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Law and Order: The Post-Constitutional Episode

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Posted By: Beardo, 9/3/2023 5:24:10 AM

It is undeniable that the judiciary and juries in the federal courts in the District of Columbia are almost uniformly left-wing partisans, a key part of the post-constitutional era brought into being by former president Obama. I do not know how or whether this can be rectified, although I expect a resounding victory for Republicans in 2024 followed by a congressional reshaping of the jurisdiction of these courts and their staffing may be the only solution. If you are unaware of the seriousness of this, it’s because the press has almost uniformly failed to cover this fairly, and, indeed, has been full participants in the multiple hoaxes

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Reply 1 - Posted by: plomke 9/3/2023 6:18:31 AM (No. 1548416)
Not hoaxes. Coup. As in "coup d'etat". As in "fundamental change"...
33 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Strike3 9/3/2023 7:10:35 AM (No. 1548438)
Correct, it's a coup. They can't admit that Russia Russia was the beginning of the coup because that would implicate Hillary, the FBI, the Brits, FISA judges, Barack Obama and John McCain, all heroes of the left. 2020 Cheating can't be found in one state because six states would be undergoing detailed audits and people would be going to jail. They certainly can't find anything wrong with the January 6th setup because, again the FBI, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney, much of Congress, but worst of all, Donald Trump is innocent and should be serving in the White House right now in Joe's place. The country would be roaring along better than ever and Climate Change and the madness of Transgenderism would be dying a slow death. The lies all feed from each other and keep the crooked democrats in power. We the People are the only thing that can fix this mess and it has to begin soon.
51 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: F15 Gork 9/3/2023 7:17:13 AM (No. 1548441)
Another “Red Wave”?
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Rinktum 9/3/2023 7:46:18 AM (No. 1548458)
The prosecution of President Trump is the most egregious abuse of power I have ever witnessed in my life. Chutkan is exactly the kind of person who should never be in a position to pronounce judgment on anyone. We know the charges are bogus but will continue. Plus, the judge has shown her animosity and extreme bias toward the defendant by the statements she has made on the record in her courtroom. Clearly, there is a real problem with this judge, so what can be done to prevent this travesty of justice? Chutkan will not recuse herself because I believe she is just waiting for the time she has PDT in front of her and can unload on him. She is not going to give up that opportunity. She intends to make a name for herself. Are we just to sit here and watch this play out? Is there no recourse for President Trump in which he can be given a fair trial? All these prosecutions are predicated on shaky ground using obscure laws and legal pretzeling. I am gobsmacked because Republicans will not even advocate publicly on behalf of what is malicious prosecution. Where are the people of influence in the legal community who witness such bias which is clearly antithetical to every precept in the Constitution that provides defendants with a fair trial? Even a child can understand the deck is stacked against President Trump. The most disturbing part is that while President Trump is their target at the moment, he is just an example to of all of us who believe in the founding principles of the Republic. This cabal intends to take him down purposely in this biased manner to send a clear message. If they can do this to a former President, they can and will do it to anyone who dares to oppose them. This act of blatant injustice is being done on purpose to let us all know the rules have changed and it is in their discretion as to what is lawful and unlawful. This is the ultimate power grab. They have successfully used the justice department to send a message to us all. Step out of line, and you will be punished for it. Is there no one who will come forth and publicly advocate for President Trump? The Republican leadership is willfully silent on this matter as are most of the elected Republicans. They want him convicted because they must not allow we the people to choose who our leader is. Trump is right. They are after us but he is standing in the way. Bring that thought to its logical conclusion. Get rid of Trump and the narrative is set. Washington DC will punish anyone who challenges the status quo. The Uniparty makes the rules and it is futile to challenge it.
