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The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud
Quiet. Wonder Why?

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 11/24/2023 5:49:02 AM

You can see it with your own eyes. But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a "fantasy." What is it? Election fraud. A Lawrence, Massachusetts, voter who had been turned away from the polls on Election Day and told he had already voted found out he was the victim of fraud. He checked the footage on the video camera outside his front door and saw that a woman had removed mail-in ballots from his mailbox. He called the police. It's happening in many places. On Tuesday, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a nonprofit voter rights group, appeared in Connecticut Superior Court


Remember when the US monitored elections in Iraq to make sure that no cheating occurred?? Yeah, me too!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: petrichor 11/24/2023 6:48:46 AM (No. 1604021)
Mail-in ballots destroy the integrity of our elections.
33 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: billa57 11/24/2023 7:13:27 AM (No. 1604028)
Not one of the contested states in the 2020 election did a full recount, ala Florida 2000. One Dem, one Rep, one observer. They knew what they did and there was no way that they were going to allow a legit count. So much for the 'Democratic' party.
18 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Bur Oak 11/24/2023 7:20:57 AM (No. 1604029)
For the same reason they fight voter ID.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Avikingman 11/24/2023 8:26:14 AM (No. 1604077)
FTA: "The emails show that officials within the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department -- the deep state -- organized the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) in 2020, recruiting academics at Stanford U and U of Washington to instruct social media companies such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube to label the postings as "misinformation" or take them down entirely. The First Amendment bars the government from censoring. So what did the government do? It outsourced the censorship to EIP" Put these bastids in jail.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 11/24/2023 9:06:13 AM (No. 1604108)
Not only has election fraud been the super weapon of the left, it is their only weapon. The republicans need to learn that if they don't vigorously fight it, they will never win again.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: NamVet70 11/24/2023 9:22:47 AM (No. 1604123)
Here is a clear statement from someone who knows:
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: czechlist 11/24/2023 9:23:01 AM (No. 1604124)
Election Integrity Partnership, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Inflation Reduction Act.... the checks in the mail, I gave at the office, you can't get pregnant standing up...
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Venturer 11/24/2023 9:42:45 AM (No. 1604147)
It's pretty easy to see why the left doesn't want election integrity. Answer. They like being able to elect idiots like Joe Biden.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: homefry 11/25/2023 8:13:01 AM (No. 1604669)
Reply 3 - Posted by: Bur Oak 11/24/2023 7:20:57 AM (No. 1604029) For the same reason they fight voter ID. Well now, I heard them say that the reason they fight voter ID is because SOME folk are so inferior as to be unable to obtain a valid ID.
1 person likes this.

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The Left must get its violence under control.
It's not going to like the counterreaction
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/25/2023 3:19:40 PM Post Reply
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WaPo reporter hasn’t a clue why it’s
so hard to get an Uber in DC
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 6:30:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:54:37 PM Post Reply
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Donald Trump Tells Javier Milei He Will
Visit President-Elect in Argentina
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:05:54 PM Post Reply
Former U.S. President Donald Trump will travel to Buenos Aires to meet with Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei at an undisclosed date, Milei’s press office said in a statement published on Thursday. According to the statement, Trump held a phone conversation with Milei on Wednesday evening, congratulating Milei on his victory in Argentina’s November 19 presidential runoff election, in which the libertarian economist defeated outgoing socialist Economy Minister Sergio Massa with a nearly 12-point lead. During the conversation, Trump reportedly pointed out that Milei’s victory in Sunday’s election had a “great impact worldwide.” “Trump anticipated that he will travel to the City of Buenos Aires to meet with him,”
“Well I believe one of the reasons Hamas
struck when they did because they knew
that I was working very closely with the
Saudis and others in the region
8 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 4:03:44 PM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit has reported on numerous examples of the inhumane treatment J6 political prisoners have faced. Prisoners, like Infowars reporter and War Room host Owen Shroyer, are spending extended periods in solitary confinement, often without explanation. John Strand was sentenced to 32 months in prison and despite the Bureau of Prison’s own scoring system, he was sent to prison and placed in isolation. J6 political prisoner Barry Ramey, who was stabbed in the face for watching Tucker Carlson, shared the malnutrition they face, the mail discarded over political views, medical care being denied, and more. The prisons also continue to use COVID
After Hobbling Over to Podium, Biden Claims
“Hamas Struck When They Did” Because
He Wanted to Build a Railroad Through
Middle East (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:30:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden took a quick break from his Thanksgiving holiday at a billionaire’s estate in Nantucket to address the release of hostages from Hamas terrorists. The Times of Israel provided the names and photos of the released hostages. No American hostages were released on Friday. Joe Biden hobbled over to the lectern. Was he limping? [Video] Biden stunned reporters when he claimed Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel last month because of a railroad. “Well I believe one of the reasons Hamas struck when they did because they knew that I was working very closely with the Saudis and others in the region
Gangster Bird 'Turkules' Finally Captured
After Evading Authorities—but NJ Mayor
Pardons Him
1 reply
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:21:04 PM Post Reply
A wild turkey with an attitude has been roaming the streets of West Orange, New Jersey, for months, stopping traffic and showing no fear—but he was finally caged Wednesday, according to officials. He caused so much chaos in the community that the NY Times wrote a story about him in October titled, "This Turkey Just Will Not Stop Crossing the Road." But the feathered fiend, named Turkules (rhymes with Hercules), also brought the community together: Turkules had become a local mascot after taking a tranquilizer dart to the chest - but continuing to strut around defiantly - and showing no fear when walking across busy intersections. 'He is a gangster.
