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It’s easy to expose the fraud behind
so-called ‘gender-affirmation surgery’

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Posted By: Hazymac, 12/17/2023 9:42:01 AM

Fortunately for us, the world is binary. Truth value is binary. Of the four kinds of sentences in the English language—declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogatory—only one, the declarative, has a truth value, and that truth value is always either true or false. Existence itself is binary. Every entity that can be conceived either exists or not. Computer science, too, is binary. Computer science depends upon the fact that electrical circuits are either closed or open. And, of course, human sexuality is binary. Each human being is either male or female. Moreover, every cell in the human body is either male or female.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 12/17/2023 9:45:00 AM (No. 1619103)
An analysis based on logic, not theology, but neither one is acceptable to a leftist. Fifty shades of gray is their motto.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: columba 12/17/2023 9:46:38 AM (No. 1619106)
God invented 2 sexes only ...
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Hazymac 12/17/2023 9:53:40 AM (No. 1619114)
Sue them out of business.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: paral04 12/17/2023 2:29:24 PM (No. 1619275)
Could you imagine what would happen if an electron decided that it identified as a proton? Also a few "1"s in your computer identified as "0"s that would work also. Just because your computer went nuts would not matter because the proton has feelings and identifies as a 0, so let it, it has rights..
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Reply 5 - Posted by: seamusm 12/17/2023 5:01:10 PM (No. 1619337)
Oh, I think the surgeons should lose way more than a lawsuit. Surgical reassignment does not treat the underlying mental illness and the risk to the child lasts way beyond the post-op period. It is much worse than simple fraud.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 12/18/2023 6:12:10 AM (No. 1619584)
If it involves money, corruption and government (possibly redundant) then it's never 'easy.' But in many ways we have moved beyond the arguments about sex, gender, 'trans' and other deviant nonsense. The 'conspiracy theorists' have coalesced on one large conspiracy - namely, depopulation. It's what the climate change, green energy, command-and-control economy and yes, the 'trans' movement are about. What better way to render huge swathes, even generations, of children unable to have their own children? Convince them and their unfit parents that they are in the 'wrong' body. Doctors know this, of course, but competition for patients - any patients - is fierce but one of those unpleasant subjects they don't talk about. They go where the money is, especially the hacks and quacks. Have you seen some of these 'gender' doctors? Primarily females, as usual, with the crazy eyes and the crazier ideas. Covid showed us there is no diagnosis doctors won't lie about for a buck. They will sign fraudulent death certificates. They will lie to patients about the safety and efficacy (or lack of) of drugs and vaccines. They have taken the king's shilling and now he owns them.
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It’s easy to expose the fraud behind
so-called ‘gender-affirmation surgery’
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/17/2023 9:42:01 AM Post Reply
Fortunately for us, the world is binary. Truth value is binary. Of the four kinds of sentences in the English language—declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogatory—only one, the declarative, has a truth value, and that truth value is always either true or false. Existence itself is binary. Every entity that can be conceived either exists or not. Computer science, too, is binary. Computer science depends upon the fact that electrical circuits are either closed or open. And, of course, human sexuality is binary. Each human being is either male or female. Moreover, every cell in the human body is either male or female.
To Win This War, We Cannot Be Distracted
by the New York Times
5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/17/2023 8:55:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/17/2023 7:16:34 AM Post Reply
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Last Refuge of a Scoundrel 10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/16/2023 6:54:13 PM Post Reply
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Senate Sodomite in Capitol Sex Tape Is
the Latest Attempt by Biden to 'Bring
Back Decency'
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/16/2023 5:47:36 PM Post Reply
Once upon a time, a president whom I shall call "Slick Willy," using a form of sorcery unbeknownst to modern man, transformed a starry-eyed intern into a consensual humidor in the Oval Office. Ta-DA! Some believe the real magic was that he kept his job, but, as a Democrat, that was the easy part. And it was just the beginning. Today, Joe Biden and his myrmidons in the Democrat Party are using their useful idiots to tear down every stitch of decency in American politics. They are doing this on purpose — as per the 45 goals of Communism — and are employing their most broken malcontents to carry out the mission.
