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How the Biden Campaign Is Trying to Hide
Joe's Obvious Decline (With an Assist
From NBC News)

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 7/24/2023 8:28:04 PM

Presidentish Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is “addressing his age,” according to NBC News — by going to comical lengths to try and hide the fact that the octogenarian is increasingly frail, moody, and just plain weird. “Addressing?” I would like to say to NBC News in my best Inigo Montoya voice. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” It’s an indicator of how cloistered this White House is, because according to the NBC News article, Team Biden didn’t realize just how bad their chief’s public appearances had become until he tripped — “hard,” as NBC put it — over a sandbag

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NorthernDog 7/24/2023 8:41:54 PM (No. 1519614)
All the media can do is provide (empty) assurances to the Democrat faithful. Everyone else can find video clips of Biden's almost-daily gaffes and cognitive decline.
4 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 7/24/2023 8:43:18 PM (No. 1519616)
Bull-Shtuff. They have known of this man's dementia and dying mind since before the man who sells out America to China was elected. NBC has known it too, but his dying mind suits their agenda as someone else is running the country.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: ChattyCatsSusan 7/24/2023 10:44:09 PM (No. 1519692)
Biden's handlers didn't know his public appearances were bad until the sand bag incident? What a load of horse hooey. They knew all along, that is why he got installed. They just believed in their fantasies they could hide the worst of it from the public. Those of us who have watched loved family members suffer and die from dementia have recognized his problems all along.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Lawsy0 7/25/2023 3:38:54 AM (No. 1519807)
Forget about any box of chocolates. "Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump
1 person likes this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mifla 7/25/2023 6:29:24 AM (No. 1519855)
The man reads off of cue cards. He is lost without them.
2 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: columba 7/25/2023 10:51:50 AM (No. 1520045)
Having no TV is a smart thing to do.
1 person likes this.

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How the Biden Campaign Is Trying to Hide
Joe's Obvious Decline (With an Assist
From NBC News)
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/24/2023 8:28:04 PM Post Reply
Presidentish Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is “addressing his age,” according to NBC News — by going to comical lengths to try and hide the fact that the octogenarian is increasingly frail, moody, and just plain weird. “Addressing?” I would like to say to NBC News in my best Inigo Montoya voice. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” It’s an indicator of how cloistered this White House is, because according to the NBC News article, Team Biden didn’t realize just how bad their chief’s public appearances had become until he tripped — “hard,” as NBC put it — over a sandbag
North Dakota Muslim Terrorist Planned
to Kill Thousands
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 8:22:39 PM Post Reply
Mohamad Barakat packed three long guns, four handguns and a vest with magazines in every pocket, as he drove through Fargo, North Dakota. The Downtown Street fair, which claims over 150,000 visitors, was on its second day and 5 minutes away. The Red River Fair, which recorded nearly as many people, was two days away from ending and 15 minutes away. It’s unknown which of those locations Mohamad might have been headed to use up his 1,800 rounds of ammo and hand grenade, but he never got there. The Muslim terrorist joined other rubberneckers who stopped to look over the scene of an accident, but unlike them Mohamad was after more than
What Exactly Is 'Bidenomics,' and Is the
President Actually Serious About Running
On It?
8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 8:09:11 PM Post Reply
What exactly is “Bidenomics”? It’s a real headscratcher because Joe Biden — the individual it’s named after — can’t tell us what it is either. Biden wants to take credit for an improving economy — an economy he wrecked in the first place. He wants to claim authorship of a drop in inflation — inflation caused by his massively irresponsible $5 trillion in federal spending. And as Fox News points out, only the rate of inflation has fallen. Actual prices will probably never come down. Biden did nothing to bring inflation down. It was the Federal Reserve jacking up interest rates that has begun to cool off the overheated Biden economy.
