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Montessori Teacher Fights 'Social Justice'

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Posted By: Imright, 3/12/2022 4:11:10 AM

I was cancelled from giving a speech at a conference at the Montessori Education Center of the Rockies, because of an article I wrote published by American Thinker criticizing some major Montessori organizations for supporting the social justice movement and implementing its positions. In the cancellation letter I received, I was told that they have plans to expand diversity, equity, and inclusion training for all their instructors every year, and have asked their instructors to integrate those principles into their content area. The following is the reply I sent to them:It is clear that I was discriminated against for disagreeing with the social justice movement.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: CaptainCornFlakes 3/12/2022 5:21:17 AM (No. 1097494)
Well worth reading.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: 5 handicap 3/12/2022 6:18:03 AM (No. 1097526)
Maybe the mindset of people who go into teaching makes it impossible to help themselves avoid the tendency to make the "feel good" decision rather than the right decision. Like a Drug addict, it seems to me, that teachers and their unions have to feel, aren't I special, I care, I'm a wonderful person; even though the solution they espouse hinders progress in the long term and provides only temporary appeasement. I would hope there are many more like this author who ACTUALLY care about the individuals she interacts with.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NamVet70 3/12/2022 8:33:39 AM (No. 1097651)
Why can't people grasp that if you place an adjective in front of the word "justice" then you are no longer talking about justice? True justice is a just action for all parties. Modified justice is unjust. Justice is a word that should not be prefixed.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/12/2022 9:12:10 AM (No. 1097700)
"Social Justice" is crap, it's a communist made up problem. Time to put these scum in Prison for Child Abuse!
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: MDConservative 3/12/2022 10:26:53 AM (No. 1097816)
She sure told them. Silence to follow in response.
8 people like this.

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Pregnant woman and her baby die after
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to save her
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Posted by Imright 3/14/2022 5:41:11 AM Post Reply
An injured pregnant woman and her unborn baby - whose image being stretchered from her Putin-bombed maternity ward became one of the war's most shocking images - have both died.Pictures of the unnamed mother-to-be in agony as she was carried from the Mariupol hospital appalled the watching world.She had come under attack in the very place she had thought safe to bring new life into the world. In video and photos shot last Wednesday after the attack, the woman was seen stroking her bloodied lower abdomen as rescuers rushed her through the rubble
Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism
– DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes
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Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative
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Posted by Imright 3/14/2022 5:36:34 AM Post Reply
In Joe Biden’s first year in office over 2 million illegal aliens from dozens of countries walked into the United States across the southern border.The numbers this year look even greater.Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Mayorkas immediately opened up the US southern border after they came into office.Biden also set another record. Only 59,011 illegals were deported his first year in office. This was the lowest number since 1995. (Snip) Now Mayorkas is working on a very important project. Rather than shut down the border, Mayorkas released new rules on “extremism”.
Putin, sensing Biden’s weakness, is
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Posted by Imright 3/14/2022 5:32:17 AM Post Reply
Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be doing all he can to start a nuclear showdown with the NATO alliance over his genocidal war in Ukraine. But if he gets his wish, he could inadvertently set off a chain reaction of events we will be unable to control, an atomic Pandora’s box no one can close once it is unleashed.His latest actions not only should create doubt that he is indeed rational — he might even be suicidal.In striking a staging ground for foreign arms shipments a mere 15 miles from the Polish-Ukraine border, Putin is signaling that weapons like Javelin and NLAW anti-tank busters, Stinger missiles and other arms
Photos: Wounded Veteran Given Key to Specially
Adapted Home
1 reply
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 11:21:34 PM Post Reply
A veteran in Las Vegas now has a special place to call his own, thanks to the generosity of the people leading Homes for Our Troops.Army Sgt. Adam Poppenhouse was serving his country in Iraq when he lost his right leg during an explosion in 2006, according to News 3.After multiple surgeries, “Adam elected to have doctors amputate his left leg in order to move forward with a relatively pain-free life. After aggressive physical therapy and rehab, Adam was able to regain an active lifestyle using prosthetics,” the Homes for Our Troops website said.
