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“I cheated the bribers” is not a sound
defense to a bribery charge

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 8/10/2023 10:35:33 AM

The walls are closing in around the Bidens. Sworn testimony and bank records show that they accepted at least $20 million from foreign entities during the time Joe was Vice President. These foreign entities are notoriously corrupt ones such as China, Russia, Romania and Ukraine. Joe’s son was the ringleader, but it was Joe that he was selling. Joe was the “brand” according to sworn testimony. Who else could have been? There’s no conceivable reason for these foreigners to send millions to the Biden family other than to influence the “brand.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 2assume 8/10/2023 10:38:52 AM (No. 1531703)
Maybe there is hope. The facts are finally being released by the media.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: john56 8/10/2023 10:48:37 AM (No. 1531711)
I hope that good will prevail in this case. But please allow me to adopt the Apostle Thomas theory in this case. You know, when I see it, I'll believe it. 'Cause so far, every time in the last several years where we think we're gonna get a pony, all we get is a pile of horse droppings. Even the boy who cried wolf would say, heck, even I wouldn't try that as many times as has been done.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: mifla 8/10/2023 10:52:59 AM (No. 1531712)
The final piece is to link one payment to one of Joe's accounts. Bribery and tax evasion. Quickest solution is to charge Hunter with treason and threaten him with 30 years in jail being Bubba's love interest. Then ask him if he wants to make a deal.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 8/10/2023 11:14:58 AM (No. 1531733)
Joe Biden did not have the "juice" as Vice President unless the Obama Presidency knew and supported it. To believe Obama a total innocent to the Bide criminality is a dream. It just aint so.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 8/10/2023 11:16:29 AM (No. 1531734)
When it comes to the Biden family, there were over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) from multiple banks, according to Townhall. American Insider.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: TarAndFeathers 8/10/2023 11:18:58 AM (No. 1531737)
President Joseph Ratso Bribeme is the first among equals in his malignant administration. Likely that most of his little helpers are also on the take, with no relief in sight until 2025.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 8/10/2023 12:40:55 PM (No. 1531832)
So sorry, Glenn! The Bidens are immune to laws governing the rest of us. Ergo, there are no wall closing in on them.
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/11/2023 10:18:03 AM (No. 1532402)
QUID PRO JOE, any Questions?
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“I cheated the bribers” is not a sound
defense to a bribery charge
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/10/2023 10:35:33 AM Post Reply
The walls are closing in around the Bidens. Sworn testimony and bank records show that they accepted at least $20 million from foreign entities during the time Joe was Vice President. These foreign entities are notoriously corrupt ones such as China, Russia, Romania and Ukraine. Joe’s son was the ringleader, but it was Joe that he was selling. Joe was the “brand” according to sworn testimony. Who else could have been? There’s no conceivable reason for these foreigners to send millions to the Biden family other than to influence the “brand.”
Congratulations to Joe Biden on today’s
birth of his four-year-old granddaughter!
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/28/2023 7:04:40 PM Post Reply
President Biden has a son, of sorts. This son has some, um, issues. One of the son’s issues is his issuance, a daughter he fathered with a woman he says he’s never met. The result was the woman’s birth of a little girl she named Navy. The son denied that he was little Navy’s father. But paternity tests showed he was. He continued to deny his paternity. But there are lots of things he denies which are indisputably true. So does his father. President Biden refused to acknowledge that Navy is his granddaughter, even after the paternity tests proved she was.
Hunter’s lawyers and the prosecutor
just got caught with their pants down
22 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/26/2023 5:28:42 PM Post Reply
The prosecutors gave Hunter Biden a sweetheart plea bargain to end the tax fraud and gun case against him. For offenses that most certainly would have landed you or me in jail for years, Hunter got . . . . . . [drum roll] . . . . . . nothing. Nada. Zero jail time. He didn’t even have to pay all of his unpaid taxes because the prosecution dallied so long that the statute of limitations expired. And the deal apparently immunized him against unrelated charges. He would walk, a new man. Well, not entirely.
