back, once lost.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: sw penn 12/23/2023 10:01:25 AM (No. 1622920)
"How many future employers will wonder if a Harvard educated job applicant -- especially a member of a group smiled upon by the politically correct -- really did as well as their résumé indicates, or were held to any standards of honest scholarship?" or, were held to any standards at all?
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: skacmar 12/23/2023 11:11:30 AM (No. 1622960)
For supposedly smart people, Harvard is sure being pretty stupid.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: john56 12/23/2023 12:05:29 PM (No. 1623000)
William Buckley had it right when he said he would rather be governed by the first 100 names in the Boston phone book than by the Harvard faculty.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mythman 12/23/2023 1:10:29 PM (No. 1623054)
The new Harvard diploma mill: "Enroll Now, Graduate Today!".
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NorthStar 12/23/2023 1:32:00 PM (No. 1623065)
I believe more than anything else this is a move to deny the scary right a win, regardless of the possible cost.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 12/23/2023 2:00:55 PM (No. 1623079)
US News made a deal with all these Ivies to keep them at the top of the rankings and to adjust their algorithms to assure it. If we had objective assessments I wonder how they would fare.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: 3XALADY 12/23/2023 2:27:18 PM (No. 1623091)
After Stinky got involved, you knew she was going to survive.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 12/23/2023 10:15:32 PM (No. 1623288)
It seems to me that the whole foundation of these Ivy League schools is their reputations, which were built up over many decades of excellent and hard work by generations of smart people. This reputation is being demolished (or if you prefer, squandered) by the present group of Leftists who are in control. Hhhhaaaaavvvvaaaarrrddd is in the headlines, but is it much different at the others? I understand that Columbia was a snake's den of Leftists several decades ago, and I doubt that the situation there has improved. These hard leftists prefer their ideology to facts, to reality. Let them ride their train right down the track to Hades. What happened to Bud Light and is happening to Disney, can just as easily happen at Haaaaavvvvaarrrd, and I believe that the process has already started, with many wealthy alumni withholding large donations, and a drop in the number of highly-qualified high school graduates applying. I guess we will have to just watch and see when (if ever) these Leftists wake up and smell the coffee.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: coldborezero 12/24/2023 8:43:34 AM (No. 1623414)
Luke 6:44: “For every tree is known by its own fruit.” All my life I have witnessed the “fruits” of Harvard and the rest of the Poison Ivy League, e.g. obama, et al. I am not impressed.
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Posted by DW626 12/23/2023 12:20:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 12/23/2023 9:58:29 AM Post Reply
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Harvard Knows Better 9 replies
Posted by DW626 12/23/2023 9:53:36 AM Post Reply
Harvard’s commitment to its own way of thinking was on full display during President Claudine Gay’s abominable December 5th congressional testimony concerning campus anti-Semitism, subsequent revelations alleging her plagiarism in various publications (the current tally is about 40) including her dissertation, and the university leadership’s response. After President Gay equivocated on Harvard’s response to anti-Semitism on its campus, the university’s governing body unanimously rushed to support her. The trustees made it plain to the world that they did not expect their president to live up to any common standard of human decency, intellectual honesty, or genuine scholarship.
Chicago Residents Erupt During City Council
Meeting Over Migrant Crisis: 'Trump, Come
Clean This Up'
28 replies
Posted by DW626 12/23/2023 1:24:18 AM Post Reply
Chicago residents are desperately suffering from President Joe Biden's immigration policies that have caused cities to use all of their resources on illegal aliens rather than on their own residents. This week, a prominent Black activist gave a passionate speech during an all-Democrat city council meeting, calling on officials to handle immediately hand the immigrant crisis by "sending them all back." George Blakemore condemned Biden's unwillingness to secure the border, urging former President Trump to "come in here and clean up this mess" as some of the poorest neighborhoods suffer from a lack of funding and city services due to the migrant crisis.
