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Man gunned down after confronting Baltimore
squeegee workers, cops say

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Posted By: quincy2, 7/8/2022 1:40:06 PM

A motorist who confronted squeegee workers with a baseball bat in downtown Baltimore was gunned down in a heated confrontation, police said. Police Commissioner Michael Harrison told reporters Reynolds drove through the intersection and parked before hopping out of his car with a baseball bat, [SNIP] Reynolds then “swung the bat” at one or more of the workers, [SNIP] In return, one of the squeegee workers pulled out a gun..” [SNIP]“This is a very complex situation where someone took matters into his own hands, whatever you believe about that,” Harrison told reporters.


Squeegee "workers" at intersections in Baltimore has been a problem for decades. Cars have been vandalized for not the driver not "paying" for the service. This happened in the afternoon, near the Stadium and Inner Harbor - the tourist area.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Vaquero45 7/8/2022 2:24:56 PM (No. 1210190)
Squeegee “workers”? No, they’re bums. Get it right.
34 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 7/8/2022 2:28:58 PM (No. 1210195)
Blocking traffic and jay walking to beg for money should be illegal. Part of the broken windows solution to make cities safe and livable.
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/8/2022 2:41:33 PM (No. 1210202)
I recall that one of the very first things NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani did was to ban the squeegee men, and it worked. So, why doesn't some wise historian compose "The Big Book of Laws That Work," in order that other mayors can consult? Baltimore should make these squeegee thugs disappear and stop their street-tax, windshield-extortion scheme in its tracks... but don't hold your breath.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 7/8/2022 2:41:45 PM (No. 1210203)
“Squeegee workers.” That’s like trying to dignify Hunter Biden by dressing him in a business suit and giving him a front row seat at the Medal of Freedom Ceremony.
25 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: MDConservative 7/8/2022 2:55:18 PM (No. 1210218)
FTA: "It’s unclear how many shots were fired, but witnesses said they heard three rounds. Just hours earlier, Harrison said police confiscated a pellet gun from a squeegee worker at the same intersection, the Baltimore Sun reported. No arrests have been made in the fatal shooting and is an active investigation, a police spokeswoman told The Post." This is Maryland, so I'm sure the shooter (and it wasn't a pellet gun used) had a concealed carry license. Snitches get stitches...should be Baltimore's city motto.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Banjo Willy 7/8/2022 2:55:35 PM (No. 1210219)
"You no toucha my push-push"
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Highlander 7/8/2022 3:59:40 PM (No. 1210242)
They’re a nuisance at the Tijuana border crossing. At least they back off if you say “No” in Spanish. Generally, they’re more polite than our American version. They don’t bend your wipers.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 7/8/2022 4:20:13 PM (No. 1210251)
Violent, troublesome bums.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: red1066 7/8/2022 4:50:45 PM (No. 1210283)
Some intersections have squeegee kids. Some as young as seven or eight. They're so small, they can't even reach most of the windshield. Getting out of your car to confront the adults that man the busier intersections is just plain stupid. This type of stuff is exactly why the Orioles aren't drawing more people to the stadium despite playing much better baseball than they have over the last ten years. It's also why the BSO has had to cancel ten concerts because the Meyerhoff where the BSO plays is in a not-so-great area. Attendance has been down about 60%. The inner harbor area which used to be a tourist area is falling off as well. All of this is the result of an Obozo minded DA whose main goal in office was to tie the hands of police to do their job. The results speak for themselves. 300+ murders every year for I think it's approaching ten years in a row. They're shooting for 400 murders this year.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Golden Goose 7/8/2022 4:55:27 PM (No. 1210290)
“Let us clean your windshield, or else!”
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Venturer 7/8/2022 5:48:54 PM (No. 1210337)
The best thing is to stay away from Baltimore. Do not g there unless it is absolutely necessary
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Reply 12 - Posted by: gramma b 7/8/2022 6:24:20 PM (No. 1210367)
They're squeegee extortionists, not "workers."
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bighambone 7/10/2022 10:52:49 AM (No. 1211769)
The shooter here was not a “worker” he is an ignorant irresponsible violent criminal and no doubt his gun was an illegal firearm under the current gun control laws. Until that attitude is taken by the leftist, progressive, and socialist Democrats who run those inner-city “communities” the out of control lawlessness will only get worse.
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Man gunned down after confronting Baltimore
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Posted by quincy2 7/8/2022 1:40:06 PM Post Reply
A motorist who confronted squeegee workers with a baseball bat in downtown Baltimore was gunned down in a heated confrontation, police said. Police Commissioner Michael Harrison told reporters Reynolds drove through the intersection and parked before hopping out of his car with a baseball bat, [SNIP] Reynolds then “swung the bat” at one or more of the workers, [SNIP] In return, one of the squeegee workers pulled out a gun..” [SNIP]“This is a very complex situation where someone took matters into his own hands, whatever you believe about that,” Harrison told reporters.
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/10/2022 9:14:25 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/9/2022 8:00:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 7/9/2022 10:12:52 PM Post Reply
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