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Posts on Friday, December 15, 2023

Illegal Border Crossers Complain About
the FREE Food They’re Being Given at
Their FREE New York City Hotels
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 11:57:21 PM Post Reply
Illegal border crossers living on the taxpayers’ dime in New York City hotels are reportedly not happy about the taxpayer funded food they are being given. At a time when American citizens are struggling to afford food to feed themselves and their families, people here illegally are throwing away food that they are being given for free. The city is spending a fortune on this every single day. They might as well just throw cash into the garbage. The New York Post reports: Migrants reject ‘bad’ sandwiches, pancakes, donuts and chicken dishes at NYC shelters Several migrants confessed to The Post Friday the meals served up at New York City asylum seeker shelters are
Senate closes in on deal on new hardline
border policy that could ban asylum after
5,000 crossings a day: Mayorkas heads
to Capitol Hill for talks on new migration
plan to get billions in Israel and Ukraine aid
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 11:39:39 PM Post Reply
The Senate has pushed off its holiday recess to work on a border security and foreign aid package in what could be a breakthrough on immigration policy - that has not been dealt with by Congress in decades. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the talks had made 'good progress' on Thursday on a package that would include money for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and would bolster border security measures in exchange. One idea under consideration is to allow Homeland Security officials to stop migrants from applying for asylum at the southern border if the total number of crossings on a day exceeds 5,000.
Jemele Hill is pouting because Oklahoma
eliminated its DEI programs
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 11:30:43 PM Post Reply
Amid the recent national reckoning on academia and college education, diversity, equity, and inclusion programs have been intensely scrutinized. Many people have finally realized these programs are leftist propaganda that offers no legitimate value to anything. Riding this wave of common sense, Gov. Kevin Stitt (R-OK) issued an executive order to stop funding DEI programs in the state’s agencies and public universities. As part of the order, the University of Oklahoma was required to halt funding of its DEI programs. It’s a move that upset Atlantic contributing writer Jemele Hill, a notorious race agitator and former ESPN host.
50-Year-Old Transgender ‘Woman’ Allowed
to Compete in Teen Girls Swimming Competition,
Use Girls’ Changing Room
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 11:19:44 PM Post Reply
A 50-year-old male-born transgender swimmer has caused outrage after being allowed to compete in a teen girls’ swimming competition in Canada and was even allowed to undress in the girls’ changing room. Outraged parents are blasting the Canadian swimming organization for allowing Melody Wiseheart to compete in the Trojan Cup in Barrie, Ontario, on Dec. 1-3. Wiseheart, who competed at the East Bayfield Community Centre, is a professor at York University and has caused blowback before for competing against young girls.But this month, parents are speaking out. One parent told the media that the girls were “terrified” when this 50-year-old man strolled into the locker room
Rudy Giuliani vows to appeal 'absurd'
ruling ordering him to pay Georgia election
workers more than $148M for accusing them
of helping to steal the 2020 race: America's
Mayor says case will be overturned 'so
quickly your head will spin'
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 11:07:25 PM Post Reply
Rudy Giuliani faces financial ruin after a court ordered him to pay an astonishing $148 million for defaming two Georgia election workers he accused of trying to steal the 2020 election for Joe Biden. The bombshell verdict dealt a catastrophic blow to the 79-year-old former New York mayor and was vindication for election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who said his allegations caused a flood of threats that made their lives hell. The mother-daughter duo said Giuliani's lies that they engaged in ballot fraud to rig the election against Donald Trump made them scared to leave their homes and unable to get jobs.
Senate Staffer Caught Making Hardcore
Porn in Capitol Office Building, Democrat
Senator Identified
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 8:09:30 PM Post Reply
Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin is going to have some explaining to do after one of his staffers was caught making hardcore gay porn inside the Capitol Complex. The news was first broken by "Cockburn," an anonymous writer over at The Spectator, who shared the tale in rather poetic terms. That story also identified the Senate office involved as belonging to Cardin.
Chicago's migrant crisis spirals out of
control: City spent nearly $1 million
on failed camp before pulling the plug
- as officials now IMPOUND buses bringing
migrants to the city from Texas on Gov.
Greg Abbott's orders
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:52:44 PM Post Reply
Chicago spent nearly $1million to build a migrant camp on a toxic site, as the city continues to struggle with a massive surge of asylum seekers, with officials now impounding incoming buses. Official records seen by ABC 7 show the city spent more than $985,000 on the shuttered migrant camp at a Brighton Park lot - despite warnings that the site was not safe and outrage by locals, including a lawsuit. The nearly $1million bill is not much compared to the total expected cost of the camp, which was mostly financed by the state government under a $125million contract with a private contractor.