54 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Twinkle93 9/3/2023 9:49:29 AM (No. 1548558)
The federal courts in D.C. are lynching conservatives. But the democrats are masters of lynching. Just ask all the Blacks.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/3/2023 11:21:28 AM (No. 1548642)
It will take hard work and determination to change Washington...the elites in DC have twisted every thing WE Americans hold dear...for years they have changed the political hacks into compliant lemmings who only care about power and control...hence the invasion of our southern border to thin out the big bad white citizens that they can't control....but a funny thing happened on their way to 2024...the black and hispanic community woke up...pardon the "woke" reference...and are turning on wonder ole Joe is on the beach in scant apparel...he has served his
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Reply 7 - Posted by: nerdowell 9/3/2023 11:23:02 AM (No. 1548645)
This Judge, Chutkan was appointed as a clean-up maid for Obama. Her loyalty, zeal and consistency in fulfilling her duties is remarkable. Nearly every ruling she has made has been against the American people: She ruled against our right to know about new codes and regulations decreed by Fed agencies behind closed doors; citizens were required to pay for access to knowledge to laws made by their government. She let the Awan brothers escape justice and return to Pakistan. It's generally known that exposure of the facts of this case could have led to charges against dems. She ordered the Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide abortions to minors, interloped in US military decisions over-seas, sentenced Maria Butina to 18 months during the imaginary Russia brouhaha. She ruled against Betsy DeVos's attempts to stop propagandizing public school students. She has already ruled against Trump's Executive Privilege claims and opened the door for Jacksmith's hunting party, and has shown bias to the point of cruelty in her treatment of J6 protesters. By the way, she is no peasant. She comes from a privileged and prominent family of a third-world nation--where she spent the better part of her first 18 years.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: felixcat 9/3/2023 12:05:36 PM (No. 1548670)
Two things have brought us to this point: 1) Republicans rubber-stamping obvious extreme Leftist judges for the federal bench (looking especially at your Lindsay Graham) and the almost 100% silence from Republicans in Congress and especially "leadership" not denouncing the treatment of the J6 defendants and supporting the notion that somehow the melee on J6 was an "insurrection."
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Winstonsmith 9/3/2023 1:11:02 PM (No. 1548707)
Comment #2 Strike 3 nailed it. With truth and clarity the Rush would have been proud of!
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 9/3/2023 3:16:05 PM (No. 1548767)
There will be no 'resounding' Republican victory in 2024. Democrat cheating, ignored by the MSM and endorsed by liberal/progressive Soros-inspired local judiciary, will see to that. Pennsylvania and Maricopa County, Arizona judges have pioneered the 'get out of my courtroom you have no standing' technique of case dismissals.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Italiano 9/3/2023 3:45:14 PM (No. 1548775)
Evil creatures all, but there will be a reckoning. Isaiah 40:23-24.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: danu 9/3/2023 6:37:14 PM (No. 1548827)
hope the post- apocalyptic episode drops on the ct. house from the sky, llke the acme safe-- crushing the coyotes.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: NotaBene 9/3/2023 9:04:45 PM (No. 1548871)
Beware of Jamaican colored women.
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US deficit is projected to roughly double
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Posted by Beardo 9/5/2023 1:25:50 AM Post Reply
The U.S. deficit is projected to roughly double this year, largely due to higher interest rates and lower tax revenue. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, an organization that pushes for lowering the deficit, is projecting the federal deficit will double this year to total about $2 trillion for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at the organization, told The Hill that high interest rates, lower tax revenues and high inflation resulting in higher Social Security and Medicare costs have all contributed to the rising deficit.
Mother of trafficked Virginia girl sues
school district over secret gender transition
1 reply
Posted by Beardo 9/5/2023 12:55:50 AM Post Reply
A Virginia mother is suing her local school district in federal court, saying staff there secretly transitioned her daughter, putting her in such dangerous situations that she ran away only to be kidnapped and sex-trafficked. Michele Blair, mother of Sage, filed a lawsuit against the Appomattox County School Board and district staff, as well as Baltimore, Maryland, area public defender Aneesa Khan, who is accused in the lawsuit of conducting a "series of acts aimed at depriving Mrs. Blair of custody of her daughter and keeping [Sage] in Maryland to be affirmed in a male identity." "They stole my right to protect my daughter," Blair told the Washington Examiner.
