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Life Comes at Hakeem Jeffries Fast After
Democrats Accuse Jim Jordan of ‘Election Denialism’

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Posted By: Garnet, 10/17/2023 12:57:22 PM

One of the weapons House Democrats have been trotting out of their arsenal to use against GOP House Speaker nominee Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) during the contentious debate surrounding his candidacy is that he's an alleged election denier because he objected to the certification of the 2020 presidential election.During a recent press conference held in front of the Capitol, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) was one of a number of Democrats to accuse Jordan of engaging in "peddling lies and conspiracy theories" to the American people regarding the 2020 election and other issues: “House Republicans have selected as their nominee to be the speaker of the people’s

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Reply 1 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/17/2023 1:09:24 PM (No. 1579460)
I am glad Jordan is an election denier, because that represents my view.
103 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 10/17/2023 1:17:12 PM (No. 1579464)
Hakeem needs to speak to Jamaal "FireAlarm".
61 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 10/17/2023 1:29:33 PM (No. 1579469)
Name one Democrat who isn't an election denier. Of course they are that way because they thought the fix was in, no way could Hillary lose. Jordan was just looking at the facts.
75 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Krause 10/17/2023 2:25:34 PM (No. 1579510)
What's the big deal about not believing election results? Half of the politicians in DC are crooks. The democrat party is corrupt.
55 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 10/17/2023 4:49:38 PM (No. 1579635)
IF Jordan is an election denier he is a lot smarter than those who think that election was honest.
52 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 10/17/2023 5:26:48 PM (No. 1579655)
I am tired of Republicans who refer to Jeffries as a “nice guy.” He is the opposite. Jeffries is a serial liar. He plays 100 percent cutthroat. Give the little fellow traveler what’s coming to him.
42 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 10/17/2023 9:17:20 PM (No. 1579813)
Jeffries is a radical progressive and listening to him is like listening to the devil. There are a few progressive hens who are just as bad.
35 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: danu 10/17/2023 11:19:21 PM (No. 1579879)
an exorcist for the RCC opined, iirc, that listening to the cant of demons is like listening to the prattle of mrxists
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 10/18/2023 4:16:36 AM (No. 1579966)
Hakeem is nothing more than a DNC lapdog. Pelosi is running the House.
23 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Sully 10/18/2023 6:00:31 AM (No. 1580006)
When election Steelers control the reigns of government, of course every day is opposite day in the seat of gvt. It is repetitive and tedious to document self contradicting fools with zero self awareness, but you still have to do it. How did so many blatant fools gain power in the US gvt?
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: broken01 10/18/2023 7:42:05 AM (No. 1580045)
Just like I did during the 2016 Election I was up all night paying attention to the one in 2020. I saw what happened in real time so I will always say now what I said back then. The Presidential Election of 2020 was stolen from President Donald John Trump back in November of that year. Also it is my damn right as legal citizen of my beloved country to say so. If that hurt the feelings of those who say that crook Biden won legitimately then guess what I don't give a rip. It's also Jim Jordan's right to deny a stolen election. Maybe Hakeem "Atom Ant" Jeffries should worry about his own 2016 election denialism and the fact that he has idiots in his camp that like to pull stunts like messing with fire alarms.
25 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Marzipan4 10/18/2023 9:01:38 AM (No. 1580101)
They have beaten “that horse” thinner than paper and irs starting to rip beacause interjecting shouts of rascist is falling on deaf ears.
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Strike3 10/18/2023 9:01:49 AM (No. 1580102)
Hakeem looks way too much like Barack and acts like him too. His face and verbal eruptions bring back nightmares.
17 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: griddog1 10/18/2023 9:30:51 AM (No. 1580141)
But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: SouthernYankee 10/18/2023 11:28:42 AM (No. 1580250)
81,000,00 votes my ass. He might draw millions of flies but that is it.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/18/2023 11:36:46 AM (No. 1580257)
My directive to Jeffries is...well... you go to your church and I'll go to mine......great words from Ingrid Cactus Flower....
4 people like this.

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Israel Takes Out Top Hamas Commander --
Say Palestinians
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Posted by Garnet 10/19/2023 2:40:05 PM Post Reply
Who needs a ground invasion? Last weekend, the Israelis gave Gazans 24 hours to evacuate the northern end of Gaza, signaling that infantry and armor would soon roll through Gaza City. Joe Biden then dropped in for a visit, which some thought could have accounted for the delay in ground operations.Biden has come and gone, though, but the Israeli ground invasion has yet to launch. Meanwhile, the IDF keeps finding success in their current posture. Just ask the Palestinians: The Commander of the Hamas-led National Security Forces in Gaza Jehad Mheisen was killed by an Israeli airstrike, according to Palestinian reports on Thursday. Mheisen was killed along with his family
Transgender art school professor calls
Israelis ‘pigs’ and ‘savages’
in social media post
8 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/19/2023 2:34:21 PM Post Reply
A transgender associate professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago posted on social media that Israelis are “pigs” and “savages,” prompting alarm and anger from observers. On Instagram, Professor Mika Tosca wrote: “Israelis are pigs. Savages. Very very bad people. Irredeemable excrement. … May they all rot in hell.” Tosca’s post also argued Israel is engaging in “propaganda” and is responsible for “crimes against humanity” recently and in decades past. The post was made in the wake of deadly terrorist attacks against Israel by Hamas that killed more than 1,100 civilians, including women and children.
