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Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes AGREES
to Testify Before Liz Cheney and Jan.
6 Committee Next Week — BUT ONLY IF

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Posted By: JonMoseley, 7/8/2022 10:00:26 PM

This is breaking news — This morning The Gateway Pundit received a call from James Lee Bright, the attorney for Oath Keepers founder and president Stewart Rhodes. Just moments ago Attorney Bright spoke with their client Stewart Rhodes from his inside prison in Alexandria, Virginia. Allegations Stewart Rhodes has agreed to waive his Fifth Amendment rights and testify before Liz Cheney and the January 6 Committee BUT ONLY if they will allow him to testify live.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: danu 7/8/2022 11:57:41 PM (No. 1210567)
is this the latest form of grandstanding? or am i missing something--besides my perfect record of not watching this reptilian display ....?
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: HisHandmaiden 7/9/2022 12:19:43 AM (No. 1210595)
Pray for him… The Truth will set him free. TBIYTC
17 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 7/9/2022 12:39:09 AM (No. 1210607)
Enough is enough! Who is paying for this nonsense?
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 7/9/2022 6:28:41 AM (No. 1210696)
I would watch.
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: GrandmaP 7/9/2022 7:12:43 AM (No. 1210717)
Wait a sec. Rhodes did not enter the Capitol building but was merely on the grounds? And he's still in jail? Something wrong with this picture.
42 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Zigrid 7/9/2022 9:43:10 AM (No. 1210869)
The cheney un/American committee will never allow that because then they can't "doctor" his response...but nice try...cheney's hope of taking back control of the Washington DC republicans for the Bushes will never happen...President Trump has the republicans in his corner...and now...the democrats and independents are joining US...
23 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: smokincol 7/9/2022 11:24:15 AM (No. 1210965)
so ..... this is tin lizzy's claim to fame, huh? she's grandstanding now but after November she might just feel a little consternation when she's officially dubbed Persona Non Grata by both the demcommies and the repubs
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: tcaponata 7/9/2022 1:11:40 PM (No. 1211074)
Smart man. Not a "White Supremacist," but a patriot who understands in his prison cell how far America has gone down the drain.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: john56 7/9/2022 2:12:23 PM (No. 1211150)
Yeah. Like they'll go for that. Everything is scripted for this witch hunt, down to the a, an, and the the.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Mauigirl 7/9/2022 9:39:32 PM (No. 1211435)
Smart LDotters know that it doesn't get better than Gateway Pundit + Stewart Rhodes
2 people like this.

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Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes AGREES
to Testify Before Liz Cheney and Jan.
6 Committee Next Week — BUT ONLY IF
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Posted by JonMoseley 7/8/2022 10:00:26 PM Post Reply
This is breaking news — This morning The Gateway Pundit received a call from James Lee Bright, the attorney for Oath Keepers founder and president Stewart Rhodes. Just moments ago Attorney Bright spoke with their client Stewart Rhodes from his inside prison in Alexandria, Virginia. Allegations Stewart Rhodes has agreed to waive his Fifth Amendment rights and testify before Liz Cheney and the January 6 Committee BUT ONLY if they will allow him to testify live.
House January 6 Committee Is Failing but
Doesn't Know Why
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Posted by JonMoseley 6/20/2022 10:52:42 AM Post Reply
It is widely seen that the U.S. House Select Committee about January 6 is falling flat. See, e.g., Breitbart's article, "January 6 Committee's Third Hearing So Boring NBC Cut to Golf Instead." (For golf to be more interesting, it's bad.) What's more amazing is that no clue has penetrated the fog of Democrats, establishment Republicans, the news media, or far-left activists about why. Our political class is so out of touch that it could not see this collective yawn coming. And no, this is not about interviewing that one magic witness. It is the fundamental concept of their entire
January 6 House Committee repeats Trump
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Posted by JonMoseley 6/12/2022 8:48:04 AM Post Reply
On June 9, the “Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol” of the U.S. House of Representatives held a rare evening hearing. As predicted in the run up news leaks, the Committee repeated the myth that Donald Trump told Proud Boys to “stand by.” That is, Trump critics have claimed for years that Trump asked the Proud Boys to stand ready to pounce. Prosecutors in indictments and court motions and also the civil lawsuits repeat this same lie. In reality, this comes from the September 29, 2020, presidential debate in Columbus, Ohio.Joe Biden –
Launch of Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund, Inc. 3 replies
Posted by JonMoseley 5/2/2022 1:06:32 PM Post Reply
Stewart Rhodes, Founder and Leader of the Oath Keepers, announces that the PATRIOT’S LEGAL DEFENSE FUND has been launched. The Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund has set a goal of raising at least $5 million to assist the legal fees and expenses of various non-violent, peaceful Americans who demonstrated and exercised their First Amendment rights in Washington, D.C. on January 5-6, 2021.