The plight of the Christmas card 9 replies
Posted by DW626 12/22/2023 1:39:27 PM Post Reply
The horde of cards was as commonplace as ornaments and lights on the Christmas tree. They would arrive daily (except on Sunday) at a half-dozen a clip. Initially, it started as a trickle but once the calendar sank deeper into December, the numbers grew. Many were from people I did not know. By the time Christmas arrived, the avalanche of cards became part of our family’s Christmas décor — all in service to induce a sensation of good cheer throughout the Maresca abode. My mother would string the cards using yarn through the living room, and they would decorate every doorway.
A black-centric publication compares gay
sex in a Senate chamber to…Anne Frank
12 replies
Posted by DW626 12/22/2023 9:47:06 AM Post Reply
American culture, under the aegis of the left, has gone insane. That’s why, when a “Black-led and Black-owned” site that “combines art and fashion with lifestyle commentary to create a strong social justice brand” publishes a leftist cliché-ridden essay saying that a Senate staffer’s sodomy in a Senate chamber was an Anne Frank(ish) act of rebellion against an “insurrection,” it’s impossible to know whether it’s real or not. I think it’s real and written either by a Harvard grad or AI. You’re already familiar with the background: Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a 20-something who worked for Sen. Ben Cardin, partnered with a German national
A lot of people with ties to Epstein are
very nervous right now
14 replies
Posted by DW626 12/20/2023 12:48:57 PM Post Reply
The headlines are impressive: A federal district court judge has ordered that documents containing the names of more than 150 Jeffrey Epstein “associates” must be released after January 1. However, before getting too excited, there are some caveats. Overall, though, this does rank as a good thing. In 2015, Virginia Guiffre sued Epstein’s procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, alleging that Maxwell facilitated Guiffre’s sexual exploitation at Epstein’s hands. The two of them settled in 2017. Since then, there’s been a push to “un-redact” existing documents that identify people “associated” with Jeffrey Epstein
Why Is John Fetterman Making So Much Sense
Right Now?
17 replies
Posted by DW626 12/20/2023 10:30:29 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) was a source of embarrassment for the Republican Party. He won the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate race despite an abysmal debate with Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz and being mentally and physically unwell. The former mayor of Braddock nearly died during that election from a severe stroke. The GOP couldn’t clinch a win against a candidate who was visibly suffering from a debilitating health crisis. Fetterman was hospitalized shortly after being sworn in, which didn’t do anything to neutralize the narrative that he wasn’t healthy enough to serve. Yet, after his stint in the hospital for mental health, Fetterman has become one of the most level-headed
'The Christmas Story’ is great because
it is politically incorrect all the way
23 replies
Posted by DW626 12/20/2023 6:22:42 AM Post Reply
Every year, The Christmas Story is a holiday feature. I enjoy it a lot! The Chinese restaurant ending is great! Everything about this movie is so politically incorrect, from the old man to Mrs. Parker, to just about everything else. Remember the line about the old man being as good as an “Arab trader” when they are looking for Christmas trees? What about the lamp? The late Roger Ebert reviewed this movie in 2000. I’m not sure why he waited so long but he nailed it. This is Mr. Ebert’s review: One of the details that ‘A Christmas Story’ gets right is the threat
A killer's privilege 11 replies
Posted by DW626 12/20/2023 6:12:58 AM Post Reply
The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue recently filed a lien against the property of Ashley Biden for $5,000 she has owed in income taxes since 2015. Her father was the vice president at the time. Ashley lives in Philadelphia with her husband. Liens enable the government to recoup unpaid taxes. The amount would be higher than the original amount because the government adds hefty penalties and interest. Maybe she should move to Maryland. Michael Byrd, the Capitol police officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt on January 6, seems to have no fear of the government coming after him. He has owed the government $56,366 since 2019.