Life Comes at Hakeem Jeffries Fast After
Democrats Accuse Jim Jordan of ‘Election Denialism’
16 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/17/2023 12:57:22 PM Post Reply
One of the weapons House Democrats have been trotting out of their arsenal to use against GOP House Speaker nominee Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) during the contentious debate surrounding his candidacy is that he's an alleged election denier because he objected to the certification of the 2020 presidential election.During a recent press conference held in front of the Capitol, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) was one of a number of Democrats to accuse Jordan of engaging in "peddling lies and conspiracy theories" to the American people regarding the 2020 election and other issues: “House Republicans have selected as their nominee to be the speaker of the people’s
Top Secret Docs Reveal Hamas' Objectives
for October 7 Attack. Are We Shocked?
13 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/16/2023 4:46:39 PM Post Reply
It’s why many national security experts are looking at Tehran, not Gaza, regarding the training and logistics needed to carry out the heinous October 7 attack committed by Hamas against Israel. Around 1,000 terrorists stormed the Gaza border, killing over 1,200 Israelis in the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. It was an invasion with the only goal being to kill as many Israelis as possible. Newly discovered top-secret Hamas documents show a detailed layout of the kibbutzim, methodically collecting intelligence on each community. Iran has already said they helped Hamas plan this attack for at least the past several weeks (via NBC News):
The High Price of Historical Illiteracy 9 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/16/2023 12:50:46 AM Post Reply
Thomas Jefferson, in an 1816 letter to a member of the Virginia General Assembly, made this observation: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” He wrote this passage to highlight the need for a system of primary schools in the Old Dominion. Eventually, the Commonwealth did establish a public school system, though Jefferson didn’t live to see it. That is just as well, perhaps. He would certainly be horrified by the ignorance of the people who attend and receive diplomas from our public schools.
How Hard Is It to Condemn Atrocities? 12 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/12/2023 1:53:35 PM Post Reply
After Hamas terrorists murdered 260-plus mostly young people enjoying a “peace” concert near the Gaza border and slaughtered families in their homes, normal people were utterly outraged and sympathetic to the Israeli victims. Others — mostly university professors, progressive activists and “journalists,” and even some members of Congress — couldn’t bring themselves to condemn the violence. Some even excused it.I would have offered my free public-relations pro-tip to some of these folks but didn’t bother given that productive suggestions don’t go very far on social media. But here goes: Even if you have no sympathy for the Jewish victims, despise the Israeli government and its treatment of
Condoleezza Rice Notices What Was Missing
From Joe Biden's Speech on Israel and Hamas
6 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/11/2023 4:45:08 PM Post Reply
On my radio program yesterday, I interviewed former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who made a fair amount of news during our conversation. I also welcomed back to the show former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who had not yet publicly addressed the barbaric terrorist attack in Israel last weekend. She called the massacre "shocking" and "nothing like" Gaza crises she'd dealt with while in office. She also told me what she would tell Israeli leaders if they reached out for her counsel, (correctly) asserted that Iran's "fingerprints are all over" the deadly plot, and responded to my question about whether the Bush administration had made a mistake in
Biden’s Latest Economic Alibi 7 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/9/2023 2:16:44 AM Post Reply
It’s hardly news that Americans are deeply dissatisfied with President Biden’s stewardship of the economy. The polls consistently show his approval rating well below 40 percent on this critical issue. Yet the President insists that this isn’t an accurate reflection of his economic record. As recently as last Friday, when asked by a reporter why so many Americans don’t feel good about the economy, he responded with this howler: “You get more legs when you’re reporting something that’s negative. I don’t mean you’re picking on me. It’s just the nature of things.” Biden actually claimed that adverse media coverage is to blame for the public’s low opinion of “Bidenomics.”
