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The Left must get its violence under control.
It's not going to like the counterreaction

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 11/25/2023 3:19:40 PM

When it comes to political violence, the Left has a problem. The Right likewise has a problem, but there's no shortage of commentary regarding this exact topic. In fact, even the federal government is laser-focused on violence from the Right. In contrast, left-wing violence in the United States tends to go largely unnoticed, if not unpunished. A word of advice from a historical perspective, for both parties: Get your people under control, embrace coexistence, and stop trying to "immanentize the eschaton" via violence. Because if you do manage to brute force the U.S. into adopting your preferred reality,


The Declaration of Independence contains the following: . . . Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. The left is either ignorant of these words and the events that brought them about or they choose to ignore them completely.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: velirotta 11/25/2023 3:30:50 PM (No. 1604938)
I'm not sure what the writer is suggesting. Is he saying that those on the right will get so fed up with aggression from the left that they'll begin to return fire, and meet force with greater force? Or what?
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Msquared112 11/25/2023 3:33:00 PM (No. 1604941)
What “counter reaction”? So far, Republicans have shown little stomach for the battle.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chumley 11/25/2023 3:33:12 PM (No. 1604942)
We have been making that threat for years and it keeps not happening. The left burns, robs and assaults pretty much unimpeded and the right does nothing about it. I suspect it is because the right are generally productive citizens and they have something to lose. The law is written by and for the criminals and so we know it will be used against us if we resist the criminals. Only when we have nothing left to lose will the right take decisive action.
39 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Maggie2u 11/25/2023 3:35:33 PM (No. 1604944)
kInd of odd he can vividly tell us about several instances of left wing violence but only says that the right wing is violent but doesn't bring up any instances. Kind of odd right?
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: bpl40 11/25/2023 3:36:38 PM (No. 1604945)
#1, the author is trying to suggest exactly what you are saying but can’t bring himself to explicitly state it.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: SkyKing1222 11/25/2023 3:57:39 PM (No. 1604949)
Unfortunately few understand that the United States was founded between the two natural forms of human existence. Which is either tyranny or anarchy. (Which are both liberal tactics) Not right and left, liberal or conservative etc etc. That being understood the “right” in this country has to recognize that we are actually in the middle and surrounded.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Birddog 11/25/2023 4:00:43 PM (No. 1604950)
Author and others are a mite nearsighted...the same group attacked this same building in 2019...and half a dozen other sites belonging to the company around the globe, under various differing names/banners but funded, supported, organized by the same deep pocket $Billionaires, defended by the same high priced/powered Law Firms. It is a truly international criminal conspiracy...and they should be treated as such.
15 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: happywarrior 11/25/2023 5:05:46 PM (No. 1604958)
The rabid left are searching for their next george floyd before next year's election.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: curious1 11/25/2023 7:40:29 PM (No. 1604995)
What 'violence from the right" is the author referring to? The made up 'insurrection' narrative from DC's commies?
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JHHolliday 11/25/2023 7:52:03 PM (No. 1605002)
#3 is correct. Look at what happened to the J6 prisoners. They got more prison time than murderers. I am 81 and can’t help much but I am ready to raise the black flag. For years, as a Southerner, I thought the outcome of the Civil War was for the best. No longer. It installed a dominant, powerful federal government obsessed with controlling every thought and action by us rubes and deplorables in flyover country. Deo Vindici.
13 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: downnout 11/25/2023 8:26:59 PM (No. 1605013)
“When in the course of human events…..”
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Omen55 11/25/2023 8:44:26 PM (No. 1605025)
I believe the writer is trying to tell the Left that the growing revulsion with its tactics will,as so often happens in History & Human Nature,bring about a counter force usually led by someone of will & cunning that will result in dem being crushed & an order imposed the survivors will hate, but be powerless to resist. As we know the Hubris of the Left is boundless so no tears for dem.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: ARKfamily 11/26/2023 5:09:16 AM (No. 1605096)
The author might want to take a look at the story that is coming out about Nancy Pelosi's daughter saying that "someday you will be able to laugh about it" in reference to January 6. After reading this article, it would seem that the author believes that J6 was an insurrection. . .