Will Justice Jackson be woman enough to
admit and correct her arithmetic mistake?
14 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/13/2023 3:01:45 PM Post Reply
Pornography used to make its way to the Supreme Court regularly. In a 1964 case, Justice Potter Stewart had one of the most colorful lines ever in a Supreme Court opinion, despite or perhaps because his line was not particularly scholarly. It was a case where the Court struggled to define “hard-core” pornography that was not protected by the First Amendment versus soft core stuff that was. The Justices were reluctant to admit to any expertise in the subject. Stewart, however, declared in his concurring opinion “I know it when I see it.”
Justice Jackson wants to increase the
Black baby survival rate to 198% but what
about the Black abortion rate?
14 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/6/2023 5:51:24 PM Post Reply
The three libs were outvoted last week when the Supreme Court declared Harvard’s racial discrimination illegal. So, they did what liberals do when they lose – they shouted, invented “facts,” and implied that the majority were racist. The facts they invented included the following. Justice Jackson recited as a “fact” that Black pediatricians, as compared to white pediatricians, double the survival rate of black babies. She implied that Black babies die more often when under the care of white pediatricians because the white ones are racist.
Independence Day and Thanksgiving define America 5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/4/2023 11:32:32 AM Post Reply
My father’s father – my grandfather – died in the depths of the Great Depression when my father was five. He was the second husband his mother buried. She then single-handedly raised my father, his brother and his half-sister. For a few years anyway. My father flunked the sixth grade, twice. He dropped out of school altogether in the eighth grade to go to work to help support the family. Kids grew up early in those days. He joined the army at age 17 just before the war ended, and served in Europe and Japan. He got his GED, and landed a job as an engineering technician.
Fewer racial minorities in college will
help racial minorities
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/30/2023 10:37:38 AM Post Reply
In a methodical and scholarly decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court this week did what I predicted last fall they would do. They said racial discrimination in college admissions is unconstitutional. Several other Justices joined Roberts’ decision while also writing their own concurrences, including Justice Clarence Thomas in an emotion-packed opinion of Constitutional originalism that would do proud his old mentor, Justice Antonin Scalia. It’s a landmark decision that is far more important than last year’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade (unless you happen to be a fetus).
It’s time for today’s Democrats to
do what 1974’s Republicans did
13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/28/2023 8:23:25 PM Post Reply
“I am not a crook,” proclaimed Richard Nixon shortly before he resigned in disgrace. And he wasn’t. At least not in the ordinary sense. Some lowlifes hired by an overzealous Committee to Reelect the President burglarized the Democrats at the Watergate Hotel. Nixon then foolishly tried to cover it up. That amounted to the technical and manufactured “crime” of obstruction of justice. But what Nixon himself did was not burglary – the burglary was committed without Nixon’s knowledge. Then there’s Joe Biden.
Why can a nine-year-old boy consent to
having his penis filleted but not fellated?
15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/18/2023 3:57:37 PM Post Reply
The list of things that nine-year-old boys are prohibited from doing is long. They cannot drive, vote, skip school, get a tattoo without parental permission, buy cigarettes or marijuana or alcohol, or irrevocably mutilate their bodies. If you’ve ever met a nine-year-old boy, you’d probably agree that these prohibitions are sensible. Another thing a nine-year-old boy cannot do is to consent to sexual relations with another person. We sensibly deem the nine-year-old brain incapable of granting consent to such an act.
Democrats will defy the Supreme Court’s
upcoming decision outlawing racial discrimination
in schools, just as they did in Brown
v. Board of Education
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/17/2023 10:51:36 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court in 1954 unanimously declared in Brown v. Board of Education that racial discrimination in schools is unconstitutional. The reaction of Democrats was indignation and defiance. Democrat Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus called out the state National Guard to prevent Blacks from entering white schools. Democrat Virginia Senator Harry Byrd organized the “Southern Manifesto” calling for Brown to be reversed and vowing never to implement it. It was signed by 99 Democrats but only two Republicans, including all but two of the Democrat senators from states in the former Confederacy.