Don’t Overplay Plagiarism 7 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:22:48 PM Post Reply
As a sidelight to the December 5, 2023, House Committee on Education testimony of several presidents of elite universities, the media is currently feasting on a debate over plagiarism. Here, I argue that there is a difference between intentionally stealing another’s ideas and simply lazy, borderline-incompetent scholarship. I find that the allegation of plagiarism in this case is unfounded, while the blatantly incompetent scholarship that has led to the allegation is shocking. The congressional testimony of Claudine Gay of Harvard, Elizabeth Magill of Penn, and Sally Kornbluth of MIT reeked of hypocrisy.
'Looks Like an Insurrection': Hamas Sympathizers
Take Over U.S. Capitol Rotunda
10 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 3:12:13 PM Post Reply
The trend of radical anti-Israel leftists shutting down government buildings to demand a "ceasefire now" — something which would prolong Hamas attacks against Israeli civilians and give the Iran-backed terrorists a hope of survival — reached a new level on Tuesday when the rotunda of the United States Capitol was closed by authorities while they arrested and removed the demonstrators. Scores of individuals demanding Hamas be allowed to survive unfurled a banner and launched into an off-pitch and dystopian sounding "song" — if you can call it that — that was as incorrect as it was punishing on the ears.
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Al Gore: Without Climate Action, ‘We
Could Lose Our Capacity for Self-Governance’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2023 7:26:44 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Al Gore said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that if the climate continues to warm, we “would lose our capacity for self-governance.” Anchor Jake Tapper asked, “What happens if the world doesn’t react? What’s the worst-case scenario?” Gore said, “The scientist who has warned us of these mega-storms and the floods and mudslides and droughts and the ice melting and the sea level rising and the storms getting stronger and the tropical diseases and climate and migrants crossing international borders in large numbers. They were dead right when they warned us about this, and so we need to pay more attention to them now.”
Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control
for U.S. Troops
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2023 2:59:53 PM Post Reply
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is putting together legislation to require the U.S. military to adhere to state-level red and yellow flag laws for troops. A red flag law allows family, friends, and others, to seek a court order to have guns removed from someone they view as a danger to himself or others. A yellow flag law is more narrow, allowing law enforcement to seek the court order for firearm removal.Collins bill comes in response to the October 25, 2023, Lewiston, Maine, attacks, which were carried out by a member of the U.S. Army Reserve. The attacker used a sniper rifle which was legally purchased.
The most dangerous towns in America are
revealed as violent crimes soar across
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Missouri, Michigan and Tennessee round
out the top five
22 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2023 12:47:06 AM Post Reply
A personal finance website analyzed the FBI's recent crime statistics to determine the most dangerous cities in America - with a city in Alabama coming out on top. MoneyGeek’s annual analysis estimated the cost of crime in 302 cities with populations greater than 100,000 across the US. The analysis determined the violent crime rate, property crime rate, cost of crime per capita and the total cost of crime in millions. The violent crime rate includes murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, while the property crime rate includes burglary, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft offenses per 100,000 residents.
UFO appears to fly by Air Force One at
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Posted by VietVet68 12/24/2023 3:15:23 PM Post Reply
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Biden Admin Denies Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Secret Service Protection For Third Time
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/24/2023 12:10:25 AM Post Reply
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was denied United States Secret Service (USSS) protection for the third time, according to a letter obtained by Deseret News. Kennedy’s campaign confirmed Friday the credibility of the letter which allegedly showed Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had signed off on rejecting Kennedy’s request, according to the outlet.
US economist makes chilling prediction
for 2024 - warning of 'biggest crash in
our lifetimes' as 'everything bubble' bursts
17 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2023 7:32:45 PM Post Reply
An economist has warned that an 'everything' bubble is going to burst next year prompting the 'biggest crash in our lifetimes.' Harry Dent claims the effects of the crash will 'be obvious' by May and will slow the economy for over a decade. He told Fox Digital: 'If I'm right, it is going to be the biggest crash of our lifetime, most of it happening in 2024'Since 2009, this has been 100 percent artificial, unprecedented money printing and deficits; $27 trillion over 15 years, to be exact. This is off the charts, 100 percent artificial, which means we're in a dangerous state.'
