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Joe Biden’s crumbling relationship with
Benjamin Netanyahu could easily turn into
an all-out disaster

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Posted By: Moritz55, 12/17/2023 1:34:36 PM

Over the many years they have been in the public eye, Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu were never friends and rarely allies. Their fundamental political differences were compounded by years of long-distance disagreement. Then suddenly, terrorism brought them together in something of a shotgun wedding. Biden visited Israel just 11 days after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack where he and Netanyahu embraced in an awkward, aborted hug. In hindsight, that appears to have been the high point of their new relationship. It’s been downhill ever since and the gap between them is growing at an alarming pace. Headlines from recent days illustrate the tensions:

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Reply 1 - Posted by: vhs68 12/17/2023 2:10:43 PM (No. 1619269)
Amateur meddling. That would be like Obama's JV team comments regarding the islamic state.
34 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 12/17/2023 2:21:53 PM (No. 1619273)
Biden blows with the wind and right now the leftist wind is against Israel
42 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Italiano 12/17/2023 2:34:12 PM (No. 1619280)
It probably isn't lost on Bibi that those numbnuts lost our War on Terror.
41 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Omen55 12/17/2023 2:44:15 PM (No. 1619288)
Joey is a racist so why not an anti-Semitic.
40 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 12/17/2023 2:57:45 PM (No. 1619295)
The Demented Fuhrer may start to not recognize some people. "Again, who are you?"
26 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DW626 12/17/2023 3:06:16 PM (No. 1619298)
Aside from similar titles as Heads of State, I was unaware of any relationship between the two.
19 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: dbdiva 12/17/2023 3:16:49 PM (No. 1619303)
Really though...ANYTHING with which our corrupt, demented, Resident carcass is associated ends up being an all-out disaster for everyone. Why should his relationship with Bibi be different??
32 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: linkay6 12/17/2023 3:53:20 PM (No. 1619313)
Well we already knew the bidens aren't on God's side
29 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: rochow 12/18/2023 12:10:07 AM (No. 1619488)
Well, Austin is on his way. He will really mess things up a little more than Blinken blanken and the fool that was there a few days ago. This clown administration is so utterly pathetic.
18 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mifla 12/18/2023 4:47:28 AM (No. 1619552)
Joe: "Benjamin, you need to agree to a cease fire." Benjamin: "Joe, when was the last time your country won a war?" Joe: "Goodbye, I am heading to Delaware for my weekly vacation."
16 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: sagman 12/18/2023 6:36:31 AM (No. 1619600)
Everything is so grim these days. Thought I’d recycle/update some satire I had originally posted 10-15 years ago that could come from today’s headlines. The names have been changed to identify the guilty. President Biden on “Meet the Press” KRISTEN WELKER: Let’s get right to it, sir. What will you say to say to Abbas and Netanyahu at next week’s summit? BIDEN: I’ll demand Palestinians acknowledge Israel’s determination to stop another holocaust. And I’ll tell Baby our support is unconditional unless Israel refuses to recognize a Palestinian state bent on driving them… into… the…zzzz. [dozes off] WELKER:[shouting] Sir, sir, stay with me! What’s happening in Gaza now? BIDEN: [startled]: Where the pyramids are? WELKER: No, that’s Giza. How about the West Bank? BIDEN: The big savings and loan in Houston? WELKER: Never mind. Can you estimate how many Isis/Hamas interlopers are in place in The U. S. today? W BIDEN: Interlopers? Um, [squints at notecards, puts them down] off the top of my head--the middle distance, a handful from Pakistan. Plus another fifty or so five kilometer specialists from northern Africa. And maybe a dozen marathoners from Somalia. The CIA keeps a running total. WELKER: Is it true we’ve captured a top Isis commander in Syria? BIDEN: Yes. He arrived in Washington last night and was immediately given his Miranda warning by the DoJ. After he had a good meal and decent night’s sleep, we began interrogating him this morning. I’ve authorized the CIA to waterballoon him, if necessary. WELKER: Comment on rumors of a possible rapprochement with the Taliban. BIDEN: Blinken ran a competition at State for the best “Let’s talk” invitation to them. Some guy on the Jamaican desk won with, “Come, Mr. Tali Ban. Dally, you’re bananas. Play this right, mon, we gonna stay home.” WELKER: Finally, that big spy swap with Russia in 2010 when you were VP has never been fully explained—ten for them, four for us. A bad deal? BIDEN: Not at all. Check the fine print on the Memorandum of Understanding: we got three more agents to be named later and a first round pick in next year’s draft.
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Aspen02 12/18/2023 6:46:53 AM (No. 1619608)
Didn't Obama make Netanyahu use the back entrance to the WH? He is still in charge.
19 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rinktum 12/18/2023 7:22:38 AM (No. 1619624)
I believe the reading of The Snake poem would be appropriate for Netanyahu about now. Joe will do to Israel what he is attempting to do to the US right now. Biden is an evil vicious old man and has zero loyalty to anyone but himself.
20 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 12/18/2023 8:48:01 AM (No. 1619686)
FTA - "His decision to undercut Israel during an existential war in hopes of winning back young voters and Muslim Americans is politics at its cheapest. It makes Biden look craven, as if he has neither courage nor conviction." Biden you cheater, this is what you get for playing both sides of the issue and not being all in for Israel. Sagman, good to see you here. It's been a while. Enjoyed the "Meet the Press" skit.
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Zigrid 12/18/2023 10:50:12 AM (No. 1619798)
No worries...Bibi has the situation under control...and it's not's the puppeteer Obama who hates Israel and is causing trouble...BUT... Americans love Israel and are in her grandson is applying to Notre Dame for college next bad MIT and lose a super smart kid...if I do say so myself....
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Strike3 12/18/2023 11:01:28 AM (No. 1619811)
Here's a helpful hint to Netanyahu. Forget Biden and pay a visit to Zelenskyy. He has the latest US weapons on sale, cheap, and he can also give you great financing on them.
9 people like this.

