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Mike Pence's secret notes revealed in
Jack Smith's Trump indictment

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Posted By: Moritz55, 8/2/2023 2:19:52 PM

Then-Vice President Mike Pence took "contemporaneous notes" of his conversations with Donald Trump in the days before the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, Special Counsel Jack Smith's indictment of the former president revealed Tuesday. Pence's previously unreported notes are presented as evidence against Trump, who faces four federal charges related to his actions after the 2020 presidential election and unproven claims the election was stolen. Trump is charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.


That rattling sound you hear is me shaking my head in disgust.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 8/2/2023 2:29:22 PM (No. 1525937)
I don't believe one thing that Jack Smith or Mike Pence say, or write. Liars will do what they want, and claim that it is truth.
88 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bighambone 8/2/2023 2:34:32 PM (No. 1525938)
Since most Republicans are Trump supporters who after this will never vote for Pence, it is clear that Pence will never be elected President, unless maybe he runs on the Democrat ticket where he probably belongs. No doubt Pence is one of the first bad selections that Trump made after being recommended to him by the DC wimpy Republicans. If Pence stays in the presidential race as a wimpy Republican candidate look for him to become the Democrat’s and liberal media’s favored Republican candidate.
62 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: greyseal 8/2/2023 2:46:28 PM (No. 1525943)
Did Pence get his 30 pieces of silver yet...? Traitor. greyseal
94 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 8/2/2023 2:47:44 PM (No. 1525945)
Well Pence, your little secret is out, you were plotting against Trump from the start. You better rent space from Biden in that basement because you better not show your face again in public, you have really sunk to a low that I thought was only available for Biden and the Dems. Forget running for Pres. you are wastingvaluable airspace that belongs to the rest of us. FMP MAGA!
81 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/2/2023 2:48:45 PM (No. 1525948)
Smells like a setup to me. Who was it in President Trump's inner circle who recommended he call people to Washington DC for the January 6th demonstration? Was it truly Trump, or was it "super weasel" Mike Pence?
50 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: seal010101 8/2/2023 2:53:01 PM (No. 1525954)
My feelings about Mike Pence mirror Michael Corleone's feelings about Fredo.
67 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: TurtleDove 8/2/2023 3:38:09 PM (No. 1525985)
I never liked him, sleazy little SOB
45 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Cynical Backstory 8/2/2023 3:41:37 PM (No. 1525989)
I always knew Pence was a slime, he just radiates it. I’ve now decided he was the one leaking embarrassing things to the newspapers all the time. Remember? Trump could never have a meeting that details about it wasn’t leaked. It was Pence.
72 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: 3XALADY 8/2/2023 3:43:49 PM (No. 1525990)
FTA: ""You're too honest," Trump replied, according to both Pence's book and the indictment. "Hundreds of thousands are gonna hate your guts… People are gonna think you're stupid." Yep, Judas Pence. You are there. And you are wasting your time and OPM, if you get any, running for president. You couldn't be elected dog catcher in this country. I spit in your general direction, you casper milquetoast with the poop eating grin on that fgly face.
45 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: judy 8/2/2023 4:00:17 PM (No. 1526002)
Fox is about as believable as Pence!!!!
27 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: rocket-j-squirrel 8/2/2023 4:06:40 PM (No. 1526003)
I hear Fox has already called the Repub. nomination for Pence.
46 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: smokincol 8/2/2023 5:31:48 PM (No. 1526034)
getting to see who the real snake in the grass was, in our President's cabinet but like bill clinton said: it's not a lie, if you believe it (or something on that idea)
17 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 8/2/2023 6:06:43 PM (No. 1526039)
Did you expect anything less from Iscarios Pence?
15 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: judy 8/2/2023 6:12:34 PM (No. 1526040)
Smith’s 10000000000 of indictments are a joke?..All Smith accusations happened while Trump was president soooooo impeachment is the only way & he’s out of office so he can’t be impeached!
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: udanja99 8/2/2023 6:46:07 PM (No. 1526062)
#12, I think that was George Costanza on Seinfeld. Clinton didn’t care if he believed it or not.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: ms1234 8/2/2023 8:17:58 PM (No. 1526098)
Pence was instructed by Smith to make notes and back date them. They won't check to see if the ink is fresh and smears. Oh look! I just found my notes from three years ago! My notes says Mike Pence is a pedophile so it must be true!
22 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Venturer 8/2/2023 8:57:28 PM (No. 1526121)
How did Jack Smith even know that Pence had notes that might be used against Donald Trump unless Pence offered them to him?
43 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Kitty Myers 8/3/2023 6:31:08 AM (No. 1526335)
Gee, it's almost as though pantywaist Pence knew his "contemporaneous notes" would be needed by the Left. Or maybe he was part of the Left's plan all along?
24 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: 5 handicap 8/3/2023 6:33:05 AM (No. 1526336)
10 to 1, the pen used to write those notes is from the re-elect Joe Biden Campaign! :-)
13 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/3/2023 6:54:39 AM (No. 1526344)