Biden Keeps Shutting Down Lithium Mining
Making Us Dependent on China
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 10:30:10 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is trying to ban real cars in favor of electric cars. It’s pushing unreliable wind and solar over reliable gas, oil and coal energy sources. All of that requires lots of lithium for energy storage and that makes us dependent on China. Meanwhile, the Biden administration also keeps shutting down efforts to mine lithium in America. (Snip) “In error”. It probably doesn’t help that there’s an eco-terrorist in charge of BLM now. (That’s Bureau of Land Management, which is in charge of a whopping amount of government land and has the ability to shut down ranching and mining in much of the west.) The Center for Biological Diversity,
The Truth about the Biden Family Business
Is Becoming Too Big to Hide
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 9:43:44 AM Post Reply
At a Jan. 26, 1998 White House event, with wife Hillary by his side, then-President Bill Clinton wagged his finger at reporters and said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” If not for the stains on Monica Lewinsky’s infamous “blue dress,” he would have been happy to leave it at that. But called upon to provide a blood sample for DNA testing that summer, Clinton was forced to admit to a grand jury that yes, actually, he did have “inappropriate intimate contact” with Miss Lewinsky. In a televised address to the nation on Aug. 17, 1998, he confessed: “Indeed, I did have a relationship
'Feeling Right' About Morality 2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 8:49:41 AM Post Reply
“The seat of knowledge,” said William Hazlitt (1778-1830), “is in the head, of wisdom in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong, if we do not feel right.” What can “feeling right” about knowledge mean in a head stuck on politics, and what wisdom can come from a cold heart? How can “feeling right” connect to justice when the realities of being human are dismissed – as, for chief example, by progressives and fake liberals? At the heart of the matter, frequently though incorrectly framed as a conflict between liberals and conservatives, is the difference between ethics based on the politics of the day and ethics reflecting centuries
Biden Overrules Pentagon and Names a Female
Admiral to Head the Navy
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/22/2023 3:24:44 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is obsessed with “firsts” — especially when it comes to naming minorities to positions in his administration. Biden has prioritized “diversity” over almost everything else, including merit, experience, and judging by some of his choices, intelligence (we’re looking at you, Mayor Pete). So it was no surprise when Biden announced that the new secretary of the Navy would be Adm. Lisa Franchetti — the first woman to lead the Navy and the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The backstory to Franchetti’s nomination, as told by Politico, is that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had two slates of nominees for Biden to examine, including two choices for
Wrap Tinfoil Around Your Doorknob to Keep
Eco-Doom Nutjobs Away: 56 Years of Climate
Codswallop That Never Happened
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/22/2023 11:22:43 AM Post Reply
Let’s see how many old-timey words for “nonsense” I can squeeze into one article about 56 years of climate change balderdash. Soap-dodging prairie fairies have been ringing the Chicken Little climate klaxon for at least five decades. That means we are celebrating more than 50 years of “the sky is falling” horsefeathers. Every climate gloomster has one thing in common: when it comes to their grim predictions for the planet, they’re all batting zero. A lot of them also seem to ignore actual climate-related emergencies, like the ongoing train derailment trauma in East Palestine, Ohio, where residents suffered vomiting, rashes, nose-bleeds, and bronchitis as they watched their pets and livestock die.
Get Used to Living With ‘Blackouts’
to Save the Planet
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:20:14 PM Post Reply
Naive conservatives point to the leftist obsession with electric cars even while the grid is being moved away from reliable energy sources like oil, coal and gas, to fundamentally unreliable ones like wind and solar, and then point to the blackouts in California. “How is this going to work?” they argue, thinking that they’ve made a convincing point, while fundamentally misunderstanding (as conservatives often do) that they haven’t found a logical weakness, they’ve uncovered the enemy’s plan. Shoving everything into an unreliable power grid, especially personal transportation, isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. That’s the whole point of electric cars, and the proliferation of always
Left Now Pushing Biden to Ignore Supreme
Court Decisions He Disagrees With
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:17:07 PM Post Reply
Two radical left “scholars” have crawled from underneath the rocks where they were hiding and are now openly advocating the end of “judicial review.” That’s the theory that the Supreme Court has the last word on constitutional issues and that all must obey their decisions—including, and especially, presidents. The doctrine dates back to the 1803 Marbury v. Madison decision, where Chief Justice John Marshall decided the ultimate question of power: is an act of Congress or the Constitution the supreme law of the land? But now, Harvard law Prof. Mark Tushnet and political scientist Aaron Belkin are advocating for something they’re calling “Popular Constitutionalism” to give Joe Biden the dubious authority