Democrat PA Governor Cuts Funding to Program
Helping Pregnant Women
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Posted by Beardo 9/5/2023 12:42:02 AM Post Reply
Democrat Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is cutting millions in taxpayer funding to a pro-life program that supports counseling and housing for pregnant women. “Pennsylvania plans to end on Dec. 31 its longstanding contract with the nonprofit Real Alternatives," (snip) the Associated Press reported. (snip) “Under the program, Real Alternatives distributed the state and federal funds to dozens of Pennsylvania centers, including Catholic Charities, anti-abortion counseling centers and maternity homes, which provide support and housing for pregnant women.” In a statement, Shapiro said his administration will not “continue that pattern” of supporting the pro-life organization and will instead work to promote abortion.
Texas Shakes Up Drunk Driving Laws: Kill
a Parent—Pay Child Support
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Posted by Beardo 9/4/2023 9:11:00 AM Post Reply
A new Texas law recently went into effect that would impose further consequences on drunk drivers. The legislation, known as Bentley’s Law, mandates that individuals who kill a child’s parents because they were driving while intoxicated will be liable for paying child support. The new law presents an interesting ethical and legal proposition that aims to mitigate the trauma and damage caused by those who drive while drunk. It seems to make sense: If a drunk driver robs a child of their parent, doesn’t it make sense that they should be financially responsible for the loss?
Could a New Georgia Law Defeat Fani Willis
Before She Tries Trump?
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Posted by Beardo 9/4/2023 8:34:53 AM Post Reply
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Sunday Talks – Chris Sununu Says Biden
Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country
32 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/4/2023 8:25:30 AM Post Reply
Isn’t it interesting how professional Republicans can always find a way to protect the professional Democrats, yet you never see the reverse scenario. That truthful reality is just one small way you can help people break out of their battered conservative syndrome. The professional Republicans are indeed like the role-playing Washington Generals. It’s not an accident the GOPe push their reach across the aisle, high-minded approach, it’s strategic. All of it follows a script and the performance actors are very easy to identify.
Law and Order: The Post-Constitutional Episode 13 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/3/2023 5:24:10 AM Post Reply
It is undeniable that the judiciary and juries in the federal courts in the District of Columbia are almost uniformly left-wing partisans, a key part of the post-constitutional era brought into being by former president Obama. I do not know how or whether this can be rectified, although I expect a resounding victory for Republicans in 2024 followed by a congressional reshaping of the jurisdiction of these courts and their staffing may be the only solution. If you are unaware of the seriousness of this, it’s because the press has almost uniformly failed to cover this fairly, and, indeed, has been full participants in the multiple hoaxes
California school district settles with
mother after school ‘transitioned’
daughter without her consent
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 10:56:13 PM Post Reply
In what's been called a landmark victory for parental rights, a California school district has settled for $100,000 with a mother who said her daughter was "socially transitioned" to a boy without parental knowledge or consent. Jessica Konen said her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, was told by her school in the Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County that she may be upset because she didn’t know who she "truly was inside." From there, the school allowed her to use the boy’s bathroom, used male pronouns to refer to her and was "socially transitioned" away from her biological gender. (snip) Her daughter has since decided to re-identify as a girl,
NYC DOH workers stole gift cards meant
for HIV program: investigators
10 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:53:11 PM Post Reply
City Health Department workers already making six-figure salaries allegedly ripped off thousands of dollars in gift cards purchased with taxpayer money and meant for HIV-prevention programs. Three staffers from the agency’s Bureau of hepatitis, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections swiped a total of 131 gift cards worth $4,855, which they blew on pizza, iTunes, and Amazon purchases, according to Queens Criminal Court complaints and the city Department of Investigation. (snip) “Resources meant to serve the public, to help prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, were instead used by public servants to line their pockets,” Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz told The Post.
Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record
40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:36:16 PM Post Reply
He’s the American Idle. The 24/7 grind of the White House has been anything but for President Biden, who has devoted more days to downtime than any of his recent predecessors, according to an analysis of press-pool reports. This Labor Day weekend, Biden once again plans to be 10 toes up at his Rehoboth Beach summer home — after a short trip to Florida to view Hurricane Idalia’s wreckage. As of last Sunday, Biden has spent all or part of 382 of his presidency’s 957 days – or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle commander-in-chief,
Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde
Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:23:59 PM Post Reply
Nejourde Meacham, a 22-year-old non-violent defendant charged with entering the U.S. Capitol during the January 6, 2021, riot, has died while facing prosecution for four misdemeanors in what may have been a suicide. (snip) But Nejourde “Jord” Meacham was never accused of violence. The federal complaint against him includes several photos of him wandering around outside and inside the Capitol building holding a “Trump 2020” flag. It states that he walked into the U.S. Capitol, then “walked to a broken southern window, looked out, and raised his ‘TRUMP 2020’ flag.” He was later escorted out of the building by law enforcement. He did nothing violent or destructive.
SCOTUS Asked To Review State Court’s
Decision To Remove Jurors With ‘Conservative
Christian’ Beliefs
10 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:07:20 PM Post Reply
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey asked the Supreme Court Thursday to review a state court’s decision to remove Christian jurors from an employment discrimination lawsuit where the plaintiff identified as lesbian. While the court found the jurors would be impartial, rejecting the argument of the plaintiff’s attorney that they would treat gay individuals as “less than everybody else,” it still removed the jurors “to err on the side of caution,” according to the petition. Now, Bailey is asking the Supreme Court to consider whether the Fourteenth Amendment prevents courts from removing jurors based on their religion.
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Sunday Talks – Chris Sununu Says Biden
Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country
32 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/4/2023 8:25:30 AM Post Reply
Isn’t it interesting how professional Republicans can always find a way to protect the professional Democrats, yet you never see the reverse scenario. That truthful reality is just one small way you can help people break out of their battered conservative syndrome. The professional Republicans are indeed like the role-playing Washington Generals. It’s not an accident the GOPe push their reach across the aisle, high-minded approach, it’s strategic. All of it follows a script and the performance actors are very easy to identify.
ABC host shocked by new poll showing Trump
and Biden tied in potential matchup despite
Trump's legal 'baggage'
30 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:13:07 AM Post Reply
ABC's George Stephanopoulos appeared stunned Sunday by a 2024 election poll showing former President Trump and President Biden tied at 46% in a hypothetical rematch, calling the findings "kind of shocking" in light of Trump's mounting legal woes. During a segment on ABC's "This Week," Stephanopoulos brought up a Wall Street Journal poll released over the weekend showing support among Trump and Biden split directly down the middle at 46% support each if the 2024 presidential election were held today. "It is kind of shocking in a way, that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now," Stephanopoulos said.
Squatters take over Wyoming city: Vagrants
leave millions of dollars worth of damage
to motel and 500lbs of human feces in
downtown area - as Casper fights off a
homeless invasion
25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:20:27 AM Post Reply
Squatters have taken over a Wyoming city after some left millions of dollars worth of damage to a motel and others left 500lbs of feces in the downtown area. Casper, the second-largest city in the state, is home to 60,000 residents but now also has about 200 homeless people. Some have seized various properties that are empty or abandoned, including an abandoned Econo Lodge motel that hasn't operated since November. Casper Mayor Bruce Knell described the extent of destruction as akin to 'third-world-country stuff'.
Will Jeffrey Epstein's Sex-Trafficking
Clients Be Named?
23 replies
Posted by DW626 9/4/2023 9:19:58 AM Post Reply
For those who think the truth about the crime and slime associated with Jeffrey Epstein has been deep-sixed down the memory hole, there may be another bite at this rotten apple. Mimi Lui, an attorney representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, has filed suit in federal court against JPMorgan Chase. Lui charged that over $1 billion in suspicious transactions have been reported to the U.S. Treasury since Epstein’s death and that JPMorgan Chase ignored sex-trafficking red flags over many years, thus enabling these crimes. The case will go to trial on October 23 unless a settlement is reached.
