Epoch Times,
Carly Mayberry
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6/25/2023 11:41:06 AM
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As his farewell tour wraps up, pop singer Elton John said he has no plans to perform again in the United States due to the country’s “growing swell of anger and homophobia.”
That’s according to what the “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” musician said in an interview he gave Radio Times, where he noted what he described as a growing number of anti-grooming laws being passed in states, including Florida, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, North Dakota, and South Dakota. He specifically singled out Florida’s laws, calling them “disgraceful.”
Red State,
Mike Miller
Original Article
Posted by
6/25/2023 9:02:46 AM
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Despite the insincere blather about “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), the left wants nothing of the kind, and it never did. What leftists do want — including LGBTQ activists and Joe Biden’s Democrat Party — is to shove their radical ideology down the throats of the rest of us. The more we resist, the harder they push.If there was ever any doubt that they also want your children, that notion was blown to pieces in New York City on Friday as in-your-face LGBTQ activists marched and defiantly chanted:
We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children
Daily Mail (UK),
Alex Hammer
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6/25/2023 3:55:10 PM
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New York politicians were out in full force for Pride Sunday - after the NYPD said it was beefing up security in anticipation of the event.
Spotted among the amalgam of drag queens and activists marching down Fifth Avenue were figures like Eric Adams, Kathy Hochul, and Chuck Schumer - three of roughly 100,000 participants taking part in the parade's main procession.
This year's march - the 53rd in the city's history - is expected to draw roughly a million spectators, while featuring some 60 floats that speak to the LGBTQ situation not only in New York, but across the country.
New York Post is,
Michael Goodwin
Original Article
Posted by
6/25/2023 12:31:29 PM
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Score half a point for Donald Trump.
It turns out he was on to something with his claim the 2020 election was rigged, though not in the way he thinks. The dirty deed didn’t happen in offices in Arizona or Georgia, where Republicans supposedly were banished while Democrats counted duffel bags full of late-arriving votes.
Nor did Trump lose because computers were wired to rob him of victory.
Instead, the cheating that likely denied Trump a second term was very close to home.
In fact, it was an inside job.
Michael Brown
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Posted by
6/25/2023 7:05:46 AM
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“Now is the time to say . . . ‘God is queer.’” Who spoke these blasphemous words, and what was the context of the statement?
The words were spoken by Quinton Caesar, a Lutheran pastor in Germany, at the conclusion of the annual gathering of the nation’s Protestant (meaning Lutheran) pastors.
The conference theme was “Now it the time,” and this was the immediate context of Casear’s words (who himself is black, originally from South Africa): “Now is the time to say: ‘Black lives always matter.’ Now is the time to say: ‘God is queer.’Now is the time to say: ‘We leave no one to die.’
The Hill,
Jonathan Turley
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6/25/2023 12:13:49 PM
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“I’m not the deciding official.”
Those five words, allegedly from Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, shocked IRS and FBI investigators in a meeting on October 22, 2022. This is because, in refusing to appoint a special counsel, Attorney Garland Merrick Garland had repeatedly assured the public and Congress that Weiss had total authority over his investigation. IRS supervisory agent Gary A. Shapley Jr. told Congress he was so dismayed by Weiss’s statement and other admissions that he memorialized them in a communication to other team members.
Shapley and another whistleblower detail what they describe as a pattern of interference with their investigation of Hunter Biden
Daily Caller,
Micaela Burrow
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6/25/2023 3:22:41 PM
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Several of the military officers whose promotions are held up due to a senator’s fight with the Pentagon have supported left-wing cultural stances and diversity initiatives, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of social media posts, Pentagon materials and public footage.
Republican Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville has single-handedly blocked numerous officers’ confirmations in protest of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s directive that the military fund out-of-state travel for female troops seeking abortions, initiating a game of chicken between Tuberville and the Pentagon that shows no sign of stopping. Yet several of the candidates in line for promotion have a history of making political statements and backed or spearheaded
Breitbart Politics,
Hanna Bleau
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Posted by
6/25/2023 8:45:47 AM
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“The dam is starting to break” on the Biden family corruption, multiple New York Times best-seller author Peter Schweizer said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.
Schweizer, a senior contributor at Breitbart News and president of the Government Accountability Institute, spoke about the recent Hunter Biden whistleblower revelations.“This is really, really important. The dam is starting to break — truly the first time you’ve had somebody from inside the government who has said, ‘Wait a minute, the way this is being handled is wrong,'” he said, praising the whistleblowers
Bruce Haring
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6/25/2023 2:11:46 PM
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Forget about tripping over a sandbag. Jeffrey Katzenberg wants President Joe Biden to act like Mick Jagger.
The Wall St. Journal reports movie mogul Katzenberg has joined with other advisers to tell Biden to “own” his age and turn it into an asset. If Jagger (who turns 80 soon) and Ford (now 80) can still do it, Joe can lean into his longevity, the WSJ said, quoting sources.
Katzenberg is reported by the WSJ to have become “an influential outside adviser” in the last few months. The former studio head brings years of business experience, Hollywood storytelling bona fides, and a Rolodex of contacts in California’s entertainment and tech industry,
PJ Media,
Ben Bartee
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Posted by
6/25/2023 10:38:40 AM
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The World Health Organization (WHO), funded primarily by the CCP and Bill Gates tag team, has been very busy getting its so-called “pandemic treaties” into place, which in effect hand over national control of a state’s public health response to unaccountable multinational bureaucrats — whose interests, not unimportantly, are not shared by the populations over which they exercise authority.
Relatedly, the WHO also succeeded recently in instituting “vaccine passports” across the European Union.
Dovetailing with both of those projects of social control is the organization’s declaration of war on something called an “infodemic.”
American Greatness,
Lloyd Billingsley
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6/25/2023 9:53:55 AM
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“I made it clear that neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden were in Durham’s crosshairs,” explains William Barr, the Attorney General who tapped John Durham to investigate the Russia collusion hoax against candidate and President Donald Trump.
In One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General, Barr also praises Robert Mueller and deputy attorney general Rob Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller to investigate Trump. “Few can appreciate the complexities Rod faced during that tumultuous time,” writes Barr, “and even fewer will know the important contributions he made to the administration and the country.”
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
Original Article
Posted by
6/25/2023 3:28:20 PM
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Never one to use an honest argument when a dishonest one will do, Kamala Harris is out stumping for abortion on the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade.
Fox News summed up how bad it was:
She began, saying, "So that day, the day that the Supreme Court took the constitutional right from the women of America, and I was outraged. In fact the first person I called was my husband because I could just let it all out with him."
Harris mentioned how she felt fear for the younger generation of women, including her daughter and her nieces. She continued,
Doctorow article quotes Shoigu as saying Ukaine use of US and UK artillery and missiles In Crimea arms makes the US and the UK to have “fully entered the war as co-belligerents”...