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Competing Slates of Electors Have Happened Before

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Posted By: Christopher L, 9/12/2023 11:40:33 AM

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her leftist comrades moan about “Donald Trump’s fake-electors scheme” as if it were a cutting-edge conspiracy concocted at his Mar-a-Lago compound in the wee small hours of the morning. In fact, “fake electors” are neither new nor nefarious. And they are not fake, either. Believe it or not, a Congressional Research Service paper discusses how to proceed when a state sends to Washington two separate slates of presidential electors — as has happened in the past! CRS spelled this out on December 8, 2020 in a 13-page document titled “Counting Electoral Votes:


There is a link in the article to the 13 page CRS report. It's an easy read and very informative.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 9/12/2023 12:08:56 PM (No. 1554592)
This woman is an idiot thinking she will promote herself into a big job at some point in time. How can she be after Trump for denying an election when Stacey Abrams from her State did the same thing. Only one difference Abrams is a black democrat and Trump is a white republican.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Starboard_side 9/12/2023 12:25:42 PM (No. 1554597)
Believe I recall one state denied the recount because they didn't have a set of alternative electors in-place. My go-to for most things now, if the role was reversed would the media be not trying their utmost to explain things, provide the historical references, etc..?
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Birddog 9/12/2023 2:17:13 PM (No. 1554653)
Hawaii "disallowed" 108 ballots for Nixon, and "Found" 68 ballots for Kennedy. Keep also in mind that it was the VERY FIRST Presidential election Hawaii participated in. One of the Key Points in this story is that, Alternative counts must be determined to be the one MOST closely following a States Election Laws/Rules, and if still sent to Congress, "First, between a state’s two competing slates of electors, Congress must count the one most consistent with that state’s laws on post-election challenges". Under many states pre-existing election Rules and Laws, things were done in 2020 that had NEVER been done before, nor even contemplated by the Legislatures, some HAD been contemplated by state legislatures and not approved. Since then over a dozen State Legislatures have passed Laws that forbid such actions from every taking place in the future..."Affirming/Confirming that those actions were in fact UnLawful". In Wisc. both the State Supreme Court and the Legislature declared it's election was unlawful, illegal...and Void In Ga. while much is currently being made of Trumps statements about "finding Votes", in the same call he was also asking for a "Finding" about the validity of the election itself under Georgia Law, If faithfully interpreted and followed, it was/is a "Failed Election". Requiring either a NEW election, or an election held in the Legislature, the outcome determined only by votes of the Elected Representatives within it. PS The 1876 electoral kerfuffel, was 5 States sending alternative slates, if I recall several states sent more than simply two alternative slates. After days of voting and arguing, over which to accept...Dems demanded and received a promise to "Remove all troops from the Reconstruction South, abandon all election rights enforcement's there, and grant Dems the Right to implement Jim Crow" It ended with the Repub winning the Presidency, but almost 100 years of lost voting rights for Blacks in the South, as well as the loss of ALL Republican seats there, in legislatures, as well as Congress, most of those seats held by Black Republicans. It also led to the rise of the Klan, cross burnings, lynchings, riots, sunset laws, land seizures, church burnings.
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Competing Slates of Electors Have Happened Before 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 9/12/2023 11:40:33 AM Post Reply
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her leftist comrades moan about “Donald Trump’s fake-electors scheme” as if it were a cutting-edge conspiracy concocted at his Mar-a-Lago compound in the wee small hours of the morning. In fact, “fake electors” are neither new nor nefarious. And they are not fake, either. Believe it or not, a Congressional Research Service paper discusses how to proceed when a state sends to Washington two separate slates of presidential electors — as has happened in the past! CRS spelled this out on December 8, 2020 in a 13-page document titled “Counting Electoral Votes:
Israel’s Elites Revolt Against Democracy 5 replies
Posted by Christopher L 8/18/2023 10:24:43 AM Post Reply
In his New York Times opinion piece titled “The U.S. Reassessment of Netanyahu’s Government Has Begun,” Thomas Friedman wrote that he likes to say of his job that he is “a translator from English to English”: He takes complex things and renders them understandable. … As Friedman explains it, the judicial reform proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition poses a grave threat to democracy... If you read Hebrew, you can hear some protesters and their backers in the country’s establishments announcing their intentions more or less explicitly: Democracy is the very thing they are out to prevent.
Retractions of peer-reviewed scientific
papers has risen 13,750% in this century
8 replies
Posted by Christopher L 8/11/2023 11:12:05 AM Post Reply
The present and growing dark age: According to the watchdogs who run the website Retraction Watch, the number of peer-reviewed scientific papers that have been retracted each year has risen from 40 in 2000 to 5,500 in 2022, an astonishing increase of 13,750%. I think the watchdogs are missing the major and much more basic source for this problem. Since the 1990s the academic community has largely abandoned — even condemned — the fundamental concepts of the Enlightenment, which established the scientific method with its unwavering dedication to finding the truth, no matter where it led.