Media Buries Shocking New Poll That Should
Concern All of Us
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Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 11:14:44 PM Post Reply
As Americans, we looked with admiration upon Canadian truckers who would protest at risk of jail and freezing of their bank accounts for their right to be free from government dictates against their medical freedom. We look at the Ukrainians fighting for their very lives for their country, with their leader who stayed and asked for ammo rather than getting a ride out to safety for himself. Part of that is the men were told they have to stay, but they also realize they have to, that this is it or they no longer have a country.America has been a light of freedom for decades to people around the world.
MSNBC Analyst: Prosecutor Kamala 'Put
Her Finger In Putin's Chest'
8 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 11:09:58 PM Post Reply
The only people Kamala Harris has managed to bully lately have been members of her own staff. But an MSNBC analyst tried this morning to paint Harris as a tough prosecutor who intimidated Russian dictator Vladimir Putin with her remarks in Poland earlier this week.Appearing on The Cross Connection hosted by Tiffany Cross on Saturday, MSNBC analyst Errin Haines said: "Yet another piece of her lived experience that she really brings to this role as Vice President in this moment of crisis, and that is her role as prosecutor, right? This is somebody who is used to kind of taking on bad guys for a living.
NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell calls
for an end to woke bail reform laws that
let criminals walk free to reoffend as
NYC crimes soar by nearly 60%
3 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 11:05:17 PM Post Reply
New York City's top cop on Sunday called for an end to the woke bail reform laws that allow criminals who commit minor offenses to go free.Speaking to WABC Radio's John Catsimatidis on Sunday, Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said: 'The criminal justice reform law that took effect in 2020, I think, that is definitely part of the thinking that needs to change.'We can keep most of the important elements of the reform, but there are absolutely some things that need to be adjusted,' she explained of the 2019 bail reform laws - which were rolled back in 2020
How Much Are Taxpayers Paying Climate
Czar John Kerry? He Won’t Say, But One
GOP Senator Is Demanding Answers.
6 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 10:57:54 PM Post Reply
John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s White House climate czar, flies around the globe in a gas-guzzling jet warning refugees that the worst is yet to come if the world does not stop emitting carbon dioxide into the air. It is unclear how much he is paid or who is on his office’s staff — which is odd, because the United States taxpayer is footing the bill for his travel and salary. After the Boston Herald was told by the government to submit a Freedom of Information Act request to find out that information, Alaska Republican Senator Dan Sullivan is demanding answers.
Russia is asking CHINA for military equipment
to try and prop-up its flagging Ukrainian
invasion after running out of weapons
three weeks into conflict, US officials warn
7 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 10:46:59 PM Post Reply
Russia has asked China for military equipment after running out of weapons during its sluggish invasion of Ukraine, US officials have claimed. Details on what types of weaponry were requested, and whether China has moved to supply Vladimir Putin's government have yet to emerge - but the request has sparked extreme concern among western governments. On Sunday night, the US was said to be preparing to warn its allies, amid some indications that China may be preparing to help Russia out, the Financial Times reported.
How Putin’s rat-infested childhood shaped
his philosophy on war
10 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 4:23:39 PM Post Reply
As a youngster growing up in the 1960s, Putin was a typical Russian hooligan, living with his family in a communal apartment in what was then Leningrad. Several other families, including Putin’s, shared these living quarters, with no bath, often no hot water and a stinking toilet. To get to his apartment on the fifth floor, young Putin had to run up the flight of stairs, infested by hungry rats. Armed with a stick, Putin at first fended off the filthy creatures and ran away from them, before he eventually decided to observe their behavior.Putin spent hours studying these hordes of rats.