Jewish Alumni Group: Harvard Aims to Reduce
Jews to 1-2% of Student Population
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:36:34 PM Post Reply
Harvard University may intend to reduce the proportion of Jews in its student body to 1-2%, roughly the Jewish share of the U.S. population, according to a newsletter published by a new group of Jewish alumni of the institution. In a “December update,” the newly-formed “Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance” reported Friday (original emphasis): We have seen data that suggest that the Jewish population at the College has declined from 20-25% in the 1990s-2000s to 5-7% today, but that almost all that decline occurred in recent years. We have heard from multiple sources
Senate closes in on deal on new hardline
border policy that could ban asylum after
5,000 crossings a day: Mayorkas heads
to Capitol Hill for talks on new migration
plan to get billions in Israel and Ukraine aid
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:33:54 PM Post Reply
The Senate has pushed off its holiday recess to work on a border security and foreign aid package in what could be a breakthrough on immigration policy - that has not been dealt with by Congress in decades. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the talks had made 'good progress' on Thursday on a package that would include money for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and would bolster border security measures in exchange. One idea under consideration is to allow Homeland Security officials to stop migrants from applying for asylum at the southern border if the total number of crossings on a day exceeds 5,000.
TSA reveals type of pants most likely
to set off its airport alarms as it prepares
for festive travel rush - and they're
VERY popular
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:29:26 PM Post Reply
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently revealed the type of pants most likely to set off airport alarms ahead of the holiday air travel rush. To the surprise of many travelers, the culprit behind the alarms is an outdated fashion choice. As a record 7.5 million people are expected to take to the skies over the holiday season, travelers would be wise to avoid this type of loosely-cut pants to make their airport experience smoother. Cargo pants tend to set off airport alarms most frequently, Lorie Dankers, a spokesperson for TSA told
Why EV drivers SHOULD have range anxiety:
Half of electric cars fall short on their
official range by as much as 50 miles
- here are the vehicles with the best
and worst
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 7:02:16 PM Post Reply
Bad news for EV owners with range anxiety - a half of electric cars go don't even go as far as makers claim. A real-world test of 22 of the most popular electric cars has found that 10 fell short of their advertised range. The biggest difference between quoted and actual ranges was observed in a 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat Extended Range, which starts at around $70,000. It ran out of juice after covering 270 highway miles, 50 miles less than the EPA 320-mile estimate, according to a test by Consumer Reports. When a manufacturer sells an electric car in the US, the range it advertises is overseen by
Multi-culti Reckoning replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/15/2023 6:46:13 PM Post Reply
The explosion of support for Hamas’s assault on human decency could well turn out to be the high-water mark of the progressive Left. The authoritarian multicultural ideology generated on campuses and transmitted dutifully by the established media has reached its apex and may now begin to descend. The signs are tentative but some are unmistakable. Corporate and university Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments are being slashed, and increasingly seen as both burdensome and discriminatory toward whites, Jews, and Asians. One-third of DEI professionals lost their jobs in 2022.
Hunter Biden fears he will have to FLEE
the US if Trump is elected; Friends say
Joe Biden is 'consumed' by the scandal
around his son and is scared he will slip
back into addiction, report claims
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 6:25:33 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden has told friends that he might have to flee the country if Donald Trump is reelected, after already enduring months of deeply personal political attacks and mounting legal woes. Republicans have put him front and center of their efforts to say his father acted corruptly when he was vice president. And he could face almost 20 years in prison if convicted of three felony and six misdemeanor charges brought last week. The result is an 81-year-old father desperately worried about the welfare of a son who has battled drink and drugs, and a son who fears more attacks if Trump wins in 2024.
Exclusive — RNC: Republicans Making
‘Historic Voter Registration Gains’
in Battleground States
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 6:16:16 PM Post Reply
Republicans are making “historic voter registration gains” in key battleground states, the Republican National Committee (RNC) told Breitbart News, sharing critical data sets as the 2024 election draws closer. Recent data show the tremendous strides Republicans have taken in the last few years, especially in Florida, as the GOP formally overtook Democrats in terms of voter registration for the first time in November 2021. In 2023 alone, Republican voter registration in the Sunshine State nearly doubled, as the GOP ended 2022 with a 383,954 voter advantage over Democrats. Republicans now have a 680,030 voter advantage.
Breaking: Arizona Democrat Gov. Katie
Hobbs Pulls the Trigger, Orders National
Guard to Secure Border
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 6:10:23 PM Post Reply
As we reported last Friday, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D-AZ) expressed her displeasure over the Biden Administration's "failure to secure our border," requesting that the president "reassign National Guard troops" to assist in the reopening of the critical Lukeville Port of Entry: ....Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs wrote a letter to the federal government demanding they reimburse her state over half a billion dollars for the transport of illegal immigrants, drug interdiction, and law enforcement “due to the federal government's failure to secure our border.”
White House tells federal workers to rent
green EVS - or take the bus or train:
Biden administration cracks down on government
staff using gas vehicles on official business
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 5:27:27 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden made another move Thursday to push his electric car agenda and live up to his nickname as 'Amtrak Joe' by pressing federal employees to rent electric vehicles and take more trains. In a directive Thursday, federal employees were told to rent EVS on official travel when costs are less or equal to comparable gas-powered vehicles and where charging is accessible. Additionally, federal workers were instructed to take rail for trips less than 250 miles when cost-effective and feasible rather than flying.