Trump terrified of being poisoned: former aide 19 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/5/2023 2:53:31 PM Post Reply
Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson said Wednesday that former President Trump is afraid of being poisoned. “He does have a very potent fear of being poisoned,” Hutchinson told comedian Jimmy Kimmel on his late night show. “So he uses and prefers the small Heinz glass ketchup bottles, because he likes to hear his valet or whoever’s serving him his meal, he likes to hear the ‘pop.’”Her comments came after Kimmel referenced her testimony in front of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, riot on the Capitol, in which she said she found ketchup dripping from the wall of the West Wing dining room after Trump threw his
Hunter Biden’s New Sobriety Defense
Lifts the Blackout Dates on Addiction
3 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/5/2023 2:23:10 PM Post Reply
Below is my column in The Messenger on Hunter Biden’s curious new defense in the federal gun case: he had a moment of sobriety just before he signed his gun form. It appears that the defense is lifting Hunter’s blackout dates on his long addiction defense. Here is the column: Hunter Biden returned to court today on the felony indictment for his possession of a handgun, including allegations that he lied on an Oct.12, 2018, form by denying that he was a drug user. His counsel is expected to continue to insist that the form was accurate because Hunter had ended his addiction to drugs and alcohol.
High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington 18 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/2/2023 3:21:57 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct an Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails. The emails, which were reported on by veteran Wall Street Journal correspondent Jay Solomon, writing in Semafor, and by Iran International, the London-based émigré opposition outlet which is the most widely read independent news source inside Iran, were published last week
Despite Growing Opposition And Serious
Problems At Home, Democrats Make Ukraine
Funding Their Top Priority
7 replies
Posted by Garnet 10/2/2023 3:18:49 PM Post Reply
Congress averted a government shutdown this weekend, agreeing to 45 days of funding to give members time to pass appropriations bills for the full year. Incredibly, Democrats seemed prepared to shut down the government over their desire for increases in Ukraine war funding. Republicans, by contrast, bucked Senate leader Mitch McConnell to keep the government open without such funding. While shutdown battles have become common, this one had absurd moments. Democrats tried to delay votes with everything from “magic minutes,” which allow party leaders to speak at length, to Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm in the middle of a vote, forcing the evacuation of a House office building.
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Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell pleads guilty
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/19/2023 10:43:22 AM Post Reply
Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleaded guilty Thursday morning in the Georgia election interference case on the eve of her trial alongside co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro. Powell entered her guilty plea in Fulton County Superior Court, part of a deal reached with prosecutors, in which she pled guilty to six misdemeanor counts. In her plea, Powell agreed to serve six years of probation and pay a $6,000 fine and $2,700 in restitution to the state of Georgia. She also agreed to submit an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia and to testify at related court proceedings. Powell was one of 19 defendants
‘Anxiety and fear are high:’ US Palestinians,
Muslims fear a return to post-9/11 Islamophobia
34 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 10/19/2023 9:07:29 AM Post Reply
As the Israel-Hamas War rages and the crisis in Gaza deepens, Taher Herzallah said he has exchanged frantic messages on social media with his family members who are trapped in Gaza. Their description of the situation is grim. He said they’ve told him they have no food, electricity, water or fuel. (Snip) Herzallah said his concerns for his family thousands of miles away have also been compounded by a growing fear for the safety of his wife and children here in the US, as reports of attacks against people perceived to be Muslim or Palestinian surface across the country.
Harvard students hold 'die-in' and massive
protests in SUPPORT of Palestine just
12 days after letter sparked outrage
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Posted by Imright 10/19/2023 3:02:20 AM Post Reply
Harvard pro-Palestinian groups held a 'die-in' on Wednesday, just over a week after the deadly terrorist attack by Hamas that killed more than 1,400 people in Israel. The protests come just 12 days after the attack and a letter backed by 33 Harvard student groups that blamed Israel for the attack by Hamas terrorists sparked national outrage. The Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee and Harvard Graduate Students for Palestine organized Wednesday's march from Harvard's main campus in Cambridge to its business school in Boston.
Fox’s Trey Gowdy Reports House Republicans
Are At Each Other’s Throats and ‘Trying
Couples Counseling For People Who Want
to Kill Each Other’
30 replies
Posted by Harlowe 10/19/2023 12:30:28 AM Post Reply
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said it is an absolute mess behind the scenes on Capitol Hill as House Republicans try to elect a new speaker, saying he “cannot overstate how angry some Republican members are.”[Snip] It is not Jim Jordan. It is the fact that Kevin McCarthy was the victim of a drive-by shooting orchestrated by a small group of people and Stevie Scalise got one crack at it.[Snip] Gowdy was likely referring to the strong-arm tactics Jordan’s supporters have been reportedly using while lobbying on his behalf.
House Republicans Believe Colleagues Are
Voting Against Jordan To ‘Spite Matt Gaetz’
28 replies
Posted by Kate318 10/19/2023 8:42:09 PM Post Reply
A number of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are reportedly refusing to support Rep. Jim Jordan in his bid to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker, not because of personal opposition to Jordan but rather in protest of Matt Gaetz’s efforts to oust the previous speaker. “I have been told by a good number of people that their objection isn’t personal to Jim, it is that voting in Jordan is perceived to be rewarding Matt Gaetz and the rest of the eight,” Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs said.