We get a glimpse of what Mike Pence would be as President of the USA with the way he handled the pandemic. Thank you, but I will vote for someone else. I believe that Ben Carson would have been a lot more effective in that role. This is where I believe Donald Trump was duped; Mike Pence comes across as a believable guy. There really is a difference between someone who is religious and a true believer.
24 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Periwinkel 8/3/2023 7:39:58 AM (No. 1526374)
Poor, poor Mike Pence. He has ben saving these "contemporaneously written notes" to finally slam President Trump. Really? The very strange little man who pretends to great piety, lies at every turn. It must really hurt to have hated Donald Trump for such a long time——since 2016? Now he finally has his chance to bring down a great man. I bet in private, he just giggles and giggles to himself.
12 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: janjan 8/3/2023 9:59:42 AM (No. 1526488)
Pence’s opinion about a constitutional issue are not proof of anything and neither are his notes. But it doesn’t matter. A DC jury will convict him and the Supreme will overturn it. Jack Smith knows this but he’s still going to create as much damage and drama as he can. He was appointed to do exactly that and Pence sees it as a political opportunity. He’s wasting a lot of someone’s money running for the nomination.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Lawsy0 8/3/2023 10:15:43 AM (No. 1526499)
Pence’s opinion is worth a pitcher of warm spit. His highs are just as far from the Truth as are his lows. Hard to cover up self-righteousness.
7 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 8/3/2023 10:32:55 AM (No. 1526513)
Pence is lying saying that President Trump said he was too honest. First that doesn't sound like Trump and second I heard John Eastman, Trump's attorney on Charlie Kirk's podcast, and it was Eastman who told them both they had Constitutional authority to send the votes back to the States on Jan. 6. Pence's lie here is to make himself look good and Trump look bad. That's an evil act by Pence and not Christian as he claims to be.
15 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: felixcat 8/3/2023 11:04:55 AM (No. 1526542)
Re #24 - Exactly. Why are GOP elitists like Pence so afraid of (possibly) going against the Constitution when the Dems do it all the time? In the Omnibus budget passed last Nov/Dec. and with little to no discussion, there is a provision in there that eliminates just what Pence could and should have done but did not. And I don't think it was because he was afraid of challenging the Constitutionality of his actions but agreed not to for money, for whatever. BTW - when he fired Gen Flynn for lying, my spider sense started to twitch and from that point on - did not trust him at all.
8 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/3/2023 11:16:45 AM (No. 1526556)
Pence is a pathetic man who used his 15 minutes in the limelight to justify his existence...he was taken under the wings of lying Ryan and carl rove and romney...and probably lizzie chennnnnny to take the GOP away from President's always about the power that Washington thinks they have...Well... they are only there because WE the people put them there....and WE can take it away ...right Lizzie?
7 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/3/2023 11:34:30 AM (No. 1526569)
So what happened to executive privilege? It seems anyone Trump talks to privately takes notes and gives them to the DOJ and CNN. As for J6, Pence was in on the J6 setup to get the Congressional leadership out of the Capitol, so the election results could not be challenged in Congress.
9 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 8/3/2023 12:39:59 PM (No. 1526650)
Well, then. they weren't so secret, after all, were they.? Every time Pence's name comes up in the last couple of years, I'm reminded of the O'Jays' big 1972 song hit.
5 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 8/3/2023 12:44:57 PM (No. 1526656)
#3: Yes, he did, although to cut down on bulk and weight, they paid him in gold:
2 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: legalart 8/3/2023 12:48:40 PM (No. 1526660)
Pence continues brazenly exposing himself as one of the most repugnant political frauds ever spawned in this country.
6 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: nerdowell 8/3/2023 1:34:51 PM (No. 1526706)
from the indictment: " (Trump) 'sought to enlist the Vice President to use his ceremonial role at the certification to fraudulently alter the election results,'" Ceremonial role? What else do in the constitution do they consider 'ceremonial?'
2 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 8/3/2023 9:43:43 PM (No. 1526938)
Mike “Mom Jeans” Pence will never be President of the USA, the Good Lord Willing.
0 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 8/4/2023 1:54:39 AM (No. 1527018)
They know they can’t convict! It’s a scam! They will claim he’s crooked because he’s been indicted 3 times! It’s all they want for the election! It’s all a crummy game and we are dancing like puppets to the “show”!
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Posted by ladydawgfan1/13/2025 8:42:12 PM
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Posted by Dreadnought1/12/2025 1:28:46 AM
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Posted by Imright1/12/2025 6:23:42 AM
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Biden Admin Shifts Millions in Aid from
Israel to Hezbollah
18 replies
Posted by OhioNick1/12/2025 4:41:15 AM
At this point, if Iran test detonates a nuke before Jan 20, I would put good money on someone in the Biden administration having Fed-Exed them the parts.[SNIP] The Biden administration in its final days is shifting more than $100 million in military aid from Israel and Egypt to Lebanon as it tries to bolster a ceasefire agreement it helped mediate between Israel and Hezbollah. In separate notices sent to Congress, the State Department said it was moving $95 million in military assistance intended for Egypt and $7.5 million for Israel toward supporting the Lebanese army and its government.
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