Hilarious: PETA Gets the Community Note
of All Time on Its Post About Turkeys
for Thanksgiving
5 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:02:43 PM Post Reply
For many American families, Thanksgiving is the time for turkey. A couple of turkeys may get pardoned at the White House, although Joe Biden's effort to pardon them went a bit awry earlier in the week as he spewed in confusion and then beat it out of there in a rush at the end. But yes, he did manage to pardon Liberty and Bell. However, most turkeys around this time are landing on the holiday dinner table. Nice and gorgeous, roasted right out of the oven, with crispy skin, surrounded by all the traditional sides. It's something that's a feature of the holiday,
Chevrolet Has a New Christmas Ad, and
Break Out the Tissues, It's Wonderful
28 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 6:20:16 AM Post Reply
Two years ago, my colleague Joe Cunningham wrote about the beautiful ad that Chevrolet did for Christmas with a man who is sad at the holidays because his wife has died. The daughter then lovingly has the wife's car -- which is under wraps in the barn, unused for a while -- restored, unbeknownst to the father, to surprise him and bring back those memories of the love of his wife he so misses. “It’s what mom would’ve wanted,” the daughter says. It was a wonderful ad, at a time during the pandemic when we'd been through so much with lockdowns and a change in society and the White House,
Here's What the Pro-Hamas Crowd Has Planned
for Black Friday
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:58:32 AM Post Reply
Black Friday shopping has long been a fraught experience with mobs and stampedes willing to do seemingly anything to score a discounted television, but this year a group of pro-Hamas organizations are promising to make things even worse. The groups, ones that apparently have no issue with the actions of Hamas terrorists on October 7, are calling for anti-Israel goons to "shut it down 4 Palestine" this Friday with a call to "boycott, disrupt, & rally at commercial centers" as Americans look to get some bargains. Their "reason" for the disruption/shutdown? Well, they say there should be "no business as usual while genocide is taking place,"
The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud
Quiet. Wonder Why?
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:49:02 AM Post Reply
You can see it with your own eyes. But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a "fantasy." What is it? Election fraud. A Lawrence, Massachusetts, voter who had been turned away from the polls on Election Day and told he had already voted found out he was the victim of fraud. He checked the footage on the video camera outside his front door and saw that a woman had removed mail-in ballots from his mailbox. He called the police. It's happening in many places. On Tuesday, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a nonprofit voter rights group, appeared in Connecticut Superior Court
Now Big Brother Wants to Control the Gas
Pedal in Your Car
24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:11:17 AM Post Reply
‘Fully prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit’ Just when you thought there were no parts of your life not already under the thumb of the federal government, a new idea emerges. This time it comes from the National Transportation Safety Board and it involves outsiders having control of the gas pedal in your car. While you’re driving, of course. The proposal from the NTSB is to install “intelligent speed assistance” tech in all cars, a system that uses a car’s GPS location and local speed limit postings “to help ensure safe and legal speeds.” What the NTSB wants is to require systems that “warn” when a driver is speeding,
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Posted by Beardo 11/24/2023 10:56:27 AM Post Reply
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Chevrolet Has a New Christmas Ad, and
Break Out the Tissues, It's Wonderful
28 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 6:20:16 AM Post Reply
Two years ago, my colleague Joe Cunningham wrote about the beautiful ad that Chevrolet did for Christmas with a man who is sad at the holidays because his wife has died. The daughter then lovingly has the wife's car -- which is under wraps in the barn, unused for a while -- restored, unbeknownst to the father, to surprise him and bring back those memories of the love of his wife he so misses. “It’s what mom would’ve wanted,” the daughter says. It was a wonderful ad, at a time during the pandemic when we'd been through so much with lockdowns and a change in society and the White House,
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Posted by Hazymac 11/24/2023 8:21:49 PM Post Reply
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Far-Left Nation Debates Whether U.S. Should
Abolish or ‘Decolonize’ Thanksgiving:
Americans Can ‘Give Thanks by Giving
Land Back’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 11/24/2023 9:10:21 AM Post Reply
The Nation is honoring this year’s Thanksgiving by featuring a debate over whether America should keep celebrating the national holiday or not. One side is claiming it is “steeped in colonialism, violence, and misrepresentation” and needs to be “decolonized,” while the other goes further, describing Thanksgiving as a “lie” that should be completely abolished and replaced with a “Truthsgiving,” where Americans can “give thanks by… giving land back.” The essay, titled “Should America Keep Celebrating Thanksgiving?” and published in the left-wing magazine’s latest issue, details the positions of Lakota Chef Sean Sherman,
‘Impeccable’: Investigators Reveal
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Military Officials
25 replies
Posted by Imright 11/24/2023 1:05:10 AM Post Reply
Federal investigators have released further details on a network of “sophisticated high-end brothels” that serviced politicians, military officials, and government contractors, revealing that the alleged ringleaders kept “impeccable” records of their million-dollar operation. The prostitution ring was busted earlier this month by the Department of Justice (DOJ), with three Korean nationals arrested for their alleged roles in orchestrating the criminal network. Han Lee, 41, James Lee, 68, and Junmyung Lee, 30, “walked through the border safeguards that have been relaxed by President Joe Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas,” Breitbart News reported after their arrests on November 8.