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 11/26/2023 5:26:42 AM (No. 1605104)
The left is violent. The right works for a living.
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Strike3 11/26/2023 9:38:24 AM (No. 1605214)
As long as the Leftist Loons continue to choose targets where people are unarmed and not willing to fight for their property and way of life, they will continue to behave like hyenas. But keep pushing...
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Laotzu 11/26/2023 10:05:50 AM (No. 1605236)
I'm not prepared to pretend that the Right has engaged in organized violence just so we can say, "will everyone please stop." It's like a teacher telling a Bully and their victim, "will you two please stop fighting."
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The Left must get its violence under control.
It's not going to like the counterreaction
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/25/2023 3:19:40 PM Post Reply
When it comes to political violence, the Left has a problem. The Right likewise has a problem, but there's no shortage of commentary regarding this exact topic. In fact, even the federal government is laser-focused on violence from the Right. In contrast, left-wing violence in the United States tends to go largely unnoticed, if not unpunished. A word of advice from a historical perspective, for both parties: Get your people under control, embrace coexistence, and stop trying to "immanentize the eschaton" via violence. Because if you do manage to brute force the U.S. into adopting your preferred reality,
WaPo reporter hasn’t a clue why it’s
so hard to get an Uber in DC
11 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 6:30:42 PM Post Reply
There’s little doubt that members of elite media live in an entitled bubble of their own choosing, opting to see the world through a tainted lens that in many cases conveniently favors the Democratic Party, but every so often they feel compelled to remind us anyway. Take Washington Post senior national political correspondent Ashley Parker, for example. The “reporter” took to social media to marvel over why it’s so hard to get an Uber in crime-ridden Washington, D.C. Parker tweeted: “Serious Q: Why are there suddenly almost no @Uber in DC anymore, and the ones here regularly cancel or take forever to arrive?
Nancy Pelosi dealt another blow when longtime
ally announces retirement
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:54:37 PM Post Reply
In what is being perceived as another blow to Nancy Pelosi’s power hold, a close ally of the former speaker has announced plans to retire from politics. U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), who represents Silicon Valley, will not seek reelection at the end of her term. At the age of 80, Eschoo is yet another octogenarian who has, in her case, been entrenched in Washington for 30 years. “As the first woman and the first Democrat to ever represent our district, I’m very proud of the body of bipartisan work I’ve been able to achieve on your behalf in Congress,” Eshoo said in a video she shared online.
Donald Trump Tells Javier Milei He Will
Visit President-Elect in Argentina
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:05:54 PM Post Reply
Former U.S. President Donald Trump will travel to Buenos Aires to meet with Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei at an undisclosed date, Milei’s press office said in a statement published on Thursday. According to the statement, Trump held a phone conversation with Milei on Wednesday evening, congratulating Milei on his victory in Argentina’s November 19 presidential runoff election, in which the libertarian economist defeated outgoing socialist Economy Minister Sergio Massa with a nearly 12-point lead. During the conversation, Trump reportedly pointed out that Milei’s victory in Sunday’s election had a “great impact worldwide.” “Trump anticipated that he will travel to the City of Buenos Aires to meet with him,”
“Well I believe one of the reasons Hamas
struck when they did because they knew
that I was working very closely with the
Saudis and others in the region