"When Once We Had Leaders" Handling War
in Ukraine
5 replies
Posted by JonMoseley 3/13/2022 9:07:21 AM Post Reply
We must mourn the death of leadership in America. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy cautiously but brilliantly managed the United States — nay, the world — through the Cuban Missile Crisis on the brink of a nuclear World War III. Watching Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, I felt compelled to watch again the movie Thirteen Days bringing these moments to life. Every American should re-watch. If your writer may offer my over-simplified distillation, it is this: JFK and his brain trust rejected the choice between Option A, surrender to a missile platform in Cuba and Option B, provoking a nuclear war.
JANUARY 6: New Video Shows Proud Boys
Did Not Plan Attacks On Capitol
5 replies
Posted by JonMoseley 10/8/2021 2:12:40 PM Post Reply
A newly-revealed video records the Proud Boys’ activities on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, and appears to show leaders meandering aimlessly, showing the lack of any clear plan. Zachary Rehl’s legal filing in court Wednesday claims that the video proves that Jan. 6 protesters had no plan to attack the U.S. Capitol and no advance plan to enter the Capitol building. They are being accused of a conspiracy, but the video reportedly shows a different story.
Is Climate Change 'Science'? 19 replies
Posted by JonMoseley 6/12/2021 7:27:52 AM Post Reply
“Trust science, not the scientists.” That is the essence of science. What matters most is what we do not know. The surprise factor between what we expected and what actually happens in real-world experiments is where discovery lives. Thought experiments are not science. (Imagining things can lead to proposed hypotheses, which must still be tested.) Many argue desperately for speculation as being science, when science was designed to avoid speculation. So we have to run actual empirical experiments. To determine whether carbon dioxide (CO2) causes the Earth to be warmer would require experiments “with all other things being equal.”
New York Prosecutors are Screaming at the Sky [re: Arresting Donald Trump, prosecuting the Trump Organization] 6 replies
Posted by JonMoseley 6/9/2021 10:21:02 AM Post Reply
Did leftists learn nothing from the adventures of Wile E. Coyote forever trying to catch the Roadrunner but always failing? New York prosecutors under District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. have convened a grand jury to investigate The Trump Organization (“TTO”) owned by former President Trump and his family. There is nothing to stop an indictment of Trump, other than remembering what happened to the Duke Lacrosse player prosecutor. But the deep state’s attempt to arrest and indict Trump will fail. It is starting to look as if the endless adrenaline high is the real point.
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Julie Kelly and Lee Smith Issue Dire Warning:
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Is the Arrest of President Donald Trump (VIDEO)
33 replies
Posted by DW626 7/9/2022 3:09:31 PM Post Reply
Investigative reporter Julie Kelly from American Greatness joined author Lee Smith on to discuss the ongoing persecution of the January 6 political prisoners and the Democrat Party’s ultimate plan to arrest President Donald Trump. During their one hour discussion Julie Kelly emphasized the need to expose the top Democrat Party operatives who are behind the physical and mental torture of Trump supporters who have been targeted in the January 6 witch hunt. US Attorney Matthew Graves is running the January 6 protest investigations. Graves is the man behind the inhumane treatment of Trump supporters who were arrested following the January 6 protests
Exclusive–Top Oversight Republican in
Congress Demands Testimony, Documents
from Biden Officials on Oil Reserve Sale
to Hunter-Linked Chinese Firm
30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/9/2022 12:47:55 AM Post Reply
House Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement that when Republicans take control of the House, they plan on investigating reports that President Joe Biden sold nearly one million barrels from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to a Chinese state-owned gas company that has financial ties to a private equity firm cofounded by Hunter Biden. The Washington Free Beacon’s Collin Anderson released a bombshell report that Biden’s Department of Energy sold one million barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of Sinopec. Sinopec is wholly owned and operated by the Chinese Communist Party.
Gov. Greg Abbott Empowers Texas Authorities
To Arrest And Ship Illegal Aliens Back
To The Border
29 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/9/2022 5:36:46 AM Post Reply
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed an executive order Thursday allowing the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Texas National Guard to arrest and return illegal migrants to the border. “While President Biden refuses to do his job and enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress, the State of Texas is once again stepping up and taking unprecedented action to protect Americans and secure our southern border. The cartels have become emboldened and enriched by President Biden’s open border policies, smuggling in record numbers of people, weapons, and deadly drugs like fentanyl,” Abbott said in a statement.
A one-source story about a 10-year-old
and an abortion goes viral
27 replies
Posted by Garnet 7/9/2022 1:37:50 PM Post Reply
“This isn’t some imagined horror. It is already happening. Just last week, it was reported that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim — 10 years old — and she was forced to have to travel out of state to Indiana to seek to terminate the pregnancy and maybe save her life.” (Snip)On July 1, the Indianapolis Star, also known as the IndyStar, published an article, written by the newspaper’s medical writer, about how women seeking abortions had begun traveling from Ohio to Indiana, where less restrictive abortion laws were still in place.