He’s Shot: Biden Rambles Incoherently
About Prescription Drug Costs (Video)
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 5:22:07 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Thursday delivered remarks on his administration’s progress to so-call ‘lower’ prescription drug costs. Biden incoherently rambled about prescription drug prices. “…These brilliant scientists to go out and find cures, find answers to drug problems — to drugs for the use of drugs for health problems,” Biden said. And the Democrat party is running this guy in 2024! Watch: (Video) Biden slurred his words as he spoke about contracts for new Covid vaccines.
Progressives Worry About So Many Former
Comrades Drifting to the Right
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 5:13:08 PM Post Reply
Maybe you’ve heard of O’Sullivan’s First Law? This was an idea introduced by John O’Sullivan back in 1989. All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don’t like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. O’Sullivan’s Law was about the behavior of groups and organizations but I thought of it today when I read this article from the left-wing magazine/website In These Times. It’s titled “Losing the Plot:
The Uncomfortable Truths of October 7
and Modern America
Posted by Moritz55 12/15/2023 4:57:17 PM Post Reply
Jews across the globe knew that Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack was different. The scale and the planning it took. The medieval approach and butchery. The trauma inflicted. The sexual atrocities. But what we couldn’t have expected was how deeply the attack, and the ensuing fallout, would be felt here in America. It’s hard to think of any event — especially one that occurred several thousand miles away — that has caused more consideration of the facets of American society than 10/7 has. This terrorist attack has unsettled key orthodoxies that have guided us since as far back as the Constitution. It has rattled us to our core
A State-by-State Look at Noncitizen Voting replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 4:56:10 PM Post Reply
Very recently, the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports released the shocking results of their survey of 1,085 national likely voters. Of the ten questions asked, I think the most disturbing responses were related to these: “During the 2020 election, did you cast a mail-in ballot in a state where you were no longer a permanent resident?” (17% said, “Yes.”). “During the 2020 election, did a friend, family member, or organization, such as a political party, offer to pay or reward you for voting?” (8% said, “Yes.”).
Breaking News: Rudy Giuliani has to pay
Georgia election workers $148 MILLION
for accusing them of helping steal the
2020 race: America's Mayor faces financial
ruin over huge damages in defamation case
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 4:46:05 PM Post Reply
Rudy Giuliani should pay two Georgia election workers $148million for defaming them and accusing them of helping steal the election after a bombshell jury award in Washington, DC Friday. The panel deliberated for 10 hours on how much the former New York Mayor will have to pay Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and 'Shaye' Moss. The panel of eight men and women decided to sock it to the former mayor after deliberating over the course to two days, hitting him with punitive damages on top of findings for emotional distress and economic damages.
17 Convenience Stores Robbed This Week
in Democrat-Run San Diego
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 4:43:48 PM Post Reply
Over the course of a single week, 17 convenience stores were robbed at gunpoint in the Democrat-run city of San Diego, which sits in the Democrat-run state of California. “San Diego Police said that over the past six weeks, several armed ‘take-over style’ robberies have occurred around the county,” reports San Diego 7. “Police believe that at least 10 of those robberies are committed by the same group and say the same group may be responsible for other robberies.” That group is a gang of five thugs who flood the store in ski masks brandishing guns.
Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148m to
Georgia election workers
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 4:39:19 PM Post Reply
Two Georgia election workers who were defamed by Rudy Giuliani were awarded $148 million in emotional and punitive damages by a Washington, D.C. jury on Friday after being vilified and accused of faking election results. Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea Shaye Moss had asked for $24 million, each. They testified in court how their lives were upended and their reputations destroyed after Giuliani claimed they had engaged in election fraud to give President Joe Biden the edge in Georgia over former President Donald Trump during the 2020 election.
Study says human breathing contributing
to global warming
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:37:00 PM Post Reply
A new government-funded study out of Britain, conducted by scientists at the U.K. Center for Ecology and Hydrology, purports to show that “human breathing is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.” Therefore, the study authors are urging "caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible." The peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in the Public Library of Science's journal PLOS One investigated greenhouse gas emissions of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath, which allegedly "contribute to global warming." Well, there it is! I knew it was coming! Are you serious about stopping global warming? Well, then, just stop breathing! What a boon to depopulationists!
After all the screeching that 'women will
die' without abortion, where are the dead women?
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:32:38 PM Post Reply
A lady in Texas, who was twenty weeks pregnant, has had trouble getting an abortion, telling the press she needed it because her health was in extreme jeopardy. The media has given this story a lot of coverage. She has gone through the courts in Texas and now she will go out of state to get an abortion. Shouldn't we wonder why she spent so much time and money challenging the case in Texas instead of just going out of state in the first place if her life was in grave danger? The United Nations says that millions of women's lives are in jeopardy because of abortion bans in the United States.
Fmr. Capitol Police Lt. drops a bomb on
the J6 ‘insurrection narrative’: Ramaswamy
‘got a lot right’
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:16:04 PM Post Reply
A former U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant has said that Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy “got a lot right” about the events of January 6, 2021, during his controversial CNN town hall appearance with moderator Abby Phillip. Liberal heads melted down after Ramaswamy told CNN’s audience that he believed Jan. 6th was “an inside job.” [Video] “If you had told me that January 6th was in any way an inside job, the subject of government entrapment, I would’ve told you that was crazy talk. Fringe conspiracy theory. Nonsense,” he told Phillip. “I can tell you now, having gone somewhat deep in this, it’s not.”