Can’t We Phase Out Climate Change Instead? 3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/16/2023 5:09:55 PM Post Reply
At the COP28 climate summit in Dubai this December, the climate change world was waiting with bated breath for a final document that would declare war on fossil fuels. The 70,000 delegates at the United Nations-sponsored event in the oil-rich nation of the United Arab Emirates hoped for a radical turning point where countries might agree to the “phase-out” of the production and consumption of oil, gas, and coal by mid-century. For much of the conference, the debate was centered on whether to use the term “phase-out” or “phase-down” to describe the pace of the process to keep world temperature increase frozen at 1.5 degrees Celsius. Either term
FBI Official Sentenced to Prison for Working
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Trump-Russia Probe
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 10:54:02 AM Post Reply
Charles McGonigal, the disgraced former FBI official who also helped to launch the Trump collusion probe, is headed to prison. The man who pleaded guilty to conspiracy and to concealing foreign contacts and bribes will be spending over four years in a federal prison. McGonigal had been working with a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who is also known as "Putin's henchman." During the sentencing, McGonigal admitted that his actions have caused him "extreme mental, emotional, and physical pain," but still asked for a second chance from the judge in the case. "Judge Jennifer Rearden argued that McGonigal “repeatedly flouted and manipulated the sanctions
Southwest Has New Policy for the 'Super
Fat' Passenger
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 10:41:30 AM Post Reply
I am not sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand, the decision that Southwest Airlines made to give free 2nd or even 3rd seats to “Super Fat” passengers is good for those people and great for the unlucky middle seaters who would have been squeezed by a neighbor whose body encroached into their personal space. On the other hand, everybody who flies Southwest will be picking up the tab for the otherwise empty seat Southwest couldn’t fill because a passenger with an exceptional appetite decided to fly on their aircraft. (X) After Southwest’s decision has come in the wake of a social media campaign by influencers
‘Karma’: Pro-vaccine journalist dead
after unexplained illness
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 8:14:31 AM Post Reply
Canadian journalist Ian Vandaelle has died at the age of 33 after an unexplained illness, according to a social media post by his partner and fellow journalist Stephanie Hughes. Vandaelle drew the ire of unvaccinated Canadians after he advocated for vaccine mandates during the Covid-19 pandemic, advocating for both the “carrot” and the “stick” approach. “Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like … and require vaccination to do … non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport,” Vandaelle wrote on X (Twitter) in 2021. While employed by BNN Bloomberg, Vandaelle wrote articles with headlines such as Vaccines, not stimulus will ease Canada’s COVID hit. Friends and colleagues of Vandaelle
Did Joe Biden Know Hunter Would Violate
Republicans’ Congressional Subpoena?
The White House Says Yes
8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/14/2023 5:54:30 PM Post Reply
The White House admitted on Wednesday that President Joe Biden was “familiar” with his son’s plans to violate a congressional subpoena issued by House Republicans. The moment came during a White House press conference when Fox News’ Peter Ducey asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about Hunter’s refusal to abide by House Republicans’ subpoena. By subpoenaing the younger Biden, House Republicans sought to compel him to sit for a closed-door deposition hearing where they could dig into Joe’s leading role in the Biden family’s foreign business ventures. When asked about Hunter’s refusal to testify in the Republicans’ sought-after deposition, Jean-Pierre admitted that Joe was “familiar” with what his son would say
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/18/2023 10:07:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/18/2023 10:24:30 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/18/2023 4:44:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 12/18/2023 3:31:14 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/18/2023 1:57:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 12/18/2023 12:41:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/18/2023 11:25:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 12/18/2023 4:59:30 PM Post Reply
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