Jim Jordan Will Not Seek a Third Speaker Vote
Breitbart Politics,
Sean Moran
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/19/2023 12:50:45 PM
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) confirmed Thursday he will not seek a third vote to become Speaker of the House and will back a plan to grant Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-NC) more powers.
Jordan had lost two votes for Speaker after facing swift opposition from New York Republican moderates and many members of the House Appropriations Committee.Breitbart News has documented how 22 House Republicans have denied Jordan the ability to serve as Speaker of the House despite overwhelming grassroots support for the Ohio Republican:
Reply 1 - Posted by:
aasilver 10/19/2023 12:59:17 PM (No. 1581151)
Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-NC) is a McC arthy RINO!
The Republican Party is done. It has become the RINO Party of the swamp like the Socialist Democrats.
Even Donald Trump can't save the Republic.
23 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 10/19/2023 1:26:00 PM (No. 1581166)
Intractable conservative Republicans with help from democrats ousted McCarthy. Intractable rinos blocked Jordan. Apparently, we are stuck with McHenry in the short term. We were much better off with Kevin McCarthy. Send thank you cards to Matt Gaetz.
14 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Daisymay 10/19/2023 1:44:18 PM (No. 1581173)
Might make a difference if each of those "Hold Outs" find someone in their District has filed to run for their Seat! If they think it's ok to play games, against the will of the Voters who put them in Office, maybe it's time to teach them a Lesson! They obviously think they have the Job for Life, a Job that seems to make Millionaires out of most who went into the Job Not having much in Their Bank Account. Might be the right time to for a Wake Up Moment!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
chumley 10/19/2023 1:55:38 PM (No. 1581179)
The democrats and globalists were better off with Kevin McCarthy. WE are better off with nobody at all.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
danu 10/19/2023 2:01:09 PM (No. 1581181)
preposterous#2. the snowflakes did what they do best---melt. and surrender- to pelosrgang, for the $.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 10/19/2023 2:17:51 PM (No. 1581189)
I agree with #5. Rep. Gaetz did the average Republican voter a favor by exposing the corruption and rot in the right-wing of the Uniparty vulture. I believe many conservative-minded people have been rudely awakened to the reality that our "two-party" system no longer exists. American patriots have little true representation in the halls of government, because the most effective ones end up in the courts of law.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 10/19/2023 2:19:59 PM (No. 1581191)
Going against the grain here. Posters 4 and 5, pile on all you want. McCarthy, not great. The bow tie man is clearly worse.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Kate318 10/19/2023 2:25:25 PM (No. 1581193)
So, #7, we should’ve left McCarthy as SOTH because the game was less rigged with a liar? Pass.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 10/19/2023 2:57:20 PM (No. 1581235)
The longer Congress is shut down, the better off we all are. They cannot take away any more of our civil rights or money as long as they can't vote.
Permanent paralysis would be fine with me.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Citoyen 10/19/2023 2:59:10 PM (No. 1581238)
I’m puzzled why Matt Gaetz, who orchestrated the ouster of McCarthy and set in motion the debacle unfolding before our eyes, hasn’t stepped up and saved the day. I am not glued to news reports but am reasonably informed so have noticed the surprising silence of one of the most talkative of House members. His seven sidekicks who voted with him and every Democrat to boot out McCarthy also seem to be missing in action. Perhaps they are embarrassed that Jim Jordan, one of the best House Republicans, has been humiliated by the forces they set in motion.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/19/2023 3:23:55 PM (No. 1581273)
Come on, #2. Gaetz did not do this. McCarthy did when HE reneged on the deal he made in order to be SOH. He knew the terms and broke them. Gaetz just held him to his word. The slimy power hungry fraud knew he wouldn’t keep his word but believed he would not be held to account…so tell me now, WHO is it that is responsible for this brouhaha? Letting these fools slide has gotten where we are today.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 10/19/2023 4:08:22 PM (No. 1581333)
Reading the article, we could actually have Patty Murray as Speaker and the pro tem would not have any power. I agree with #2 and #10. Gaetz with his hissy fit against McCarthy, put this in motion and why did he and the others have a plan? Where are they now? The conservatives I know realize Gaetz is nothing but a showboat. McCarthy should have moved things along and not shut everything down the month of August, but we might have done something if Gaetz hadn’t started this mess. Someone said he is a hero. Ha. There are no heroes in DC. They’re all about feathering their own nests and becoming mult-millionaires. Before they leave office.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/19/2023 4:39:00 PM (No. 1581349)
It's time to primary those 'elite' GOPe members that have suddenly decided that they don't need the voters that elected them. Of course, during the next election cycle, they'll all become staunch conservatives, fighting tooth and nail against those evil democrats, for us, their constituents!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 10/19/2023 7:33:13 PM (No. 1581420)
Those who can’t get their act together should be voted out and never run again.
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This just might make a very painful karma bite on the incumbents who are ignoring voter's wishes. I hope it leaves a mark that will be felt by their great grand kids.
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