Creative destruction – LA and Boston
are overtaken by Miami and Denver
4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/12/2023 6:30:27 PM Post Reply
Hey Bird, Magic, Wilt, Parish, and McHale! Meet the new bosses, not the same as the old bosses: There’s a big white Serbian named Jokic who’s a magician with the ball. He can dunk but rarely bothers. He has a soft touch that usually finds the hoop, and loves to get the ball into the hands of others to do the same. He leads by example. He’s so clever that watching basketball is now something like watching hockey – you lose track of the puck/ball. Jokic never went to college, never learned to trash talk, and never got too full of himself.
A virtue-signaling dystopia? How ‘Mr.
Aspen’ sees Aspen
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/10/2023 10:05:20 AM Post Reply
In a 168-page commentary by a former wisenheimer local newspaper columnist, one doesn’t expect to find the breadth and depth of Alexis de Tocqueville or the wit and wisdom of H.L. Mencken when it comes to vibrant, insightful social analysis. But in his newly-published book “High Attitude: How Woke Liberals Ruined Aspen,” Glenn Beaton has his moments. Here’s one of them: “Aspen and the rest of America changed in the ’60s, in some ways for the better but mostly for the worse. America recovered, but Aspen never did.”
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Posted by DW626 8/10/2023 11:20:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 8/10/2023 2:58:24 PM Post Reply
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23 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/10/2023 5:40:10 PM Post Reply
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Attorney General Garland Announces Special
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22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/11/2023 12:38:05 PM Post Reply
Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Friday that U.S. Attorney David Weiss has been named special counsel so that he can continue his investigation into alleged influence-peddling by President Biden’s son Hunter free from standard Justice Department oversight. has been named special counsel designated to investigate Weiss will be overseeing an “ongoing investigation,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) added in a statement, “as well as for any other matters that arose or may arise from that investigation.” Weiss was nominated in 2017 by then-President Donald Trump.
CNN’s Tapper to Comer: ‘Certainly
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2023 11:27:41 PM Post Reply
Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead,” anchor Jake Tapper told House Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) that he has not seen evidence President Joe Biden did anything illegal related to his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Tapper said, “So let’s pause it for the sake of argument that Hunter Biden is sleazy, and the president’s relatives tried to profit off the Biden family brand, something CNN has reported on. What’s new in this memo?” Comer said, “Well before we released the memo, we interviewed Devon Archer,
Adams warns Biden’s inaction on migrant
crisis will ‘decimate’ NYC
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/10/2023 10:09:21 AM Post Reply
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Maui had a firebug on the loose and a
fancy warning system that didn't work:
Hawaii governor blames global warming
21 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/11/2023 1:39:51 PM Post Reply
Hawaii had the world's fanciest natural disaster warning system on the planet. It also had an ongoing firebug problem, and recent academic study warning that the place was very vulnerable to fire catastrophes. Somehow, none of that figured in the government's fire plan. The firebug is still out there. The conditions created for big fires, such as the proliferation of non-native grasses, remain on Maui. And the fancy emergency warning system somehow didn't work. Never mind any of that: Its governor says the problem is global warming.
Bernie Sanders funneled $200K in campaign
cash to wife and stepson's nonprofit institute,
records reveal
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/10/2023 5:42:17 AM Post Reply
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders quietly funneled $200,000 from his campaign's coffers to his wife's nonprofit institute, which appears to do very little work and pays six figures' worth of compensation to her son, Fox News Digital has found. The independent senator's committee cut two $100,000 checks to the Sanders Institute for reported charitable contributions in January and March, its Federal Election Commission records show. The expenditures are the largest from the Sanders campaign to any entity this election cycle. The senator's wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, and stepson, David Driscoll, co-established the Sanders Institute in 2017 to act as a think tank to promote progressive voices, The Washington Post wrote at its launch.
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