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Posted by Moritz55 2/21/2024 9:06:13 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/21/2024 12:23:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/20/2024 3:20:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/20/2024 3:15:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/20/2024 10:58:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/20/2024 10:47:07 AM Post Reply
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Biden’s outrageous spin on his special-counsel
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12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/20/2024 9:44:33 AM Post Reply
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Biden to go to UN Security Council to
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halt Rafah offensive
35 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 7:43:54 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration is reportedly taking its goal of a temporary cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war to the U.N. Security Council as early as Tuesday. The administration is said to have proposed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution which in part would call for a temporary cease-fire and call on Israel not to go into Rafah in the Gaza Strip. According to Reuters, the U.S. text states in part that it "determines that under current circumstances a major ground offensive into Rafah would result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries."
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6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 4:31:28 PM Post Reply
Complaints of "bed-wetting" are reportedly frustrating top Democrats who feel like their concerns are being brushed off by the Biden campaign as they demand the president and his team "need to be better." CNN reported on Sunday that Vice President Harris has been meeting with leading Democrats for some guidance on the Biden-Harris reelection effort as some members of the party who are concerned about their chances have been feeling "sloughed off" by the White House and the president's campaign. "The bed-wetting complaints are running thin with people," one person who attended a meeting with Harris told the media outlet, referring to Democrat anxiety over the 2024.
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5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 1:00:56 PM Post Reply
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Delusions, Alternate Realities, and the
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Posted by Moritz55 2/19/2024 11:06:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 2/18/2024 2:28:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/20/2024 6:55:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 2/20/2024 8:56:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/20/2024 6:58:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 2/20/2024 11:31:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/20/2024 2:31:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 2/20/2024 5:17:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 2/20/2024 7:00:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/20/2024 5:54:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 2/21/2024 7:35:54 AM Post Reply
Biden administration Sec. of State Antony Blinken told staffers at the State Department not to use "problematic" terms such as "manpower," "mother," and "father" in a memo. According to a memo from the State Department obtained by the National Review, in early February, Blinken told staff about the dangers of "misgendering" as well as using terms that “can be problematic” such as "manpower" as well as “son/daughter" and “husband/wife.” (snip) Adding further on the topics of "gender," Blinken's note read that gender identity is the “innermost concept of self as masculine, feminine, a blend of both, or neither."
New York Times doubles down on its scathing
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liberal-leaning paper pointed out his
unsuitability for a second term
19 replies
Posted by Imright 2/20/2024 7:10:05 AM Post Reply
New York Times' publisher has revealed the White House said they have been unhappy at recent press coverage in the newspaper after a series of opinion articles focused on President Joe Biden's age and his unsuitability to run for a second term. A.G. Sulzberger, 43, who has been publisher for the last six years, said the White House was 'extremely upset' - yet he insists the paper will 'continue to report fully and fairly.' 'We are going to continue to report fully and fairly, not just on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden,' he told the Reuters Institute in an interview.
Like All Rob Reiner Movies, ‘God and
Country’ Flops with $38K Opening
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/21/2024 12:57:47 AM Post Reply
Like all Rob Reiner movies, Rob Reiner’s documentary, God & Country: The Rise Of Christian Nationalism, didn’t just tank at the box office, it was humiliated. In 85 theaters, Reiner’s bigoted attack on Christians who dared to vote for Donald Trump earned just $38,415 over four days. As one website put it, that’s “averaging $451 [per] theater over four days, which is incredibly low.” If you assume it only had “one showing each day (and likely it had several), it brought in around 112 dollars a day, or ten people a day spread across however many showings.” What, you’re telling me people don’t want to see this guy’s face
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