Hilarity follows Pelosi beach photo as
she hobnobs at swanky Italian resort owned
by Andrea Bocelli
24 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/9/2022 11:38:15 AM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi reacted to a string of Supreme Court rulings that landed multiple body blows on the Democrat agenda, the Biden-controlled bureaucracy, and their activist shock troops by taking a trip across the pond where she has been living it up in Italy and pictures of her kicking it seaside at a lavish Mediterranean beach resort are creating quite a buzz on Twitter. In the shots of Pelosi and hubby Paul, who was recently busted for DUI in California, Madame Speaker is seen as she’s never been seen before, barefoot and showing off her cleavage – plenty of it – as she dipped her toes in the sand and surf
Knucklehead Of The Week: Democrat Senator
Twerks For Votes, Then Has This Response
For Critics [Video]
24 replies
Posted by Lets Go Brandon 7/9/2022 8:21:51 AM Post Reply
Rhode Island may be the smallest of the fifty states, but apparently, it has plenty of room for race-baiting, attention-seeking, hedonistic morons like our knucklehead of the week. In the Ocean State’s legislature, a first-term senator named Tiara Mack managed to summarize much of what plagues America and our culture with one ill-advised social media posting and her subsequent counterattack against outraged critics. If someone unfamiliar with the continuing decay of our society were to ask us to provide one example of what ails us, the behavior of this week’s top knucklehead would be an ideal choice. Winner: Rhode Island State Senator Tiara Mack posts
Video: The Look On Kamala's Face When
Joe Biden Stops Reading The Teleprompter
And Starts Talking On His Own Says It All
24 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/9/2022 8:00:04 AM Post Reply
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you the President of the United States. The leader of the free world. The most powerful man on the planet. With Vice President Kamala Harris and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra standing behind him, President Joe Biden stumbled and bumbled his way through remarks before signing an executive order on abortion on Friday. The occasional Biden gaffe has given way to at least one gaffe during every public appearance. His last performance was marked by several. Biden accidentally read aloud the teleprompter instructions during a speech Friday.
Dems governors: Biden's in over his head,
out of ideas, and out of time
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/9/2022 12:18:24 AM Post Reply
Who says America can’t find its way to a national consensus? Republicans have considered Joe Biden intellectually bankrupt for decades. According to the latest complaints making their way to Politico, Democrat governors have just figured that out — and now worry that the clock’s about to run out on Biden and their midterm hopes: They’ve prodded officials for more details of how the administration was going to communicate its wins and improve its messaging around the economy. They have also wanted to see a clear demonstration of new actions from the White House. Don’t just tell us what you’ve done, is how a person familiar
Pete Buttigieg moves to Democrat-friendly
Michigan as he eyes political future
22 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/9/2022 2:43:13 PM Post Reply
US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg – who campaigned for president under the moniker “Mayor Pete”, indicating his experience as a small-town mayor in Indiana – has relocated to Michigan, Politico’s West Wing Playbook reported. (Snip) “Moving to Chasten’s hometown of Traverse City allowed them to be closer to his parents, which became especially important to them after they adopted their twins, often relying on Chasten’s parents for help with child care,” the person said. The former presidential candidate often touted his time as mayor when he ran for president in 2020 and wrote a book entitled The Shortest Way
Illegal Alien Gets $15K Bail After Allegedly
Plotting July 4th Mass Shooting with Another
Illegal Alien
22 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/9/2022 12:52:38 AM Post Reply
One of the two illegal aliens accused of plotting a mass shooting on the Fourth of July in Richmond, Virginia, has been given a mere $15,000 bail. As Breitbart News reported, Guatemalan nationals 52-year-old illegal alien Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old illegal alien Rolman Balacarcel Ac were arrested by the Richmond Police Department for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at the city’s annual July 4th celebration. The mass shooting plot was thwarted thanks to an American “hero citizen,” according to police, who called in a tip. Court records and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency confirmed that Dubon and Ac are illegal aliens.
Retired three-star general Gary Volesky
suspended after tweet at Jill Biden
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/9/2022 2:42:20 PM Post Reply
The Army suspended a three-star general after he appeared to make fun of First Lady Jill Biden. Retired lieutenant general Gary Volesky, a former spokesman for the Army, responded to a tweet from Biden about the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, in which the First Lady remarked that women’s rights had been “stolen.” Biden tweeted that “for nearly 50 years, women have had the right to make our own decisions about our bodies. Today, that right was stolen from us.” Volesky responded, “Glad to see you finally know what a woman is.”
City offering $20K reward for info on
group of 'teen offenders' wanted for deadly
attack in North Philadelphia
20 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/9/2022 12:25:27 AM Post Reply
Philadelphia—The City of Philadelphia is offering a $20,000 reward for information on a group of suspects wanted in connection with the beating of an older adult who later died. According to police, on June 24 at 2:38 a.m. 72-year-old James Lambert was attacked by a group of "teen offenders" on the 2100 block of Cecil B. Moore Avenue. Surveillance video released by police shows members of the group hitting Lambert in the head with objects, including a traffic cone. The video also appears to show one of the group members recording the attack on a cellphone.(Snip)This comes amid a rise in crime amongst teenagers
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