Tracking a Fraudulent Ballot in Real Time
American Thinker,
Jay Valentine
Original Article
Posted By: Daniel R Street,
1/30/2023 10:24:26 AM
During our year with Mike Lindell, the Fractal team went from never having seen an election roll to running the largest election database ever created, with over 1.7 billion records — for 12 states alone.
With only 165 million or so voters in the United States, why such a large database?
Data travel, data move, data tell a story as they traverse different databases — over time.
Let's take an example.
Phineas Phrogg, our made up character, is on a voter roll. Phineas owns a home, has three credit cards, two cars, does limited social media, is a deacon at his church and active in the Lions Club.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
kar120c 1/30/2023 11:01:21 AM (No. 1390507)
Wow. My compliments to Mr. Valentine.
9 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
ByteGuru 1/30/2023 11:38:57 AM (No. 1390544)
This article should be a daily 'must read' for at least a month.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
john56 1/30/2023 11:46:56 AM (No. 1390549)
This is what our Dem friends are doing ... they are "flooding the zone" with ballots. They figure once they can get their hands on a ballot, they can have the "voter," real or imagined, cast the vote, usually in the method they wish to have it cast.
In many ways, it's expanding the old "over 100% turnout" ruse that they used in urban areas to a nationwide scale.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
plomke 1/30/2023 11:52:38 AM (No. 1390551)
Yes, great work.
But who goes to prison for all of this fraud...
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
kono 1/30/2023 12:20:24 PM (No. 1390566)
This says Fractal kicks out records at addresses identified as 'anomalies' -- and a voter whose address corresponds to an Ace Hardware store is the example. Would it call an address corresponding with a church office as anomalous, too? All Catholic priests live at their church office (rectory). This causes problems with investment brokers, whose rules require individual investors to live at residential addresses, and church offices are identified as business addresses.
Currently a majority of those men lean to the Left, having fairly facile algorithms in their heads for what is "compassionate" for the poor. (throwing money at lots of charitable orgs for example) But more of the younger ordained are leaning Right (as the Left are brazenly pro-abortion and increasingly restrictive of religious and conscience rights).
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
kono 1/30/2023 12:23:21 PM (No. 1390567)
(sorry, should have said all DIOCESAN Catholic priests... religious ones live either in their community's house, a private residence, or some other situation that is less problematic for that system)
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Paperpuncher 1/30/2023 12:51:35 PM (No. 1390589)
All I can say is Wow! We need to use this in every election no matter where it is held. If the dada is contested by the dems then volunteer to go out to that dorm room and physically document who and how many really live there.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 1/30/2023 1:45:23 PM (No. 1390627)
I once was a resident of NY.
Now a resident of FL as of 1/2022.
In 2020, I used a NY online portal to request a ballot. Never got it. That portal has since been shut down.
I called a NY board of elections office directly and got one.
I always wondered where my first ballot was sent. The board of elections office verified it had been sent out.
In 2022, I voted in Florida elections. I had registered to vote in Florida.
I received numerous ads for NY elections, so I was still known on NY voter rolls.
Did NY send out mail in ballots to everyone for 2022? Did they send one to me? Where did it go? I never got it.
If the Fractal team looked for ballots filled out by 'LC Chihuahua', how many would they find cast in 2020 and 2022? The answer better be '1' for each year. Adress doesn't matter since I have a unique ID identifier in the form of my SSN. Did the fractal team get any data from NY? The cynical side of me is laughing its rear end off.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 1/30/2023 2:42:41 PM (No. 1390667)
This should be presented to the entire GOP establishment, and the RNC should be working closely to ensure the shenanigan's being employed, with intent, are ended.
I would find it difficult to believe the Democrats who are in elected office aren't aware of these things happening on their behalf.
I'd like to see a few things happen.
All voter registrations would stop on the date candidates have to submit their papers to run for office.
1 week later, the Registrar's offices would submit a list and a number of all registered by that date the candidates had to submit their application.
Any registration after that date would be provisional, so it can be verified of that registration.
All ballots would have a corresponding number for tracking and tracing.
Ballot drop boxes would have ATM-style technology that only accepted 1 ballot at a time, which would be scanned, and a date/time stamp would be applied.
All collection boxes/containers will also have a number for tracking and tracing (might eliminate finding a box 3 weeks later). Maybe using RFDI technology to better track and trace the movements.
None of above would inconvenience any voter, but would help make cheating by those intent on cheating, harder, IMO.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Birddog 1/30/2023 5:29:27 PM (No. 1390750)
If he has proof of 450 ballots sent to a single dorm room...he should reveal that college, dorm, and room number, as well as who lived in it, if they were politically active, on social media, with which groups, which party. How many of those ballots were cast...
Just as prior investigations showed 1000's-10,000's of tax refunds being sent to a mere dozen address, four of which were in Atlanta, Tens of $millions of dollars worth. Tax refunds for aliens, not prosecutions were ever announced.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Imright 1/30/2023 10:44:04 PM (No. 1390904)
Great article. Wondering.....has anyone sent this article/info to 'Ronna Romney McDaniel'....???
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This is another great article by Jay Valentine outlining how fractal technology is being used to combat vote fraud.