8 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 4:03:44 PM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit has reported on numerous examples of the inhumane treatment J6 political prisoners have faced. Prisoners, like Infowars reporter and War Room host Owen Shroyer, are spending extended periods in solitary confinement, often without explanation. John Strand was sentenced to 32 months in prison and despite the Bureau of Prison’s own scoring system, he was sent to prison and placed in isolation. J6 political prisoner Barry Ramey, who was stabbed in the face for watching Tucker Carlson, shared the malnutrition they face, the mail discarded over political views, medical care being denied, and more. The prisons also continue to use COVID
After Hobbling Over to Podium, Biden Claims
“Hamas Struck When They Did” Because
He Wanted to Build a Railroad Through
Middle East (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:30:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden took a quick break from his Thanksgiving holiday at a billionaire’s estate in Nantucket to address the release of hostages from Hamas terrorists. The Times of Israel provided the names and photos of the released hostages. No American hostages were released on Friday. Joe Biden hobbled over to the lectern. Was he limping? [Video] Biden stunned reporters when he claimed Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel last month because of a railroad. “Well I believe one of the reasons Hamas struck when they did because they knew that I was working very closely with the Saudis and others in the region
Gangster Bird 'Turkules' Finally Captured
After Evading Authorities—but NJ Mayor
Pardons Him
1 reply
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:21:04 PM Post Reply
A wild turkey with an attitude has been roaming the streets of West Orange, New Jersey, for months, stopping traffic and showing no fear—but he was finally caged Wednesday, according to officials. He caused so much chaos in the community that the NY Times wrote a story about him in October titled, "This Turkey Just Will Not Stop Crossing the Road." But the feathered fiend, named Turkules (rhymes with Hercules), also brought the community together: Turkules had become a local mascot after taking a tranquilizer dart to the chest - but continuing to strut around defiantly - and showing no fear when walking across busy intersections. 'He is a gangster.
Hilarious: PETA Gets the Community Note
of All Time on Its Post About Turkeys
for Thanksgiving
5 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:02:43 PM Post Reply
For many American families, Thanksgiving is the time for turkey. A couple of turkeys may get pardoned at the White House, although Joe Biden's effort to pardon them went a bit awry earlier in the week as he spewed in confusion and then beat it out of there in a rush at the end. But yes, he did manage to pardon Liberty and Bell. However, most turkeys around this time are landing on the holiday dinner table. Nice and gorgeous, roasted right out of the oven, with crispy skin, surrounded by all the traditional sides. It's something that's a feature of the holiday,
Chevrolet Has a New Christmas Ad, and
Break Out the Tissues, It's Wonderful
28 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 6:20:16 AM Post Reply
Two years ago, my colleague Joe Cunningham wrote about the beautiful ad that Chevrolet did for Christmas with a man who is sad at the holidays because his wife has died. The daughter then lovingly has the wife's car -- which is under wraps in the barn, unused for a while -- restored, unbeknownst to the father, to surprise him and bring back those memories of the love of his wife he so misses. “It’s what mom would’ve wanted,” the daughter says. It was a wonderful ad, at a time during the pandemic when we'd been through so much with lockdowns and a change in society and the White House,
Here's What the Pro-Hamas Crowd Has Planned
for Black Friday
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:58:32 AM Post Reply
Black Friday shopping has long been a fraught experience with mobs and stampedes willing to do seemingly anything to score a discounted television, but this year a group of pro-Hamas organizations are promising to make things even worse. The groups, ones that apparently have no issue with the actions of Hamas terrorists on October 7, are calling for anti-Israel goons to "shut it down 4 Palestine" this Friday with a call to "boycott, disrupt, & rally at commercial centers" as Americans look to get some bargains. Their "reason" for the disruption/shutdown? Well, they say there should be "no business as usual while genocide is taking place,"
The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud
Quiet. Wonder Why?
