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The real problem is Iran

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Posted By: DVC, 10/16/2023 2:54:03 PM

“Stand against Hamas’ terror or stand with them” was the title of an article in New York Daily News a few days ago. It is exactly like this. It is not easy to understand what the people who govern Gaza really think. In the wake of Hamas’s recent terror attack on Israel, it’s clear that Hamas’s ultimate goal is to commit again a genocide against the Jewish people. It openly wants to do it, as is written in its founding documents. Hamas, unlike its secular rival, Fatah, has declared that Israel has no right to exist. And sadly, Israel did not see “the strategic meaning


Lots of good stuff here. The author notes, as I have, that the Persians have been a problems since the times of Xerxes. Still a major troublemaker in the world today. But, at the root, Islam is the problem, and has been for 1,400 years.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/16/2023 3:40:35 PM (No. 1578764)
The real problem is radical islam. Nobody intends doing anything about it.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 10/16/2023 5:59:06 PM (No. 1578829)
But, #1, Erdogan, the leader of Turkey, says "There is no moderate Islam, there is not radical Islam, there is only Islam." Yep. The problem is 1,400 years of Islam.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: NorthernDog 10/16/2023 7:31:54 PM (No. 1578878)
Driving down the price of oil is about the only way to punish Iran. They don't export anything else of value except for carpets and pistachios.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: JHHolliday 10/16/2023 9:35:36 PM (No. 1578962)
Unfortunately, our stumbling, demented President want to ignore the fact that we have plenty of oil, gas, coal to power our country for the next thousand years. This is now deliberate, they want to destroy this country and Western Civilization. I am stunned about their motives. What are they thinking? Marxism? Or simply a lust for power that means any means to bring about the great reset to a global government. I am an old man but I’ll die fighting.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/16/2023 11:39:31 PM (No. 1579028)
Just send a note to the Mullahs that we know their Address and put it in the note. They will get the message!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 10/17/2023 3:30:46 AM (No. 1579097)
Thanks,Captain Obvious. Now go tell Joe. Israel already knows this, that is why they will take the fight to Iran, one way or another.
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CEO of bankrupt rechargeable bus company
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Posted by DVC 10/16/2023 5:55:52 PM Post Reply
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The real problem is Iran 6 replies
Posted by DVC 10/16/2023 2:54:03 PM Post Reply
“Stand against Hamas’ terror or stand with them” was the title of an article in New York Daily News a few days ago. It is exactly like this. It is not easy to understand what the people who govern Gaza really think. In the wake of Hamas’s recent terror attack on Israel, it’s clear that Hamas’s ultimate goal is to commit again a genocide against the Jewish people. It openly wants to do it, as is written in its founding documents. Hamas, unlike its secular rival, Fatah, has declared that Israel has no right to exist. And sadly, Israel did not see “the strategic meaning
You Cannot Coexist With Evil 8 replies
Posted by DVC 10/14/2023 8:33:15 PM Post Reply
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With Hamas’s war crimes against Israel,
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8 replies
Posted by DVC 10/12/2023 1:08:49 PM Post Reply
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7. If it weren’t so unutterably tragic, it would be amusing to watch leftist Jews shout their outrage at fellow leftists who are siding with Hamas. These leftist Jews may have been pro-Israel and afraid of a second Holocaust, but their support for leftist policies led to the slaughter that horrifies them now. What happened in Israel was not war. It was, instead, a grotesque violation of modern norms driven by people who have, for 1,500 years, proudly and unabashedly
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Posted by DVC 10/11/2023 5:14:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 10/10/2023 11:30:01 PM Post Reply
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I want to be among 'my people,' she said...until
she was
15 replies
Posted by DVC 10/2/2023 11:53:47 AM Post Reply
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Armed citizens restore the rule of law
in South Africa after an armed robbery
and murder
10 replies
Posted by DVC 9/24/2023 6:43:28 PM Post Reply
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The Second Amendment was put to the test this week, albeit abroad and not at home. This past Thursday, a band of South African citizens, currently suffering under the thumb of a wicked and lawless government and emboldened criminals, restored law and order and security after a gang of thugs robbed an armored truck and murdered the driver. From a Gateway Pundit article yesterday: On Thursday, 9/21, local farmer militiamen in South Africa stopped a gang of 15
Driverless Cars and, Oddly Enough, California's
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6 replies
Posted by DVC 9/15/2023 11:17:20 AM Post Reply
Two big questions (and lots of little ones) are on my mind today. The first big one is, how often is a bill practically unanimous in a state legislature? There’s a bill in California that seeks to ban driverless trucks over 10,000 lbs. Since cargo trucks can usually weigh as much as 80,000 lbs total (that’s counting everything – the vehicle, the cargo, the driver, a full tank of fuel, etc.), this bill covers everything from straight trucks to semi-trailers and similar big rigs. The ban – through at least 2031 – passed the state assembly in Sacramento back in May, 69 to 4.
CNN Hammers New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan
Grisham, Reads Constitution to Her
11 replies
Posted by DVC 9/14/2023 6:12:32 PM Post Reply
CNN’s Poppy Harlow interviewed New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) on Tuesday and cornered her, reading the New Mexico Constitution to her on-air and asking if her ban on concealed carry violates the Constitution. Harlow read from Article II, Section 6, of New Mexico’s Constitution, saying, “No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense…No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.” She then asked Grisham, “Are you not in violation of both the U.S. Constitution and your state’s Constitution?” Grisham responded, “I don’t believe that we are.”
Climate Eugenics 4 replies
Posted by DVC 9/14/2023 12:49:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 9/14/2023 11:33:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/17/2023 2:27:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 10/17/2023 2:05:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/16/2023 9:38:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/17/2023 6:23:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/16/2023 9:51:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/17/2023 8:49:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by PageTurner 10/17/2023 6:04:09 AM Post Reply
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