Expert warns of rising radicalization
after Mich. Islamic scholar blasts US
as ‘vicious enemy’, praises ‘jihad’
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:05:00 PM Post Reply
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is warning Americans of an increase in “radicalizing, extreme content” from people such as Michigan Islamic scholar Ahmad Musa Jibril, who posted on X videos in which he praises “jihad” and calls the United States “the vicious enemy of Muslims.” “You have pretty radicalizing, extreme content happening,” Alberto Fernandez, vice president of MEMRI told Fox News Digital. “This is stuff they uploaded on social media. It’s there for everybody to see.” “If you’re burning inside in anger and hate for what the Zionists are doing – and you should be if you’re Muslim –
Holy crap! California gears up to vote
on converting toilet water to tap water
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 3:50:04 PM Post Reply
In an extreme move to address the climate “crisis” and the state’s infamous water droughts, California may be looking to utilize “toilet to tap” conversions. In a tentative vote reportedly planned for next week, the California State Water Resources Control Board may vote on a measure that would allow sewage water to be converted into purportedly safe drinking water. Under the proposed plan, wastewater that is currently treated and released into oceans and rivers, and used for field irrigation, may be “treated at a higher level” and then sent “back into the main water supply over the course of hours to days,” the Washington Examiner reported.
IDF Mistakenly Shoots and Kills Three
Israeli Hostages
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 3:39:40 PM Post Reply
IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced Friday afternoon that Israeli troops had mistakenly killed three Israeli hostages after mistaking them for enemy combatants during an operation in the Gaza neighborhood of Shejaiya. “This is an area where the soldiers encountered many terrorists, including suicide bombers,” Hagari said, calling the deaths of the hostages a “tragic incident.” The spokesman named two of the three casualties as Yotam Haim of Kfar Aza, and Samar Talalka of Rahat, all of whom managed to flee captivity “or were abandoned by the terrorists who held them,” Hagari explained. The IDF official contextualized the military’s response by highlighting the level of resistance Israeli troops face from Hamas.
Ohio Bill to Ban ‘Gender-Affirming Care’
for Children Heads to Governor’s Desk
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 3:38:00 PM Post Reply
Ohio legislators have passed a bill to ban so-called “gender-affirming care” for children, and it is now on its way to the governor’s desk. House Bill 68 was passed late Wednesday as the state becomes one among 20 others to pass similar measures, according to the Washington Post. The outlet continued: The Saving Adolescents from Experimentation Act, or Safe Act, prohibits hormone therapy, puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery for people under 18. Its sponsor, state House member Gary Click (R), told the Statehouse News Bureau in June that the measure was not about “culture wars” but about “medical ethics.”
'You are American': Melania tells new
U.S. citizens from 25 countries how hard
it was to become an American when she
moved from Slovenia in 1996 and urges
them to 'stand their ground' in moving
naturalization ceremony
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 3:27:57 PM Post Reply
Melania Trump made a rare and dramatic public appearance to welcome new U.S. citizens as she told them of her own deeply personal journey to becoming an American. The former first lady gave a heartfelt speech celebrating 25 new citizens from 25 countries in a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives in Washington D.C. Dressed in a black pantsuit, Melania told them how she had determinedly pursued her own American dream. She said reaching the 'milestone of citizenship' had marked the 'sunrise of certainty' in her life.
“I’m Confident that Everybody on Those
Buses Were FBI Assets – We’ve Identified
One of the Buses – Senior Officials
Deeply Involved” – BOOM! Rep. Clay
Higgins Tells Lara Logan They Have PROOF
of FBI Involvement in Jan. 6 (Video)
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 3:25:31 PM Post Reply
Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much-anticipated investigative series into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” on Thursday on Truth in Media website. In her latest episode, Episode 9, Logan brings on former Louisiana police officer and current US Congressman Clay Higgins to discuss the events that tragic day back in January 2021. Representative Higgins is famous for confronting FBI Director Chris Wray back in November 2022 on the confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Top Republican Elise Stefanik demands
ethics probe into D.C. judge who's ruled
in Trump's January 6 case after she said
his re-election would 'lead to fascism'
in America and said 'lies' caused Capitol Riot
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 3:13:43 PM Post Reply
Top Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik filed a judiciary complaint accusing the judge in Donald Trump's January 6 case of engaging in 'highly inappropriate political speech.' The staunch Trump ally and GOP conference chair requested an ethics investigation into D.C. Circuit Court Judge Beryl Howell over her November remarks at the Women's White Collar Defense Gala. During the address Howell signaled the January 6 Capitol riot had been the result of 'big lies.'
Report: Joe Biden Triggered by Aides Who
Warn of Hunter’s Legal Chaos
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 2:58:52 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden, 81, is reportedly triggered by White House aides who warn of Hunter Biden’s legal chaos during the president’s 2024 reelection bid. Joe Biden, who many say has a short temper, appears emotionally impacted by the House impeachment inquiry into his family’s business activities, which appear to implicate him, according to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who recently pointed to six concerns about the Bidens’ dealings: Biden family members and Biden business-linked entities received more than $15 million from individuals in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China. Joe Biden spoke with Hunter Biden’s business associates at least 22 times.