President Obama Played Key Role in Taking
Over Soviet-Era Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine,
Unearthed Documents Show
4 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 4:06:27 PM Post Reply
President Obama played a key role spearheading the United States’ securing of former Soviet-era bioweapons facilities and their conversion into biological threat reduction laboratories.Newly uncovered reports and documents obtained by the National Pulse show that Obama played a role building a Ukraine-based biolab to handle ‘especially dangerous pathogens.’One of the now-deleted reports shows that a laboratory was opened in Odessa, Ukraine under the Nunn-Lugar framework. The facility’s planning started in 2005 in coordination with then-senators Dick Lugar and Barack Obama.“U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory
Head of Russia's space program posts sinister
video threatening to LEAVE BEHIND US astronaut,
55, aboard International Space Station
and only fly home his cosmonauts on March
30 because of Biden's sanctions over Ukraine invasion
13 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 3:33:22 PM Post Reply
Russia's space program has apparently threatened to leave an American astronaut aboard the International Space Station as it comes crashing down to Earth in a video shared by Russian state media outlet RIA Novosti.Mark Vande Hei, a married 55-year-old father of two from Texas, is scheduled to return to Kazakhstan from the International Space Station (ISS) with two Russian cosmonauts aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft on March 30 after spending nearly a year on board.But amid United States' sanctions against Russia for the human rights violations it is committing in its siege of Ukraine,
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Pfizer CEO says fourth COVID-19 shot ‘necessary’
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Posted by Ribicon 3/13/2022 6:54:24 PM Post Reply
Most people will need to get a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose to be protected from the virus, the head of Pfizer said on Sunday. “It is necessary for most” people, CEO Albert Bourla said during an interview on CBS’s “Face The Nation” when asked if Americans can expect to get annual COVID booster shots every fall. The regimen of two initial doses plus a booster is not able to protect against variants and wanes too quickly in strength, Bourla conceded—making additional shots inevitable. “Right now, the protection that you’re getting from the third [shot], it is good enough—actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths—it’s not that good
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Posted by Ribicon 3/13/2022 5:12:17 PM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama announced Sunday afternoon: 'I just tested positive for COVID', but said Michelle is still clear of coronavirus. 'I've had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise,' the former president tweeted in describing his symptoms. 'Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative. It's a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven't already, even as cases go down,' Obama tweeted. He did not mention whether either of his daughters Malia, 23, and Sasha, 20 were tested for the virus, but both are currently in college and likely away at school.
Would Americans stay to fight for their
nation the way the Ukrainians are doing?
Poll shows...
33 replies
Posted by DVC 3/13/2022 12:45:48 AM Post Reply
An attack on the U.S. would bring out the patriotism of many Americans, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday, but a surprising number of our fellow citizens would also cut and run. Here's the Washington Times story about it: An attack on the U.S. homeland would bring out the fight in most Americans. according to a new poll, but a surprisingly large percentage say they'd flee. A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday asked Americans what they would do "if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country?"
Putin 'is suffering 'roid rage from steroid
treatment for cancer': Western spies believe
his 'increasingly erratic' behaviour,
bloated appearance and absurd social distancing
for visitors is a result of medical treatment
29 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 12:55:43 AM Post Reply
Vladimir Putin is suffering from a brain disorder caused by dementia, Parkinson’s disease or ‘roid rage’ resulting from steroid treatment for cancer, intelligence sources have claimed.Citing sources close to the Kremlin, senior figures in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance – comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States – believe there is a physiological explanation for the Russian president’s globally reviled decision to invade Ukraine.The intelligence community is sharing a growing number of reports about 69-year-old Putin’s ‘increasingly erratic behaviour’, combined with a bloated appearance in recent footage – and the absurd distance he insists on keeping from visitors to the Kremlin.