It's Increasingly Clear the Feds Were
Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:15:25 PM Post Reply
Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe’s role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me. On Wednesday, we learned the identity of “Whistleblower X.” Joseph Ziegler, a self-proclaimed Democrat who worked at the agency since 2010, told the House Oversight Committee that he handled 95% of the evidence in the Hunter tax investigation. Ziegler testified that throughout the five-year investigation, he felt “handcuffed,” “hamstrung,” “marginalized” and ultimately stopped from moving forward in the manner he would
John Rich Obliterates Garth Brooks in
Brutal Roast
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 7:34:10 AM Post Reply
Country music star John Rich just became Garth Brooks and his wife Trisha Yearwood’s worst nightmare after delivering a brutal roast that leaves the couple absolutely trashed after the two posted a video supporting Ukraine. Many who saw the video from the two country superstars thought it was, well, a little bit creepy. And, to be honest, it absolutely is. Also, the fact that billions and billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being sent over to Ukraine while our economic woes continue to fester and negatively impact every American family, especially the middle class, makes these out-of-touch, rich celebrities posting videos like this even more despicable.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Hillary Clinton blames 'MAGA Republicans'
for making it hot outside
36 replies
Posted by Imright 7/25/2023 3:58:50 PM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took to Twitter on Tuesday to blast "MAGA Republicans" for the recent summer heat wave hitting communities nationwide. Clinton's social media post came in response to a tweet from left-wing think tank Center for American Progress which stated "MAGA Republicans are pouring fuel on the climate crisis fire." The post included an image of recent media stories highlighting the recent spate of high temperatures in the U.S. and noted Republicans voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats' $739 billion climate package — which President Biden signed into law in 2022. "Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office,"
WOW – Story Changes: Barack and Michelle
Obama WERE on Martha’s Vineyard When
Their Private Chef Mysteriously Drowned
28 replies
Posted by DW626 7/25/2023 1:47:13 PM Post Reply
Some would call this an interesting at coincidence while others may suspect something more. It turns out that Barack and Michelle Obama were on Martha’s Vineyard at the same time their personal chef drowned under mysterious circumstances. Obama’s office previously claimed that the former president and his wife were not present at the residence when Tafari drowned. Now they are altering the story to say they were indeed on the property. The Gateway Pundit reported Monday night that the body of a 45-year-old paddle boarder was found in a pond on Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard mansion.
Former defense official Christopher Mellon
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'did not originate on this earth'
27 replies
Posted by Imright 7/25/2023 12:01:01 PM Post Reply
Former intelligence chief Christopher Mellon has said he believes the US has recovered technology that 'did not originate on this earth'. Ahead of a scheduled Congress hearing about UFOs on Wednesday, Mellon said America 'may have in our possession off-world technology recovered from someone else's space program'. The 65-year-old served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush administrations, and he now works as a private equity investor
Biden’s dog Commander sent Secret Service
officer to hospital, bit 6 others after
replacing first pooch Major
25 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 7/25/2023 8:48:41 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Biden’s nearly two-year-old German shepherd Commander bit seven people in a four-month period after former first dog Major was ousted from the White House over similar aggressive behavior, according to internal Secret Service communications reviewed by The Post. The shocking spate of incidents involving Commander — none of them previously known — mirror attacks involving Major, who the White House says was given to family friends after biting many Secret Service members in 2021.
Fed-up NYC businesses sound off as migrant
crisis causes chaos in the streets, hits
shops’ wallets: ‘Enough is enough’
23 replies
Posted by AltaD 7/25/2023 9:06:14 AM Post Reply
Enough is enough! The Big Apple’s migrant crisis is spiraling so far out of control that fed-up businesses say they’re taking a financial hit as the chaotic influx of asylum seekers pouring into the city spills out of city-run mega shelters and onto the streets. From families sprawled out on busy Midtown sidewalks, grown men brawling and even mini tent cities popping up – frustrated New Yorkers say the asylum seeker mess has now well and truly become a plague that’s showing no signs of easing.(Snip)City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island), however, lashed out at Adams for pushing the Big Apple as a sanctuary city in the first place.