John Fetterman Announces He's 'Not a Progressive,'
and the Meltdown Is Incredible
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 2:41:51 PM Post Reply
In early December, the Babylon Bee put out one of its better headlines of the year. It targeted Sen. John Fetterman, poking fun at his recent right-ward shift on a variety of issues. [Tweet] Apparently, the Bee is going to need to improve its satire because Fetterman is doing his best to make that headline a reality. As RedState reported, he's already taken right-leaning positions on Israel and the bribery scandal engulfing Sen. Bob Menendez. I don't just mean he's put out a statement either. He's repeatedly expressed his viewpoints in a variety of media venues, including going on The View and facing the screeching of Sonny Hostin
Harvard to Jewish Students: You Can Display
a Menorah on Campus, but...
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 2:34:55 PM Post Reply
The climate at Harvard remains as hostile to the Jewish community as ever, despite the board’s commitment to fighting against antisemitism. A rabbi at Harvard, Hirschy Zarchi, explained in a video this week how administrators told him to hide the campus menorah each night over the fear that it will be vandalized. “We in the Jewish community are instructed, ‘We’ll let you have the menorah, you made your point, okay. Pack it up. Don’t leave it out overnight because there will be criminal activity we fear and it won’t look good,'” Zarchi said. “You know when change is going to happen on this campus?
Biden Administration Tries to Circumvent
the Second Amendment by Pushing Gun Control
at the State Level
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 2:26:03 PM Post Reply
No matter how clear Americans make it that they value the Second Amendment, Democrats absolutely refuse to stop pushing for greater gun control. The Biden administration thinks it has found a new loophole to exploit by pushing for gun control at the state level. This would undermine the Second Amendment, but they clearly do not care. They just want what they want, when they want it. Americans are buying guns at a record pace due to the drastic rise in crime. You would think Democrats would read the room. Politico reports: White House announces new state-based gun violence initiative.
DEVELOPING: Credentialed “Blaze Media”
Journalist CHARGED by FBI for Documenting
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 2:09:02 PM Post Reply
Steve Baker is a journalist for (Blaze Media) & was formally charged by the FBI for documenting the protest and unrest around the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. This isn’t the first journalist the Biden DOJ has attempted to prosecute, as Owen Shroyer of Info Wars was recently incarcerated for 47 days based on comments he made during his nightly news broadcast. There were several other reporters who have been investigated and charged. However, Steve Baker’s case is drastically different than Shroyer’s situation. Steve was a well established reporter (not even a Trump supporter at the time) who attended the Trump rally
VIDEO: Robbery Scheme Goes Horribly Wrong
for Group of Masked Thugs After Elderly
Store Employee Pulls Out His Gun and Sends
Them Racing Out the Door in Terror
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 2:03:47 PM Post Reply
Pleasant Hill, California – A group of low-life thugs messed with the wrong man earlier this week and were fortunate to escape with their lives. As KRON 4 News reported, a group of would-be robbers attempted a jewelry heist but came face-to-face with an armed employee who sent them fleeing in terror. The incident occurred at the Estates Consignment Store in Pleasant Hill on Monday. Surveillance video shows a woman on the phone holding the shop door open so a group of masked thieves can rush in. Sources told KRON 4 News that she may have orchestrated the entire scheme. Two men stand at the door threatening and holding back the security guard
Turkish lawmaker who had heart attack
after saying Israel ‘will suffer the
wrath of Allah’ dies
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 1:35:02 PM Post Reply
The Turkish lawmaker who suffered a heart attack on the floor of parliament after declaring that Israel “will suffer the wrath of Allah” died Thursday, just two days after condemning Istanbul’s policy toward Jerusalem. Hasan Bitmez, 54, a member of parliament from the opposition Saadet Party, died in Ankara City Hospital, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca told reporters in televised remarks. He is survived by a wife and child. Shocking video showed Bitmez collapsing at the podium before the general assembly Tuesday, moments after delivering a fiery speech panning President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party over Turkey’s ongoing trade with Israel despite the war with Hamas.
US homelessness up 12% to highest reported
level as rents soar and coronavirus pandemic
aid lapses
Posted by NorthernDog 12/15/2023 1:26:24 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The United States experienced a dramatic 12% increase in homelessness as soaring rents and a decline in coronavirus pandemic assistance combined to put housing out of reach for more Americans, federal officials said Friday. About 653,000 people were experiencing homelessness during the January snapshot. That’s the highest number since the country began using the yearly point-in-time survey in 2007 to count the homeless population. The total represents an increase of about 70,650 homeless people compared to January 2022. The latest estimate also indicated that people becoming homeless for the first time were behind much of the increase, and
Supply Chain Under Threat As Major Shipping
Company Halts Critical Route Travel
Posted by DW626 12/15/2023 12:50:09 PM Post Reply
Major shipping company Mearsk has halted all cargo ship travel through the Red Sea as Iranian backed Houthi terrorists continue their assault in the region. "Container shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S instructed its vessels heading for the southern entrance of the Red Sea to pause their voyages after one of its carriers came under attack. The move threatens to undermine the global economic recovery and adds to pressure on the US to improve security along one of the worlds most important trade routes," Bloomberg reports. "Disruptions in the area can snarl supply chains and world trade.