Colorado Supreme Court Asked To Find for
Christian Baker Who Refused Gender Transition
Cake After SCOTUS Web Designer Ruling
9 replies
Posted by Christopher L 7/25/2023 12:17:56 AM Post Reply
The Alliance Defending Freedom has asked the Colorado Supreme Court to find in favor of a Christian baker who refused to make “a custom-designed cake, pink on the inside and blue on the outside, to reflect and celebrate a gender transition.” ... In a supplemental filing, the ADF cited its recent victory in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, where the U.S. Supreme Court held Colorado could not force a Christian web designer “to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees.”
Sunday Talks – Russell Brand Debriefs
Matt Taibbi With Some Solid New Intel
Surfacing About Larger Internet and Social
Media Control Operations
3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 4/2/2023 7:25:24 PM Post Reply
U.K. cultural and political pundit Russell Brand sits down for an interview with U.S. Twitter File journalist Matt Taibbi, to discuss Taibbi’s experience with his recent congressional testimony, the advancement of the ‘Restrict Act’, and new revelations still coming from his exploration into the Twitter communication files. After some general overview and sense about the issues in/around congress, at 06:45 of the interview Taibbi begins to highlight new information he is discovering about how the Aspen Institute group was organizing, discussing and planning a larger objective about controlling any/all information on the internet.
The Chicago Thinker Staged a Media Regime
Takedown This Week—Here’s How We Did It
8 replies
Posted by Christopher L 4/11/2022 9:29:11 AM Post Reply
This week, the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics (IOP) and The Atlantic magazine hosted a “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference, and we have to hand it to IOP Director David Axlerod for bringing in true experts on the subject. The conference featured some of America’s greatest purveyors of disinformation, such as Barack Obama, Brian Stelter, Anne Applebaum, and a few token conservatives, including Jonah Goldberg and Adam Kinzinger. The media, government, and academia elites speaking at the conference weren’t expecting to be challenged as they self-righteously spewed more lies—but our team at the Chicago Thinker was prepared to hold them accountable. CORRECTIONS*
Colorado is investigating how Mesa County’s election system passwords ended up on the internet 8 replies
Posted by Christopher L 8/10/2021 1:45:09 PM Post Reply
Colorado state officials are investigating a county election office after passwords for its voting systems were posted online, the Secretary of State announced Monday. The breach included specific passwords from Mesa County’s voting equipment, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a statement.
Judge tosses case against BLM
protester who blocked I-25,
citing free speech
27 replies
Posted by Christopher L 5/18/2021 2:28:57 PM Post Reply
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A judge has tossed the case against one of 18 people cited in Colorado Springs after a Black Lives Matter protest on Interstate 25, calling it a violation of her free-speech rights. El Paso County Court Senior Judge Stephen Sletta on Wednesday dismissed the lone misdemeanor filed against 21-year-old Molly Avion. In a two-page ruling, he found that the state statute used against her — which makes it illegal to obstruct highways — was overly broad in a way that could chill the exercise of the First Amendment and invite “arbitrary” enforcement.CORRECTIONS*
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Sen. Mitt Romney to retire from Senate
instead of seeking second term
45 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/13/2023 1:58:01 PM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) will not seek a second term next year, he announced on Wednesday. Romney, 76, said in an interview that his decision to not run again was heavily influenced by his age and his prediction that his second term would be less effective than his first. “It’s very difficult for the House to operate, from what I can tell,” Romney said. “And perhaps more importantly, we’re probably going to have either Trump or Biden as our next president. And Biden is unable to lead on important matters and Trump is unwilling to lead on important matters.”
California Lawmakers Vote To Remove Kids
From Any Parents Who Don’t Support Severing
Their Genitals
36 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 2:20:37 PM Post Reply
The California legislature passed a bill Friday that would threaten parents with losing custody of their children if they question their child’s supposed desire to undergo disfiguring hormone regimens or surgeries to appear more like the opposite sex. Assembly Bill 957 was initially proposed to require courts to consider whether parents were “affirming” a child’s identification as transgender in custody cases. The legislation was later amended in June to declare parents who aren’t deemed sufficiently “affirming” liable for child abuse.
Rob Reiner Reveals What Democrats Really
Mean By ‘Threats To Democracy’
34 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/12/2023 5:38:09 AM Post Reply
In a tweet sent out over the weekend, Rob “Meathead” Reiner declared that “For our Democracy to survive, two things have to happen. Donald Trump needs to be Convicted for Jan. 6th and there can be no Third Party Candidate.” Reiner’s comment was so blatantly anti-democratic that it elicited an avalanche of criticism, some of it from leftists who didn’t particularly like the idea of barring third-party candidates. As one person on X (formerly known as Twitter) responded: “Better make sure there’s no second party candidate either, just to be safe. For Democracy.” Another way of putting what Reiner said: We need to kill democracy in order to save it.