Mitt Romney Asks GOP Donors to Pressure
Low-Polling Candidates Out of 2024 Race
to Defeat Trump
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/25/2023 2:13:59 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has called upon the Republican donor class to start pressuring low-polling GOP candidates into dropping out of the 2024 presidential race to defeat Trump. Romney issued his call in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published Monday. He said that the donor class needs to pressure candidates with no path to drop out by February of next year at the very latest.“Despite Donald Trump’s apparent inevitability, a baker’s dozen Republicans are hoping to become the party’s 2024 nominee for president,” he wrote. “That is possible for any of them if the field narrows to a two-person race before Mr. Trump has the nomination sewn up.”
The scariest poll you'll see this summer 21 replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/25/2023 10:28:44 AM Post Reply
A majority of Americans - and an overwhelming number of Democrats - no longer support First Amendment protections for free speech. The government should restrict “false” information online, even if doing so blocks people from “publishing or accessing information,” 55 percent of Americans said in a large poll released Thursday. Only 42 percent disagreed. The antipathy to free speech represents a sea change in attitudes in just five years. It is driven by a powerful new hostility to First Amendment rights on the left. In an identically worded poll five years ago, Democrats and Republicans favored free speech online by roughly 3 to 2 margins. Today
Wife of Obama private chef Tafari Campbell
'forever heartbroken' over his Martha's
Vineyard paddle boarding death
20 replies
Posted by Imright 7/25/2023 8:46:54 AM Post Reply
The wife of the Obamas' personal chef who died on Sunday in a paddle boarding accident at their Martha's Vineyard estate says she will be 'forever heartbroken' about his death. Tafari Campbell died in an as yet unexplained accident on the pond behind the Obamas' home on Sunday evening. He had gone out paddle boarding on the calm water last night, and was seen falling off the board before becoming completely submerged. (Snip) The Obamas paid tribute to him as a 'beloved part of their family.' They were on the island on Sunday night but not at the residence at the time of the accident, according to their office.
DeSantis Fires a Third of His Campaign
Staff – Drops Even Further Behind in Polls
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/25/2023 7:20:12 PM Post Reply
This is not a surprise. This is not disappointing. This is not unexpected. (snip)Keep in mind, the Florida legislature was pressured by the governor’s office to change the political sunlight laws – just so DeSantis could obfuscate his travel expenses and hide that he was flying around the country on private jets owned by billionaires and multinational corporations.(snip)That “insurgent underdog” spin is particularly laughable when you consider that Karl Rove, the RGA, Paul Ryan, Ed Rollins, Jeb Bush and the entire apparatus of the approved republican coalition are aligned with Ron DeSantis. What exactly is the party selected candidate running as an insurgent against?
Joe Biden: “Before I Say Even More What’s
on My Mind, I’m Now Gonna Leave This
Podium” (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Imright 7/25/2023 4:24:41 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday signed a proclamation to establish the ‘Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument in Illinois and Mississippi.’ Biden delivered remarks at the White House and his speech was full of lies. Joe Biden absurdly boasted about his time as a public defender. “It was a lesson I learned coming out of — not like real leaders in the civil rights movement — but when I came out of the civil rights movement as a kid as a public defender…” Biden said.
New: Trump Accuses DeSantis of 'Colluding
With Biden's Weaponized DOJ' to Stop Him
and the MAGA Movement
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/25/2023 4:28:33 PM Post Reply
In anticipation of Special Counsel Jack Smith issuing criminal charges against Donald Trump related to January 6, Trump’s presidential campaign is accusing rival Ron DeSantis’ campaign of colluding with the Biden Department of Justice.Trump, who received a “target letter” from Smith on July 16, declined Smith’s invitation to speak to a grand jury in Washington, D.C. last week. When he announced that he’d received the target letter, Trump said he believed it was a precursor to an “arrest and indictment.”
Bronny James suffers cardiac arrest, collapses
on USC court: LeBron James' son now in
stable condition
17 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/25/2023 10:53:53 AM Post Reply
Bronny James, the eldest son of Lakers superstar LeBron James, was hospitalized Monday after going into cardiac arrest and collapsing during a basketball practice, a family spokesperson said Tuesday. Bronny, 18, was placed into ICU but is now in stable condition. "Yesterday while practicing, Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest," the spokesperson said in a statement. "Medical staff was able to treat Bronny and take him to the hospital. He is now in stable condition and no longer in ICU. We ask for respect and privacy for the James family, and we will update media when there is more information.
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