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Cowering before Carbon

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Posted By: hujorgen, 7/30/2023 10:22:45 AM

The next "green" horror: exploding carbon-capture pipelines. Right now South Dakota is under attack by a freshly born green corporation, Summit Carbon Solutions, funded by China’s Belt and Road initiative, and you, through the Green New Deal provisions buried in the last debt ceiling deal, to pipe “carbon,” from the oil fields to some obscure part of the Dakotas and bury it.


This is happening right in front of our eyes, but no one is seeing what's going on. Some of the patriots We look up to are blind to this or silently accepting this.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jethro bo 7/30/2023 10:34:41 AM (No. 1523654)
What really upsets me is those coldhearted (no pun intended) corpses that demand their bodies be cremated. Bodies are primarily carbon and cremation unleashes human loads of carbon (literally) into the atmosphere This is destroying the world by causing boiling for the unlock few left behind. Why hasn't the Global Boiling crowd demand and our goobernment act to ban cremation! Burning bodies cause Global Boiling and it has to stop. We have to save the women and children as they are the first to be affected!
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Reply 2 - Posted by: SweetPea3 7/30/2023 11:50:04 AM (No. 1523680)
#1, don't forget those lousy Vikings. They not only burned the corpse, they burned the whole dayum boat, too!
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Citoyen 7/30/2023 11:53:54 AM (No. 1523682)
Excellent article. The most important is how the carbon capture efforts are exclusively a scam to extract money from taxpayers and deliver the loot to politically favored grifters. We deplore the corruption occurring in countries like Mexico while ignoring the far more monstrous corruption that unfortunately is defining our country. Another point addresses how the left continues to manipulate the language and the right submissively acquiesces. Within a few years carbon dioxide, the result of combustion, has morphed to just carbon. Carbon is not the result of internal combustion, carbon dioxide is. Now everyone is screeching about carbon pollution and too many on the right are passively adopting the same inaccurate terminology.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 7/30/2023 12:11:54 PM (No. 1523693)
China and the Green New Deal; The dirtiest polluting country in the world in partners with the Green new deal. What kind of sheit is this? While the Democrats were running a Russian hoax, Joe Biden was b ought by the Chinese and is still making the Chinese rich and taking his cut. Good God what the heck is wrong with people who cannot see what is happening before their eyes. The Biden family in connection with Obama have sold us out.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 7/30/2023 1:53:54 PM (No. 1523798)
Carbon dioxide is BENEFICIAL trace gas which is required for all green plants, and is in short supply in the atmosphere. More would bring a big improvement in green plant growth, crop yields, and will NOT affect the climate. They lie.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 7/30/2023 9:50:43 PM (No. 1524044)
Our science is moving closer and closer toward black magic.
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Cowering before Carbon 6 replies
Posted by hujorgen 7/30/2023 10:22:45 AM Post Reply
The next "green" horror: exploding carbon-capture pipelines. Right now South Dakota is under attack by a freshly born green corporation, Summit Carbon Solutions, funded by China’s Belt and Road initiative, and you, through the Green New Deal provisions buried in the last debt ceiling deal, to pipe “carbon,” from the oil fields to some obscure part of the Dakotas and bury it.
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