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:49:02 AM Post Reply
You can see it with your own eyes. But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a "fantasy." What is it? Election fraud. A Lawrence, Massachusetts, voter who had been turned away from the polls on Election Day and told he had already voted found out he was the victim of fraud. He checked the footage on the video camera outside his front door and saw that a woman had removed mail-in ballots from his mailbox. He called the police. It's happening in many places. On Tuesday, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a nonprofit voter rights group, appeared in Connecticut Superior Court
Now Big Brother Wants to Control the Gas
Pedal in Your Car
24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:11:17 AM Post Reply
‘Fully prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit’ Just when you thought there were no parts of your life not already under the thumb of the federal government, a new idea emerges. This time it comes from the National Transportation Safety Board and it involves outsiders having control of the gas pedal in your car. While you’re driving, of course. The proposal from the NTSB is to install “intelligent speed assistance” tech in all cars, a system that uses a car’s GPS location and local speed limit postings “to help ensure safe and legal speeds.” What the NTSB wants is to require systems that “warn” when a driver is speeding,
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Mitt Romney says he would vote for Democrat
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/26/2023 8:30:37 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney said he would vote for a Democrat over former President Trump or businessman Vivek Ramaswamy in a potential 2024 general election matchup. “I’d be happy to support virtually any one of the Republicans, maybe not Vivek, but the others that are running would be acceptable to me and I’d be happy to vote for them,” Romney said to CBS news host Norah O’Donnell in a clip which resurfaced online Saturday.
Oliver Stone: The 2020 Election Might
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Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2023 3:33:38 PM Post Reply
In a recent episode of his "Club Random" podcast, leftist comedian Bill Maher had film director Oliver Stone on as a guest. During the discussion, Stone essentially argued that the 2020 election could have been stolen. Here’s how it came up. At one point in the discussion, they were discussing the COVID vaccines and the pandemic, and Stone argued that Biden was being authoritarian with his vaccine mandates. “That's one form of it,” Maher replied. "I would say the form that Trump is threatening us with is even worse." “Which is what?” Stone asked. "Well, I mean, he doesn’t concede elections, you know, the elections only count if we win theory of government.
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Under Investigation for ‘Online Hate
Speech’ Following Remarks on Children
Being Stabbed by Immigrants in Dublin
18 replies
Posted by DW626 11/26/2023 12:57:00 PM Post Reply
Former UFC champion and one of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities, Conor McGregor, finds himself in the eye of a new storm, as he is currently under investigation for comments linked to a series of violent events in Dublin involving immigrant assailants, The Sunday Times reported. Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released. Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown. There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant. Following the attack, five-time world champion MMA fighter and Irishman Conor McGregor
Chevrolet’s ad company knocks it out
of the park with a heartwarming tearjerker
17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/26/2023 11:35:19 AM Post Reply
Like Longfellow’s little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead, sometimes ad agencies are very good indeed, and sometimes they’re horrid. When they’re good, it’s worth taking note because, as with all media, those short videos have a disproportionate effect on the American psyche. In the case of Chevy’s holiday ad, that effect can only be good. When I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, in the pre-streaming age, you watched ads whether or not you wanted to. These years were the heydays of jingles and slogans. Indeed, for us, jingles were a family tradition.
Biden Team in Disarray Over Messaging,
'Working With Social Media Platforms to
Counter Misinformation'
16 replies
Posted by Imright 11/26/2023 6:31:45 PM Post Reply
According to a new Washington Post story, the Biden team is at its wit's end. They don't know what to do to convince the American people that the economy is in good shape. Of course, part of the reason they're failing so badly is because people know how much more they've had to pay for everything, and they see the high interest rates. Young people who would like to buy a home can't even do so in the current economy. But they're still trying to sell this to us, such as by claiming Thanksgiving was cheaper this year.
Biden 'hopeful' American hostages will
be released from Gaza 'soon'
16 replies
Posted by Imright 11/26/2023 6:19:13 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden expressed his optimism regarding Hamas releasing American hostages 'soon' on Saturday. Biden has spent the weekend on the island of Nantucket, off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The president addressed a gaggle of press Saturday, and was asked about the possible release of American hostages, which include nine citizens and one green card holder, after 17 were released the same day. “I‘m hopeful you’ll see something soon,” Biden said. A four-day truce began Friday to allow for the release of two groups of hostages, who were released in two groups over the last two days. The entire first family has been met with protesters
Biden is falling apart among five key
demographic groups -TIPP poll
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/26/2023 10:55:45 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is weak and getting weaker as a presidential candidate among nearly all demographic groups, but five stand out, according to TIPP Insights, which conducts very reliable polls. According to TIPP Insights: One year before the 2024 election, President Biden faces challenges among several demographic groups. Using our TIPP Presidential Leadership Index, we identify 21 demographic segments where Biden is vulnerable. Our analysis reveals that his greatest vulnerability lies in the Midwest, among individuals aged 18-24, moderates, households with incomes under $30K, and households in the $50K-$75K bracket.