New Yorkers confirm: High taxes are pushing
them to flee the state in droves
28 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/13/2022 12:04:21 PM Post Reply
A new poll could spell big trouble for New York: Nearly four of every 10 voters here are thinking of fleeing. Their No. 1 reason: high taxes. The survey, released this month by Zogby, found that 38.9% of voters are “considering” or already have “made plans” to head out, up five points from a month earlier.(Snip)Most notably, a stunning 36.7% say their top reason for wanting out is that taxes are “too high,” a gripe more people cited than any other. Even a quarter of “progressives,” 32% of “liberals” and 38% of “moderates” cite high taxes as their strongest motivation to leave. Never mind the druggies and crazies,
The Atlantic bemoans that nuclear war
would ‘prove disastrous for climate change’
28 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 10:51:15 AM Post Reply
The Atlantic appears to be demonstrating that it has its priorities in order… the question being is it the proper order? An essay in the liberal publication that Fox News host Tucker Carlson previously described as a shameless corporate mouthpiece and a place for the ruling class to talk to itself warns that a nuclear war prompted by the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine could be really bad for the environment.To his credit, the author points out that a so-called no-fly zone over Ukraine (which many neocons and neolibs seem to be advocating) could be ruinous in that it could lead to a exchange of nuclear warheads
'He is consumed by spite': GOP Rep. Tom
Rice hits back at 'would-be tyrant' Trump
after ex-president campaigns against him
at South Carolina rally: Lawmaker was
one of 10 House Republicans who voted
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 10:46:00 AM Post Reply
Republican Rep. Tom Rice blasted Donald Trump as a 'would-be tyrant' in a searing statement after the former president campaigned for the lawmaker's primary opponent in a rally on Saturday night. Trump is trying to unseat Rice, who he called a 'total fool' for voting with nine other Republican legislators in favor of impeachment after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. Saturday night's rally took place in Florence, part of Rice's 7th Congressional District. He's held the seat for nearly a decade since 2013.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot warns cops
and city workers they'll be put on no-pay
status if they don't get first dose of
Covid vaccine by SUNDAY: About 2,800 police
officers remain unvaccinated
26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/13/2022 6:49:25 PM Post Reply
Chicago city workers who don't have their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, a group that includes about 2,800 cops, will be placed on nondisciplinary no-pay status on Sunday after the city won another court battle over its mandate last week. The city will consider disciplining workers on a case-by-base basis, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Friday. 'All city employees, including Chicago police officers, who fail to comply may also face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. These decisions will be addressed at an individual and department level, and are being undertaken in a manner that will not impact public safety or the continuity
The William Barr Code 23 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/13/2022 3:35:31 PM Post Reply
At the outset of his newly published memoir, One Damn Thing After Another, former Attorney General William Barr recalls his concern about President Trump’s claim that the 2020 election had been “stolen” through voting “fraud.” “There’s always some fraud in an election that large,” Barr explains, and “there may have been more than usual in 2020.” (snip). As he winds down the memoir, Barr charts President Trump’s many successes: tax reform, deregulation, the strongest and most resilient economy in American history, unprecedented progress for many marginalized Americans,(snip) If Trump had just exercised “a modicum of self-restraint, moderating even a little of his pettiness,” he would have won.
Tom Brady is returning to Tampa to play
23rd season in NFL
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/13/2022 8:22:35 PM Post Reply
Tampa, Fla. — Tom Brady’s retirement lasted 40 days. Brady said Sunday he’s returning to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for his 23rd season in the NFL. The seven-time Super Bowl champion announced his decision on Twitter and Instagram, saying he has “unfinished business.” “These past two months I’ve realized my place is still on the field and not in the stands,” Brady wrote. “That time will come. But it’s not now. I love my teammates, and I love my supportive family. They make it all possible. I’m coming back for my 23rd season in Tampa.” Brady led the Buccaneers to a Super Bowl title following the 2020 season and NFC South championship last season.
Beto O'Rourke Calls Governor Abbott a
'Thug' and 'Authoritarian'
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/13/2022 1:57:47 PM Post Reply
What is it about the former congressman, former losing candidate for Senator, and former presidential candidate who dropped out of the race before the first primary that excites Democrats? Sure, he’s handsome, in a rough-hewn sort of way. He speaks fairly well. And he’s got a nice, toothy smile. Remind you of anyone? If you guessed “John F. Kennedy,” you win a cookie. In their never-ending quest to find “the next JFK,” Democrats have tapped O’Rourke as the successor to the playboy Massachusetts senator who wowed Americans in the early 1960s. But that’s a tough act to follow. Where Kennedy was urbane, sophisticated, and witty, O’Rourke is an angry former folk singer
Larry Summers Is Second Obama Economic
Adviser To Blame Biden For Inflation (Video)
20 replies
Posted by Imright 3/13/2022 1:00:40 AM Post Reply
This week Obama economic adviser Steve Rattner said that Biden shouldn’t be blaming Russia invading Ukraine for inflation.He said Biden owns this.Now another Obama economic adviser, Larry Summers, is blaming Biden for inflation.Biden used to work with these men in the Obama White House. Bloomberg News reports: Summers Faults Biden for Tying Inflation to Putin, Company Greed. Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers criticized the Biden administration’s emphasis on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and on price gouging by companies in ascribing causes for the surge in U.S. inflation.
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