Elon Musk mocks Microsoft Word’s woke
‘inclusivity checker’ flagging ‘insane’
as biased
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:36:56 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk blasted a Microsoft Word feature called “inclusivity checker,” complaining that it “scolded” him for typing the word “insane.” The billionaire owner of X posted a screenshot of a Microsoft Word document that appeared to be discussing Tesla’s new Cybertruck, which boasted of the new electric vehicle’s “insane stability.” The phrase was highlighted by Word’s software — which flags terms and phrases that are deemed politically incorrect and then recommends alternate phrasing — warning that “insane” is a word that “implies mental health bias.” “Microsoft Word now scolds you if you use words that aren’t ‘inclusive’!” the world’s richest man wrote on his social media platform on Friday.
Report: Hunter Biden Threatens to ‘Flee’
America if Donald Trump Reelected
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:31:48 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden reportedly threatened to take extreme action and flee the United States of America if voters reelect former President Donald Trump. The threat represents the often neurotic nature of the president’s son, 53, who faces 42 years in prison for tax and gun charges in an ongoing investigation. “In recent conversations with family friends, he [Hunter] has worried that he might have to flee the country if Trump were to be elected president again,” two people who spoke with Hunter told Politico’s Jonathan Lemire.
School Board Member Sworn In On Stack
Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:19:10 PM Post Reply
A school board member in Virginia took his oath of office with his hand not on a Bible, but on a stack of books containing graphic depictions of gay sex. Karl Frisch, who will become chairman of the Fairfax County School Board, swapped the Bible for books including “Lawn Boy,” “Gender Queer,” and “Flamer.” His male partner held the books as he placed his left hand on them and his right hand in the air. “He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” Frisch’s campaign said on his website.
Vanita Gupta, Top DOJ Official Who Oversaw
Abortion Taskforce, To Resign
Posted by Beardo 12/15/2023 12:02:12 PM Post Reply
Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, who oversees the Department of Justice’s effort to sue states with conservative abortion restrictions, will resign from the Biden administration, according to an announcement by Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday. (snip) As Associate Attorney General, Gupta was the third-highest-ranked officer of the United States in the Department of Justice, behind Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. (snip) “Unlike previous nominees that have received bipartisan support, there is not a single person on this side of the aisle that believes that Ms. Gupta is fit to serve as the third-in-command at the Department of Justice,” said Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas
Biden Finally Built an EV Charging Station
but There's One Little Problem...
Posted by mc squared 12/15/2023 11:58:01 AM Post Reply
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The only real drawback to the columnist gig is that when you make a mistake, you make it in front of the whole world. One of my takes on Presidentish Joe Biden's so-called Inflation Reduction Act — really the Green New Deal Lite in drag — is a case in point. On Dec. 5 I wrote a column headlined "You Won't Believe How Many EV Chargers Biden Can Buy for $7.5 Billion." This being the Biden administration, of course, the answer was "zero." I'm here to tell you today that I screwed this one up and that's why I opened this column with an apology.
10 IEDs found at US-Mexico border in cartel gunfight replies
Posted by Grateful 12/15/2023 11:03:27 AM Post Reply
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is warning agents to be on the lookout for explosive devices. A federal law-enforcement source shared with FOX Business Network an internal officer safety alert dated December 13th that warns CBP agents to be vigilant after the Mexican military seized 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the border. The IEDs were found by Mexican authorities after Tucson border patrol observed gunshots at the U.S.-Mexico border and a Tucson supervisory border patrol agent arrested an armed person on the U.S. side who had a loaded AK-47 rifle, two loaded AK magazines, loose rounds and a handgun.
FBI Official Sentenced to Prison for Working
With Putin 'Henchmen' Also Helped Launch
Trump-Russia Probe
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 10:54:02 AM Post Reply
Charles McGonigal, the disgraced former FBI official who also helped to launch the Trump collusion probe, is headed to prison. The man who pleaded guilty to conspiracy and to concealing foreign contacts and bribes will be spending over four years in a federal prison. McGonigal had been working with a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who is also known as "Putin's henchman." During the sentencing, McGonigal admitted that his actions have caused him "extreme mental, emotional, and physical pain," but still asked for a second chance from the judge in the case. "Judge Jennifer Rearden argued that McGonigal “repeatedly flouted and manipulated the sanctions
Southwest Has New Policy for the 'Super
Fat' Passenger
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 10:41:30 AM Post Reply
I am not sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand, the decision that Southwest Airlines made to give free 2nd or even 3rd seats to “Super Fat” passengers is good for those people and great for the unlucky middle seaters who would have been squeezed by a neighbor whose body encroached into their personal space. On the other hand, everybody who flies Southwest will be picking up the tab for the otherwise empty seat Southwest couldn’t fill because a passenger with an exceptional appetite decided to fly on their aircraft. (X) After Southwest’s decision has come in the wake of a social media campaign by influencers
Government Weaponized Against Elon Musk
Once Again
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 10:15:19 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk’s business prospects changed on May 18, 2022. On that day he Tweeted this: Of course, Musk had already dented his reputation with Democrats and created the conditions under which the Democrats would decide to destroy him earlier, especially when he made his bid to buy Twitter the previous month. By declaring war on the censorship complex Musk put a huge target on his back. As predicted, the dirty tricks campaign did indeed begin almost immediately. Federal agencies demonstrated a newfound…diligence…in their mission to regulate Musk’s companies. One could almost say that the government was weaponized against him, although suggesting anything so crude would be called a conspiracy theory.