Washington DC is now so crime-ravaged
locals are driving tiny distances instead
of walking and are too scared to go out
during the day, as woke city sees homicides
spike by 29% in a Year
27 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:25:33 AM Post Reply
Soaring crime in the nation's capital is leaving residents rattled, with locals driving small distances to avoid walking and others now too fearful to step outside even during the day. Homicides and robberies are up 29 and 67 per cent from the same time period last year, with murders approaching levels not seen in two decades - while other big cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore are seeing declines. Neighboring Baltimore could end the year with under 300 killings for the first time since the riots over Freddie Gray's death in police custody in 2015.
New Mexico Governor Loses Control as Armed
Citizens Roll Into Albuquerque
27 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 9/12/2023 9:54:14 AM Post Reply
What did she think was going to happen? New Mexico’s Democratic governor has been making headlines around the country since she decided her election to a statewide office gave her the power to suspend the Constitution of the United States. Over the weekend, her home-state constituents sent a message of their own. (Snip) As KOB-TV in the city reported, more than 100 gun rights supporters turned out in Albuquerque’s Old Town section to show their support for the Second Amendment is more powerful than any governor’s pen.
Sen. Josh Hawley Proposes 18% Credit Card
Interest Rate Cap
26 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 5:30:24 PM Post Reply
On the question of credit, the senior Republican senator from Missouri finds himself well to the left of the White House, only slightly less progressive than democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and very much out of step with the business-friendly old guard of his party. Sen. Josh Hawley will introduce legislation to cap the annual percentage rate of credit cards at 18%, RealClearPolitics is first to report. The average APR, by most estimates, now hovers near the 24% mark. “Americans are being crushed under the weight of record credit card debt,” Hawley
Mitt Romney says he's not running for
reelection to the Senate in 2024
24 replies
Posted by BeatleJeff 9/13/2023 1:55:34 PM Post Reply
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah announced Wednesday he will not run for reelection to a second term in the Senate in 2024. "I spent my last 25 years in public service of one kind or another," Romney said in a video posted on social media. "At the end of another term, I'd be in my mid-80s. Frankly, it's time for a new generation of leaders." Romney, 76, was the Republican nominee for president in 2012 and won election to the Senate in 2018. "While I'm not running for reelection, I'm not retiring from the fight," he said. "I'll be your United States senator until January of 2025."
FDA rules TODAY that ingredient in Benadryl
and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves don't work
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 2:38:15 PM Post Reply
A medicine used by millions of Americans for a stuffy nose does not work, a Food and Drug Administration panel ruled today. Phenylephrine is the most common active compound in over-the-counter drugs like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe Day & Night. But an FDA panel said after a two-day review that the oral decongestant ‘is not effective’ at standard or even high doses compared to a placebo.Their ruling is not binding but strongly suggests the agency could soon heed their advice and pull its approval, forcing companies to pull or reformulate their products.
Biden's White House will send letter to
CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding
them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan
to impeach president
21 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:27:31 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration has been blasted over plans to send out a letter to many of the major news organizations across the country demanding they probe the 'lies' of the House GOP's impeachment inquiry. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced an official impeachment inquiry on Tuesday over allegations of corruption and involvement in son Hunter's business dealings, setting off fiery reactions from Democrats. Ian Sams, a special assistant to the president and senior advisor to the White House Counsel's Office, penned a letter to both conservative and liberal-leaning outlets, slated to be distributed Wednesday in an apparent attempt to influence their coverage. Among outlets targeted
Top McConnell Ally John Cornyn Warned
House Against Impeachment Inquiry, Barrasso
Backs McCarthy
21 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:10:36 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) cautioned House Republicans not to pursue an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, which he sees as “unlikely to be successful in the Senate,” while House Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) indicated he was not keen on an impeachment investigation being tied to negotiations around government funding. Cornyn and Thune, two of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) top deputies, made the comments to the Hill in an article published ahead of McCarthy’s announcement Tuesday morning that House Republicans are opening a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden.
“Witch Hunt!” – Schumer Lashes Out
at McCarthy For Announcing Impeachment
Inquiry Against Joe Biden (Video)
21 replies
Posted by DW626 9/12/2023 11:37:10 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday lashed out at Speaker McCarthy and accused him of spearheading a “witch hunt” for announcing an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. Speaker McCarthy on Tuesday announced he is directing House committees to open an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. McCarthy scrambled to make a bold move as Congressman Matt Gaetz threatened to remove him as House Speaker. “I am directing our House committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Over the past several months, House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct—a culture of corruption,” McCarthy said.
Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is
essential to stopping ‘the New World
Order subservient to Satan’
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/13/2023 1:03:28 AM Post Reply
The following is the written text of a sermon given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on September 11, 2023. ABORTION, ‘SACRAMENT’ OF SATAN You can go to prison because of abortion: prison is the penalty imposed in some nations for those who stop in silent prayer in front of a clinic where children are killed. But you don’t go to jail if you kill an innocent creature. [Snip] No human law can ever trample on the divine and natural Law, which commands: Thou shalt not kill. No nation can hope for prosperity and harmony as long as it allows this daily massacre
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