NBC News,
Matt Dixon
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6/25/2023 7:20:06 AM
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WASHINGTON — Chris Christie knew what he was going to ruffle some feathers, but he did it anyway.
“I am running because [Trump] let us down,” the former New Jersey governor said during Friday remarks at the annual Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. “He’s let us down because he is unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that were made, any of the faults that he has, and any of the things that he has done.”
As it became clear the 2024 presidential aspirant was about to criticize Trump, boos and jeers filled the air in the large convention space.
Michael Brown
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6/25/2023 7:05:46 AM
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“Now is the time to say . . . ‘God is queer.’” Who spoke these blasphemous words, and what was the context of the statement?
The words were spoken by Quinton Caesar, a Lutheran pastor in Germany, at the conclusion of the annual gathering of the nation’s Protestant (meaning Lutheran) pastors.
The conference theme was “Now it the time,” and this was the immediate context of Casear’s words (who himself is black, originally from South Africa): “Now is the time to say: ‘Black lives always matter.’ Now is the time to say: ‘God is queer.’Now is the time to say: ‘We leave no one to die.’
American Thinker,
Joseph L. Shaefer
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Posted by
6/25/2023 7:01:31 AM
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Operation Frankton is virtually unknown in the US, though a well-regarded British movie based on it was released in 1955. It was a daring raid that began on the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This, however, was a 100% British operation. The team was selected from among the members of a special detachment of the Royal Marines. Just as the OSS in WWII was the precursor of both the CIA and US Army Special Forces (“de oppresso liber”) these Royal Marines were one of the predecessor units of the UK’s Special Boat Service (SBS,) now more comparable to US Navy SEALs.
New York Post,
Dalibor Rohac
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Posted by
6/25/2023 6:58:16 AM
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This is the beginning of the end of Russia’s war in Ukraine — and likely also of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s rule.
First, here is what we know about the odd events of the past two days.
After almost a year of Wagner Group owner Prigozhin’s near-constant and escalating verbal attacks against Russia’s Ministry of Defense, he commanded his mercenaries to march into Russia.
The “Wagnerites” took over two major Russian cities, Rostov and Voronezh, and appeared intent on continuing to Moscow, where Prigozhin wanted to settle accounts with Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, respectively Russia’s defense minister and chief of the general staff,
John King
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Posted by
6/25/2023 6:54:41 AM
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The Atlanta City Council recently approved funding for the city’s new police training facility. This is a win for the city, communities across the metro Atlanta area, and our law enforcement officers and first responders.
Unfortunately, a small but vocal band of radicals — namely the Defend the Atlanta Forest group — have hijacked the narrative. They oppose the facility, hate the police, and have repeatedly used destruction to make their point.
And when state law enforcement arrested individuals who allegedly helped fund the violence, both Georgia's senators and the Biden administration put political allies before the rule of law.
American Thinker,
Pandra Selivanov
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Posted by
6/25/2023 6:52:26 AM
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This morning, the internet informed me that the United States was not among one of the 20 best countries for women. As an American woman, I was naturally curious about why my country was not ranked higher. What organization made this determination, and what were the criteria? I learned that the decree had been issued by the World Economic Forum, an international lobbying organization founded in 1971 and based in Switzerland.
According to their website, “The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”
American Thinker,
M.B. Mathews
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6/25/2023 6:50:08 AM
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In recent years, reading, math, science, and other scores have been plummeting in America. Schools are not teaching students to read, to do math, to understand the scientific method, or to think critically. Because some races poll lower than the average in accomplishment, and some poll higher than the average, teachers and school boards around the country are dumbing down teaching and testing so that no one fails. This allows the failures to feel good about themselves and angers the overachievers because they are being dumbed down, too. They recognize they are being done no favors with a slack-off curriculum.
Larry O'Connor
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Posted by
6/23/2023 9:44:33 PM
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I just can't get Paul Ryan's words out of my mind. Not his stirring and inspirational speech to the 2012 Republican Convention where he laid out his claim as the Gen X conservative leader we've been waiting for. Yes, it was inspirational to have someone of my generation rise to a national ticket and finally transcend the disastrous Boomers who'd been leading our country down a miserable path.That Paul Ryan was motivating. And he finally spoke for the issues that mattered to me, and he promised to represent those values on a national stage while fighting for the principles that we of the "Reagan Youth"
The Federalist,
Joy Pullmann
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Posted by
6/23/2023 9:41:02 PM
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To tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of Americans, Clarence and Virginia Thomas are American heroes with a real-life Hollywood storyline. Justice Thomas is a living legend who has magnificently shattered the usual trajectory of people born in devastating circumstances, including an absent father, racism, and abject poverty.
Unlike for every other Supreme Court justice, the Constitution is Thomas’ unfailing judicial North Star. Even when it’s painfully unpopular in D.C., he does not flinch at faithfully applying the actual text of the Constitution to every case. Every time justices disagree about a case, Thomas is right and the others are wrong. He’s a moral and legal giant,
The Federalist,
Kylee Griswold
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6/23/2023 9:29:16 PM
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All roads lead to Hunter Biden.
That is, all roads paved with (alleged) extortion, bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, prostitution, drug abuse, and, most importantly, election rigging. The roads traversed by Internal Revenue Service agents-turned-whistleblowers — whose disclosures to the House Ways and Means Committee were released as transcripts on Thursday — are no exception.
The troubled Biden son has always been at the center of concerns about the 2020 election, in the form of the infamous “Hunter Biden laptop.”
American Thinker,
Susan Daniels
Original Article
Posted by
6/23/2023 6:09:06 AM
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Barack Obama has used a stolen social security number most of his adult life. The one he uses was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone living in Connecticut, born in 1890 and is now long deceased. Obama was fifteen years old that day, living in Hawaii and playing on the junior varsity basketball team at Punahou. I uncovered the SSN information and include it in my memoir The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama.
Obama violated federal law by using a phony number. From the United States Code: “Identity theft laws under 18 U.S.C § 1028 makes it a crime to misuse someone’s identifying information,
Katie Walsh Shields
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Posted by
6/23/2023 6:05:03 AM
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One of the key takeaways from the recent midterm elections was that Republicans need to continue making gains in pre-Election Day voting. Despite what the mainstream media might say, Republicans did have an apparatus to encourage pre-Election Day voting and ballot harvesting last cycle and guess what – we were pretty good at it. In states like Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Montana, North Carolina and New Hampshire, Republicans had a higher ballot return rate than Democrats. Yes, you read that right. Even in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Republicans closed the ballot return rate gap within a 1-point margin.