FBI Official Who Helped Launch Trump-Russia
Probe Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
for Work with Russian Oligarch
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 10:06:09 AM Post Reply
A former FBI counterintelligence chief who played a pivotal role in launching the Trump-Russia probe was sentenced to just over four years in prison for assisting a sanctioned Russian oligarch after leaving his post in 2019. In August, Charles McGonigal, a 22-year veteran of the bureau’s field office in New York, was found guilty of a count of conspiracy for working with Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with close ties to President Vladimir Putin. During his stint with the bureau, McGonigal received classified information that Deripaska would be designated a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin, the indictment alleged. McGonigal was legally obligated to inform the FBI
Biden Chaos: More WH Intrigue Involving
That 'Intern Letter' and Ceasefire Protest
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 10:01:33 AM Post Reply
Last week, there was drama over a letter allegedly from 40+ White House interns released to the media saying they were against the Israel-Hamas war and wanted the Biden administration to call for a ceasefire. There were no signatures on the letter, just a listing of departments the interns supposedly worked in. Since no one had the courage of their convictions to sign it, who even knows it if was real? But it's concerning that you would have people working in the White House undercutting the policy of the United States. How could you trust that things would be secure in such a chaotic environment? Now it turns out
Israel: No ‘Political Calendar’ to
End War for U.S. Election; ‘Fully Aligned
on the Mission’
Posted by Dreadnought 12/15/2023 9:49:15 AM Post Reply
Israel said Friday that the U.S. was “fully aligned on the mission to destroy Hamas,” despite reports that visiting White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had pushed Israel to wrap up the most intense fighting in the next few weeks. The Biden administration’s preferred timeline happens to coincide with the start of the U.S. presidential election. The Iowa caucuses (for Republicans) will be held January 15; the first Democratic primary has been moved to South Carolina February 3. Israeli government spokesman Eylon Levy told reporters that “the only clock that matters is that every second Hamas exists,” the terror organization is “a ticking time bomb that we must defuse.”
Americans Must Chose Between Civilization—
Or Its Destroyers
Posted by Moritz55 12/15/2023 9:26:13 AM Post Reply
Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party. If the Left wished radically to alter the demography of the U.S., it could have expanded legal immigration through legislation or the courts. Instead, it simply erased the border and dynamited federal immigration law. By fiat, nihilists ended the wall, and stopped detaining and deporting illegal aliens altogether. Or was it worse than that when candidate Joe Biden in September 2019 urged would-be illegal aliens to "surge" the border? As a result, through laxity and entitlement incentives, eight-million illegal entrants have swarmed the southern border under the Biden administration.
‘Karma’: Pro-vaccine journalist dead
after unexplained illness
Posted by Hazymac 12/15/2023 8:14:31 AM Post Reply
Canadian journalist Ian Vandaelle has died at the age of 33 after an unexplained illness, according to a social media post by his partner and fellow journalist Stephanie Hughes. Vandaelle drew the ire of unvaccinated Canadians after he advocated for vaccine mandates during the Covid-19 pandemic, advocating for both the “carrot” and the “stick” approach. “Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like … and require vaccination to do … non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport,” Vandaelle wrote on X (Twitter) in 2021. While employed by BNN Bloomberg, Vandaelle wrote articles with headlines such as Vaccines, not stimulus will ease Canada’s COVID hit. Friends and colleagues of Vandaelle
“They’re Going Down! These People
On Their High Perch!” – MUST SEE:
Lara Logan Releases New J6 Video with
GOP Lawmaker and Crime Fighter Clay Higgins
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 8:08:49 AM Post Reply
Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much anticipated investigation into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” today on Truth in Media website. In her latest episode, Logan brings on former Louisiana police officer and current US Congressman Clay Higgins to discuss the events that tragic day back in January 2021. Representative Higgins is famous for confronting FBI Director Chris Wray back in November 2022 on the confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. In November 2023 Rep. Higgins confronted Chris Wray again about the FBI’s confidential human sources that were brought to the January 6, 2021 protests.
Old School Election Deniers: The Hill
Publishes Breathless Op-Ed Whining About
Bush vs Gore
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 7:52:37 AM Post Reply
Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media have spent the last three years rending their garments and shrieking about Republicans being "OMG ELECTION DENIERS!" In the Democrat Low-Info Dictionary, "denier" means anyone who expresses skepticism about their pet issues or tactics. When Mike Johnson (R-La.) was elected Speaker of the House, there was an immediate collective diaper-filling on the Left about him being a 2020 election denier. That was the #1 talking point that the Democratic National Committee told its media cheerleaders to use, and they wore it out. Democrats' narratives often fall apart when their own rules of engagement are used on them.