The Most Memorable Ad You'll Watch This
Christmas Stars a Man in His Shed
17 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2023 1:28:27 AM Post Reply
In just over two minutes, the story of a man puttering around in his tool shed will reduce many of us to a sobbing mess. So, here's your warning in advance: have that box of tissues at the ready! RedState is no stranger to the magic of emotional Christmas season commercials. Readers might still remember the one my colleague Joe Cunningham shared in 2022 from Chevy.And Chevy followed it up in 2023 with this one, via Nick Arama. It tells the story of a family dealing with the scourge of Alzheimer's, and how a daughter lovingly makes sure that her mother and father have a wonderful Christmas together.
No, Donald Trump Will Never Consider Nikki
Haley as VP Possibilty, Here’s Why
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/24/2023 7:30:26 AM Post Reply
CBS floated some ridiculous story about President Trump asking advisors their opinion of Nikki Haley as a VP option. That story is nonsense. Anyone in the orbit of Donald Trump knows Nikki Haley is a nonstarter. CBS is known as the worst news organization for making stuff up. There is no element of their thin-gruel story [SEE HERE] that is believable. Here’s why… President Trump is known for remembering betrayal; he doesn’t always burn the bridge, but he never recrosses it. Nikki Haley in February 2021: …”“I don’t think [Trump’s] going to be in the picture,” she said, matter-of-factly.
“Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN
MEME EVER! Joe Biden Quotes Set to Cowboy
Western Theme
14 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2023 12:59:58 AM Post Reply
This has got to be the BEST BIDEN MEME EVER! “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” buddydawg22 posted this video on Twitter. I Meme Therefore I Am then tweeted it on X. The creator put several of Joe Biden’s famous lines into a Western themed video. This is spectacular! If you get lost watching the video look up the quote online and it will lead you to Joe Biden. (Video) Here is the transcript: Cowboy named Tex: Corn pop? Boy: Who’s corn pop?
Outgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards
pardons 56 inmates, including 40 convicted murderers
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/24/2023 12:02:43 AM Post Reply
The outgoing governor of Louisiana has pardoned 56 inmates since October of this year, including dozens of convicted murderers. (snip) "For as long as I can remember, Louisiana reflexively responded to an increase in crime by putting more people in prison and keeping them there longer," Edwards told Louisiana news outlet this week. "We've never been made safer as a result of that," Edwards said. "There is no data to suggest that an increase in crime here was because of the reforms." Others released by Edwards include inmates convicted of arson, robbery, and drug dealing, according to a complete list compiled by local outlet Fox 8.
For his own sake, DeSantis should drop out 11 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/24/2023 2:06:33 PM Post Reply
The race between Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley to secure a clear and commanding second place to Donald Trump is starting to feel like an old Law and Order episode. You know the ones. Where two guys who committed a crime are separated and the first one to flip gets the better plea deal? As it stands, DeSantis and Haley could both choose to be the first to drop out and endorse Trump, thus ensuring the other is set up for a grueling one on one with the surging former president that looks to be a very uphill climb.
Merry Christmas, Matt Drudge 10 replies
Posted by earlybird 12/24/2023 2:18:52 PM Post Reply
Did I ever tell you about the time Matt Drudge shut down the Charleston Daily Mail and the entire Charleston Newspapers operation? He linked a column I wrote about Nancy Pelosi and the traffic overloaded the company’s lone computer system.(snip)Nowadays I could not get a link to Drudge if I paid him. It is just as well. He has gone to the dark side. Drudge made his mark on the world in 1998 when Lucianne Goldberg handed him the Monica Lewinsky story, after Newsweek spiked it. That is how reporters get stories: through sources.
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