Blinken acknowledges Mideast crisis taking
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Posted by NorthernDog 10/19/2023 10:39:26 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Antony Blinken told his staffers Thursday night that he knew many were shaken professionally and personally by the Israel-Hamas war — a message he sent amid unhappiness among some Muslim and Arab employees over how the U.S. is approaching the crisis. Blinken’s note to staff wasn’t a response to reports of the frustrations, a person familiar with the issue said. He had planned to write to department employees about the Middle East crisis but wanted to wait until he returned from a visit to the region, said the person, who was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive
'No wonder Hitler wanted rid of them':
Citibank FIRES glamorous banker Nozima
Husainova after she posted vile anti-Semitic
post about Jewish people following Hamas
terror attacks
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/19/2023 3:18:06 PM Post Reply
Citi has fired one of its personal bankers after she defended Hitler and the holocaust in a vile anti-Semitic post following the Hamas terror attacks. CUNY Brooklyn College graduate Nozima Husainova, 25, sparked outrage with the remark which she posted on her now-deleted Instagram page and she's since lost her job, the bank confirmed Thursday. Responding to a post about the Gaza hospital bombing that Israel has denied, she wrote: 'No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of them all,' complete with a smiley face emoji.
US preps for possible attack on DC with
simulated incoming missiles
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/19/2023 9:15:42 AM Post Reply
America has begun preparing for a major attack on the nation's capital - by simulating incoming missiles and hijacked airplanes. US defense contractor Northrop Grumman announced the successful test of its Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) this month. (Photo) The Beltway-area around Washington DC, known by defense personnel as the 'National Capital Region,' was successfully defended against 'simulated cruise missiles and 'compromised aircraft,' the company said. The tests come amid rising tensions worldwide, with the US amassing a war machine in the MidEast in a clear message to Iran to stay on the sidelines as Israel prepares to launch a ground invasion into Gaza.
New: Biden Delivers Oval Office Speech,
Wants $100 Billion for Israel and Ukraine
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/19/2023 9:08:16 PM Post Reply
President Biden delivered a speech to the nation from the Oval Office Thursday evening after returning from Israel in the aftermath of the Hamas terror attacks on October 7. He said he's going to ask Congress to appropriate $100 billion in new funding to combat Hamas and continue to aid Ukraine in its war against Russia. Reportedly, he wants $60 billion more for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. "American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us – America – safe. American values are what make us a partner that other nations want to work with," he said. "To put all that at risk
Harvard Students: Losing Job Opportunities
Over Our Hamas Support Is the Actual 'Violence' Here
24 replies
Posted by DW626 10/19/2023 10:30:38 AM Post Reply
The bogus victimhood is bottomless. Because grievance is the coin of their realm, and because many of them are incapable of arguing any other way, it should be unsurprising to see figures like Rashida Tlaib and various other Hamas apologists and anti-Semites claim that somehow they are the ones who've been wronged over the last two weeks. In a development that truly defies parody, Harvard students who signed an egregious, terrorism-justifying statement are now whining about the "bullying" they've experienced over the moral disgrace to which they signed their names. They're even soliciting financial donations to (supposedly) finance mental health support in the face of this hardship.
RNC makes insane choice to host next presidential
primary debate
22 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/20/2023 10:19:53 AM Post Reply
The ever feckless Republican National Committee (RNC) recently announced that it is going to have NBC News host its next presidential primary debate. This seems an odd choice, if only because NBC News hates Republicans. The news organization detests President Trump, Trump voters, patriotic Americans, capitalism, traditional values, borders, the Constitution of the United States of America, straight white males,Christianity, Israel, pro-lifers, Fox News, the Second Amendment, Mike Lindell, Lee Greenwood, “anti-vaxxers,” Joe Rogan, Aaron Rodgers, fossil fuels...and those of us who reside in Middle America in general.
What The Hell Happened To Joe Biden’s
Chin In This Video?
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/19/2023 7:42:19 PM Post Reply
What is going on with Joe Biden’s face? President Joe Biden appeared to grow a mushy butt chin while making remarks to the press at Ramstein Air Base in Germany following his trip to Israel. (X Video) Say what you want about Joe Biden, but he’s normally a pretty thin fellow. But in this video, his typically tight jawline appears to have melted into half-a-day-old ice cream. (X Photos) It’s possible a busy trip to the Middle East and lack of sleep are affecting our 80-year-old president’s physical appearance. But that doesn’t make his Wicked Witch of the West-like transformation any less jarring.
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