Tourist chased away by furious Times Square
characters for exposing 'biggest scam'
in New York City
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 7:31:22 AM Post Reply
A UK tourist looking to take selfies with some colorful characters ended up exposing one of the biggest scams in New York City. Husnain Asif was walking in Times Square when he decided to take a TikTok video of himself with the Disney and Sesame Street characters that frequent the area. Once Asif said 'thank you' and started walking away, all the characters who thought he had taken a photo ran after him, requesting that he pay them or delete the picture. 'Mickey Mouse is after me - don't fall for the scam people,' Asiff shouted. Asif's video reached over two million views on TikTok since it was posted Wednesday,
How Far Will The Climate Cult Go? replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/15/2023 6:57:37 AM Post Reply
The answer to the question in our headline is: All the way to full tyranny. Don’t think so? Take a look at where the warming alarmists have already gone. Carbon passports are catching among the climate clergy. “Personal carbon allowances could help curb carbon emissions and lower travel’s overall footprint. These allowances will manifest as passports that force people to ration their carbon in line with the global carbon budget,” says a report from a ​​small group adventure travel company. “By 2040, we can expect to see limitations imposed on the amount of travel that is permitted each year.” CNN reports that “several laws and restrictions
Biden is Using the Gaza War to Advance
the Two-State Solution.
Posted by DW626 12/15/2023 6:26:16 AM Post Reply
President Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” The Biden administration is following this dictum by nominally supporting Israel’s goal of destroying Hamas in order to advance the Two-State Solution. It matters not at all that neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis wanted such a solution. In a piece titled: There Are No Innocent Civilians in Gaza, Daniel Greenberg wrote: Only 17% support a two-state solution while 77.7% want to destroy Israel and replace it with a ‘Palestinian’ state. The Israel Democracy Institute reported on Dec. 5, 2023, that on the question “Should Israel agree
Federal prosecutor accused of obstructing
Hunter Biden investigation quietly LEAVES
office: Bombshell departure of attorney
who was 'friends' with White House counsel
revealed on the day she is grilled in Congress
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 2:22:10 AM Post Reply
Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf, who has been accused of obstructing the Hunter Biden probe, has left her post at the Justice Department, it was reported Thursday as she sat down for an interview with the House Judiciary Committee. Wolf, who was interviewed behind closed doors Thursday for a transcribed interview, appeared under a subpoena, a day after the full House voted on a party line basis to formalize an impeachment inquiry into the president. That came on a day when Hunter Biden delivered a blistering statement outside the Capitol but declined to appear for a closed interview with lawmakers, after saying he would appear in a public forum.
Latino Democrats Tout Migrants as Their Constituents replies
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 2:10:36 AM Post Reply
Democratic Latino politicians are demanding President Joe Biden protect the interests of foreign migrants, regardless of the huge civic and pocketbook damage to unhyphenated Americans, Latino-Americans, and legal immigrants. “We are here to protect immigration as it is,” Rep. Nanette Barragan (D-CA), told an audience of legislators, activists, and media at a December 13 rally beside the Capitol.The rally called on President Joe Biden to deny any significant concessions to GOP negotiators in the debate over his demand for $14 billion in emergency funds to accelerate and hide his migration flood, and funds for wartime aid for Israel and Ukraine. Barragan said: Let me put it a little differently.
Oversight Member Indicates They Might
Hold Swalwell in Contempt for Arranging
Hunter's Capitol Remarks
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 2:04:58 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden was supposed to comply with a subpoena and give a closed-door deposition to the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. Instead, he showed up on the Senate side of the Capitol and gave a speech attacking the Republicans, on the steps in an area known as the "Senate Swamp." Somehow, "swamp" was apropos for the bunch of bull that Hunter put out there, as he gave the Oversight Committee the finger and blew off the subpoena. That now opens Hunter up for a contempt charge, and House Oversight has indicated that they are starting the process. That also raised potential questions for Joe Biden,
New York City is plunged into sudden darkness
as mass power outage rocks the Big Apple:
Smoke billows out of Con Edison plant
after an 'explosion'
Posted by Imright 12/15/2023 2:02:56 AM Post Reply
Black smoke was seen coming from a ConEd plant in Brooklyn as power outages were seen across New York City. The outages happened just after midnight on Friday and footage captured shows plumes spreading from the facility. A momentary power cut across New York City then followed with lights seen flickering for a few seconds. Most electricity is back up and running. The New York City Fire Department was quickly at the scene and sirens were seen flashing from the ConEd plant on John Street in Dumbo. While New York City Police Department officers were stood outside the gates of the facility.
Joe Biden's Approval Rating Hits a New
Record Low, and the Left-Wing Cope Is Hilarious
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 1:58:49 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has hit a new low, and I'm not just talking about his mental acuity. The president clocked in his worst approval rating ever on Thursday. According to Pew Research, just 33 percent of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing while 64 percent disapprove, and the topline numbers are just part of the story. The demographic breakdowns are a horror show for the president. He doesn't even garner a net positive approval among women and post-graduates, two groups he's historically enjoyed support from. Every race, every income level, and every education level sees him in the negative.
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