Biden Laments ‘I Can’t Go Home Home’
While Enjoying Rehoboth Beach
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 9:07:04 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is a man of many houses but just one home, it seems. He made that clear Sunday when he told the press in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, he was not on vacation even as he enjoyed a sun, surf, and sand escape. The admission came after he went to Mass locally at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church. “I have no home to go to,” lamented Biden, who lives at the White House weekdays and spends most weekends escaping to the delights of Delaware, where he has not one but two residences. (X) AP reports he went on to say the U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his
Biden, 80, dropping out would NOT be a
'total shock': Biographer says president
has 'insecurities' about 'being perceived
as stupid' - and sparks more questions
about his 2024 bid
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 12:58:46 PM Post Reply
It wouldn't be a 'total shock' if President Joe Biden ended his 2024 reelection campaign by the end of the year, noted a biographer with enhanced access to the White House. Author Franklin Foer said Sunday that he found during his time with Biden and his inner circle that 'one of the primary insecurities' of the President 'is that he does not want to be perceived as stupid.' Biden, 80, announced in late April his bid for a second term with Vice President Kamala Harris – but questions have emerged in the last year over whether the President is too old or too unfit to serve for four more years.
What the Left Did to Our Country 18 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/4/2023 8:10:44 AM Post Reply
In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood. With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.
Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President? 17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/4/2023 5:38:00 PM Post Reply
Those of us who have been paying attention since January of 2021 have all seen the ongoing deterioration of President Biden, and it's a matter of some concern for everyone, be they Left, Right, or center, that the man who supposedly sits at the levers of power in Washington is not all he should be. (I would argue that he's not even within shouting distance of where he should be.) With Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the political mix for the 2024 presidential election, there is nothing normal about our politics or this campaign season. Almost no question is too crazy to ask.
Did Joe Biden Just Tell His Biggest Whopper Yet? 17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/4/2023 2:31:36 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has actually been receiving quite a bit of criticism for all the tall tales he’s told. Heck, even the Washington Post decided to catalogue Biden’s lies about his biography. In the past couple of weeks, he’s told the same bogus story about a small kitchen fire in order to empathize with victims of the Maui wildfires and Hurricane Idalia in Florida. Few can question his commitment to the lies he tells, even when they’ve been debunked, but one would think that in light of the fact that even his allies in the media are pointing out that his yarns are, at best, gross exaggerations and, at worst,
ABC’s Stephanopoulos: ‘Shocking’
Despite Trump’s ‘Baggage’ He’s
Tied with Biden
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/4/2023 1:08:46 PM Post Reply
ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “shocking” a Wall Street Journal poll showed former President Donald Trump tied with President Joe Biden, 46-46% in a 2024 rematch. Stephanopoulos said, “It is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now.”Former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile said, “When I looked at that recent poll, the Wall Street Journal, I said, ‘this could keep me up at night.”
'Little Bit Of Wisdom': Biden Defends
His Age Amid Concern From Majority Of Americans
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 12:22:01 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden framed his age as a positive as Americans continue to voice concerns about his physical and mental decline. “Someone said, ‘You know, that Biden, he’s getting old,'” the 80-year-old president said Monday during his Labor Day remarks in Philadelphia. “Well guess what, guess what … the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom,” Biden continued. “I’ve been doing this longer than anybody, and guess what, I’m going to continue to do it, with your help.”
Report: 90% of Online Content May Be AI-Generated
Garbage by 2026
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:06:38 AM Post Reply
A recent report from Europol warns that by 2026, as much as 90 percent of online content could be generated by artificial intelligence, raising concerns that the web might be even more jammed with useless garbage in a few short years than it is today. Futurism reports that a recent study by Europol suggests that by 2026, up to 90 percent of online content could be artificially generated. This staggering figure has sent ripples through various sectors, from journalism and art to technology and law enforcement. Synthetic media, which refers to content generated or manipulated using artificial intelligence, is not a new phenomenon. However, its rapid proliferation has
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