Mayor Eric Adams rips ‘vile show of
antisemitism’ at NYC school where ‘radicalized’
riot forced pro-Israel teacher to hide
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:18:20 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams blasted the “vile show of antisemitism” at a Queens high school Saturday, hours after The Post exclusively reported that a “radicalized” mob of students rioted this week after learning a teacher attended a pro-Israel rally, forcing her to hide in an office. Teenagers at Jamaica’s Hillcrest High School shut down the school for two hours on Monday as they marched through the hallways in a pre-planned protest after finding a Facebook post of the teacher attending a rally holding a sign that read, “I stand with Israel.” The terrified teacher locked herself away as the students allegedly tried to barge in.
WATCH: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught
on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was
a Hoax
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2023 7:44:46 AM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi’s nepo-baby, Alexandra, was caught on camera admitting essentially that January 6 and the ensuing prosecutions were a marketing gimmick to propagandize the public for the benefit of the Democrat Party. The video, apparently filmed surreptitiously in the style of Project Veritas and released by CitizenLens, reportedly between Pelosi and a January 6 defendant she was courting so as to appear in her documentary of the event, featured Pelosi discussing the political implications of the Jan 6 show trials and their effects on the upcoming 2022 mid-term elections. After the Democrats lose the House and then they get rid of the committee, people may lose interest.
'This is not going to end well': Trump
makes chilling prediction after ZERO Americans
were freed in first two days of Israel-Hamas
hostage deal as he blasts Biden and warns
Hamas wants a 'better deal' before releasing
U.S. citizens
13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/26/2023 5:33:03 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump on Saturday warned that the Israel-Hamas ceasefire agreement 'is not going to end well' - accusing negotiators of making a bad deal and pointing out no Americans have been released. The ceasefire went into effect at 7am local time on Friday, and since then 41 of the 240 hostages have been released: 24 on Friday, and 17 on Saturday. On Friday, 13 Israeli women and children, 10 Thai citizens and one Filipino were freed, said Majed al-Ansari, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Qatar.On Saturday, 13 Israelis - including Israeli-Irish nine-year-old Emily Hand - and four Thais were released. Saturday's release was not as smooth as Fridays,
Hamas to release 3 American hostages Sunday,
including 4-year-old orphan: report
11 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/26/2023 10:31:02 AM Post Reply
A pro-Palestinian protest took a chilling turn Saturday as hundreds of demonstrators packed Columbus Circle, at one point dragging a burning Israeli flag down the street and issuing a chilling warning for those who support Israel: “Your days are numbered.” “For those who support genocide in the U.S. your days are numbered and are coming to an end,” one organizer yelled into a microphone. “U.S. government is the #1 funder of Israel terrorism.” Roughly 300 demonstrators started at Columbus Circle around 2 p.m. and marched up the West Side to the American Museum of Natural History.
Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured
Sob Stories
11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 5:29:30 AM Post Reply
As has been the case since the barbarous attack on Israel by Hamas aided by Palestinian civilians, international organizations have chosen by their silence to ally themselves with the butchers instead of condemning the 10/7 attack. Canary Mission, which tracks anti-Semitism (and these days it’s not untoward to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, because it comes from the same fetid font: hatred of Jews and the globalists’ anti-nationalism) notes the silence of those entities from whom we were led to expect more: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking as head of the WHO (World Health Organization); Amnesty, the International Red Cross, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights,
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