Now Big Brother Wants to Control the Gas
Pedal in Your Car
24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:11:17 AM Post Reply
‘Fully prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit’ Just when you thought there were no parts of your life not already under the thumb of the federal government, a new idea emerges. This time it comes from the National Transportation Safety Board and it involves outsiders having control of the gas pedal in your car. While you’re driving, of course. The proposal from the NTSB is to install “intelligent speed assistance” tech in all cars, a system that uses a car’s GPS location and local speed limit postings “to help ensure safe and legal speeds.” What the NTSB wants is to require systems that “warn” when a driver is speeding,
In a political shift to the far right,
anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders wins
big in Dutch election
23 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/24/2023 4:12:23 AM Post Reply
Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders said Thursday that he is ready to join the next Dutch coalition government after he surged to a huge election victory that marked a stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance. The result is sending shockwaves through Europe, where extremist nationalist ideology is putting pressure on democracies that now face the possibility of having to deal with the first far-right prime minister of the Netherlands. “It is going to happen that the PVV is in the next Cabinet,” Wilders said, using the Dutch abbreviation for his Party for Freedom.
Pro-Israel teacher hides in Queens high
school as ‘radicalized’ students riot:
‘They want her fired’
22 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/25/2023 9:04:11 AM Post Reply
Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged through the halls of a Queens high school this week for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom, The Post has learned. The mayhem at Hillcrest High School in Jamaica unfolded shortly after 11 a.m. Monday in what students called a pre-planned protest over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo showing her at a pro-Israel rally on Queens Oct. 9 holding a poster saying, “I stand with Israel.”
After Hobbling Over to Podium, Biden Claims
“Hamas Struck When They Did” Because
He Wanted to Build a Railroad Through
Middle East (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:30:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden took a quick break from his Thanksgiving holiday at a billionaire’s estate in Nantucket to address the release of hostages from Hamas terrorists. The Times of Israel provided the names and photos of the released hostages. No American hostages were released on Friday. Joe Biden hobbled over to the lectern. Was he limping? [Video] Biden stunned reporters when he claimed Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel last month because of a railroad. “Well I believe one of the reasons Hamas struck when they did because they knew that I was working very closely with the Saudis and others in the region
Report: CNBC Eliminates Climate Desk,
No More Dedicated Staff Covering Climate Change
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/24/2023 12:08:23 AM Post Reply
CNBC has reportedly shut down its climate desk and will no longer have dedicated journalists covering climate change. The Comcast-owned business news cable network hasn’t publicly commented on the decision, which was first reported by Bloomberg Green journalist Akshat Rathi. Rathi cited a LinkedIn post by recently laid-off CNBC “climate innovation and technology” reporter Catherine Clifford, who recounted a conversation she had with her “editor’s boss.” “As part of wider newsroom headcount reductions, there would no longer be any staff at CNBC dedicated to covering climate, this boss said,” Clifford wrote. ” The climate desk was being dismantled and my position covering climate tech and innovation
Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes
reins from father Rupert
19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/25/2023 6:58:55 AM Post Reply
Lachlan Murdoch has been chairman of News Corporation and Fox Corporation, the parent company of Fox News, for more than a week now after his father Rupert finally officially handed the reins to him. Beyond the titular changes, how much of a transition is in fact being made is open to question. “I hope to continue an active role in the company,” the elder Murdoch, 92, remarked during the company’s most recent annual shareholders meeting. Lachlan Murdoch told investors that there will be “no change” in strategy at Fox News, but earlier this week told a dinner in Australia that this was an era of “generational realignment” that would require “clear vision,
Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals
Take Priority over Profits
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/25/2023 12:27:29 AM Post Reply
The Disney Grooming Syndicate’s annual SEC report tried to bury its foundational problems in the word salad of all word salads. Thankfully, That Park Place saw right through it. The key takeaway from the report is that Disney, as required by law in these filings, is warning investors that its social goals are more important than profits. “There is in such things a statement of the various ‘Risk factors’ the company may encounter,” explains That Park Place, “all in the obligatory legal way to avoid people later saying ‘You never warned us about this!!’” In other words, in this annual report, Disney must warn stockholders and potential stockholders
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